Guide to MBL Housing Marine Biological Laboratory Woods Hole, Massachusetts Contents Getting to the MBL............................................................................1 Checking in and out of MBL Housing............................................... 2 What to Expect in Your Cottage........................................................ 2 What to Expect in Your Apartment or House....................................3 What to Expect in Your Dorm Room.................................................3 General Information for Guests.........................................................4 Woods Hole, Shuttle, and Campus Maps.....................................8-11 Dining.............................................................................................. 12 MBL Housing Policies.....................................................................13 • Alcohol/Drug Policy.................................................................. 13 • Cancellation Policy....................................................................13 • Pet Policy................................................................................... 15 Lead Paint Notification.................................................................... 18 Housing Extensions Directory.........................................................19 Drug-free Workplace....................................................................... 22 Published by Conferences, Housing, and Dining Services Marine Biological Laboratory Woods Hole, MA 02543 Questions, comments or suggestions, email: [email protected] For maintenance-related assistance, call 508-289-7431 For housekeeping-related assistance, call 508-299-2045 or 508-289-7591 (cottages); 508-289-7591 (dormitories/apartments) Other numbers to call for assistance and/or questions: Suzanne Livingstone, Assistant Coordinator of Housing, 508-289-7431 Deborah Deering, Coordinator of Housing, 508-289-7213 Elisabeth McCarthy, Assistant Director of Conferences, Housing, and Dining, 508-289-7214 Germar Kelly, Director of Conferences, Housing, and Dining Services, 508-289-7212 During non-MBL working hours, call 508-289-7217 (watch person). Getting to the MBL Driving: Driving to the MBL from Boston or Providence takes about two hours. Woods Hole is located on the southwestern tip of Cape Cod. From Route 28 in Falmouth, the road to Woods Hole is clearly marked. Air Travel: The closest airports to Woods hole are Logan International Airport in Boston, MA, or T.F. Green Airport in Providence, RI. Commuter airlines also fly into Hyannis (25 miles from Woods Hole) from Boston and New York (La Guardia). Public transportation between Hyannis and Woods Hole is limited. Car rental agencies are available; reservations are needed. Bus Service: Bus service from Boston or Providence to Woods Hole is available through Peter Pan Bus Lines: 1-888-751-8800,; and Plymouth & Brockton Bus Lines (limited to Hyannis), 1-508-771-6191, Travelers can walk from the Woods Hole bus stop to the MBL in approximately five minutes. Walk 100 yards up Luscombe Avenue to Water Street, turn left and go across the drawbridge, continue another hundred yards to MBL Street (the Lillie building is on the corner), and turn right. The Swope Center is straight ahead. 1 Checking in and out of MBL housing Check-in for all housing is at 2:00 PM at the Swope Center Front Desk. Check-out for all housing is at 10:00 AM at the Swope Center Front Desk. During non-business hours, contact the watchperson (x7217) via the call box outside the Swope front door. The watchperson will have keys/access ID cards for the reserved housing assignments only, so please be certain of your arrival date. Registration is required to obtain housing, lab keys, parking stickers and ID/access cards. A staff member is generally available to assist with registration, but it is best to register 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday. MBL is not responsible for personal property left behind. What to expect in your cottage Memorial Circle * Devils Lane Amenities: MBL furnished housing provides microwave ovens, dishes, pots, pans, silverware, bed linens, blankets, pillows, and towels. All beds are single beds. Cots and cribs are available on a limited first-come, first-served basis. Crib-sized sheets and blankets are not available. Daily housekeeping & linen service is not provided. A credit/debit card-operated laundry facility is available in the Pilot House at the Memorial Circle cottages. Trash and Recycling: Trash is collected from provided trash barrels