Our Donors - Rhode Island Community Food Bank

Individual Donors
Estate of Catherine M. Hill
$50,000 - $99,999
Alpin Chisholm and Mary Beth Annarella
$25,000 - $49,999
Anonymous (3)
Letitia and John Carter
Kenneth and Judy Dionne
Jonathan and Ruth Fain
Eugene and Melina Goldstein
Larry and Jill Goldstein
Stanley and Merle Goldstein
William and Nancy Zeitler
$10,000 - $24,999
Anonymous (5)
Richard and Karen Black
Estate of Thomas J. Broccoli
Diane and Gib Conover
Peter and Deborah Coop
Robert and Polly Daly
Charles Fradin
Arnold and Florence Friedman
Bob Gerber
Lynn and Dezi Halmi
Michael and Danielle Haxton
Virginia L. Lacy
Leslie and Bryan Lorber
Eugene and Renae Martin
Margaret A. Marty
Charles McCoy and Lory
Susan and William McNamara
Kenneth and Jody Miller
Debra and Charles Mitchell
Carol A. Peterson
Thomas* and Gisela Rodgers
Larry and Barbara Schoenfeld
Henry and Peggy Sharpe/Sharpe
Family Foundation
David Szerlag and Laura
Bruce and Carol Waterson
$5,000 - $9,999
Anonymous (5)
Gussie Baxt
Cyril and Anita Buckley
Theodore and Marilyn Colvin
Kristin A. DeKuiper
Kathleen Doherty
Eric and Dana Falk
Michelle Forcier
Jonathan and Rita Gewirz
Vera I. Gierke
Dan and Lisa Goldstein
Philip Gould and Athena Poppas
Brian and Jamie Gross
Alexis B. Hafken
Almon and Suzanne Hall
Richard and Lorilyn Hall
H. David and Susan Hibbitt
Andrew and Jennifer Jencks
Marie Langlois and John Loerke
Robert and Patricia Laut
Peter and Deborah Lipman
Kristen Gower
Bob, Cheryl and Erin Mahoney
Tanya and Scott Martin
Gary S. Mason
Maria A. Masse
Linda Mathewson
Norman and Dorothy McCulloch
Kathleen McKeough and David Nathanson
Joseph E. Medeiros
Terry A. Meyer
Sherwood and Phyllis Moe
Joop and Ria Nagtegaal
Gerard and Mary Ann O’Halloran
Cheryl Raymond
Helen M. Roque
Mark and Donna Ross
Michael and Mary Schwartz
Jyothi and Shivan Subramaniam
Kathleen and Daniel Sullivan
Elsie van Buren
Lee and Lisa Wesner
$1,000 - $4,999
Anonymous (40)
Julian Gary and Dianne Abuelo
Gregory J. Accetta
Diane Adam
Lucien and Kristi Agniel
Edward and Vickie Akelman
Jeffery and Susan Allen
Joan Allen
Lawrence Allocco
Estate of Grace Alpert
Wesley S. Alpert*
Daniel Andrade
Dorothy A. Andreozzi
Peter and Danielle Andruszkiewicz
Gerard and Charleen Auclair
John and Cheryl Ayers
Gary Baker
Mary Anne and Michael Barry
Marlene Beaulieu
Daniel and Samantha Becker
John S. Beekley
Joseph R. Beretta
Elizabeth Bernier
Amy Berrol and Susan Havens
Cynthia M. Bertozzi
Stephen W. Bestwick
Bruce and Bryna Bettigole
Richard Beyer
Farokh Bhada and Shamsnaz Virani
Richard and Pat Billings
David and Debra Blair
Jacques and Carole Bonnet- Eymard
