Names and Formulas for Ionic Compounds

Names and Formulas for Ionic Compounds
Use each of the terms below just once to complete the passage.
lower right
A one-atom ion is called a(n) (1)
atom’s (2)
oxidation number
_______ ion. The charge of such an ion is equal to the
_______, which is the number of (3)
__________ transferred
to or from the atom to form the ion. In ionic compounds, the sum of the charges of all the ions
equals (4)
. Ions made up of more than one atom are called (5)
ions. If such an ion is negatively charged and includes one or more oxygen atoms, it is called a(n)
_. If two such ions can be formed that contain different numbers of oxygen
atoms, the name for the ion with more oxygen atoms ends with the suffix (7)
. The
name for the ion with fewer oxygen atoms ends with (8)
. In the chemical formula for any
ionic compound, the chemical symbol for the (9)
is written first, followed by the
chemical symbol for the (10)
_. A(n) (11)
__ is a small number used
to represent the number of ions of a given element in a chemical formula. Such numbers are written
to the (12)
_____ of the symbol for the element. If no number appears, the
assumption is that the number equals (13)
Type I: Binary Ionic Compounds: Made from Monatomic ions only.
For each of the following, write the correct name of the ionic compound.
14. NaCl
22. Be3P2
15. K2S
23. RbI
16. MgO
24. BaBr2
17. Ca3N2
25. K3N
18. Cs3P
26. MgI2
19. Li2Se
27. SrSe
20. CaF2
28. Na2O
21. Al2O3
29. AlCl3
Type I: Ternary Ionic Compounds: Made from at least one Polyatomic ion.
For each of the following, write the correct name of the ionic compound.
30. NaOH
38. Be3(AsO4)2
31. K2CO3
39. RbNO2
32. Mg(NO3)2
40. Ba(BrO3)2
33. Ca3(PO4)2
41. K3C6H5O7
34. CsClO3
42. MgIO2
35. Li2SO3
43. SrC2O4
36. NH4(CN)2
44. Na2O2
37. Al2(Cr2O7)3
45. Al(CH3COO)3
Type I: Both Binary and Ternary:
For each of the following, write the correct formula of the ionic compound.
46. beryllium nitride
54. ammonium sulfide
47. barium chloride
55. calcium iodate
48. sodium phosphide
56. aluminum perchlorate
49. rubidium oxide
57. potassium chlorite
50. cesium fluoride
58. strontium borate
51. lithium sulfide
59. aluminum permanganate
52. calcium selenide
60. magnesium hydroxide
53. aluminum iodide
61. ammonium bicarbonate
Type II: Both Binary and Ternary Compounds:
For each of the following, write the correct name of the ionic compound.
62. TiCl4
72. Ni3(AsO3)2
63. PdO
73. AuNO3
64. CoF3
74. W(BrO3)2
65. Cu2S
75. Ru(HSO4)3
66. V3P5
76. MgIO3
67. RuO4
77. Pt(MnO4)2
68. Mn3N2
78. ScBO3
69. HgBr
79. Os(CH3COO)7
70. Fe2Se3
80. Ir3PO4
71. MoI6
81. Zr(SCN)4
Type II: Both Binary and Ternary:
For each of the following, write the correct formula of the ionic compound.
82. Rhenium (III) Bromide
92. Mercury (II) HydrogenPhosphate
83. Chromium (IV) Nitride
93. Iron (II) Hypochlorite
84. Technetium (II) Sulfide
94. Manganese (III) Perchlorate
85. Platinum (IV) Oxide
95. Copper (I) HydrogenSulfite
86. Gold (III) Phosphide
96. Palladium (IV) Citrate
87. Tungsten (VI) Chloride
97. Molybdinum (VI) Peroxide
88. Niobium (V) Selenide
98. Vanadium (III) Chromate
89. Mercury (II) Iodide
99. Titanium (III) Arsenite
90. Nickel (II) Nitride
100. Tantalum (V) Cyanide
91. Rhodium (I) Fluoride
101. Iridium (I) Molybdate
Type III: Molecular Compounds: All NonMetals
For each of the following, write the correct name of the molecular compound.
102. BF3
110. SiO2
103. NO
111. SO3
104. CCl4
112. OF2
105. N2O5
113. NH3
106. P4O6
114. XeF4
107. SF6
115. PBr5
108. B2O3
116. Cl2O7
109. CO
117. NI3
Type III: Molecular Compounds: All NonMetals
For each of the following, write the correct formula of the molecular compound.
102. Carbon dioxide
110. Disulfur hexabromide
103. Dinitrogen monosulfide
111. Tetraarsenic decoxide
104. Xenon hexachloride
112. Chlorine diiodide
105. Silicon tetrabromide
113. Bromine monochloride
106. Diphosphorus tetroxide
114. Phosphorus trichloride
107. Sulfur difluoride
115. Carbon disulfide
108. Boron trichloride
116. Dinitrogen tetroxide
109. Sulfur dioxide
117. Selenium difluoride
Type IV: Binary and Ternary Acids
For each of the following, write the correct name or formula of the molecular compound.
118. HI
128. Hydrochloric Acid
119. H3P
129. Hydrocyanic Acid
120. H2Se
130. Hydrosulfuric Acid
121. HF
131. Bromic Acid
122. HNO2
132. Iodous Acid
123. HClO3
133. Arsenic Acid
124. H2CrO4
134. Oxalic Acid
125. H2SO4
135. Selenic Acid
126. HClO
136. Boric Acid
127. H3PO4
137. Dichromic Acid