on Monday mornings on the street. (Please bring bungee cords for your trash barrels and place heavy item on top of can to discourage raccoons!) The blue recycling bins are collected every other week. Recycling schedules are posted in each cottage. Please do not put trash out for collection until Monday morning. If you depart on a Sunday, notify the caretaker (508-2897644) to arrange for trash removal on Monday. Once trash and recyclables have been collected, please return empty barrels and bins to their place alongside your cottage. Fires: Outside fires are permitted with charcoal in metal containers only. Please be sure to extinguish fires before leaving the premises. Pets (see our pet policy, page 15) Semi-permanent structures: No tents, doghouses, or other semi-permanent structures may be erected. Motorbikes: Unlicensed motorbikes and go-carts are prohibited. 2 P. Wilmot Coyotes: The MBL does not expect to have a problem with the coyotes in the area but, if encountered, they should be left completely alone. Their food sources are small animals, insects, and berries but they also hunt small pets and get into household trash. Please keep your trash enclosed in bins and if possible, keep your small pet inside or within view. Departing your cottage: Please abide by the 10:00 AM check-out time as new tenants are waiting to check in. If you find it necessary to check out after 10:00 AM, please contact the Housing Office for approval and/or additional charges. Before checking out, please: • Clean kitchen, refrigerator, stove, and bathroom. • Put trash in outside trash cans. • Return keys to the Swope front office. (Failure to check out at Swope front office may result in additional charges.) What to expect in your apartment or house Apartments * Smith Cottage * Crane House * 11 North Street Amenities: MBL apartments and houses provide microwave ovens, dishes, pots, pans, silverware, bed linens, blankets, pillows, and towels. Cots and cribs are available on a limited first-come, first-served basis. Crib-sized sheets and blankets are not available. Daily housekeeping & linen service is not provided. Laundry facilities: A credit/debit card-operated laundry facility is available in the basement of the apartment building and a vacuum cleaner is located in the first floor hallway. Smith Cottage and Crane House also have a washer and dryer. Departing your apartments or house: Please check-out at 10:00 AM on the scheduled date of departure. If you should find it unavoidable to check out 3 after 10:00 AM, please contact the Housing Office for approval and/or additional charges. Before checking out, please: • Clean kitchen, refrigerator, stove, and bathroom. • Empty trash in the appropriate dumpster. • Return keys to the Swope front desk. • MBL is not responsible for personal property left behind. What to expect in your dorm room Swope Center * Ebert Hall * Brick Dorm * Drew House * David House * Veeder House Amenities: Most buildings have dormitory style shared housing with male and female bathrooms & showers shared on each floor. All beds are single beds. Housekeeping services are limited: Sheets, towels, wash cloth, a blanket, a pillow & a bar of soap are provided. Please bring your own toiletries. Fresh replacement sheets & towels are delivered weekly to each occupant. Beds are not remade & dirty linens should be deposited in hampers provided in the dorm or dropped off to the Housekeeping Office in Swope. Bathrooms, hallways, and waste baskets are refreshed daily except on weekends. If additional linens, towels or bars of soap are needed they may be requested from the front desk in Swope. Please bring a beach towel as it is prohibited to use a dorm towel or blanket at the beach. For cool early summer evenings, occupants may wish to bring an extra blanket along with any other personal items needed. Rooms are not air-conditioned, a fan is provided but you may want to bring an extra fan during the hot summer months. Portable air conditioners and heaters are prohibited. General information for guests Bicycle storage: Bicycles may not be stored in any rooms or apartments. An indoor, secure bicycle storage area is available in the basement of Ebert Hall for a nominal fee. More information is available at the Swope Front Desk or by calling 508-289-7530. Building Access: At these times you will need to use your MBL-issued ID card to enter these buildings: • Loeb and Rowe: 5:00 PM - 8:00 AM, Monday – Friday; 24 hrs/day on weekends and holidays; Dec. – April, 24 hrs/day, 7 days/week • Lillie: 5:00 PM – 7:00 AM; 24 hrs/day, weekends