Linda L. Boudewyns
James Boyd and Emily Harrison
Robert and Judith Branch
Susan Brescia
Rachel Brewster
Doris E. Briggs
Catherine and Jeffrey Brody
Deidre Brown and Frederick Roses
Stephen Bucknam
A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 016
James and Deborah Bussiere
Denise M. Cabral
Andrew Cagen
Alexander and Nancy Calenda
Nicholas and Julia Califano
John and Debra Callaci
E. Colby and Elaine Cameron
David W. Cann
Douglas A. Carlo
Kenneth and Dena Carlone
Roger Carlsten and Clare King
Christine and William Carr
Michael J. Carsten
Doreen Caruso
Lucia and Peter Gill Case
Catherine A. Cavallo
Nathan and Mary Chace
April and Jeffrey Chase Lubitz
Robert E. Choiniere
Keith and Rebecca Christensen
Ann Cibulsky
Doreen and James Clappin
Mary L. Clark
Stephen and Kim Clark
Michele Cobb
Livy Coe
Thomas and Betsy Coghlin
Brent and Jodie Cogswell
Joel Cohen and Andrea Toon
Susan and Daniel Cohen
William and Anna Colaiace
Kathryn and Thomas Colby
Robert and Jean Cole
Raymond Collins
Patricia F. Confort
Trudence and Michael Conroy
Colette Cook and Christopher F. Koller
Kevin Cooledge and Sandra Robson
Martha and R. F. Cooper
Todd Costa
John and Karen Coughlin
Morton D. Cross
Maureen and Joseph Cummings
Kimberly and Richard Cummins
Rita M. Curtis
Angie and John D’Albora
Murray and Judith Danforth
Thomas and Lisa Davies
Kate and Kristopher Davignon
Ruth Davis
Cornelis De Groot
Leon and Gina Deal
Donald and Marjorie DeAngelis
Michael F. DelSignore, Jr.
James DeSalvo, III
Roger and Robin DesLauriers
Ann M. DeStefanis
Naomi Detenbeck
Glen and Donna Devalerio
Janice and Michael Devitt
Henry and Cheryl DeWolf
Renee DiBiase and Catherine Hess
Daniel Dickstein
Wendell and Betsy Dietrich
Matthew M. DiMatteo
Courtney Donaldson
James W. Donovan
Barbara Doorley
Karin Dovey
Jean Doyle
Robert and Judith Drew
Calin and Andrea Drimbarean
Annette Dunkelman
Peter and Patricia Duquette
Christopher and Melinda Dutra
Patrick and Susan Dwyer
Roger Dwyer and Linda Moulton
Valerie A. Dymsza
Jonathan M. Dyson
Thomas and Teresa Eagan
Jonathan and Murry Edwards
James and Robin Engle
Barnet Fain
Grace and William Falk
Howard and Jane Fancher
Maia and Donald Farish
Kathleen M. Farren
Fred D. Felder
Linda A. Fogarty
Douglas and Cheryl Fonseca
Christopher Francazio
John and Diana Franchitto
Harley and Donna Frank
Michael Frazier and Nancy
Glenn and Eula Fresch
David S. Frieder
Joseph Friedman and Susan Mates
Michael and Barbara Frueh
Robert and Amy Gallagher
William V. Gallery
Joseph Galvin
Gregory Garger
Mark and Elizabeth Garrison
Anne Garvey
Susan E. Geary
Seth K. Gifford
Anita Gill
Hank Gilpin
John A. Glasson, Esq.
