U.S. History Curriculum Map Unit 13: Modern America Enduring

U.S. History Curriculum Map
Unit 13: Modern America
Enduring Themes:
Technological Innovation
Conflict and Change
Individuals, Groups, Institutions
Time Frame: 12 days
SSUSH21. The student will explain the impact of technological development and economic growth on the United
States, 1945-1975.
a. Describe the baby boom and its impact as shown by Levittown and the Interstate Highway Act.
b. Describe the impact television has had on American culture; include the presidential debates (Kennedy/Nixon,
1960) and news coverage of the Civil Rights Movement.
c. Analyze the impact of technology on American life; include the development of the personal computer and the
expanded use of air conditioning.
SSUSH25. The student will describe changes in national politics since 1968.
a. Describe President Richard M. Nixon’s opening of China, his resignation due to the Watergate scandal, changing
attitudes toward government, and the Presidency of Gerald Ford.
c. Explain the Carter administration’s efforts in the Middle East; include the Camp David Accords, his response to
the 1979 Iranian Revolution, and the Iranian hostage crisis.
d. Describe domestic and international events of Ronald Reagan’s presidency; include Reaganomics, the Iran-contra
scandal, and the collapse of the Soviet Union.
e. Explain the relationship between Congress and President Bill Clinton; include the North American Free Trade
Agreement and his impeachment and acquittal.
f. Analyze the 2000 presidential election and its outcome, emphasizing the role of the electoral college.
g. Analyze the response of President George W. Bush to the attacks of September 11, 2001, on the United States,
the war against terrorism, and the subsequent American interventions in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Unit Essential Question:
How did life and politics change in the United States during the modern era?
Unit Resources:
Unit 13 Student Content Map
Unit 13 Vocabulary PowerPoint
Unit 13 Study Guide
Unit 13 Assessment Items
Unit 13 Remediation Guide
Concept 1
Concept 2
Development of the Modern Era
Modern Presidencies
Concept 1: Development of the Modern Era
SSUSH21. The student will explain the impact of technological development and economic growth on the
United States, 1945-1975.
a. Describe the baby boom and its impact as shown by Levittown and the Interstate Highway Act.
b. Describe the impact television has had on American culture; include the presidential debates
(Kennedy/Nixon, 1960) and news coverage of the Civil Rights Movement.
c. Analyze the impact of technology on American life; include the development of the personal computer
and the expanded use of air conditioning.
Lesson EQ: How did new technology and economic growth contribute to the development of the
modern era?
Be Able To Do (DOK 2-3)
 Baby boom
 The baby boom refers
 Describe the baby boom
to the spike in the birth
 Levittown
 Describe the impact of the
rate in the years
baby boom
 Interstate Highway Act
 Describe the impact
 Television/American
 Part of the impact of
television has had on
American culture
 Kennedy/Nixon televised
included the growth of
 Analyze the impact of
technology on American
 News coverage of Civil
Rights Movement
of the “cookie cutter”
 Impact of technology
frame work for
 Personal computer
 Air conditioning
neighborhoods that
were built in the 1950s.
The Interstate Highway
Act was part of
Eisenhower’s defense
plan to connect the U.S.
by a system of
highways. This new
roads also led to the
growth of new suburbs.
 Television had a huge
impact on American
life. By the 1950s,
television was the main
source of information,
advertisement and
entertainment for
 Television also had a
huge impact on politics.
For example, the
televised debates
helped Kennedy win
the election of 1960.
Also, news coverage of
the civil rights
I Do (Teacher Point)
Use Unit 13 Student Content Map
to introduce the Essential
Question, Standards, and
Vocabulary for the Lesson (EQ#1).
A corresponding PowerPoint for
Vocabulary is linked under Unit
Resources, above.
Modern America PowerPoint
Modern America Guided Notes
Sample Assessment Items:
Modern America Assessment Items
movement led many
Americans to support
the movement.
 The development of air
conditioning made life
during hot months
more comfortable and
led to the growth of
southern cities such as
Atlanta, Houston and
 The development of the
personal computer
began in the 1950s and
has changed
dramatically over the
years. Much like the
television did in the
1950s, the personal
computer (and now
smart phones, etc.)
changed the way
Americans get
advertisements and
We Do (Guided/Differentiated
Modern America Activator
You Do (Independent Practice)
Answer EQ#1 on Unit 13 Student
Content Map. Answer in complete
sentences using the vocabulary of
the standards.
