Women`s Ministry Report - Calvary Evangelical Free Church

Calvary Evangelical Free Church 2011 Annual Report
Pastor’s Report
January 18, 2012
Dear Calvary Family,
The joke goes, “Does your dad work?” to which the response of the
young boy is “No, he’s a pastor!” As an introduction to this annual
report, allow me to address that question as an overseer of what follows
in this report.
In 1 Corinthians 1:1-2 Paul uses the word “call” 3 times. Once refers to salvation, once to sanctification
which is holiness and once to specialization, which has to do with ministry and giftedness. My
specialized calling according to the Bible, the witness of the Spirit in me and the witness of others by
ordination and call to this church, is that of Pastor-teacher (Ephesians 4:11) or what we know as Pastor.
The word “pastor” and “shepherd” are English synonyms for one Greek and Hebrew word. Passages
such as Psalm 23, Ezekiel 34, John 10, use the noun, the verb form often being translated rule and feed.
So what does a pastor do? The job description is written by the Scriptures. While a servant to the
congregation, his calling is from God. The Bible sets out what the job is by example, direct teaching and
implication. I am blessed to have been called to Calvary and want to be faithful in that calling.
First, when Jesus spoke to Peter in John 21, he told him to “feed my sheep.” Preaching and teaching with
all that it entails is a prime responsibility. This has been done in home visits, in Sunday school classes, on
Sunday mornings and evenings, in individual contacts and committee meetings.
A second responsibility that is clear from the use of the word “shepherd” is care, as found in I Peter 5.
That is done in home and hospital visitation, in critical care ministry, in office and lunch meetings in
counseling, and in much prayer. Such care also takes place in meetings with committees and boards.
Care is not only in sympathy or helping to minister to pressing needs, but it is found in biblical words
such as admonition, correction, instruction and encouragement. I love the people of Calvary Church.
Thank you for your love for me.
Third, the synonymous use of the word “bishop,” “pastor” and “elder” (Acts 20, I Peter 5) make it clear
that the responsibility of the pastor is one of administration. “Bishop” means one who oversees and
leads. Knowing the Scriptures to guard the flock and knowing where to lead them is no small part of
ministry. This is not only doctrinal and biblical interpretation, but also has to do with Spirit-creativity,
directing the path for and with other elders and ministry staff and board/committee leadership.
Add to this the responsibilities of mission, the community and organizations to which a church belongs,
keeping abreast of our culture and times through reading, seminars, funerals and weddings, planning for
worship services, initiating and supporting ministries, being a member of all committees and boards,
maintaining the unity of the church, etc and you begin to get a taste of what a pastor does. I bear grave
responsibility before God as the overseer of your soul. I have great delight in being called to Calvary.
May God encourage you and challenge you in reading this report of God’s flock and fold called Calvary.
Lovingly, Glenn R. Blossom, Senior Pastor
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Calvary Evangelical Free Church 2011 Annual Report
Assistant Pastor’s Report
If you came into my office, you would read on the closet doors opposite my desk Calvary’s vision
statement, “We aspire to build a loving, multigenerational community of people who are like Christ in
worship, edification and mission.” I’ve hung it there as a visual reminder to always keep this purpose
before me. And as I look back at the year that was 2011 for Calvary Church, two aspects of that vision
statement stand out to me.
First, over the past year I have seen Calvary wrestling with and growing to embrace what it means to be
a “multigenerational community.” I have seen us becoming more and more a church body that wants to
help one another grow through the challenges presented in each and every season of life.
And so, you’ll read in the pages to follow a commitment to children and youth, as together we face the
challenge of laying a sure foundation of a living faith through Kids Under Construction, Pioneer Girls,
Boys Brigade, Chaos and FaceDown. You’ll read of adults in their 20s through 60s, 70s and older coming
together in worship of the living God, or in small groups to study His Word. You’ll read about the same
people, in prayer for or going out together in missional service to the city of Newark or the country of
Haiti. You’ll read about deacons and deaconesses caring for young and old, or about the church family
coming together to spruce up the property, hosting yet another Fall Fair or enjoying Agape meals and
hospitality across the generations. We’re moving together, growing through the challenges. We have not
yet “arrived” to the fullest expression of “From [Christ] the whole body, joined and held together by
every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work,” (Eph. 4:15-16)
but we are on our way.
I have also seen us as a body that sets Christ before us, as the one who has written our story of salvation
and who is making us more like himself (Heb 12:2). Whether it has been through Glenn’s preaching last
year in Hebrews, or through Jesus’ parables, or the call of 1 Corinthians 12 and 13 to live as the body of
Christ and love as He loves, God’s Word challenged us time and again to be a people like Christ. And the
reports before you testify to the response of people at Calvary, young and old, who set Christ before
By His grace and through His empowering Holy Spirit, we are
growing in our encounters with God in worship, in our building of
the body through edification, and in loving our worlds through
mission. As you read the following pages, may you be
encouraged to grow even more. As you read, pray that God will
continue His work through this loving, multigenerational
community to the glory of His Son, our Lord Jesus.
In Christ………….Paul Voltmer, Assistant Pastor
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Calvary Evangelical Free Church 2011 Annual Report
Elder Board Report
In the first year of our second century of ministry, Calvary Church was blessed by the Lord’s provision in
various ways. Although our focus, as elders, remains to build the loving relationships within our body (1
Peter 4:8), much of our time was spent considering new ministry opportunities and evaluating the
effectiveness of current ones, seeking to have both serve our body and our community.
In this past year we faced some trials that reminded us that our Almighty Lord is in complete control and
by His grace, He provided beyond what we could have imagined.
Steadily throughout the year we fell more and more behind our budget and in the final months of the
year it looked as though expenses would exceed what was received in the General Fund. Also, with the
blessing of baby Stephen to our youth pastor Joe and his wife Denae, a new financial need became
apparent with their need for additional work and health benefits. Burdened by this need, our loving
Calvary family struggled to find a way to meet it. As our prayers went up, the Lord answered in an
amazing way. By His grace we received both a generous financial gift towards the General Fund as well
as the opportunity to match a gift towards projects. With the doubling of that gift through our matching
funds, we financed ministry and building projects and funded 2 years of additional work for Joe with
health benefits. Praise be to the One who promises to provide for our needs.
In 2011 we also saw the Lord’s ministry provision to a segment of our body that we as elders have long
desired to serve better: our “seasoned adults.” An inspired group from our body took this ministry to
heart, developing SAGE (Seasoned Adults Gaining Enrichment). Although just beginning, this new group
is already ministering to many from within our body and beyond. We look forward to seeing how the
Lord will use this group to meet the needs of this demographic.