Sally Godfrey
Sue Rita and Meyer Goldstein
David and Donna Marie Goodrich
George and Betsey Goodwin
Phyllis M. Goodwin
Kai and Amy Goto
James and Margaret Grace
David and Constance Gray
Joseph and Kathleen Greco
Jane Grenier
Paul J. Grimaldi
Michael Grossman
William F. Haggerty
Joseph M. Hall
Elizabeth H. Hanke
Ami Hansen
Michael and Deborah Harrington
James and Susan Harvey
Donna M. Haugen
Rich and Claudia Hawkes
Helen and Robert Hawkinson
Brian G. Heikes
Timothy Henry, M.D. and R. Isabel Mejia
Melissa and Luke Hertel
Cynthia M. Hiatt
Anna and Cyrus Highsmith
Patricia A. Hines
Carl and Kimberly Hirsch
Rosemary Hobson
John W. Hoder
Stephen and Patricia Hodges
Marcia L. Hoffer
Paul Hoffman and Celia Schnacky
Joseph and Norma Hogan
William and Joanne Hogan
R. Kevin Horan
Doug and Nancy Horsey
Robert A. Hourtal
Sara B. House
Leon Hoyer and Cary Bailey
John and Nancy Hudson
Robert J. Hudson
George and Anne Hume
James and Jean Hunter
Peter N. James
Curtis P. Jencks
Randall and Nancy Jencks
Cheryl and Gregory Johnson
Keith and DeAnne Johnson
David and Marylouise Joseph
Mary Juskalian
Patricia Kammerer and Erich Stephens
Estate of Natalie Kampen
Thomas and Mary Kane
Edward and Patricia Katz
Stephen J. Kauffman
Donald and Anita Kaufman
Jean L. Keith
Deborah M. Kelley
Joseph Kendall
David and Lynn Kent
Orrin P. Kenyon, III
Susan and David Kertzer
Barbara Khouri
Frances A. Kieke
Paul and Joyce Kilmartin
Kernan and M. Christine King
James R. Klinger, M.D.
Elizabeth Kofron
Didem and Tolga Kokturk
Lori Korsen
Sandra R. Krupp
Tumkur and Usha* Kumar
Robert and Wendy Laferriere
Rene Lafleur
Jarvis and Jennifer Lambert
Lindsay Lang
Jeanne M. Langford
Robert and Marjorie Larson
Michael and Mary Jeanne Latina
Daniel and Debra Laufer
Helena I. Lechner
Donna Lee
Eugene and Brooke Lee
John Leite
Sandra and Lawrence Leonard
Stephen and Bettina Letcher
Leonard and Linda Levin
Mrs. Frank Licht
David Lichtenstein and Rebecca Silver
Lewis P. Lipsitt
Judith Litchman
Richard C. Loebs
Lara London and Bertram Malle
Joseph and Kathleen Longley
Mark and Angela Loomis
Richard and Cynthia Loomis
Frances M. Lopez Morillas
Dorothy Lucas
John and Anne Ludes
Joan Lusk
Stephen Madero
Michael R. Magee
David and Rose Malkin
Peter and Susan Maloney
Betty Maloof
Raymond and Anne Mancini
James and Laurie Mandly
Kristin and Brian Mann
Joseph and Meredith MarcAurele
Claudette T. Marier
Anthony and Elaine Marine
Humphrey and Faye Maris
Elizabeth D. Matthews
Gretchen E. Maurer
Eugene and Maureen McCabe
Michael and Jessica McCarthy
Daniel McCormick
Daniel McDonough
Ursula A. McFarland
Julia M. McGovern
Sarah McLean
Richard and Claudia McNally
Frank J. McNeilly
Patricia A. McNulty
Chad and Rachel Mellen
Alfred and Margaret Mello
Allen Mello
Stacey and Eugene Mihaly
Deirdre and Peter Millones
Jane Miniutti and Wesley Keigwin
Nancy A. Mirto
Wayne D. Moore
Nicholas and Andria Morenzi
George and Sally Morris
Susan and David Morris
Alan and Cheryl Morrow
Janet C. Morse
Maureen Mosco
Clara J. Motter
David and Carolyn Moultrop
Timothy and Sara Mulcahy
Brian Mulvey
Christopher and Mary Natale
Alan and Virginia Nathan
Kevin and Joanne Naughton
Ramakrishna and Kamakshi Nayak
Jane S. Nelson
Matthew and Elena Nicolella
Mary E. Noble
Peter D. Nolan
Maryanne Noris and Mark Hilty
Robert Norton and Dianne
Nicholas Notarangelo, Jr.