and holidays • Swope Center Main Door: 9:00 PM – 6:30 AM, 7 days/week; Dec. – April, 5:00 PM – 7:00 AM (Swope residents and meal plan users only) • Swope Guest Rooms: 24hrs/day, 7 days/week (Swope residents only) • Ebert Hall: 24 hrs/day, 7 days/week (Ebert Hall residents only) 4 S. Livingstone • Brick Apartment Building: 24 hrs/day, 7 days/week (Brick Apartment residents only) • David House: 24 hrs/day, 7 days/week (David House residents only) • Veeder House: 24 hrs/day, 7 days/week (Veeder House residents only) • Drew House: 24 hrs/day, 7 days/week (Drew House residents only) ID cards: For security reasons, building access, and for the MBL meal plan, we ask that guests of the MBL carry their MBL identification cards at all times. ID cards are issued at the front desk and pictures taken and/or replacement cards issued at the ID card processing office in Swope 101A, 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM, Monday through Friday. Laundry facilities: Credit/debit card-operated laundry facilities are located on the first floor of Swope, Ebert Hall, and Brick Apartment Dormitory basements and in the Pilot House at the Memorial Circle Cottages. Cottage keys open the laundry facility. Each facility has washers, dryers, and one ironing board. Irons are not supplied. Coin-operated detergent dispensers are available in all laundry rooms and you should bring change (quarters) with you as change machines are not available. You may also, alternatively, bring your own detergent. The Swope Front Desk may have some change on hand but in a limited amount. Information Technology Network access on campus Internet access is available to all members of the MBL community. The MBL prohibits the unauthorized use of network services and computing resources connected to the network. Wired access is available to 5 users who properly register their device for use on the network. Wireless network access is available to all via select broadcast wireless networks. The MBL-GUEST wireless network is an easy access encrypted wireless network designed to provide access to the public Internet. The MBL also now offers the ability for users to connect to the “eduroam” community wireless network, which is also a secure wireless network (available only to users whose home institution is also an “eduroam” Identity Provider.) “eduroam” is secure wireless network where users from participating institutions can connect using their Single-Sign-On Credentials from their home institution anywhere on the globe where the “eduroam” wireless network is offered. The MBL-REGISTER network is designed for MBL staff and researchers who need access to internal network resources. Wireless network access is available in all on-campus research facilities, administrative buildings, and dormitories. MBL network security information can be found at: Network access at cottages The MBL provides a converged voice and data network for the use of the guests staying at the cottages located at the Devil’s Lane and Memorial Circle area. Computers and other network devices that are used at the MBL cottages do not require registration for use. The MBL Network Security Policy also applies to all users and devices connected to the MBL cottage data network. Wired network access at the MBL cottages is available through port on the top of each of the VoIP phones located in each of the cottages. Telephones on campus The main telephone number for the MBL is 508-548-3705 and is answered 24 hours a day. Telephones are provided throughout the entire campus with free local calling. Your telephone number will be provided at check-in. You may make on-campus calls using a four-digit extension. If you do not know the extension of the department or individual you are attempting to contact, the MBL maintains an online phone directory at mbl. edu/contact. For all Housing phone numbers by building and room, see listings on back pages of booklet. Off-campus calls To place a call off-campus from an MBL extension you must first dial “9” followed by the number you wish to contact. Local calls are permitted from any MBL extension by dialing “9-508” plus the number. To make long distance calls you must use a calling card or an MBL Long Distance Access Code issued by the MBL IT Department. It is recommended that long distance and international calling cards be purchased prior to your arrival. Telephone calling cards may be available through your home institution or local telephone company. 