In 2011 we worked together in serving our body in ministries like Pioneer Girls, Boys Brigade, our youth
groups, small groups and discipleship classes. Alongside these ministries, we also served our community
through our Fall Fair and the 33 Miles/Harris III Christmas event. We’ve welcomed more visitors in our
Sunday Services than we’ve seen in recent years and have made efforts to more effectively reach people
via the internet with our website, Facebook and email. We’ve also established our Quarterly Connection
meetings to bring all the church leaders together to discuss “big picture” ideas and foster community.
Last but not least (at least for this report), we were blessed with possibly the largest new member “class”
Calvary has seen. Last January we welcomed into our body 14 new members (many of whom are
“twenty-somethings,” a demographic we have desired to build up in recent years). What a joy it is to
have these brothers and sisters committed to serving the Lord with us here at Calvary.
As we look ahead to 2012 we’re thankful for the opportunity to serve our Lord in the office of elder.
We’ll bring our ideas before the Lord in our annual elder planning meeting in February and seek His
guidance as to how to use all He has provided to us.
In Christ our Lord and Savior,
Tom Thomasen, Chris Meyer, David Scott, Glenn Blossom
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Calvary Evangelical Free Church 2011 Annual Report
Recording Secretary Report
Another year has quickly gone by with some changes/additions and how thankful we are to know that
God never changes. He is the same – yesterday, today and forever. It says in Malachi 3:6 “For I, the Lord,
do not change...”
The public services of our church were held on Sunday morning and evening as well as our mid-week
prayer hour on Wednesday evening. The Spring and Fall Fests and Missionary Conference were held as
usual. A highlight event this year included a group of men and women from Calvary Church that went on
a mission trip to Haiti in May.
Pastor Glenn Blossom, our Sr. Pastor has so faithfully ministered God’s Word to us. His dedicated life and
loving spirit has been evidenced in so many ways. Other members of the Pastoral Staff include Paul
Voltmer, Assistant Pastor and Joe Vigilante as our Youth Minister. We express our gratitude to the Lord
for their dedicated leadership and support at Calvary Church. Relative to our internal office structure,
the position of Office Secretary was eliminated. Due to our financial situation, the Elder Board felt the
need to eliminate this position and look for volunteers. We express our appreciation to Andrea Dente
for her dedication and service of seven years in that position. She left our employ August 19, 2011. Beth
Endersby remains in the church office as Administrative Assistant.
Another matter that has been reviewed and up for discussion is the Bylaws. This document needs to be
updated and revised for ratification at a future quarterly business meeting possibly in 2012.
A new group has emerged this past year in December with a new title –SAGE – Seasoned Adults Gaining
Enrichment -- (for 55 years and older). Doug Everswick, together with a committee, has graciously
undertaken the leadership of this group with the thought of meeting once a month during the day time.
Additional information will be forthcoming!
Numerically speaking, we have added fourteen new people into our church membership this year. Five
of our members have been called to their Heavenly Home. One person had asked for her membership to
be transferred to another church. Thus, our active membership roster stands at 198. Five weddings
were conducted at Calvary Church and five youth graduated from the Teen Doctrine Class.
We extend our sincere appreciation to those of our congregation who have served so faithfully in the
past year in fulfilling their responsibility and term of service. To our members serving in their respective
office/committee/board, might we continue to press on with greater strength and power in spreading
the Good News at home, in the community, and around the world.
Respectfully submitted,
Alice Berg, Recording Secretary
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Calvary Evangelical Free Church 2011 Annual Report
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Calvary Evangelical Free Church 2011 Annual Report
Music Ministry
What a privilege it has been to serve the
church through musical worship and song
this past year! It has been a joy to sing our
Lord's praises together from week to week.
Throughout the year we've been blessed
with faithful and self-sacrificing service on
the part of all our team members as well as
new additions to the powerpoint and sound volunteers. Our team has grown in musicianship and skill
and, as always, has enjoyed a warm sense of family within the team and from the church body.
After two years of contributing to the worship ministry, Christian and Michelle Thomas decided in
September of this year to take time away from leading worship in order to consider their future and aim
in music ministry. We've so appreciated all that they've brought to the team and know we're in a
stronger place because of them! They remain a part of the body and are blessed to call Calvary home.
Goals Met in 2011
 We've grown in musicianship and skill
 We've grown as a team throughout the ministry
 Our Lord Jesus has been praised through song
 The saints of Calvary Church have been strengthened and encouraged through song and musical
Goals for 2012
 Strengthen and equip our technical teams
 Better integrate our worship, powerpoint and sound teams
 Streamline our week to week processes
 Grow as musicians and technicians
 Train and incorporate our younger church musicians
 Continue to develop a song repertoire that fits our church and its needs
 Above all, to see our Lord Jesus praised through song and through this ministry to the Body
God Sighting
Every time that someone thanks a member of the music ministry team for the music and the way it has
blessed them, we know that God has met a need. We sing of His unsurpassed love and His mighty acts of
power and it is no small thing when our hearts are stirred and strengthened by His greatness! He shows
up so often in this way. Praise Him for his Word through which He has revealed himself to us!
At Calvary we value worship which fosters an awareness of the living God's presence and encourages us
to say yes! to Him. We see the music ministry as providing an excellent musical means by which this
multi-generational church may encounter Him through His word and through the
past and current ministry of musical saints. As a team, we hope not only to serve
God but one another through the grace and the giftings He's given.
Respectfully submitted, Michael Yates
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Calvary Evangelical Free Church 2011 Annual Report
Greeter Ministry Report
The Greeters have had another active year in 2011 as they became more familiar with the “Guidelines
for Greeters” and gift bag procedures.
We are happy to report we had 70 visitor cards filled out last year visitors (54 individuals, 12 couples and
4 families), which was a significant increase over the 45 turned in last year. We are thankful to God for
his provision in bringing these people to our church and pray that God’s Word would penetrate their
hearts and the love and friendliness of the people they meet would compel them to return.
Each visitor receives a gift bag containing a Calvary Church mug, sermon CD, pen, tea bag of Kenyan tea
(thanks to the Teasdales!), copy of The Daily Bread, and information about the ministries and upcoming
events at Calvary Church. In the bag is also a welcome letter from Pastor, which explains that in
recognition of their visit, $15 would be donated to the Karanda Hospital in Harare, Zimbabwe. During
the week after the visit, the individual also receives a thank you email from Doug and Nancy Everswick,
Calvary’s missionaries in Zimbabwe. With 70 visitors, Calvary was able to donate $1050 for 2011.
One of our goals this year was to warmly welcome newcomers to Calvary Church and hopefully with the
increased number of people filling out cards, it’s an indication we are succeeding.
Our goal for 2012 is to put together a new gift bag with our church’s cross logo on it. We also hope to be
bolder in speaking to people who come through our doors who we aren’t sure about their status.
As of January 2012, Christine Gilmore will be taking over the leadership position of the Greeters Ministry.
