~°grZ H°$W{bH$ H$mo-Am°n. ~±H$ {b.(eoS>蓹蕦> ~±H$)

~°grZ H°$W{bH$ H$mo-Am°n. ~±H$ {b. (eoS>çwëS> ~±H$)
Z§XImb emIm, Z§XImb, nmoñQ> AmJmer, Vm. dgB©, {O.-nmbKa (E‘.Eg.)-401301.
Xÿa. H«$. : 0250 2328326, 0250 2322053.
{dH«$s gyMZm
gyMZm ¶mÛmao OZVobm ¶mgmR>r XoʶmV ¶oVo H$s, ¶oWo d{U©boë¶m ñWmda {‘iH$VrMm {g³¶w[aQ>m¶PoeZ A°ÝS> [aH$ÝñQ´>³eZ Am°’$ ’$m¶ZmpÝe¶b
A°goQ>g² A°ÝS> EÝ’$mog©‘|Q> Am°’$ {g³¶w[aQ>r B§Q>aoñQ> A°³Q>, 2002 À¶m H$b‘ 13(4) Zwgma àm{YH¥$V A{YH$mè¶m§Ûmao à˶j H$ãOm KoVbm
AgyZ Imbrb Z‘yX AQ>r Am{U eVvda gXa gyMZoVrb VmarI, ñWi Am{U doir OZVoH$Sy>Z “Oo Amho OoWo Amho, Oo Amho Ogo Amho
Am{U H$moU˶mhr {dZmVH«$mar VÎdmda” OZVoH$Sy>Z àñVmd ‘mJdyZ {dH«$s H$aʶmV ¶oB©b. Imbr A{YH$ {deofV: d{U©boë¶m
{‘iH$VrÀ¶m IaoXrH$[aVm OZVoH$Sy>Z ‘mohmoa~§X nm{H$Q>mVyZ àñVmd ‘mJ{dV AmhoV :A.
H$O©XmamMo Zmd (EZnrE)
‘mJUr gyMZoà‘mUo
{‘iH$VrMo dU©Z
WH$sV a³H$‘ (é.)
(1) ‘o. ‘oS>rhmB©Q²>g hoëWHo$Aa 4,42,43,399/- Z{gªJ hmo‘ {‘iH$V H«$. ~r/5,
(àm) {b. Am{U Aݶ
~r qdJ‘Yrb Vi‘Obm Am{U
gr/6 Vi‘Obm Am{U gr/17
‘o. ‘oS>rhmB©Q²>g hoëWHo$Aa
5,35,12,614/- 1 bm ‘Obm gr qdJ‘Yrb
(àm) {b. Am{U Aݶ
A°PåßeZ ìhçy grEMEg {b.
‘o. ‘oS>rhmB©Q²>g lrOr
‘Yrb, E‘. Or. amoS>bJV, g|Q>
1,77,36,685/hoëWHo$Aa hm°pñnQ>b (àm)
Omogo’$ emiog‘moa, H$m§{Xdbr
(npíM‘), ‘w§~B© - 400 067,
11,54,92,698/- ‘moO‘m{nV joÌ 2241 Mm¡.’y$Q>
(2) S>m°. erVb gr. emh Am{U
31,75,502/- âb°Q> H«$. S>r/501, 5 dm ‘Obm,
d§¥XmdZ grEMEg {b., {~pëS>¨J
H«$. 3, am‘~mJ boZ, nmoB©ga,
~mo[adbr (n), {nZ-400 092,
joÌ ‘moO. 726 Mm¡. ’y$.
amIrd qH$‘V
{bbmd Am{U {ZarjUmMr
Am{U BAa
VmarI Am{U doi
4,58,59,000/- {XZm§H$ 11 ‘o, 2017 amoOrg g.
(amIrd qH$‘V)
11.00 dm. {bbmd
45,58,000/{XZm§H$ 21 E{àb amoOrg g.
11.00 Vo Xþ. 1.00 amoOrg
1,04,36,000/- {XZm§H$ 11 ‘o, 2017 amoOrg Xþ.
(amIrd qH$‘V)
12.00 dm. {bbmd
10,43,600/{XZm§H$ 21 E{àb amoOrg g.
11.00 Vo Xþ. 1.00 amoOrg
(~) VmaU YZH$mo§Mm nÎmm:- ~°grZ H°$W{bH$ H$mo-Am°n. ~±H$ {b., (eoS>çwëS> ~±H$), Z§XImb emIm, Z§XImb, nmoñQ> AmJmer, Vm.
dgB©, {Oëhm-nmbKa (E‘.Eg) - 401301.