Bogdan and Rita Nowak
Thomas Oakes and Patricia Fuller
Marguerite and Marwan Odeh
David and Susan Odland
Mr. and Mrs. Jack O’Donnell
Kathleen O’Donnell and Bill White
Gregg Oehler and Susan Pitt
Geoff and Pamela O’Hara
James and Patricia O’Hara
Robert and Darlene Olson
Robert and Gail Ornstein
Andrew and Jamie Orsi
J. R. Ouellette
Thomas and Michelle Owens
Calvin E. Oyer
Jonathan Pagano
Donald and Julie Palazini
Richard Palmer
Lucille E. Parenteau
Virginia Pasonelli
Robert and Barbara Pease
Sheila Pellegrini
Renee and William Pelletier
Robert and Valerie Peterson
Robert and Marie Petrarca
Diane M. Petrella
Howard T. Phelan
Patricia Philbin
Symoun and Khamchanh
Anna Pierce
Marita and Robert Pierce
Neal Piggott
Emery and Lindsey Pineo
Jessica and John Pinkos
Harris R. Pitnof
Eugene and Linda Plouffe
Isabella Porter and Edward Levine
John and Geraldine Power
Rob and Karen Powers
Kevin and Lee Rabbitt
Angelo Rainone
David Rand and Elizabeth Paci
Anthony and Hila Rao
Frances R. Rasmussen
Kevin Raymond and Cecille Palumbo
Peter and Judith Rector
David and Katherine Redman
The 1982 Benefactors’ Society
Recognizes those who have included the
Food Bank in their estate plans.
Anonymous (51)
Grace Alpert*
Gussie Baxt
Jeffrey Bob*
M. Margaret Boyle*
Walter L. “Salty” Brine*
Thomas J. Broccoli*
Alpin Chisholm
Will Collette
Catherine O’Reilly Collette
Rev. Raymond F. Collins
Marjorie W. Crook*
Karen DelPonte
David R. Ebbitt*
Elizabeth W. Fiske*
Denise and Raymond Gaillaguet*
Florence B. Garin*
Betsey and George Goodwin
Phyllis Hamabe*
Edwin H. Hastings*
Rev. Joseph P. Heaney*
Catherine M. Hill*
Mary L. Howe*
Ed & Joyce* Jankowski
Patricia G. Jennings
Maurice P. Julien*
Natalie Kampen*
Lorinne T. Knight*
Mary Ann Laurans*
Raymond T. Laurans*
Helen L. Lyons*
John and Kristin Marovelli
Ursula M. McElroy*
Mary Anne McQuaid*
A. Edmund Miele*
Frances M. Miele*
Linda l. Moulton
Lester H. Nathan
Ruth A. Ranger
Rosemarie Ruckmann*
John C. Sarafian*
Jean H. Scott*
Penny R. Seacord
Ida M. Segall*
Fred R. Smith*
Kristy Snyder
William Walter
Virginia Wilcox*
James J. and Lynn A. Wojtyto
Mabel T. Wooley*
John D. Work*
* Deceased
A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 016
Individual Donors continued
Jack and Julia Reed
Raymond and Angela Renaud
Linda Resnik
Philip Ricci
Julia and Charles C. Richardson, Jr.
Craig and Sarah Beinecke
Beverly Ridgely
Marcia Riesman
Henry and Jan Rines
Charles and Karen Roberts
Fred and Nancy Rockefeller
Damaris Rohsenow and Norm
William and Sandra Rosen
Gary and Lynn Ann Rousseau
Dietrich and Marilyn Rueschemeyer
Vincent E. Russo
Maureen Ryall and Lou Bershad
Martha and Robert Ryan
JoAnn Ryder
Barbara Sage
Jeremy Sager
Jessica R. Salak, M.D.
Jerrold A. Salmanson
Ilse Schaler
Andrew Schiff and Susan
Frederick S. Schiff and Joan D.