Maria Voltmer and I will continue as helpers. A warm thank you to all of you who have been my greeters
for many years. You are all making a difference and doing a great job.
Respectfully submitted, Doris C. Wyble
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Calvary Evangelical Free Church 2011 Annual Report
Junior Choir Report
Jr. Choir 2010-2011 ended in May with the children singing in church one last time. Our 6 th
graders, Linnea, Sara, and Karin, did a glorious job on their solos as their last Jr. Choir gift to
God. In September we felt the loss of our 6th graders with only 5 wonderful children remaining.
I began to question where God would have me go with this ministry. My faithful helper, Adele
Kalinowski, reminded me that all we had to do was show up and let God handle the rest. (She
and my husband Rod are treasures that make sure all the details such as: risers, bagels, split
tracks and numerous other things come together.) So Adele and I showed up in September. By
December we had 9 children!
Each Monday the children arrive for a time of play, prayer and practice (They even help by
making up the Zumba “goodie” bags.). The children have risen to every challenge placed before
them and even completed 2011 by presenting “Away in a Manger” to their Lord and King in sign
language and with handbells. They are small diligent hard workers in the vineyard and a true
example of how God can use the young for His Glory!
Continually Seeking His Path, Jen Barrow
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Calvary Evangelical Free Church 2011 Annual Report
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Calvary Evangelical Free Church 2011 Annual Report
Deacons and Deaconesses Report
We feel blessed to be part of being able to meet the needs of our church family in many various ways.
We provide meals, food coupons, cards, visitation and phone calls. Most importantly we pray for our
people and offer help and encouragement whenever we can.
As a group we have seen great results from our involvement. We meet monthly to plan agape meals, the
Spring and Fall Fest celebrations and other special occasions for the church family. A few of the Deacons
and Deaconesses have been unable to continue this past year but in 2012 we look to add 3 new people
to our number, which will be encouraging for us.
The most wonderful highlight of this year has been what we've seen throughout the year regarding the
benevolence of our people towards each other in times of need. Whether through meeting the needs of
those who had flood damage after Hurricane Irene or seeing God’s hand of provision through his people
in meeting and matching monies enabling us to move forward to a greater vision for our church. God is
Members of the board are: Anne Capozzi, Bernadine Caulfield, Susan Diggory, Thelma Myhren, Ruth
Gambino, Nancy Canfield, Kaye Blossom, Jerry Capozzi, Gordon Diggory, Ken Smith, Anthony Gambino
and Roy Tallaksen.
Our hope would be for more people to come forward to become part of our group for 2012 and that
God will give us His eyes and heart and that we can be a blessing in this coming year.
Respectfully submitted,
Susan Diggory for the Deacon/Deaconess board
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Calvary Evangelical Free Church 2011 Annual Report
Junior High
Ministry Report –
The Jr. High Youth Group is referred to as
“CHAOS” for two reasons. The acronym
(Christ Has All Our Solutions) encompasses
the seriousness of the ministry to 6th–8th
graders, but the word itself simply describes
what one might find on any given Friday night in the gym. We gather weekly to offer kids wholesome
fun, spiritual teaching, social interaction and opportunities to serve.
The leadership team of this parent-run ministry are all parents of children completing 8th grade this
spring. We will be glad to hand over the reins, schedules and materials to the next set of parents of
junior highers that want to see the ministry continue. (Here’s the plug… if your child will be in that 6th-8th
grade range in September 2012, please pray about your involvement for this next generation of youth!)
From January to June of 2011, we had 2-3 regular meetings
each month which included games and Bible teaching. At
the end of January, a number of our youth and several
parents enjoyed a weekend retreat at Camp Orchard Hill,
which was a special bonding time both kids and leaders.
Other special activities included a gym night in March and a
movie night in May. We spent an evening in April stuffing
Easter eggs with candy for the church outreach the next
day. Some kids came to hide the eggs and help with the children during that activity. A few also helped
to man Calvary’s booth at the Dogwood Festival in Essex Fells. Our year ended with a pool party at the
home of the Hansens in June.
As a new school year began in September, we lost several
kids to the senior high youth group but gained younger
ones. Usually it takes time for the kids to gel but the
group this year really seems to enjoy one another. Our
kickoff meeting of a game night was led by Brett and Liz
Lubansky. One evening we packed shoeboxes for
Samaritan’s Purse and then ended the year with a fun
Christmas party in December.
We continue to have about 15 kids each Friday, with almost half coming from outside the church family.
We are blessed to see kids inviting friends and having the opportunity introduce them to spiritual things.
Looking ahead to the Winter/Spring of 2012, we’ll take the group to support our Lady Vikings basketball
team and are adding testimony nights to our usual activities, with the hope of touching hearts. It is our
desire that the kids have fun together, learn about God, and are encouraged in their spiritual walk.
Respectfully Submitted, John & Barbara Miele, Tom & Lynn Thomasen, Julianne Voltmer
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Calvary Evangelical Free Church 2011 Annual Report
Senior High
Ministry Report –
Our senior high youth group, Facedown,
has had a busy and exciting year. We
were able to go on a mission’s trip over the summer, had both a fall and winter retreat, hosted several
outreach events here at Calvary and got our kids involved in working in the community. I am so amazed
to see how our kids have grown this year, and am constantly praying for their hearts to be more
passionate about God and His will for their lives.
Road Rules was the highlight of the year for several of our students. Road Rules is a mission trip in which
we traveled to several states and
did work for various people and
churches. This year we were able to
go down to North Carolina and help
devastated by the tornadoes that
touched down there last year. The
highlight of this trip was going to
The Master’s Mission in North
Carolina, and getting to see the
incredible things that they are
doing there for the Lord. What an
amazing trip!
The fall and winter retreats this year were an awesome time to get away from the busyness of life, and
to focus on our relationship with the Lord. At these retreats, the kids were challenged to pursue God and
get to know Him deeper.
Throughout this year, our outreach events have
been a big success. On several occasions, we
have had close to 50 students here taking part
in these events. Our Talent Show, Fondue Party
and Lock-In were a lot of fun, and a great way
to allow kids to hear the Gospel message. Many
new students were able to hear about God’s
love for them, and many seeds have been
I am so thankful to
the youth leaders who have been a vital part to the youth ministry here. I am
also thankful for all of you and the prayers that have supported us over this
past year. Please continue to pray for our kids and ask God to continue to turn
their hearts and minds to Him.
Respectfully submitted, Joe Vigilante
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Calvary Evangelical Free Church 2011 Annual Report
Pioneer Girls
PIONEER GIRLS is a club ministry for
girls in grades 1 – 6, meeting on
Monday evenings. Our theme verse is
Psalm 119:105 “Thy Word is a lamp
unto my feet and a light unto my path.”
The goals of Pioneer Girls are to enable girls to enter into a personal relationship with Christ and to grow
in their knowledge of God and His Word, to form healthy relationships, and to grow as young women.