Concept 2: Modern Presidencies
SSUSH25. The student will describe changes in national politics since 1968.
a. Describe President Richard M. Nixon’s opening of China, his resignation due to the Watergate scandal,
changing attitudes toward government, and the Presidency of Gerald Ford.
c. Explain the Carter administration’s efforts in the Middle East; include the Camp David Accords, his
response to the 1979 Iranian Revolution, and the Iranian hostage crisis.
d. Describe domestic and international events of Ronald Reagan’s presidency; include Reaganomics, the
Iran-contra scandal, and the collapse of the Soviet Union.
e. Explain the relationship between Congress and President Bill Clinton; include the North American Free
Trade Agreement and his impeachment and acquittal.
f. Analyze the 2000 presidential election and its outcome, emphasizing the role of the electoral college.
g. Analyze the response of President George W. Bush to the attacks of September 11, 2001, on the United
States, the war against terrorism, and the subsequent American interventions in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Lesson EQ: How have modern presidencies impacted the United States?
- How did Nixon’s presidency impact the United States?
- How did Carter’s presidency impact the United States?
- How did Reagan’s presidency impact the United States?
- How did Clinton’s presidency impact the United States?
- How did George W. Bush’s presidency impact the United States?
Be Able To Do (DOK 2-3)
 Nixon’s opening of China
 Despite early
 Describe events during
diplomatic success in
Nixon’s presidency
 Nixon’s resignation
his presidency (opened
 Describe the Presidency of
 Watergate scandal
up diplomatic and trade
Gerald Ford
 Changing attitudes toward
 Explain events of Carter’s
Nixon’s presidency
 Presidency of Gerald Ford
Describe domestic and
 Jimmy Carter
international events of
 Camp David Accords
Reagan’s presidency
 Carter’s response to 1979
 Explain the relationship
Iranian Revolution
between Congress and
 Iranian hostage crisis
President Bill Clinton
 Ronald Reagan
 Analyze the 2000
 Reaganomics
managed to facilitate
Presidential election
 Iran-contra scandal
the first peace
 Analyze the response of
 Collapse of Soviet Union
agreement between
President George W. Bush
 Bill Clinton
Israel and an Arab
to the attacks of 9/11
nation (Camp David
 Clinton’s impeachment
Accords). However, the
and acquittal
Iranian Hostage crisis
 2000 election
would overshadow
 Electoral college
Carter’s efforts in the
 September 11, 2001
Middle East.
 War on terror
 During Reagan’s
 Intervention in
presidency, the Soviet
Union collapsed
 Intervention in Iraq
(Gorbachev initiated
democratic reforms and
stepped down) and
Reagan’s economic plan
(Reaganomics) included
reducing spending, tax
cuts and increased
defense spending. The
Iran –Contra scandal
involved selling
weapons to Iran in
exchange for the
release of hostages, and
using funds to send
weapons to a
revolutionary group
called the Contras in
Clinton often clashed
with the Republican
controlled Congress
during his presidency,
but did manage get
NAFTA (a trade
agreement between
U.S., Mexico and
Canada) passed.
He was impeached for
perjury and obstruction
of justice but was
acquitted in the Senate
The 2000 election led
many Americans to call
for reform of Electoral
College because George
W. Bush won the
election, even though
Al Gore won the
popular vote.
George W. Bush’s
presidency would be
defined by his response
to the attacks on
September 11, 2001. He
launched a “war on
terror” and increased
national security. U.S.
troops were sent to
Afghanistan to break up
the al-Qaeda terrorist
network. Osama bin
Laden was finally
captured and killed in
2011. The U.S. also
sent troops to Iraq after
I Do (Teacher Point)
Use Unit 13 Student Content Map
to introduce the Essential
Question, Standards, and
Vocabulary for the Lesson (EQ#2EQ#6). A corresponding
PowerPoint for Vocabulary is
linked under Unit Resources,
Sadaam Hussein
refused to allow UN
inspections for
weapons of mass
destruction. His regime
was defeated and he
was captured, tried for
crimes against
humanity and executed.
We Do (Guided/Differentiated
Modern Presidencies Swat
Game (PowerPoint Instructions
and “Game Board”)
Modern Presidents Swat Game
Modern Presidents Matching
Game (same prompts at Swat
Nixon, Ford and Carter
Presidencies PowerPoint
Reagan, Clinton and Bush
Presidencies PowerPoint
Modern Presidencies Guided
Sample Assessment Items:
Modern Presidencies Sample Assessment Items
You Do (Independent Practice)
Answer EQ#2-EQ#6 on Unit 13
Student Content Map. Answer in
complete sentences using the
vocabulary of the standards.