Cheryl A. Senerchia
Marilyn F. Serra
Florence Shakan
Mark and Donna Shammas
Henry and Julia Sharpe
Laura Shawhughes and Justin
Mary E. Sherlock
Frances Shippee
Richard and Elizabeth Shorrock
Peter Sietins
Paul Silver and Katherine Haspel
James and Andrea Simmons
Jodie C. Sinclair
Rosalyn K. Sinclair
Bennett Singer
Nancy and Joseph Singer
Gary and Mynde Siperstein
Percy and Alexis Smith
Roberta and Arthur Smith
William Smith and Alicia Wells Smith
Eric and Alexis Soloff
Eric G. Sorensen
Joan and E. Paul Sorensen
Virginia Soutter
Christopher Sowa
Frank and Sandra Spadazzi
Deborah A. Spaight
Mary Speare
Maura and Jeremy Spector
Joel and Wendy Spellun
Rebecca and Louis Sperling
Lisa and Jim Stanton
Neil Steinberg and Eugenia Shao
Donald Steinbrecher and Rochelle Robbins
Gregory Stiener and Wendy
Anne and Robert Stillings
Zachary Stolz
Anson and Marilyn Stookey
Cathy and William Streker
Ronald Subourne and Deborah
Donald Sullivan
Frank and Rita Sullivan
John and Nina Sutherland
Keith and Cathy Swaby
Andrew Swanson
John and Patrice Tarantino
George and Jacqueline Taylor
Abigail B. Test
Marilyn G. Thomas
Deborah and Steven Thurston
Scott and Carolyn Tilden
Amey S. Tilley
David R. Tinsley
Lynda Tisdell
James J. Tobin
Christine Townsend
Cheryl A. Tremblay
Jan and Jack Trifts
Andrew and Jane Tucker
Edward G. Turnbull, Jr.
Cary Twichell
Sidney L. Tynan
Mary Joan Vaccaro
Jennifer Van Reet and Andrew
Paul G. Varghese
Gerard and Mary Venable
Jean Vermette
Sterling and Deborah Vernon
Ronald and Linda Voccio
Joseph and Nancy Vuono
Bernard Waldrop
William Walter and Kara Bennett
Linda and Mark Ward
Alan and Diane Wardyga
Joseph H. Weaver
Raymond and Annette Welsh
Peter Weyman
Charles Whalen
Eugene Whalen and Susan
John Hazen White and Elizabeth
Christopher and Andrea Whitney
Bruce and Victoria Wicks
Cynthia Wilcox
Ann T. Willaman
Chandler Willett
Eric Williams
Jay Willis
Michael Wolfe
Richard Wong and Barbara Schepps Wong
Richard Saul Wurman and Gloria
Vincent and Karen Yakavonis
Stanley Zimmering
Lynn and Stanley Zuba
A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 016
Organizations & Foundations
Anonymous (1)
The Angell Foundation
$100,000 - $199,999
Citizens Financial Group
Feeding America
Our Family Foundation by Stop &
Shop New England
State of Rhode Island
Stop & Shop Companies, Inc.
$50,000 - $99,999
The Champlin Foundations
Delta Dental of Rhode Island
The Rhode Island Foundation
van Beuren Charitable Foundation
Wakefern Food Corporation
$25,000 - $49,999
Anonymous (1)
Amica Companies Foundation
Bank of America
Carter Family Charitable Trust
Combined Federal Campaign
The Elms Foundation
F. Paolino Homes, Inc.
The Norman and Rosalie Fain Family Foundation
Janci Foundation
The Forrest & Frances Lattner
MetLife Foundation
The Providence Journal
Charitable Legacy Fund
The Edward J. and Virginia M.
Routhier Foundation
The Stranahan Foundation
TD Charitable Foundation
Trinity Repertory Company, A
Christmas Carol Patrons
$10,000 - $24,999
Anonymous (3)
Albertson Stores Charitable
Ameriprise Financial
Amgen Foundation
Blue Cross & Blue Shield of
Rhode Island
Electric Boat Employees’
Community Services Assoc.