Each meeting starts with opening singing of both silly and spiritual songs. Julie Everswick ably leads this
time of singing and shares a joke of the week. The girls love Julie’s enthusiasm! The meetings continue
with an informal Bible study and scripture memory, and badge work time when the girls work on various
handbooks activities and learn new skills. There is also a weekly rotation between cooking, crafts, and
game time. Several special events have become annual traditions including our Pal-Gal Pumpkin
Decorating Party and Birthday parties, Christmas Caroling at The Cliffs, Camp Cedarbrook night in
January, our Mother-Daughter Valentine party, Father-Daughter Bowling, and our Camporee Weekend to
Camp Cedarbrook in June.
God has provided caring and committed leaders for each age
group. Ann Hansen and Arlene Kelsey lead the 1st -2nd grade
Voyagers, Caroline Huie, Julie Everswick, and Jessica Johansen
team teach the 3-4th grade “Pathfinders,” and Lynn Ruesch
faithfully guides the 5th-6th grade “Trailblazers.” Jessica and Sandra
Johansen coordinate our “Pal-Gal” program in which each Pioneer
Girl is paired with a “pal,” a Christian woman from Calvary who
prays for her “gal” and is a special friend to her. Teen volunteer
leaders include Tracy Ortu, Bethany Miele, and Rachel Kalinowski.
We also have a group of women who volunteer approximately once a month assisting in cooking, crafts,
and special events. Marilyn Maher serves behinds the scenes as Coordinator. We are thankful for all of
our leaders and helpers who cheerfully serve in this ministry with their God-given gifts.
A goal for 2012 is to reach out to more girls. We have about
15 to 20 girls each week and approximately 75 percent
attend Calvary at least periodically. Pioneer Girls is a place
where new families at Calvary can help their daughters
connect with other girls. Five new girls have joined this year
including three from families that are new to Calvary.
A second goal is to mentor and train additional leaders. We are grateful for Bethany Miele who will lead
the opening singing when Julie Everswick moves on, but need new teachers for the 1st-2nd grade Voyager
group, and a woman to coordinate or assist in coordinating this ministry. Please keep the ministry of
Pioneer Girls in your prayers.
Respectfully submitted, Marilyn Maher, Pioneer Girls Coordinator
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Calvary Evangelical Free Church 2011 Annual Report
Christian Service Brigade
Tree Climbers Report
Thanks be to the Glory of God! Each Monday night at 6:45 pm the Tree Climbers meet with dads and
their sons (Kindergarten through 2nd grades). This is a great time for fathers and sons to be together and
explore God's word through exercise in the
gym, Bible lessons, and Bible-related crafts. We
are reinforcing the Word of God to each child on a
regular weekly basis.
This year, we explored topics such as
fossils, animals of the earth, fur and feathers,
rocks, the Cross, God as our lighthouse, turkeys
for Thanksgiving, the beatitudes, God's creation
of the snow, and the 10 Commandments.
We have between 4 to 5 boys attending each
week. The majority of the class are not from
Calvary Church, but come from the nearby community including Fairfield, West Orange, East Hanover,
and Short Hills. The boys and dads are excited when listening to the Word of God through Ed Luzniak
who leads the lesson every week faithfully. Ed Luzniak prayed with a few boys and their dads to receive
salvation giving them every opportunity to come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
We are led by God's Word, Spirit, and prayer to “train up a child in the way they should go, and when
they get old they will not depart from it” (Proverbs 22:6). Scripture also teaches us, “Do not let this
book of the law depart from your mouth meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do
everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful” (Joshua 1:8). And lastly, “The law
of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul. The statutes of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the
simple” (Psalm 19:7).
May the year 2012 continue to bring Glory to God and bear much fruit in the lives of the Tree Climbers
through this ministry.
Respectfully submitted, Ed Luzniak
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Calvary Evangelical Free Church 2011 Annual Report
Christian Service Brigade
Stockade Report
Stockade is the division of Christian Service Brigade (CSB) that ministers to
boys, 8 thru 11 years old. Our goal is found in the Brigade Motto: Bright and
Keen for Christ”. First to lead boys to Christ and then to reinforce our motto:
“Bright-Living for Christ, Keen-speaking like Christ.” This is accomplished thru
the mentoring by Christian men at our weekly meeting on Monday nights
during the school year.
The boys play games, which is a time for fun, action, and
sportsmanship. Then they divide into POSTS (age specific) where
they work on achievements or learn something important that is
useful in their daily living. These are taught by our adult leaders,
called Rangers. The boys are required to wear their uniform,
complete achievements from their book and a devotional is given
every week by one of the Rangers. The CSB planner is used to organize our calendar, and follow the
curriculum set forth by the Christian Service Brigade for the Stockade programs.
In 2011, we tried to have tried to have a special activity each
month. So far this year we have had two overnight camping
trip, a day trip to the Franklin Mineral Museum in Franklin, NJ,
craft nights, shape ‘n race night and a Christmas Party. Dads
are always welcome to be a part of any of these trips or
This year, in February we will attend a CSB night at West Point Hockey and in March again have our
Shape & Race Derby. With the warmer weather of April, we will once again have our spring camping
trip. These activities are not only to be fun for the boys but we also encourage them to pass special
achievements. Most of all, the events together enable the leaders to interact with the boys in settings
other than the Monday meetings.
More than half of our Stockaders are families beyond Calvary
Church. We utilize the older men in our church as special
speakers and role models. Boys are encouraged to attend
Camp or the Father/Son camp programs at Northern Frontier.
Our leadership team consists of Rod Barrow, Ron Belmont Sr.,
Dick Canfield, Tom Chauvette, Jason Johansen, and Dave
Ruesch. As leaders our prayer is that we are a Godly influence
in their lives by our actions and not just our words.
Lord our Savior, Guide and Captain,
Be a solid wall around us.
Make us all courageous servants.
Help us grow to be like Jesus. Amen.
Respectfully submitted, Ronald Belmont Sr
Psalm 19:14
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Calvary Evangelical Free Church 2011 Annual Report
Christian Service Brigade
Battalion Report
The battalion program is strong and doing well. As the part of
Christian Service Brigade geared towards boys from 7th grand
through High School, we help boys learn more about God’s
Word and seek to strengthen them in their Christian walk. In
2011, we normally had twenty boys each week.
As in past years, we once
again had a great mix of
junior and adult leaders in
the leadership team. This
year’s junior leaders were
Andrew Chauvette, Mark
Chauvette, Zack Endersby,
Justin Johansen, Brandon
Marchetti, Eric Olsen, and Chris Wold. Our adult leaders were John
Johansen, Geoff Barnard, Matt Corbett, Josh Gabrielsen, Steven
Knudsen, Brett Lubansky, Dan Mackinson, Chris Ruesch, Gary Ruesch,
and Greg Ruesch.
