SPRING has sprung. Or has it? Jenny Norman

82 Williams Road
Millicent SA 5280
Phone: 08 8733 4331
Fax: 08 8733 3363
[email protected]
Inside this issue:
From Jenny’s
Care Corner
Leisure &
Just a moment
Calendar of
Coming Events
From Jenny’s Desk
For those of you who don’t already know, I
am resigning from my position as General
Manager/Director of Care in November.
I have been at Boneham Aged Care
Services for 18 years and have enjoyed
every day I have been at work. In that time
I have seen many people
come and go. The staff
have been wonderful and
have supported me one
hundred percent — and the
building has certainly grown!
I will come and visit and make sure you
are all keeping up with your knitting,
cooking and activity skills.
Remember the Fete and Millicent show
are only just around the corner, so it’s
time to get busy.
Well done to Wren gardeners who
have cauliflowers ready to be picked.
Jenny Norman
General Manager/Director of Care
SPRING has sprung. Or has it?
Here in Australia, most of us consider September 1 the first day of
spring. It’s nice and warm too, so there’s every reason to feel
happy and flounce about like a newborn lamb! But technically
speaking, spring hasn’t quite sprung yet. Not if you follow the
astronomical calendar, anyway. In the truest sense, spring starts
on or around September 21 (the date varies by a day or so each year). This is known as
the spring equinox, and it heralds the day when the southern hemisphere receives more
sun than the northern hemisphere. So, it’s not actually spring yet. It is, however, officially
spring according to the people at the Bureau of Meteorology. They say spring starts on
the first day of the month for ease of record keeping and has done so for as long as the
Bureau has been taking records. “If you started making seasons from the 21st to the
21st you’d probably end up confusing people”!
For more information: news.com.au
A warm welcome to Gordon O’Rielly, Jim
Edgcumbe, Valda Bowering, Dennis &
Heather Schultz, Lorraine Boyle and Ida
Nesbitt who have joined us in the past few
months at the facility. Also welcome to
new staff members Maggie Wakelin and
Emma Sorrell. We hope your time with us
will be both enjoyable and satisfying.
Doing nothing is very hard to do... you never
know when you're finished.
Leslie Nielsen
It isn’t the mountains ahead to climb that
wear you out; it’s the pebble in your shoe.
Muhammad Ali
The secret of staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly and lie about your age.
Lucille Ball
Delivering excellence in aged care services that meet or exceed the needs and
expectations of our residents and clients
Page 2
Don’t forget
Exercises on
Wednesdays and
at 9.30am
Hello to all.....AND the warmer weather!!!!
Care Corner
But with a fine mist of yellow pollen over everything
you touch outside, and on the edges of all the puddles,
its a reminder of the hayfever season to come. According to some experts,
both of Immunology and Botany, this year is shaping up to be the worst in a
while, due to the good rains and subsequently, grass growth. When it seeds, it
is the biggest single cause of hayfever.
Hayfever is an inflammation or swelling of the nasal lining, which may cause
congestion, a runny nose, itchy throat, watery or itchy eyes and/or sneezing.
Some nasal sprays work well, for others it might be tablets that are more suitable. However there may be risks associated with these medications, and they
should be discussed with your doctor to work out the best treatment for you.
Bye for now, Anne Rigter CN
Spring into Spring
Finally the sun is shining in the South East with the winter rain and cold weather
behind us. A perfect time to get some sunshine into your rooms into the lounge
and onto your legs and arms. Vitamin D is so important to the health of your
bones, muscles and general health so roll up your sleeves and enjoy the good
health that’s generated. Exercise can also assist with the body’s own Vitamin D
so why not combine some gentle sitting exercises with the sunshine ( remember
to keep your fluids up ).
All Welcome
Tai Chi
on Thursday
mornings at 9.30
with Sandra Ray
If you have any questions or concerns regarding any aspects of your physio
needs then just sing out.
Michael Filsell Physiotherapy Coordinator
Spring is in the air, so we can all start looking forward to going
outside for walks or just sitting in the sun. This is an easy recipe
for a nice warm day, either for lunch or a light dinner.
Kitchen Capers
1 cup SR flour
1 cup bacon pieces
1 red capsicum
2 cups milk
1 cup grated cheese
1 tin crushed pineapple (drained)
4 eggs
1 zucchini (grated)
Place all ingredients together in a bowl, add salt and lemon pepper and mix well. Pour into dish and sprinkle
with parsley and dot with butter. Bake 180ºC for about 45min.
You can also place sliced tomato on top if you wish. Serve with a tossed salad.
Heather and the team in the kitchen
Page 3
What’s New from the Leisure and Lifestyle Team
Let’s hope the warmer weather is
about to shine upon us so we can once
again get outdoors and enjoy the
A big thank you to all who helped with
making the lamingtons —150 dozen
were rolled and dipped this year.
