Geography Challenge - Age of Exploration (1)

Geography Challenge: The Age of Exploration
Geography Challenge: The Age of Exploration (pgs. 372-373)
1. Which explorer was the first to establish a sea route to Asia? For which European country did he sail?
• On Your Map! Use the correct color to trace the route of this voyage. Label it with the explorer’s name and the year(s) of the voyage.
2. Which explorer was the first to sail to the east coast of South America? For which European country did he sail?
• On Your Map! Use the correct color to trace the route of this entire voyage. Label it with the name of the explorer and the year(s) of
the voyage.
3. Which explorer was the first to sail to the Caribbean Islands, between North and South America? For which country did he sail?
• On Your Map! Use the correct color to trace the route of this voyage. Label it with the explorer’s name and the year(s) of the voyage.
4. Which country sent conquistadores to explore and conquer the lands of the Aztecs and Incas in North and South America? Who were
these explorers?
• On Your Map! Use the correct color to trace the route of these expeditions. Label them with the explorers’ names and the year(s).
5. By 1600, on which continents did Spain claim territory?
• On Your Map! Use the correct color to shade and label the areas claimed by Spain.
6. Which European countries during this period sent explorers to North America’s east coast? Name three of these explorers.
• On Your Map! Use the correct color to trace the route of these voyages. Label each with the explorer’s name and the year(s) of the