This past fall, we went camping at Country Ark Farm, (www.countryarkfarm.org) run by Mike and Donna
Ciancitto’s. While at this farm, which provides recreational, pet and art therapy experiences for mentally,
emotionally and physically challenged children and adults, we were able to do a small service project
while they let us camp on their property.
In February 2012, we’re planning to attend an Army Hockey with other Christian Service Brigade units in
the area.
Please keep our group in your
Respectfully submitted,
John Johansen
Captain CSB#1292
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Calvary Evangelical Free Church 2011 Annual Report
Women’s Tuesday Morning Bible Study Report
Each year we find challenging and fulfilling as we study the Bible.
What was not covered in the 2010 Annual Report due to it being submitted late, I would like to include
with this 2011 report. In 2010, the two women’s classes studied The Revelation and the Life of David.
Additional ministries that were introduced that year were a prayer chain for emergency prayer needs
and a card ministry reaching out to people struggling with health and family issues. We also joined an
outreach to Essex Fells residents with addressing and filling envelopes with information regarding
Calvary’s many ministries. We had fourteen new attendees from local communities including Verona,
Roseland, East Hanover, East Orange, West Orange, Cedar Grove, Little Falls and Whippany. The year
concluded with our annual May Brunch with our guess speaker, Barbara Johnson, an intermittent
missionary in China.
This past year (2011) began with the study of
Job and the Life and Ministry of the Apostle
Paul and we had two new attendees from
Caldwell. The year ended with our guests
Bob and Darlene Puffer, a very musically
talented couple who presented the gospel
and music glorifying the Lord with a variety
of musical instruments. We look forward to
continuing our studies and preparing for the
May Brunch this year again. Our guest
speaker will be Jennifer Sands who was
widowed by the tragedy of 9/11.
Remaining in His Perfect Peace and Service, Barbara Horvath
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Calvary Evangelical Free Church 2011 Annual Report
Women’s Ministry Report
Women’s Ministries was started in the 1950’s and was called Women’s Missionary Fellowship. Its
purpose was missionary outreach and fellowship. The group was started by young mothers and single
women who wanted a “ladies night out”. They met once a month on the second Tuesday of the month
which we continue to do for ten months of the year.
Some of our activities include: doing white cross work which is rolling bandages and cutting squares for
the mission field and making wordless bracelets for Helen Fackler to take to Russia (usually about 200 in
an evening).
We help to support six missionaries, read their letters and pray for them. When any of the missionaries
are home, we invite them to speak to us. We can then become more acquainted with them and learn
more about their work.
This year we had an elegant English Tea with many of the women of the church joining us. With baby
and young adult photos we tried to match them to see if any of us had changed through the years. In
June, we treated ourselves to a luncheon at Tuscarora Inn with Thelma Landrud telling us about her
recent trip to Haiti. In the fall, we covered shoe boxes for Samaritan’s Purse. The church family helped
us by filling the boxes so boys and girls could receive Christmas treats. In all, we filled about 60 boxes.
We made Thanksgiving table favors for the residents at the Cliffs. Finally, we had our annual Christmas
cookie exchange. As you can see, we try to do a variety of things to make the evening interesting. The
evening comes to a close with refreshments served by a different hostess each month.
As we enter a new year, we hope to continue to help support our missionaries: Caryn and Mike DiGena,
Nancy and Doug Everswick, Carol and Jim Munger, Bev and Jim Streit, Barb and Jim Teasdale and Sandy
and Finn Torjesen. We will continue to pray for them, keep in touch with and hear from them in person
when possible. We do hope that women of all ages would join us as we fellowship and encourage one
another. In any case, we ask God to continue to bless us as we serve and honor Him.
Respectfully submitted,
Doris M. Hansen, President
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Calvary Evangelical Free Church 2011 Annual Report
Vacation Bible School Report
One lasting impression from this year’s Vacation Bible School
was the beautiful gift of God’s music that remained with the
children long after VBS ended. This year’s program had a
more modern, concert-like feel to it and was based on the
“Kickin’ It Old School” program by the Go Fish Guys. The
program’s transformation of classic
hymns into a concert theme with a
hip-hop beat seemed to really
resonate with the children. Before
long, they were moving and
grooving to the beat of the music.
In all, 95 children attended VBS and were served by over 60 volunteers.
Another change we implemented this year was the use of the Internet to
communicate the event in our local communities and to facilitate online
registration of attendees.
The VBS curriculum focused on how even in a world
that is always searching for the “next big thing,” God,
His Promises, His Word and the Gospel will never
change and can never be improved upon. Through fun
songs, videos, skits, crafts and snacks, the children
learned about the attributes of God, including his
holiness and views of sin that never change. Bible
lessons consisted of “God is Our Creator” from Genesis,
“This is My Father’s World” from Isaiah, “God is Our
King” from Isaiah, “Jesus is Our Savior” from Hebrews,
and “I’m a Soldier in the Army of the Lord – God is Our
Truth” from Ephesians.
The children also participated in a missions project
related to Bible translation. They learned about the
Minyanka people in Mali who don’t have the Bible in
their language. During the week, the children raised
$482.25 which is being used to assist the Brubaker
family and their team in Mali in translating the Old
Testament into the Minyanka language.
The fun-filled week culminated with a luncheon for the
children and their families. It was a wonderful time to
welcome them to Calvary and to share God’s love with
members of our community.
Respectfully submitted,
Caroline Hui for the Planning Team
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Calvary Evangelical Free Church 2011 Annual Report
Christian Education Report
Members: Eileen McGuire, Sharon Maricle, Joanne Meyer, Debbie Scott, Betty Tallaksen
As members of the CE Board, we are pleased to serve our Lord in the area of Christian Education and
Discipleship. One of our proudest accomplishments for 2011 was the CE Volunteer Banquet, held on
May 21st. We invited Kim Levinsky and Michelle Thomas to give words of
testimony as to the meaning of Christian Discipleship in their lives, and Pastor
Dave Watson was our special guest speaker. We had a catered dinner, gave away
some prizes, and had special music by Josh Barrow. It was meant to be a night of
encouragement for our many CE workers and we believe we accomplished this
and want to do it again in 2012. Our next banquet is scheduled for April 28 th at
We are pleased to report that in September 2011, a third adult class, called Christian Responses, was
added to our Sunday morning discipleship. The class is taught by Pastor Paul Voltmer. In addition to the
Women’s class studying The Power of a Woman’s Words, by Sharon Jaynes, and the men’s class working
through Search the Scriptures, this third class offers teaching and discussions regarding Christian
responses to challenging issues. The addition of this class is in line with last year’s goal of providing an
option for couples who wish to have a discipleship class they can attend together.
