Midterm Exam Review

Midterm Exam Review
4. the Pope drew the Line of Demarcation where he did because this nation had already claimed Brazil
6. must be greater than imports for a nation to have a favorable balance of trade
7. Napoleon attempted to ________ Britain, in an attempt to starve them into submission. His plan, however,
9. led uprisings throughout Europe to overthrow monarchies; wanted change
10. the philosophers ideas of natural rights and separation of powers led to the decline of ___________ as people
began demanding constitutions and representative forms of government
12. became the leading religion throughout the world because of European exploration
15. if this had never occurred, governments would probably still be ruled by kings and queens today
17. this war lead to limited governments throughout the world as other nations used the English Bill of Rights as
a model for their own constitutions
20. Europeans colonized the Americas, but not Africa. In Africa, they only wanted one thing: Africans. Name the
23. social imbalance, weak ruler, and debt are the 3 ______ of the French Revolution
25. this Revolution transformed England into a constitutional monarchy.
26. love for one's own country
28. Prussia was strong and powerful. We know they were this. Piedmont was also strong and powerful, so we can
infer that perhaps they were also.
29. ______ and Christianity were the 2 main reasons European nations went exploring
1. technological and scientific __________ allowed Europeans to navigate and dominate the world during the Age of
2. ___________ are the key in mercantilism. Mother countries benefit from having these, as their exports go back
to mother countries and the mother countries make the profits
3. companies have a large ______ of goods when they believe there will be a large demand for those goods
5. philosophers like Locke, Rousseau, and Montesquieu, as well as scientists like Galileo, were often disliked by
churches and governments, because they challenged this
8. in the 17th & 18th centuries, economies moved from feudalism to this, as merchants tried to make huge profits
11. his ideas of separation of powers can be seen in our US constitution
13. took France to the height of their power, practically tripling France's size
14. When Peter the Great forced men to cut their beards, he took this away from them
16. mestizo priest who led independence movement in Mexico against Spain
18. this Revolution led to major disputes between church and science
19. Copernicus and Galileo's ideas upset this, as this group feared their followers would begin to disbelieve
other church teachings
21. this form of government is often ruled by a king or dictator, and the citizens have no rights
22. social class _________ were issues in both the Latin American independence movements as well as the French
Revolution, as people were tired of being treated unfairly because of their social class standing
24. most Latin American nations gained their independence from this country, because it explored and colonized
most of the land there
27. Europeans treated Native Americans and Africans as this, which means "beneath," yet they treated Asians as
their equals