(H$) {dH«$r H$aʶmV ¶oUmè¶m {‘iH$VrÀ¶m dgwbrH$[aVm VmaU H$O©:- AZwH«$‘m§H$ 1 H$[aVm é. 11,54,92,698/- (én¶o
AH$am H$moQ>r> MmonÞ bmI ã¶mÊUd hOma ghmeo AÇ>çmÊUd ’$º$) 01.08.2013 amoOrÀ¶m ‘mJUr gyMZoà‘mUo 01/08/2013
nmgyZ ^{dî¶mVrb ì¶mO d Aݶ AmH$mam§gh Am{U AZw. H«$. 2 H$[aVm, é. 31,75,502/- (én¶o EH$Vrg bmI n§À¶mhÎma hOma
nmMeo XmoZ ‘mÌ) {XZm§H$ 20/06/2013 amoOrÀ¶m ‘mJUr gyMZoZwgma À¶mgh {XZm§H$ 21/06/2013 nmgyZMo ^{dî¶mVrb ì¶mO Am{U
BVa à^ma.
(S>) OZVoH$Sy>Z àmá àñVmd CKS>ʶmMr VmarI, doi Am{U ñWi:AZw. H«$. 1 H$[aVm 11/05/2017 amoOr g. 11.00 dm. Am{U AZw. H«$. 2 H$[aVm {XZm§H$ 11/05/2017 amoOrg Xþ. 12.00
dm. ~°grZ H°$W{bH$ H$mo-Am°n. ~±H$ {b., (eoS>çwëS> ~±H$), H°$W{bH$ ~±H$ {~pëS>¨J, nmnS>r ZmH$m, nmnS>r, dgB© (npíM‘),
{dH«$sgmR>r AQ>r Am{U eVu :1. ‘mohmoa~§X nm{H$Q>mVrb àñVmd AZw. H«$. 1 H$[aVm ""~°grZ H°$W{bH$ H$mo-Am°n. ~±H$ {b. ImVo ‘ogg© ‘oS>rhmB©Q²>g lrOr
hoëWHo$Aa hm°pñnQ>ëg àm.{b.'' Am{U AZw. H«$. 2 H$[aVm ""~°grZ H°$W{bH$ H$mo-Am°n. ~±H$ {b. ImVo lr‘. erVb gr. emh''
¶m§À¶m Zmdo {S>‘m§S> S´>mâQ>/no Am°S>©a ñdénmV AZwH«$‘m§H$ 1 H$[aVm é. 45,58,000/- (én¶o n§MoMmirg bmI AÇ>mdÞ hOma ’$º$)
Am{U AZwH«$‘m§H$ 2 H$[aVm é.10,43,600/- (én¶o Xhm bmI ÌoMmirg hOma ghmeo ‘mÌ) À¶m Bgmam AZm‘V aH$‘ogh (BAa)
àm{YH¥$V A{YH$mè¶m§Zm CÔoeyZ {bhmdo Am{U gXa àm{YH¥$V A{YH$mar ~°grZ H°$W{bH$ H$mo-Am°n. ~±H$ {b. (eoS>çwëS> ~±H$), ‘w»¶ H$m¶m©b¶,
H°$W{bH$ ~±H$ {~pëS>¨J, nmnS>r, Vm. dgB©, {Oëhm nmbKa (E‘.Eg.)-401207 ¶m§Zm {bbmdmÀ¶m {ZpíMV doioÀ¶m EH$ Vmg AmYr XmIb
H$amdo. àñVmd ’$m°‘© ho é. 200/- À¶m Xo¶mda àm{YH¥$V A{YH$mè¶m§H$S>o CnbãY AmhoV.
2. nmanÌ, ‘VXmZ AmoiInÌ, S´>m¶pìh¨J nadmZm, Am¶H$a {d^mJmÛmao {ZJ©{‘V n°Z H$mS>© Aem N>m¶màV AmoiI nwamì¶m§À¶m gmjm§{H$V
àVr dm H$mD§$Q>agmB©ÝS> àVrgh AWdm ~±H$ ñdrH¥$Vr XoB©b Aem BVa d¡Y N>m¶màV AmoiInÌ nwamì¶mgh àñVmd AgUo Amdí¶H$ Amho.
3. àñVmd g‘m{dï> ‘mohmoa~§X nmH$sQ> ""hm°pñnQ>b {‘iH$VrÀ¶m IaoXrH$[aVm AZw. H«$. 1 H$[aVm àñVmd, {Zdmgr âb°Q>À¶m
IaoXrH$[aVm AZw. H«$. 2 H$[aVm àñVmd'' Ago R>iH$ Ajam§V {bhmdo.
