Similes and Metaphors – Fahrenheit 451: Assignment Part I 1. Using

Similes and Metaphors – Fahrenheit 451: Assignment Part I
1. Using your book, find ten examples of figurative language and write
them below. Label each one as to what type of figurative language is
being used. (ex: simile or metaphor)
2. When this is complete, please get a copy of the next assignment and
1. _________________________________________________________
10. _________________________________________________________
Which ones are your favorites? Choose two that you can easily picture in
your mind. _____________________ and _________________________
(just indicate the numbers)
Illustrated Metaphor/Simile Assignment – Fahrenheit 451
Author Ray Bradbury uses a great deal of figurative language (metaphors, similes,
personification) throughout the novel Fahrenheit 451. Some of these lines are incredibly visual
(as you discovered in your hunting for them). Your job for this assignment is to choose two of
the similes or metaphors from your list and illustrate them.
Examples (do not use these):
 (p. 117) “The books leaped and danced like roasted birds, their wings ablaze with
red and yellow feathers.”
 (p. 121) “The other was like a chunk of burnt pine log he was carrying along as a
penance for some obscure sin.”
 “Faber was a gray moth asleep in his ear for a moment.”
1) Consider what image you get in your mind when you read these lines.
2) Brainstorm ways that you can put this into a drawing, cartoon, collage etc.
3) Take a piece of paper (folded in half) and illustrate both of your choices.
4.) Neatly fill the entire square with your image and color.
5.) The quote should be neatly written or typed to fit at the bottom of the page.
Due: Wednesday, March 27
Possible Points: 24pts.