6 Telephones at cottages The MBL is able to provide telephone service to the cottages over a wireless converged voice and data network. The telephone operates the same way that any extension on the MBL campus operates, with the exception that it is connected to the data network. You must dial “9” before dialing any outside number. Calls to an MBL extension are made by dialing the four-digit extension. Long distance calls must be made using a personal calling card or MBL long distance access code. Incoming calls from outside the MBL must be dialed using the full telephone number. It is recommended that long distance and international calling cards be purchased prior to your arrival. Voice mail can be set up for your cottage extension by placing a request with the IT Help Desk. The telephone number and address for each cottage as well as emergency contact information can be found on the telephone instruction sheet located in each of the cottages and also on the telephone itself. Important Telephone Numbers MBL Emergency #: 7911 MBL Switchboard: 0 Poison Control: 9-1-800-222-1222 MBL Watch Staff: 7217 Police: (9)911 Fire:(9)911 Ambulance: (9)911 IT Help Desk Information regarding common technology questions can generally be found online at However, if you are unable to find answers to your questions online or if you wish to report a technical problem or request technical assistance please call the IT Help Desk at 508-289-7654 or x7654 from an internal phone, or submit a request to: [email protected], and click on “Enter a New Work Order.” Lost & Found: The Swope Center, MBLWHOI Library, Lillie building, and Marine Resources have a lost and found. Items are kept for thirty days. Mail Service: The MBL Mail Room is located in the basement of the Lillie building. Incoming mail is placed in open cubicles each business day. The Mail Room also handles outgoing mail. Office hours are as posted. To receive mail at the MBL have your mail addressed to: Your name and the course or lab room number you are affiliated with, Marine Biological Laboratory, 7 MBL Street, Woods Hole, MA 02543. Even if you are not expect7 Continued, page 12 8 9 Online shuttle schedule: MBL Shuttle Route TO S TONY BEAC H MILL POND BA 14 MILLFIELD STREET 19 RN EC KR OA D 18 13 12 11 RT H 17 STR T 10 T EEL EE 9 STR POND 7 L 8a STR EE T MBL Quadrangle MB S OS EE 16 20 ATR ALB 8 15 21 NO 6 4 5 GR WA TE T EA 2 HA RB OR R 1 3 ST RE 8 5 MBL Village Campus 10 ET 1 Candle House (Administration) 2 F 100 Water Street (Pierce Exhibit Center, Satellite Club, MBL Y O Club) 3 Marine Resources Center 4 Collection Support Facility 5 Crane Wing (Labs, Shipping) 6 ES NC IE SC TO NA TIO NA EM AD C LA Lillie Laboratory (Labs, Service Shops, MBLWHOI Library) 7 8 Rowe Laboratory (Labs, Speck Auditorium) Environmental Sciences Laboratory 8a 9 Education Financial Svcs.) Homestead Administration (Human Resources, Education, Loeb Laboratory (Research and Teaching Labs, Lecture Rooms) 10 Brick Apartment House 11 Veeder House Dormitory David House Dormitory 13 Broderick House (IT) 14 Crane House 15 Swope Center (Registration, ID Cards, Cafeteria, Dormitory, Meigs Room) 16 Ebert Hall Dormitory 17 Drew House Dormitory 18 15 North Street (Carpentry Shop) LUSCO MBE AV E School 19 20 SCHOOL ST REET 12 Smith Cottage and Barneck Road Property Library C.V. Starr Environmental Sciences Laboratory ODS WO 21 11 North Street Bus MBLStop Parking 11 E HOL ROAD ing mail, it is suggested that you notify the Mail Room of your arrival and departure. Any mail that is received after your departure can be forwarded to the address you provide to the MBL Mail Room. Pets: See Pet Policy, page15. Parking: On-campus parking stickers are available only to MBL registrants. Parking in the village and on campus is particularly restricted in the summer. Cars parked on campus without the appropriate MBL sticker or parking pass will be towed at the owner’s expense. Parking instructions are available upon registration at the Swope Front Desk. In the summer, a free shuttle bus travels frequently between the main MBL campus and an MBL parking lot one mile away, across from the Devil’s Lane cottages, and travels through Memorial Circle. Shuttle schedules are available online at mbl. edu/services/mbl-shuttle/ and at the Swope Front Desk. Dining The Swope Dining Hall is located on the second floor of the Swope Center. Meal plan contracts are available May 25 through August 31, 2015. During the summer months, and for all MBL courses regardless of time of year, the Swope Center Dining Hall provides three complete meals daily, Monday through Saturday: Breakfast: 7:00 AM – 8:30 AM Lunch: 