4. BAa{edm¶ àñVmd VS>H$m’$S>H$s ’o$Q>miʶmV ¶oVrb.
5. BAaH$[aVm S>rS>r/nrAmo {bbmdmÀ¶m VmaIon¶ªV dgyb H$aVm ¶oUma ZmhrV Am{U A¶eñdr {Z{dXmH$mam§Zm naV H$aʶmV ¶oVrb. BAa
aH$‘oda H$moUVohr ì¶mO {Xbo OmUma Zmhr.
6. {dH«$sH$[aVm ‘mohmoa~§X àñVmd AZw. H«$. 1 H$[aVm 11/05/2017 amoOr g. 11.00 Am{U AZw. H«$. 2 H$[aVm {XZm§H$
11/05/2017 amoOrg Xþ. 12.00 dm. CnpñWV AgUmè¶m àñVmdH$mam§À¶m CnpñWVrV ~±Ho$À¶m àm{YH¥$V A{YH$mè¶m§Ûmao CKS>ʶmV
¶oVrb. àm{YH¥$V A{YH$mè¶m§À¶m ñdoÀN>m{ZU©¶mZo ~mobr CKS>ë¶mZ§Va ˶m§À¶m BÀN>oZo ~mobr a¸$‘ dmT>{dʶmMr Am{U/dm A§VJ©V ~mobrgmR>r
àñVmdH$mam§Zm g§‘Vr XoʶmV ¶oB©b.
7. ¶eñdr àñVmdH$ma/~mobrXmam§Zr ˶mÀ¶m/{VÀ¶m Zmdo Pmboë¶m {dH«$sda Ëd[aV ~mobr aH$‘oÀ¶m 25% (BAagh) AZm‘V a¸$‘ O‘m
H$amdr. H$gyadma R>aë¶mg, BAa a¸$‘ Oá H$aʶmV ¶oB©b. Cd©[aV ~mobr a¸$‘ ({dH«$s ‘yë¶) {dH«$sÀ¶m ñWm¶rH$aUmÀ¶m VmaIonmgyZ 15
{Xdgm§V dm àm{YH¥$V A{YH$mè¶m§Ûmao {d{hV H$moU˶mhr BVa VmaIobm ^amdr.
8. ¶eñdr àñVmdH$ma/~mobrXma {dH«$sÀ¶m ñWm¶rH$aUmÀ¶m VmaIonmgyZ 15 {Xdgm§V dm àm{YH¥$V A{YH$mè¶m§Ûmao {d{hV H$moU˶mhr BVa
VmaIobm ~mobr aH$‘oÀ¶m 75% Cd©[aV a¸$‘ ^aʶmg H$gyadma R>aë¶mg, ˶mÀ¶m/{VÀ¶mÛmao O‘m Ho$bobr a¸$‘ Oá H$aʶmV ¶oB©b Am{U
~±Ho$bm nwÝhm {‘iH$VrMr {dH«$s H$aʶmMo ñdmV§Í¶ Agob. H$gyadma àñVmdH$ma/~mobrXma {bbmd {‘iH$Vrda Am{U ˶m§À¶mÛmao O‘m
Ho$boë¶m aH$‘oda Xmdm H$ê$ eH$V ZmhrV.
9. ¶eñdr àñVmdH$ma/~mobrXma ¶m§Zm {bbmd Ho$boë¶m {‘iH$Vrer OmoS>bobo gd© H$m¶Xm/AZwf§{JH$ IM© Ogo ‘wÐm§H$ ewëH$, Zm|XUr
ewëH$, ñWm{ZH$ H$a, H$mo-Am°n. gmogm¶Q>rMr WH$~mH$s, drO WH$~mH$s, d¡Ym{ZH$ WH$~mH$s Am{U/dm BVa H$moUVrhr WH$~mH$s ^amdr
10. VmaU YZH$mo/~±Ho$Ûmao ‘§OwarAYrZ {dH«$s Amho.
11. H$moUVohr H$maU Z Xe©{dVm gd© dm H$moUVohr àñVmd/~mobr ’o$Q>miʶmMm Am{U/dm CKS>bobo ‘mohmoa~§X àñVmd nwT>o T>H$bUo dm aÔ
H$aʶmMm h¸$ àm{YH¥$V A{YH$mar amIyZ R>odV AmhoV.
