Sunday Bulletin - Armenian Church of Our Saviour

Armenian Church of Our Saviour
87 Salisbury Street Worcester, MA 01609
Reverend Father Aved Terzian, Pastor
1 Armenian Church in America
Sunday Bulletin
Morning Matins 9:30 AM
Divine Liturgy 10:00 AM
Welcome to all who have come to worship with us on this day
May the blessings of the Lord be upon you and may all your prayers be answered
November 7, 2010
11th Anniversary of the Enthronement of Karekin II,
Catholicos of All Armenians
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Holy Scriptures
Reading ~Isaiah
Epistle ~ Ephesians
Gospel ~ Luke
Alleluia Before the Holy Gospel
Mode 7
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Hajetzar, Der, unt yergir Ko, yev tartzootzer
uzkerootioon Hagopah.
Lord, Thou hast been well pleased unto Thy land:
Thou hast brought back the captivity of Jacob.
Church Office: 508-756-2931
Church Website:
Church Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8:30A-4:30P E-mail: [email protected]
LUKE 8:49-57
While He was still speaking, a man from the ruler's
came and said, "Your daughter is dead; do not trouble the
Teacher anymore." But Jesus on hearing this answered him,"Do
not fear; only believe, and she shall be well." .And when he
came to the house, he permitted no one to enter with him, except Peter and
John and James, and the father and mother of the child. And all were
weeping and bewailing her; but he said, "Do not weep; for she is not dead
but sleeping." And they laughed at him, knowing that she was dead. But
taking her by the hand he called, saying, "Child, arise." And her spirit
returned, and she got up at once; and he directed that something should be
given her to eat. And her parents were amazed; but he charged them to tell
no one what had happened.
The Divine Liturgy continues on page 18 with the singing of the Nicene Creed
The flowers that adorn our Holy Altar today are donated In Loving Memory Of:
Michael & Rose Mamishian
Dr. & Mrs. George O. Howe
Michael, Lisa & Allison Mamishian
Garabed & Rose Masmanian
Haig & Khacher Mamishian
Margaret, Arthur & Maria Masmanian
Peter Nalbandian
Marion Nalbandian
Carolyn Nalbandian Dinsmoor
Wayne & Maryann Nalbandian
James, Carolyn & Jessica Nalbandian
Gladys Hagopian
Her Loving Family
Hokehankist (Requiem Service) This morning after the Divine Liturgy,
we offer our prayers for these departed servants.
Beverly Saradarian Abdella
Dr. George O. and Dorothy L. Howe
3rd Year Anniversary
Requested by:
Michael, Lisa and Allison Mamishian;
Charles, Adam and Conrad Howe;
Margaret Masmanian; Melanie, Emily,
Aram Bedrosian and Jean Osachuk; Valerie
and Timothy Day; Arthur and Maria
Requested by:
Gail Saradarian
Gladys Hagopian
15th Year Anniversary
Requested by:
Jake Hagopian; Jeff and Lisa Larocca;
Susan Hamilton, Lilly and Jake
Garabed and Rose Masmanian
Haig Mamishian
Khacher Mamishian
Requested by: Margaret Masmanian;
Arthur and Maria Masmanian;
Michael, Lisa and Allison Mamishian;
Melanie, Emily, Aram Bedrosian and Jean
Osachuk; Valerie and Tim Day
Michael and Rose K. Mamishian
Requested by:
Michael, Lisa and Allison Mamishian;
Valerie and Timothy Day; Melanie,
Emily, Aram Bedrosian and Jean
Osachuk; Margaret Masmanian; Arthur
and Maria Masmanian; Charles, Adam
and Conrad Howe
Peter Nalbandian
Marion Nalbandian
Carolyn (Nalbandian) Dinsmoor
Requested by:
Wayne and Mary Ann Nalbandian, James,
Carolyn and Jessica; Violet Nalbandian;
Arnold Yazijian
Karekin Bilazarian
Requested by:
Joan Handleman; David, Lynn and
Zachary Handleman; Richard and Phyllis
Bilazarian; Peter and Robin Bilazarian
May God grant peace to their souls
and comfort to their loved ones.
Re m e m b e r i n P r ay e r
Suzanne Aharonian - Sunbridge Nursing Home
Minas Arakelian - At Home
Ruth Aroian - Willows Health Center
Joseph (Joey) Aslanian - At Home
Haroutune Bilazarian - Oakdale Nursing Home
Queene Bilzerian - Holy Trinity Nursing Home
Charlotte Calfaian - Tatnuck Park @ Worcester
Ann Choolfaian-Christopher House
Hazel Eljanian - Shrewsbury Nursing Home
Sadie Garabedian - Christopher House
Elda Malesky - Christopher House
Anna Shadbegian - At Home
Irene Shooshan - Beaumont Nursing Home
Susan Vires-Christopher House
Virginia Zakarian - Eisenberg Assisted Living
Today’s Fellowship is hosted by
The Mamishian and
Masmanian Families
In Memory Of
Michael and Rose Mamishian
Garabed and Rose Masmanian
Dr. George and Dorothy Howe
Haig Mamishian
Khacher Mamishian
Please join us in the Church Hall
after Church Services.
The Armenian Church of Our Saviour
Men’s Club invites you to attend their
Monday, November 8, 2010
6:00PM Appetizers
6:30PM Dinner
DONATION: $9.00 per person with reservation.
Guest Speaker: Haig Deranian, Immediate Past
Grand Commander, Knights of Vartan
MENU: Kheyma, Salad or
Baked Chicken & Pilaf, Salad
Both meals include soda, coffee, dessert
Please RSVP by November 7, 2010 with your meal
selection to Jay Kapur (508) 792-9596 (Leave a
message) or email: [email protected]
Sunday, November 21st
r re
Delicious Thanksgiving dinner
with all the trimmings!
Mail in the reservation form or call the Parish Office 508-756-2931
Join us immediately after Church Services and meet our current group of
energetic ACYOA members to learn about their upcoming events.
Michael Arakelian, Chairman
Tim Wasgatt, Vice-Chairman
Zaven Donoian, Treasurer
Ani Mikitarian, Secretary
Julie Arakelian, Corresponding Secretary
The Nominating Committee members are seeking candidates for the following committees; Parish
Council, Auditing Committee, Nominating Committee, and Memorial Endowment. Give us a call
if you’re interested, or let us know if you know someone who might be. Please feel free to contact
any Nominating Committee member below.
Nancy Bedrosian, Chairman
Beth Bedrosian
Jay Kapur
Susan Atamian 508-842-4717
Barry Bilzerian 508-854-1053