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM Dinner: 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM Sundays - brunch only: 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM Meal cards (your MBL ID card) must be presented at each meal. Meal tickets may be purchased from the cashier in the Dining Hall and are nonrefundable. The meal plan with a room assignment begins with breakfast on the morning after arrival and ends with breakfast the day of departure. Credit for missed meals is not allowed. Those not required to be on the meal plan may either pay cash or credit card at each meal or purchase meal tickets in multiples of 5, 10, or 25. Signing in and charging to an MBL account number is not allowed. The dining hall is open to the public from the Tuesday following Memorial Day to Labor Day weekend (or slightly before.) 12 Café Swope (first floor of Swope, offers breakfast and lunch on a credit card and cash/a la carte basis, Monday through Friday. Breakfast: 7:30 AM – 10:00 AM Lunch: 11:30 AM – 1:30 PM MBL housing policies Alcohol/drugs: The use of alcohol is permitted by those of legal drinking age (21 years) in their room/apartment/cottage/house or in the room/apartment/ cottage/house of another person of legal drinking age. Drinking alcohol is not permitted in any public area unless at an MBL-sanctioned event. The definition of public area includes: lounges, laundry rooms, hallways, stairwells, lobbies, public restrooms, and outside of any residence area including porches. Cottage residents, residents of 2-bedroom apartments, and residents of Crane House and Smith Cottage may use alcohol on their porches and in their immediate yards as long as those using alcohol are of legal drinking age. Kegs, beer balls, and wine boxes are prohibited. (See also, Party/Gatherings, page 15.) The use of illegal drugs or the use of legal drugs for purposes other than intended is strictly prohibited. If found in violation, the user will be asked to leave the MBL immediately without refund of fees and the incident will be reported to the appropriate legal authorities. Cancellation policy: Cancellation of a reservation (except for conference participants) must be made 15 days in advance of the arrival date. A $30 cancellation fee will be charged. Guests who cancel a reservation (except for conference participants) less than 15 days in advance of arrival date will be charged in full. There are no refunds for housing or meal plan charges for early departures or late arrivals. As with all policies, mitigating circumstances may override the policy. Any requests for exceptions to this policy must be submitted in writing to the Director of Conferences, Housing, and Dining Services. Candles/incense: The burning of candles or incense is prohibited in any MBL housing facility except in the case of religious observance and only with prior permission from the Housing Office. 13 Condition of room/apartment/cottage: Except for normal wear and tear on facilities, occupants are responsible for losses and damages incurred. Occupants are prohibited from affixing any items and/or materials to walls and ceilings or from removing any furniture, fixtures and/or linens. Although a security deposit is required only for those cottage residents who have been approved to bring pets, housing units must be left in the condition in which they were found upon arrival. A fee will be charged if repairs or replacements are required. Electrical appliances: The use of open-coil cooking appliances such as toasters, toaster ovens, hot plates, etc. is permitted only in housekeeping units with kitchens or in the kitchenette area in the basement of Ebert Hall. Air conditioners and space heaters are prohibited in all MBL housing facilities. The following electrical appliances are permitted: • Dormitory-size refrigerators • Dormitory-size microwave ovens • Hot pots for heating water only • Hot air popcorn poppers • Fans • Irons (when used in designated laundry rooms) Fire safety: The safety of all of our guests is of utmost importance to the MBL. Smoke detectors have been installed and fire evacuation directions are posted in each hallway. Fire extinguishers have been placed in all hallways and housekeeping units and are checked on a regular basis. Tampering with any fire safety equipment is strictly prohibited and will be reported to the appropriate authorities. Fire alarms: If a fire alarm sounds you must evacuate the building immediately. First, feel the back of your door with the back of your hand to determine if there is heat or electrical current. Then, open your