We are very grateful that Betty Tallaksen has taken on the role of acting nursery coordinator. For the
past year, she has been looking after the nursery fulfilling a vital need.
We are also pleased that our Youth Minister, Joe Vigilante will be helping in the area of Christian
Education. We are thankful that he will have time available to help us cast a vision for the future and
help us in enhancing the education and discipleship ministries of Calvary Church.
2012 Plans/Goals - To be more in alignment with Calvary’s mission statement, the
Christian Education Committee is expanding its role to edification of “all ages” in the
church body. To this end, we have set the following goals:
1. Update our mission statement.
2. Be more intentional about keeping in touch with all our CE ministries. We will assign a board
member to each ministry and ask them to provide a brief update at our monthly meetings so
we know their needs and can better support them in whatever way we can.
3. CE Worker Forms: One of the areas that needs improvement is getting our CE worker forms
updated, distributed, signed and collected. In the past we have started the update process,
but haven’t seen it through to completion. Our goal in 2012 is to complete this process.
Respectfully submitted, Joanne Meyer
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Calvary Evangelical Free Church 2011 Annual Report
Kids Under Construction
Children’s Discipleship
In September 2011, the program
started its third year of a five year
program. The team in charge of program creation consists of Gary Olsen, who writes
the curriculum and casts the vision, Michael Brunello, who creates and directs the
dramas, Joanne Meyer, who coordinates the Memory Verse center and serves as the
secretary and our newest member, Stephanie Herbert, who has done a phenomenal job running and
staffing the popular, “Creation Station” Center this year. She replaces Arlene Lackowitz who helped cast
the vision for the KUC program and who was so vital to its successful first two years.
The children are grouped in three categories:
3 yrs – Prek taught by Lynn Thomasen. (Avg. Class size 4)
K-2nd Grade, whose shepherd is Ann Hansen (Avg. Class size 5)
3rd-5th Grade whose shepherds are Carol Chauvette and Cyndi
Olsen. (Avg. Class size 12)
Our Goals for 2012 are the same as when we began the
 To provide a dynamic discipleship program for our
elementary-aged children.
 To give teach them the bible basics which will give them
a firm foundation in their faith.
 To regularly present the gospel message to them and to
give them opportunities to receive Jesus as their Savior.
For the past 2 years, we have been focused on creating and
sustaining the program with all its moving parts and we believe
that we have met our goals in this area.
Looking forward, the area we see where we need the most
improvement and help is in the area of communications both to
our volunteer staff and our families. We believe we can do this by compiling a central email/mailing list
of all three groups. This year, our shepherds, Carol and Cyndi, took it upon themselves to send out
correspondence to their group at Christmastime. It came in the form of a Christmas Postcard. They
wished the children a Merry Christmas and also informed them of the holiday schedule. We are very
grateful for their initiative and believe it is an example of what we’d like the entire program to be like.
Many volunteers are needed to help make
this program possible. We are thankful for
all who have helped out over the past 2+
years. They continue give the program life
and personality and let their love for the
Lord (and the children) shine through.
Respectfully submitted, Joanne Meyer
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Calvary Evangelical Free Church 2011 Annual Report
City Gates Report
The small group ministry of Calvary Church
The City Gates ministry offers a small group setting to connect and
grow as a community, helping each other apply Jesus' teachings to our
lives and discover (in a tangible, practical way) how to love one
another as Christ loves us. Each City Gates group incorporates a study of God’s Word, fellowship, and
prayer for each other, for the church community, and beyond.
The focus and spirit of the small group ministry at Calvary remains to create a place where relationships
can deepen and new people can also be incorporated in at any time. To this end, in September of 2011
we decided to offer the groups as sermon-based small groups, with questions for discussion and
application being created each week that help the groups dig deeper into the scripture from the
previous Sunday’s sermon.
Highlights from 2011 include:
Starting Point. Under the leadership of Paul Voltmer and Mike MacDonald, we were able to offer
Starting Point group on Monday evenings from September to December, as a weekly discussion for
seekers (those curious about the faith), starters (those beginning their spiritual journey) and returners
(those returning to church after being away a while). Starting Point once again proved to be a solid
resource for opening a non-threatening discussion about some of the key points of the Christian faith.
City Gates – Essex Fells on Monday evenings, 6:45 pm. Meeting in the church lounge, this group began
in 2010 as a Starting Point group and grew to take on some faces throughout 2011. In September, Edwin
Abrahams willingly took over the leadership role and has brought deep insight into the time together.
City Gates – Cedar Grove, one Wednesday/mo. at 7:30 pm
Under the leadership of Del and Elaine Lucas and hosted by Ralph & Dory Voltmer, this group is the
longest running small group at Calvary. The monthly meeting can draw up to fifteen people, with rich
fellowship, tasty desserts and discussions that last!
City Gates – Roseland on Tuesday evenings, 7:00 pm.
Betty Sutherland opens her home each week to a fun mix of women and men, married and singles. A
goal of this group in 2012 is to minister in outreach together, either with the Willing Heart Center or the
NY Relief Bus or another ministry opportunity.
All-City Gates parties. The groups continue to come together four times as a way of building fellowship
amongst the groups. These are also an opportunity for others curious about the groups to come and get
a “sneak peek”.
Respectfully submitted, Paul Voltmer
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Calvary Evangelical Free Church 2011 Annual Report
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Calvary Evangelical Free Church 2011 Annual Report
Ladies Exercise/Zumba Report
Wow! The women just keep coming to this interesting ministry. Yup, ministry !
We range from 50 to 80 on any given Tuesday. The women are starting to talk about
feeling like a community. That is a really good change.
The women collected non-perishables and paper goods for the West Essex Food Pantry, coats for the
Market Street Mission coat drive and over $900 in toys for the Market Street Mission toy shop. They
love to help others and are always excited to participate in meeting any need that Jen Delorenzi, our
instructor, and I put before them. Most of the women who attend are from outside of Calvary but I do
appreciate the faithfulness of Jenna Tallaksen, Laura Wold, Lynn Ruesch, Sandra and Jessica Johansen,
Cheryl Knudsen and others who come when they have time. It is good to have sisters in faith to help
build relationships with these amazing women. To me it seems at times like a slow process but God is at
work. The plan is to try and be still and listen for how God would touch the hearts of these women.
To that end in 2011 God allowed me to share my testimony, handout 8 copies of “What’s so Amazing
About Grace” and 30 copies of “More Than a Carpenter”. We also handed out “gift bags” comprised of
invitations to our Easter Service and marshmallow bunnies, and gift bags with invitations to “A Magical
Christmas” with 33 Miles and Harris III and hand cream.
Our instructor, Jen Delorenzi, also saw how God works in miraculous ways (It
would take an entire page just to explain that in itself!). One woman from
Zumba also attended the 9/11 Remembrance service after God impressed upon
my heart to send out a quick e-mail to the Zumba ladies after church that
morning. It seems clear that God is at work through Zumba and that these
women are beginning to seek more than exercise and fellowship. Keep praying!