12. nyd©gyMZo{edm¶ {dH«$sÀ¶m gyMZoÀ¶m AQ>r Am{U eVu ~XbʶmMm h¸$ ñdoÀN>m{ZU©¶mZo àm{YH¥$V A{YH$mar amIyZ R>odV AmhoV.
13. {‘iH$VrMo {ZarjU BÀNw>H$ nj AZw. H«$. 1 Am{U 2 H$[aVm 21/04/2017 amoOr g. 11.00 Vo Xþ. 1.00 Xaå¶mZ H$ê$ eH$Vrb.
14. BÀNw>H$ njm§Zr H$moU˶mhr nwT>rb Vn{ebmH$[aVm H$moU˶mhr H$m‘mÀ¶m {Xder H$m¶m©b¶rZ doioV ~°grZ H°$W{bH$ H$mo-Am°n. ~±H$ {b.
(eoS>çwëS> ~±H$), ‘w»¶ H$m¶m©b¶, H°$W{bH$ ~±H$ {~pëS>¨J, nmnS>r, Vm. dgB©, {Oëhm nmbKa (E‘.Eg.)-401207 Xÿa.H«$.: (0250)
2328326, 0250 2322053 ¶m§Zm g§nH©$ gmYmdm.
(gXa gyMZm {g³¶w[aQ>r B§Q>aoñQ> (EÝ’$mog©‘|Q>) éëgÀ¶m {Z¶‘ 8 À¶m Cn {Z¶‘ (6) AÝd¶o H$O©Xma/h‘rXmam§Zm gyMZm Agë¶mMo J¥hrV
YaʶmV ¶mdo.)
ghr/{XZm§H$ : 3 E{àb, 2017
àm{YH¥$V A{YH$mar
ñWi : dgB©, nmbKa
~°grZ H°$W{bH$ H$mo-Am°n. ~±H$ {b. (eoS>çwëS> ~±H$).
Bassein Catholic Co-op Bank Ltd. (Scheduled Bank)
Nandakhal Branch, Nandakhal, Post Agashi. Tal-Vasai, Dist-Palghar (M.S.) 401 301
Tel. No. :- 0250 2328326, 0250 2322053.
Notice to the public is hereby given to the effect that the immovable property described herein which has
been taken in physical possession thereof by the Authorised Officer in pursuance of Section 13 (4) of the
Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002 will
be sold by inviting offers from the public on "AS IS WHERE IS, AS IS WHAT IS AND ON NO COMPLAIN
BASIS" on the date, place and time mentioned in this notice on the terms and conditions mentioned below.
Offers in sealed covers are invited from the public for the purchase of the property more-fully described
below :Sr. Name of Borrower
Amt. O/S
As Per
M/S. Mediheights
Healthcare (P)
Ltd. & Others
M/S. Mediheights
Healthcare (P)
Ltd. & Others
M/S. Mediheights
Shreeji Healthcare
Hospital (P) Ltd.
Dr. Sheetal C.
Shah & Others
Description of Property
Price &
Auction &
Date & Time
Nursing Home Premises 4,58,59,000/No. B/5 Ground Floor in B
Wing & C/6 Ground Floor &
Price) &
C/17 1st Floor in C-Wing in 45,58,000/Assumption View Chs Ltd.
off M. G. Road, Opp. St.
Joseph School, Kandiwali
(West), Mumbai-400 067
admeasuring area 2241 sq.
ft. Built up
Auction on
11th May 2017
at 11.00 a.m.
Inspection on
21st April from
11 a.m to
1 p.m
Flat No. D/501, 5th Floor, 1,04,36,000/Vrundawan CHS Ltd.,
Building No. 3, Rambaug
Price) &
Lane, Poisur, Boriwali (W), 10,43,600/Pin-400092 Area adms. 726
sq. ft. Built Up.
Auction on
11th May 2017
at 12.00 Noon
Inspection on
21st April from
11 a.m. to
1 p.m.
[B] Address of the Secured Creditor :- Bassein Catholic Co-op. Bank Ltd. (Scheduled Bank), Nandakhal
Branch, Nandadakhal, Post Aagashi, Tal-Vasai, Dist-Palghar (M.S.)-401 301.
[C] The Secured debt for Recovery of which the property is to be sold :- for serial No. 1, for Rs.
11,54,92,698/- (Rupees Eleven Crore Fifty Four Lacs Ninety Two Thousand Six Hundred Ninety Eight
Only) as per Demand Notices Dtd. 01.08.2013 with future interest and other charges. w.e.f. 01/08/2013 and
for Sr. No. 2, Rs. 31,75,502/- (Thirty One lacs Seventy Five Thousasnd Five Hundred Two Only) as per
Demand Notice Dated 20/6/2013 with further interest and other charges w.e.f. 21/06/2013.