door and follow the escape route that is posted in the hallway of your building or go to the nearest exit. If there is smoke in the hallway, crouch down as smoke rises. If you see flames outside of your room, go back into your room and place a wet towel at the base of your door and call for help. Furnishings: Furnishings provided by the MBL are to be kept in the room/ apartment/house/cottage in which they were found upon arrival. The MBL does not store furniture for guests. Upon check-out, furniture should be present, assembled, and in the same condition in which it was found at check-in. Guests: Guests must be of the same gender of all roommates. All guests of MBL residents must be registered at the Swope Center Housing Office 48 hours prior to arrival. Where applicable, residents must also have the approval of their roommate(s) and the Housing Department before inviting guests 14 to stay with them. The number of guests at any given time must not exceed the number of beds in the unit plus one. Guests can stay no more than two consecutive nights in a week. Residents will be charged $30/night for each guest. Guests must be accompanied by their host and carry both an MBL Visitor’s Permit and photo ID at all times. If a guest wishes to attend meals they must pay at the door. Having an unregistered, unauthorized guest may result in immediate eviction and loss of housing privileges. Identification: Residents of MBL housing must carry their MBL-issued ID card at all times. Keys: Keys to the housing facility are distributed at check-in and collected at check-out. Residents are responsible for their keys. Please lock your door(s) and carry your keys whenever leaving your room/apartment/house/ cottage. Failure to return your key at check-out will result in a $60 charge. Loss of personal items: The MBL is not responsible for the loss of personal effects and recommends the use of lockable luggage. We recommend that you consult your Homeowner’s/Renter’s Insurance policy for coverage. Noise: The MBL houses large numbers of people with varying schedules and needs in close quarters. The need for sleep, study, and research supersedes all other activity. While at the MBL please be a good neighbor to other MBL guests and our neighbors in the surrounding community by monitoring your noise level. Parties/gatherings: All parties/gatherings for dormitory and apartment residents must be scheduled in advance and must take place in designated MBL function space. Please email [email protected] or call 508-289-7214 to schedule a party. Gatherings of up to 15-50 people are allowed in cottages, but must be registered seven days in advance with the Housing Coordinator at 508-2897213. Gatherings must conclude by midnight and must have a specific guest list. No flyers may be posted for cottage gatherings. No gatherings of more than 50 people will be permitted in the cottage areas (but may be scheduled in designated MBL function space.) To schedule a party please call the Assistant Director of Conferences, Housing, and Dining Services at 508-2897214 or e-mail [email protected]. Pets: Pets are not allowed in any on-campus housing, but are allowed with prior approval in a number of designated cottages. If you have been approved to bring a pet with you to your cottage, please be aware that leaving your dog for long periods of time unattended within the cottages or tied outside the cottages can result in continual barking. The cottages are in close 15 S. Livingstone proximity and noise travels easily. Barking dogs will disturb your immediate neighbors and the entire neighborhood. Additionally, the following pet policy is in effect: • All pets must be licensed in the town lived in, and registered and approved by the Housing Department during the application process. • Up to two pets are allowed, with approval, in specific cottages in Memorial Circle and Devil’s Lane. A $250 per pet security deposit, along with a valid credit card number, is required. • The Town of Falmouth leash law is in effect, which states in part: “all dogs shall be restrained from running at large, unless said dogs are leashed and accompanied by the owner.” • Appropriate measures must be taken to dispose of animal waste while walking your pets, and yards must be cleared of waste during tenancy and at time of departure. • It is recommended that pets be crated in your absence. • Continual pet complaints may result in immediate eviction from your cottage. Pet nuisances should be brought to the immediate attention of the Director of Conferences, Housing, and Dining Services, x7212 or Coordinator of Housing, x7213. • Having unregistered, unauthorized pets in any of our housing may result in immediate eviction and loss of housing privileges with charges applied accordingly. Propping outside doors: The propping open of outside doors in any housing facility is strictly prohibited. Room decorations: Occupants are prohibited from affixing any items and/or materials to walls and ceilings or from removing any furniture, fixtures and/ or linens from your residence or dorm. Please do not display anything that may be regarded as offensive to your roommate or any member of the MBL community. 