Respectfully submitted, Jen Barrow
Local Outreach Report
James 2:17 is a well-known passage reminding
us that “Faith by itself, if it is not accompanied
by action, is dead,” and it increasingly seems
that a skeptical – and yet still watching – world
wants to know how our faith impacts our
worlds. If this is good news, then don’t just tell
us, show us!
In 2011, we had opportunities to both show
and tell the good news that Jesus died and was
raised to renew us to the person, life and relationship with Him that God intended.
To follow are some highlights:
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Calvary Evangelical Free Church 2011 Annual Report
We continued in our partnership with NY Relief Bus, serving
hot and tasty soup on Friday nights to people on the streets of
Newark. During the summer, when the Relief Bus had no
available volunteer times for us, we partnered with The Willing
Heart Community Care Center in Newark, serving up warm
meals on Tuesday afternoons for upwards of 400 people.
On two Sundays during the year, in February with our Love
Your Neighbor Sunday and again in May with our Educator
Appreciation Sunday, we extended personal invitations to neighbors and educators to join us in special
services recognizing their important place in our lives.
We hosted a Children’s Easter Party,
inviting young children and parents to a
morning of crafts, song, the good news of
the resurrection, and an Easter egg hunt.
At the local Street Fairs (West Orange
and Roseland), we once again distributed
Bibles, tracts, balloons and Calvary
ministries info. Many conversations took
place, leading one family to sign up for
VBS and another individual to join our
Starting Point small group and worship services.
Marking the 10 years since the tragedy of
September 11th, 2001, Calvary hosted in
partnership with area churches a Service
of Remembrance, calling us to remember
the events of that day and to proclaim
the hope we have in a God who redeems.
This past year we once again offered our annual Fall Fair, welcoming the
local community to enjoy music, games and hospitality as we work
together on this fun-filled day. The proceeds from the day once again
went back into the community through a gift to the Red Cross flood
recovery efforts in Fairfield.
December brought us another concert opportunity, this year
with an added bonus of an illusionist. A Magical Christmas
with 33 Miles and Harris III was a great show, reminding us
that though there are many illusions in
life, there is One who always is the truth.
Respectfully submitted, Paul Voltmer
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Calvary Evangelical Free Church 2011 Annual Report
Global Outreach Report
The Global Outreach team is Calvary’s link to Global, National, and Local
missionaries and outreach efforts. Though we are the team associated with
what happens, we are only as active as you are and as you allow us to be. In this
report we would like to let you know what Calvary has accomplished in 2011 and
invite you to be a part of Calvary’s outreach efforts in 2012:
Calvary hosted and received updates from seven of our
missionary families that visited in 2011 (deMenas, Everswicks,
Ferias, Gopperts, Streits, Teasdales, Zukovskys).
Three new members have joined the committee (Thelma
Landrud, Mike MacDonald, and Scott Price), and it’s great to
have Doug Everswick with the committee during their
The VBS program donated $482.25 towards translating 18½
verses by the Brubakers with Wycliffe.
$1,050 was given to the Karanda Hospital in recognition of the
70 visitors to Calvary who accepted Welcome Packets in 2011.
In partnership with TouchGlobal, Calvary sent a team of twelve
to Haiti for a week to serve in building projects and visiting
orphanages. Financial assistance of $500 per person was
provided through the Missions Endowment. This was the first
short term team to be sent from Calvary in over fifteen years.
Prayer and financial support was given to Erika Thomasen for
her trip to India in October.
Our November Outreach Conference, “Go Global, Go Local,”
highlighted 6 local ministry partners. We were challenged to
deeper individual involvement in these ministries.
At Christmas we encouraged our retired missionaries and
missionary kids by sending gifts as expressions of our
Moving into 2012, we will continue many of the same activities as last
year: supporting, praying for, and communicating with our
missionaries, informing the congregation about missionary news,
providing one-day ministry opportunities, supporting short-term
missionary trips, developing a VBS missions project, assembling a
Calvary team for a national mission trip, and hosting an Outreach Conference in November. As always,
we will be searching out different ways in which we can all be Jesus’ hands and feet, seeking to share
Him to a greater extent in our own Judea, Samaria, and the ends of the earth.
Thanks for being part of our team and God’s encouragers through your involvement and giving in the
area of Outreach. And thank you for allowing Global Outreach to serve you and our missionaries.
Respectfully submitted, Nick Caffarra, Theresa Caffarra, David Emma, Thelma Landrud, Mike MacDonald,
Scott Price, Lynn Thomasen, Doug Everswick, and Paul Voltmer
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Calvary Evangelical Free Church 2011 Annual Report
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Calvary Evangelical Free Church 2011 Annual Report
Office Staff Report
The office staff at Calvary continues to serve as a behind-the-scenes support to the pastoral staff and
Calvary’s ministries. Our ministry includes facilitation, communication, finances and worship
preparation. Together we work to serve Calvary’s congregation and the surrounding community.
In 2010, we experienced a significant change in that, due to the church’s financial situation, the position
of Office Secretary was eliminated and we said good bye to Andrea Dente. With this change, the staff
responsibilities shifted to Beth Endersby and Paul Voltmer, with the volunteer support of Ruth
Mackinson. We were grateful to Andrea for her years of service and appreciate the willingness of Ruth
to help in the office.
As is the case each year, the special services and events of Calvary are facilitated by the office staff and
pastors working together with members of the congregation. Events in 2011 included the two special
Sunday services, Love Your Neighbor Sunday and the Educator Appreciation Sunday, as well as the 9/11
Service of Remembrance. Many details, phone calls, and promotional materials flow through the office
as we all work together in proclaiming and demonstrating the love of Christ.
Communication is a primary ministry of the church office. We continue to set before us the goal of
keeping the Calvary members informed and connected. This year we adopted a new email service which
enables us to send attractive and personalized emails, Prayer Guides and a weekly News & Notes.
Through this service the Prayer Guides and News & Notes are automatically posted to our Facebook
page, as well. The office also keeps the members connected through the bulletin and mailings.
The church office is also home base for building facilitation. To maximize facility use, the office
coordinates scheduling for members and outside groups using the facilities for events and ministries.
Calvary continues to process our finances “in house.” In cooperation with the financial secretary and the
treasurer, we ensure that Calvary finances are in order. It is our goal that all reimbursements, bills and
approvals are accurately handled in a timely and efficient manner.
Lastly, worship preparation is also a vital part of the office ministry. Our desire is to ensure that the
regular and special services are planned, organized, prepared for and staffed with volunteers (special
music, scheduling musicians, organizing the worship team, preparing music, organizing sound personnel,
lyrics for the PowerPoint staff, etc.).
