Year 3 - Holley Park Academy

History/ Geography:
To develop a chronologically secure knowledge of events in
the Stone Age - Where does the Stone Age—Iron Age fit on
a timeline?
To know about the lives of people in different periods, from
the Stone Age to the Iron Age and how it compares to life to
To find out about hunter gatherers and early farmers, the
Bronze Age religion—Stonehenge and Iron Age hill forts.
To identify the main similarities and differences between
societies that existed during the Stone Age, Bronze Age and
Iron Age.
To look at different homes from the Palaeolithic, Mesolithic
and Neolithic times.
To identify where settlements were located - locate Stone
Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age settlements on maps of
different scale.
What features defined these settlements?
Research different types of settlement and land use.
To use maps to find places using both 4 and 6 figure grid
Science: Rocks and Soils:
Year 3
Topic: Stone Age to the Iron Age
Half term: Spring
Children to write a set of instructions teaching people how to
carry out one of the tasks the Stone Age people had to do.
To write a diary entry as either a chief, warrior or villager
from middle Bronze Age.
To write a job advertisement for Iron Age Britons.
To write a report about what life was like during the Stone
Age to Iron Age times.
To read a wide range of fiction and non-fiction texts.
To be able to explore, ask and answer questions about a
range of texts, using the text to locate and evidence
To listen to and discuss a range of texts with others.
To use a dictionary to confirm spellings.
To identify and use a range of nouns & pronouns.
To use time connectives.
To identify and use imperative verbs.
To know what cave paintings are and why they were drawn.
To study examples of cave paintings and create cave
paintings by making and using natural materials and paints.
To look at images of designs and research prehistoric
pots and beakers looking in detail at their shapes and
markings. Consider how the designs were created, and
what tools were available.
To experiment using different techniques to manipulate
clay and create a pot or beaker using appropriate
Look at Bronze Age and Iron Age designs. Design and
make jewellery such as torcs.
Compare and group together different kinds of rocks.
Investigate the properties of different rocks, rating
their permeability, hardness etc.
Describe in simple terms how fossils are formed when
things that have lived are trapped within rock.
Explore different types of soils and what is found in a
soil sample.
Recognise that soils are made from rocks and organic
Consider the properties of flint, chalk and clay and
their use through prehistory for tools, building (wattle
and daub) etc.
To become familiar with 3, 4 and 8 times tables.
To develop confidence in adding and subtracting larger
To recognise symmetry and reflect shapes across a mirror
To draw 2D / Make 3D shapes.
To identify and use right angles.
To identify horizontal, vertical, perpendicular and parallel
To be able to select and use appropriate units of
RE: What is Palm Sunday? To explore the lead up to
Easter in Christianity.
To set personal goals and make realistic plans to
achieve them.
To recognise risk in different situations and know
how to make responsible decisions.
To be aware of feeling of self and others and know
how to make and maintain relationships.
To know how to say simple weather phases.
To learn numbers to 30.
To know the names for clothing.
To continue to develop simple conversation such as
greetings, asking how someone is and introducing self and
PE (Invasion games):
To understand the importance of rules in team games and
to develop skills during a range of team invasion games.
To use word processing to write up texts from class.
To begin to understand what an algorithm is (simple
computer programme leading to something happening).
To use scratch to produce a short animation.
Local author visit (World Book Day).
Use of outdoor area to support learning – collecting
natural materials to help design and make Bronze
Age beakers.
Use of outdoor area to support learning – collecting
soil samples, observing uses for different rocks.
Use voice & instruments with increasing accuracy, control
and expression.
Improvise & compose music.
Listen with attention to detail.
To continue to learn how to play the recorder.
To play clear notes on the recorder and other