16 Smoking: Smoking is not permitted in any MBL housing facility. Smoking outside of the buildings is permitted 50 feet away from any entry. Storage: The MBL does not provide off-season storage. Storage is available at local storage facilities. Personal items found in your room/suite/apartment/ cottage/house after your departure will be kept in Lost and Found for a period of 30 days. Suspicious activity: Please report any suspicious activity to x7911 during business hours, the night watch staff at x7217 during evenings and weekends, and contact the local police department (9-911). Trash Removal • Dormitories/Apartments/Houses: Trash is removed by the housekeeping staff daily. Occupants are asked to place their trash in plastic bags and put it outside of their rooms/apartments. Recycling bins are located in public areas. • Cottages: Trash and recycling must be placed by the roadside by 7:00 AM on Mondays. After collection, tenants must return empty barrels and bins to their cottage. Weapons: The possession of weapons is strictly prohibited. The use of any material/instrument as a weapon is strictly prohibited and will be reported to the appropriate authorities. Windows/screens: Window screens may not be opened or removed at any time, nor should any materials be hung or suspended on the outside of a window. Entering or exiting a building through a window is strictly prohibited. During the cooler months it is recommended that windows be shut and locked whenever leaving the room. Broken window panes and screens should be reported to the Housing Office immediately. Lead paint notification Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) regulations control the rental of housing containing lead-based paints to families with children under six. The MBL has issued a policy designed to satisfy the intent of the DPH regulations and assure that we are managing our housing in a safe and responsible manner. As part of this policy the MBL will not rent apartments or cottages containing lead-based paints to families with children under six for more than 31 days in any 12-month period. The MBL will, however, make every attempt to accommodate families with children under six in lead-free housing. DPH regulations do not completely prohibit the rental of housing containing 17 S. Livingstone lead-based paints to families with children under six. There are exemptions for rentals of less than 31 days and for hotels and dormitories. The MBL may use these exemptions to provide needed flexibility in our housing assignment process. Each family must make its own decision regarding the appropriateness of its housing assignment. There is no evidence to suggest that any child has ever been exposed to excessive levels of lead in our housing. Lead-based paints are present in the following MBL housing units: the Brick Dormitory, the Brick Apartment Building, 331 Oyster Pond Road (DL#1, head caretaker’s residence), Crane House at 63 Millfield Street, Veeder House, David House, and Drew House. The following units are completely free of lead-based paints and have been deleaded to meet Massachusetts Department of Public Health requirements: Memorial Circle Cottages, Swope Conference Center, Devils Lane Cottages, Smith Cottage, 11 North Street, and 19 Harbor Hill Road. If you are staying in MBL housing with a child under the age of six, please contact the MBL Environmental Health and Safety Office at x7424 to: a) Report any peeling, chipping, flaking or deteriorating paint b) Receive a copy of our policy c) Receive a copy of inspection reports for your housing unit d) Review a copy of applicable state and federal regulations e) Request an inspection of your housing unit Marine Biological Laboratory Extension Directory 18 Swope Building, 5 North Street Woods Hole, MA 02543 Room Ext. SW-101 7212 Room SW-101 7214 SW-214 SW-102 7012 SW-215 SW-103 7013 SW-216 SW-104 7014 SW-217 SW-105 7015 SW-218 SW-106 7016 SW-219 SW-107 7017 SW-220 SW-108 