Money raised went towards the Howie
Bros concert which was enjoyed by all.
Well done to all who participated in the
Boneham Mini Olympics with Margaret
Williams being the overall winner
which gave her the gold medal. Lesley
Giddings won silver and Shirley
Buhlmann took out the bronze.
We have some busy times ahead with
Volunteers’ Day on the 20th September when we will say a big thank you
to our wonderful and faithful volunteers
who help out with their many and
varied talents. We will be holding a
training session in the morning
followed by a luncheon in the
Coffee Shop. We hope to see you
Seniors’ Month in
October presents many
events run by the
Wattle Range Council
to attend.
Our annual Fete is on again on
October 15th from 10am - 3pm with
Bric-a-brac, pre-loved clothing, cake
and craft & produce stalls. Any donations are very much appreciated and
can be left at Boneham.
In November we once again will be
having our annual Melbourne Cup
luncheon with sweeps and a Fashion
Parade—and the next day there’s the
start of the show cooking!!
So rest up as we are heading towards
the silly season.
Love to all,
Laughing Lamingtons!
are always needed to
join our team to assist
in various activities for
our residents and also
in the Coffee Shop.
If you are able to help
please contact
Deb Cavanagh
for activities and
Heather Grosser
for the coffee shop
87 334 331
To our wonderful
volunteers already
giving their time… a big
02 Gwen Yates
03 Joan Grosser
03 Sandra Telfer
14 Noel Kent
18 Jean Hart
19 Fred Holding
01 Frank Hibberd
09 Max Skeer
19 Fay Skeer
25 Phyl Humphries
Page 4
Just a moment
03 Jean Bateman
11 Lesley Giddings
15 Jan Riedel
17 Enid Pope
19 Isobel McGrath
The Clever Old Man
One evening an old
farmer decided to go down to the pond,
as he hadn’t been there for a while, and
look it over. He grabbed a five gallon
bucket to bring back some fruit. As he
neared the pond, he heard voices shouting & laughing. As he came closer he
saw it was a bunch of young women
skinny dipping in his pond. He made the
women aware of his presence and they
all went to the deep end. One of the
women shouted to him, “We’re not coming out until you leave!” The old man
frowned, “I didn’t come down here to
watch you ladies or make you get out of
the pond naked” Holding the bucket up
he said, “I’m here to feed the crocodile.”
26 Margaret Williams
Family Forum
For those families new to us, Family Forum is
held on the first Wednesday of every month for
residents and their families. Jenny Norman and
Family Forum at 2.00pm
Absolutely Anything Gift Shop
Men’s Day at the Club 11.30am
Volunteers’ day
Kevin Sporer at 10.30am
Mainly Music at 9.15am
Bobby Dazzler at 10.30
Family Forum at 2.00pm
JD Fashion Shop at 1.30pm
Old Time Dance
Melbourne Cup Luncheon
Family Forum at 2.00pm
Millicent Show visit
Remembrance Day Service
Please refer to your monthly
Activities Programme
for more information
her senior team attend and share information
about what is happening at Boneham.
It also provides an opportunity for residents
and their families to make suggestions or raise
any issues they might have. We look forward to
seeing you at our next meeting.
Just a friendly reminder that
Mary Cecelia Hart Court
and grounds is a No
Smoking area
21 Beryl Moorfoot
21 Shirley Buhlmann
24 Jill Irvine
25 Dennis Schultz
27 Joan Lawrence
We wish them all a
Happy Birthday
We would like to
acknowledge our
hairdresser, Chris, and
thank her for her
contribution to our
residents’ grooming.
She is available
Mondays, Wednesdays
and Fridays .
Please see staff to
make an appointment.
If you purchase new clothes,
please place the items in the
paper bags in the bathroom so
that they can be labelled correctly. Please
also remove from the wardrobe any clothes
that are no longer suitable or do not fit.
Thank you
Café La Fromelles
Opening hours
10am to 3.30pm
for Lunches
Morning and Afternoon Teas
Also open some Public Holidays
The café also stocks stamps, envelopes,
batteries, lollies and chips
for sale in addition to
handmade items by residents.
Anglican 10.30am 1st Wed .
9.30am 2nd Tuesday Diva
6.00pm 2nd Sunday Diva
All Welcome
Comments, Compliments &
We want your suggestions to continually improve our
efforts. Your feedback will play a vital part in assisting
us to develop quality services. We would also like to
know when we do a good job, how we can improve or
provide a better service and whether you are satisfied
with services provided. Ask one of our staff how you
can make a comment, a compliment or a complaint.
The Aged Care Complaints Commissioner provides a
free service for anyone to raise their concerns about
the quality of care or services being delivered to
people receiving aged care services funded by the
Australian Government. Go to
or phone 1800 550 552 for further information.