We look forward to another year of ministry working together with the pastors, Calvary members and
the surrounding community. Thank you for the opportunity to serve the Lord at Calvary.
Respectfully submitted,
Beth Endersby, Administrative Assistant
Paul Voltmer, Assistant Pastor
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Calvary Evangelical Free Church 2011 Annual Report
Buildings and Grounds Report
Our committee is now responsible for the care and maintenance of the church facility, our three
parsonages, and the grounds of our church facility.
We, as a committee, are most appreciative of the response of our congregation to our physical plant
needs this past year. The Lord has indeed seen fit to provide funds and we have tried to allocate
efficiently in a myriad of projects. Alongside our committee members, we have the weekly support of
our Calvary Association of Retired People (CARP) to get many of the jobs done.
Our Spring Work Day brought many of our church family together to work – mostly in regards to grounds
cleanup, with emphasis along Fells Road (at our Roseland Avenue parsonage) and along our parking lot.
Our projects this past year:
 Window replacement of offices, kitchen, and kitchen classroom.
 Installation of air conditioning systems in our office areas.
 Emergency tree trimming by Sequoia Tree Services necessitated by October snow storm
 Renovation of Nursery changing table and sink
 Renovation of landscaping alongside our sanctuary building. Former member, Roy Van Teyens
was a significant advisor and participant in this effort
 Purchased electricity and gas from Gateway Energy Systems, resulting in significant savings in
energy costs averaging $400 a month.
 Changed garbage pickup to once a week, resulting in savings of $1240 a year
 Renovation of our Main entrance patio – new concrete, a new handicap ramp, and blue stone
replacement as necessary
 Renovation of storm windows outside of smaller stained glass windows of the narthex area and
 Water damage to our roof and sanctuary ceiling after Hurricane Irene necessitated an insurance
claim – settlement of almost $38,000
 Repair of shower in Washburn Avenue parsonage
We continue to encourage everyone to keep us informed of items in need of attention – and keep after
us to get the job done!
Future projects for 2012 will include the repairs to our sanctuary
ceiling, providing additional ventilation in our sanctuary attic, replacing
our sanctuary roof, and completing our window renovation in the
Fellowship Hall.
Respectfully submitted on behalf of the Buildings/Grounds Committee,
Arnold T. Oftedal
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Calvary Evangelical Free Church 2011 Annual Report
Financial Secretary’s Report
Income Statement for 2011
It is the responsibility of the Financial Secretary to receive and deposit all church income and report a
summary of those receipts to the Church Treasurer and the Elder Board.
The following is a summary of the income received by Calvary Church in 2011.
General Fund:
Tithes and Offerings
Building Usage Fees
Total receipts to General Fund:
$ 10,720.00
$ 2,598.00
Reimbursements to the General Fund:
Youth Ministries
Health, Auto & Disability Insurances
All Other Reimbursements
Total Reimbursements to the General Fund:
Designated funds:
Benevolent - Japan Disaster Relief
Benevolent - Flood Relief
Washburn Property Rental Income
Spring Fest - Building Renovations
Fall Fest 2011
Insurance Claims: Roof and Sanctuary
Memorial Gifts
Special Events:
Fall Fair
Mile 33 Concert
Special Offerings:
Pastoral Love Offering
Baby Bottle Boomerang - First Choice
New Jersey HomeSchooler's Assoc.
Mission Trip - Haiti
DVBS Offering for Mission Project
Mission Conference
Missionary Children's Christmas Gifts
Other Misc Designated income
Total Receipts to Designated Funds:
$ 3,360.00
$ 1,447.31
$ 9,900.11
$ 1,521.00
$ 2,857.42
Total of All Income in 2011 to Calvary Church:
$ 9,144.90
$ 1,977.00
$ 7,665.00
$ 7,300.00
$ 18,692.00
$ 37,345.57
$ 2,940.00
$ 3,866.47
$ 4,292.15
In His Service, Cyndi Olsen, Financial Secretary
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Calvary Evangelical Free Church 2011 Annual Report
Treasurer’s Annual Report
1/1/2011 – 12/31/2011
A. General Fund
Beginning Balance
$ 29,400
Actual Income
$ 441,803
Transfers to General Fund
$ 459,664
Ending Balance
$ 19,280
2011 Budget
$ 475,000
B. Designated Fund Balances 12/31/11
Roberta Harrison
$ 31,097
$ 75,741
Outreach & Ministries
$ 67,959
C. Endowment Fund Balance
$ 122,157
D. Transferred to Benevolent Fund
$ 16,810
E. Memorial Funds
F. CEFC has no Debt
Respectfully submitted,
Arthur M. Hansen
January 20, 2012
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Calvary Evangelical Free Church 2011 Annual Report
2011 Treasurer's Report
A. M. Hansen Jan 20, 2012
1/1/2011 – 12/31/2011
2011 Budget
2011 Actual
Page 1
Building & Grounds
0540 - Auto Registration Fees/Tolls
0545 - Gasoline
0642 - Telephone, Fax, & Internet
0650 - Custodial Supplies
0660 - Garbage Removal
0670 - Snow Removal
0680 - Lawn Maintenance
0720 - Repair of Building
0740 - Repair of Parsonages
0120 - General Office Supplies
0125 - Office Equipment Repair/Maint
0130 - Postage
0830- Technology
Total Finance
0550 - Van Repairs
0610 - Custodial Contract
0630 - Water & Sewer
0640 - Electric, Gas, Heat
0750 - Inspection/Certificates
0760 - Elevator Service Contract
Total Building & Grounds
Christian Education
0220 - SS/Children's Church/Nursery
0250 - Bible Instruction Class
0260 - Vacation Bible School
0340 - Tract & Tape Ministry
0370 - Adult Sunday School
Total Christian Education
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Calvary Evangelical Free Church 2011 Annual Report
Page 2
2101 - Funeral Fund
2102 - Flowers/Decorating
2103 - Kitchen Supplies
Total Deacon/Deaconess
0145 - City Gates
0140 - Pastors' Library
0160 - Guest Speakers
0170 - Church Life
0180 - Outreach/Evangelism
0240 - Jr/Sr High Youth Ministries
0440 - Pastoral Travel & Expense
0480 - Publicity
1120 - Eastern District (EDA) General
1140 - Camp Orchard Hill
1150 - Trinity College
1160 - Trinity Ev. Divinity School
0920 - Music Supplies
0930 - Musical Events
0960 - Sound Equipment
0970 - Piano/Organ Repairs
Total Payroll Expense:
0250 - College & Career
1130 - EFCA General Fund
Total Elders
1020 - Mission Support
1030 - Conference Expenses
Total Mission
Music & Audio Visual
Total Music
Employee Costs
Payroll, & FICA
0822 - Health Insurance
0823 - Workman's Comp.
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