7018 SW-221 SW-109 7019 SW-222 SW-110 7020 SW-223 SW-111 7021 SW-224 SW-112 7022 SW-225 SW-113 7023 SW-226 SW-114 7024 SW-301 SW-115 7025 SW-302 SW-116 7026 SW-303 SW-117 7027 SW-304 SW-118 7028 SW-305 SW-119 7029 SW-306 SW-120 7030 SW-307 SW-121 7031 SW-308 SW-122 7032 SW-309 SW-123 7033 SW-310 SW-124 7034 SW-311 SW-125 7035 SW-312 SW-201 7036 SW-313 SW-202 7037 SW-314 SW-203 7038 SW-315 SW-204 7039 SW-316 SW-204 7399 SW-317 SW-205 7040 SW-318 SW-206 7041 SW-319 SW-207 7042 SW-320 SW-208 7043 SW-321 SW-209 7044 SW-322 SW-210 7045 SW-323 SW-211 7046 SW-324 SW-212 7047 SW-325 SW-213 7048 SW-326 Ext. 7049 7050 7051 7052 7053 7054 7055 7056 7057 7058 7059 7060 7061 7062 7063 7064 7065 7066 7067 7068 7069 7070 7071 7072 7073 7074 7075 7076 7077 7078 7079 7080 7081 7082 7083 7084 7085 7086 7087 19 Room SW-327 SW-328 SW-329 SW-330 SW-401 SW-402 SW-403 SW-404 Ext. 7088 7089 7090 7091 7092 7093 7094 7095 Brick Apartment Building 17 Albatross Street Woods Hole, MA 02543 Room Ext. BA-101 7801 BA-102 7802 BA-103 7803 BA-107 7804 BA-108 7805 BA-110 7806 BA-111 7807 BA-113 7808 BA-201 7809 BA-202 7810 BA-203 7811 BA-207 7812 BA-208 7813 BA-210 7814 BA-211 7815 BA-213 7816 BA-301 7817 BA-302 7818 BA-303 7819 BA-307 7820 BA-308 7821 BA-310 7822 BA-311 7823 BA-313 7824 Memorial Circle Cottages 311 Oyster Pond Road Woods Hole, MA 02543 Room Ext. Warehouse7633 MC-1 2001 MC-2 2002 MC-3 2003 MC-4 2004 MC-5 2005 MC-6 2006 MC-7 2007 MC-8 2008 MC-9 2009 MC-10 2010 MC-11 2011 MC-12 2012 MC-13 2013 MC-14 2014 MC-15 2015 MC-16 2016 MC-17 2017 MC-18 2018 MC-19 2019 MC-20 2020 MC-21 2021 MC-22 2022 MC-23 2023 MC-24 2024 MC-25 2025 MC-26 2026 MC-27 2027 MC-28 2028 MC-29 2029 MC-30 2030 MC-31 2031 MC-32 2032 MC-33 2033 MC-34 2034 MC-35 2035 MC-36 2036 MC-37 (Daycare)2037 MC-38 2038 MC-39 2039 MC-40 2040 Ebert Hall (Brick Dorm) 24 MBL Street Woods Hole, MA 02543 Room Ext. EH-101a7825 EH-101b7826 Devils Lane Cottages EH-102 7827 379 Oyster Pond Road EH-103 7828 Woods Hole, MA 02543 EH-104 7829 Room Ext. EH-105 7830 Boat Storage 7634 EH-106 7831 DL-1 6546 EH-107 7832 DL-2 2047 EH-108 7833 DL-3 2048 EH-109 7834 DL-4 2049 EH-110 7835 DL-5 2050 EH-111 7836 DL-6 2051 EH-112a 7837 DL-7 2052 EH-112b7838 DL-8 2053 EH-201a7839 DL-9 2054 EH-201b7840 DL-10 2055 EH-202 7841 DL-11 2056 EH-203 7842 DL-12 2057 EH-204 7843 DL-13 2058 EH-205 7844 DL-14 2059 EH-206 7845 DL-15 2060 EH-207 7846 DL-15a 2074 EH-208 7847 DL-16 2061 EH-209 7848 DL-17 2062 EH-210 7849 DL-17a 2075 EH-211 7850 DL-18 2063 EH-212 7851 DL-19 2064 EH-213 7852 DL-20 2065 EH-214 7853 DL-21 2066 EH-215a7854 DL-22 2067 EH-215b7855 DL-23 2068 EH-216 7856 DL-24 2069 EH-217 7857 DL-25 2070 EH-218 7858 DL-26 2071 EH-301a7859 DL-27 2072 EH-301b7860 DL-28 2073 EH-302 7861 EH-303 7862 EH-304 7863 EH-305 7864 Room MC-41 MC-42 MC-43 MC-44 20 Ext. 2041 2042 2043 2044 Room Ext. EH-306 7865 EH-307 7866 EH-308 7867 EH-309 7868 EH-310 7869 EH-311 7870 EH-312 7871 EH-313 7872 EH-314 7873 EH-315a7874 EH-315b7875 EH-316 7876 EH-317 7877 EH-318 7878 Wooden Dorms Room Ext. Drew Lobby 7675 David Lobby 7418 Veeder Lobby 7417 Smith Cottage7624 11 North Street (508) 299-2076 Crane House (508) 540-7206 21 Drug-free workplace As a precondition of receiving federal grant and contract funds, MBL must provide a drug-free workplace in accordance with the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988. To implement this policy, all employees, renters of space, faculty, students, and visitors are hereby informed that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of a controlled substance is prohibited at the MBL. Employees are required to adhere to this drug-free policy as a condition of employment. Renters of space, faculty, students, and visitors are required to adhere to this policy as a condition of participating in MBL activities and of occupying laboratory, library or housing space at the MBL. Employees who violate this drug-free workplace policy will be disciplined by the MBL, which may result in termination of employment or require satisfactory participation in an approved drug-abuse rehabilitation program. Renters of space, faculty, students, and visitors who violate this drug-free workplace policy will be asked to leave the MBL immediately without refund of fees, and with the possibility of a ban from future use of the MBL’s facilities. Additionally, employees are required to notify their supervisors and the MBL Human Resources Office of any criminal drug statute conviction in the workplace no later than five days after such conviction. 22
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