[D] Date, time and place of opening of offers received from public :For Sr. No. 1. On 11/05/2017 at 11 a.m. and for Sr. No. 2 On 11/05/2017 at 12 noon at Bassein Catholic
Bank Building (Schedule Bank), Catholic Bank Building, Papdy Naka, Papdy, Vasai (West) Vasai.
TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE :1) offers in sealed covers addressed to the Authorised Officer should be accompanied with the Earnest
Money Deposit (EMD) of Rs. 45,58,000/- (Rs. Forty Five Lacs, Fifty Eight thousand) for SERIAL NO. 1
& Rs. 10,43,600/- (Rs.Ten lacs Forty Three Thousand Six Hundred Only) For Serial No. 2, by way of a
Demand Draft/Pay Order favouring "Bassein Catholic Co-op Bank Ltd. A/c - M/s. Mediheights Shreeji
Health Care Hospitals Pvt ltd." for Sr. No. 1 and "Bassein Catholic Co-op Bank Ltd. A/c - Mrs.Sheetal
C. Shah." for Sr. No. 2 and same may be submitted to The Authorised Officer, Bassein Catholic Co-op.
Bank Ltd. (Scheduled Bank), Head Office, Catholic Bank Bldg., Papdy, Tal-Vasai, Dist-Palghar (M.S), 401
207 before one hour of the time fixed for auction. The offer form is available with Authorised officer on payment of Rs. 200/-.
2) The offer should also be accompanied with the self attested or countersigned copy of photo identity proof
such as passport, Voters ID, driving license, PAN Card issued by Income Tax Department, or such other
valid photo identity proof as may be acceptable to the Bank.
3) The sealed covers containing the offer should be superscribed as For Sr. No. 1 "Offer For Purchase of
Hospital Premises, For. Sr. No. 2" Offer for purchase of Residential Flat.
4) The offers received without EMD will be summarily rejected.
5) The DD/PO for EMD will not be encashed/realised till the date of auction and returned to unsuccessful
offerers. The EMD amount will not carry any interest.
6) The sealed offers for sale will be opened by the Authorised Officer of the Bank in presence of the offerer(s) who are present on 11/05/2017 at 11 a.m. for Sr. No. 1 and on 11/05/2017 at 12 Noon for Sr. No.
2. The Authorised Officer at his discretion may allow the offerer(s) to bid inter se and or / to enhance the
bid amount in multiples of his choice once the bids are opened.
7) Successful offerer / bidder should deposit 25% of the bid amount (including the EMD) immediatley on the
sale being knocked down in his/her favour, failing which the EMD amount will be forfeited. The balance bid
amount (Sale price) to be remitted within 15 days from the date of confirmation of the sale or any other date
specified by the Authorised Officer.
8) lf the successful offerer/bidder fails to remit the balance 75% of the bid amount within 15 days from the
date of confirmation of sale or any other date specified by the Authorised Officer, the amount deposited by
him/her shall be forfeited and the Bank will be at liberty to sell the property once again. The defaulting offerer/bidder shall have no claim on the amount deposited by him and on the property auctioned.
9) The successful offerer/bidder shall bear all the legal/incidental expenses like stamp duty, registration fees,
local taxes, Co-op. Society's dues, electricity dues, statutory dues and/or any other dues attached to the
property auctioned.
10) The sale is subjected to the confirmation by the secured creditor/Bank.
11) The Authorised Officer reserves the right to reject all or any of the offers/bids without assigning any reason and/or shall have the right to postpone or cancel the opening of the sealed offers.
12) The Authorised Officer reserves his right to vary any of the terms and conditions of this Notice of Sale
without prior notice, at his discretion.
13) The interested parties may take inspection of the property on 21/04/2017 between 11:00 A.M. and 1:00
P. M. for Serial No. 1 & 2.
14) The intending parties may contact Bassein Catholic Co-op. Bank Ltd. (Scheduled Bank), Head Office,
Catholic Bank Bldg., Papdy, Tal-Vasai, Dist-Palghar (M.S.), 401 207, Tel. No. 0250 2328326, 0250 2322053
and for any further details during the office hours on any working day.
[This notice shall also be considered as notice to the borrowers/guarantors under Sub Rule (6) of the Rule
(8) of the Security Interest (Enforcement) Rules].
Sd/PLACE : Vasai, Palghar
DATE : 3rd April, 2017