Leon and Barbara Goldstein Fund
Haffenreffer Family Fund
Emma G. Harris Foundation
Hassenfeld Foundation
The Frank B. Hazard General Charity Fund
Kilmartin Charitable Corporation
Horace A. Kimball Foundation
June Rockwell Levy Foundation
The Liana Foundation
The Lorber Foundation
Medtronic Minimally Invasive Therapies
The Pentair Foundation
Prince Charitable Trusts
Rallis Conover Family Fund
Rhode Island State Employees
Charitable Appeal
Rodgers Family Foundation
Sand Family Fund
Santander Bank Foundation
The Schocken Foundation
Sharpe Family Foundation
Textron Charitable Trust
The TJX Foundation, Inc.
United Way of Rhode Island,
Workplace Giving
$5,000 - $9,999
Anonymous (3)
Allen Foundation, Inc.
Billy Andrade-Brad Faxon
Charities for Children
Arden Engineering Constructors
Arpin Strong
CVS Charity Classic, Inc.
CVS Health
Dave’s Marketplace
Dominion Foundation
Eastern Bank Charitable
Empire Loan of Rhode Island, Inc.
Falvey Linen Supply
Gould Charitable Lead Unitrust
Greater Providence Board of Realtors
Gregg’s Restaurants & Pubs
Hazard Family Foundation
Hodges Badge Company, Inc.
Harry M., Miriam C. & William C.
Horton Fund
Irvin E. Houck Charitable Trust
John W. Kennedy Co., Inc.
Leon Lowenstein Foundation, Inc.
Marie Keese Lelash Foundation, Inc.
National Grid
Newman’s Own Foundation
Nordstrom Cares: Community Giving Program
QML, Inc.
Samsonite Corp.
Textron, Inc.
The Timken Matthews Family
The Washington Trust Company
Webster Bank
Wild Colonial Corporation
End Hunger Challenge Fund
Created by a group of generous Food Bank donors to offer a pool
of funds for matching gift purposes. Through their generosity, these
supporters inspire others to give, maximizing contributions and
increasing support to help end hunger.
Leticia & John Carter
Charles S. Fradin in honor of
Janet* & Paul Fradin and
Carol & Hrant Tatian
Dan Rothenberg*
Claire & Gregory Wilcox
Anonymous (2)
Peter & Deborah Coop
Robert & Polly Daly
Kristin DeKuiper
Jonathan & Ruth Fain
Charles S. Fradin
Arnold & Florence Friedman
Lynn & Dezi Halmi
The Danielle & Michael Haxton
Family Fund
Marie J. Langlois & John Loerke
Dorothy Licht
Peter & Deborah Lipman
Bob, Cheryl & Erin Mahoney
Scott & Tanya Martin
Kathleen McKeough & David Nathanson
Ken & Jody Miller
Karen & Rob Powers
Mark & Donna Ross
Eric & Peggy Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Sullivan, Jr.
Lee & Lisa Wesner
Dept. Employees
Andrade Cranston Donuts, Inc.
Antaya Technologies Corp.
Arbella Insurance Group
Charitable Foundation
Associates in Primary Care
Medicine, Inc.
The Ayres Foundation
B. Street Foundation
Banfi Vintners Foundation
Birch Hill Investment Advisors
K. Blacklock Family Charitable
Blackstone Orthopedics and
Sports Medicine
Block Family Foundation
Blue State Coffee
BNY Mellon
Bob’s Discount Furniture Charita-
ble Foundation, Inc.
Bottles Fine Wine Customers
Brennan, Recupero, Cascione,
Scungio, & McAllister
Nicholas J. Caldarone Foundation
Cameron & Mittleman, LLP
Capital Design, Inc.
Catholic Diocese of Providence
Central Congregational Church
Centreville Bank
Mary Dexter Chafee Fund
Chase Family Foundation
Chow Fun Food Group
City of Providence
Coastway Community Bank
Conyngham Family Charitable Foundation
Cornerstone Group
CR Bard Foundation, Inc.
D.J. Cronin, Inc.
Dassault Systemes Simulia
The John A. and Elsa J. DeAngelis Fund
E. H. Ashley & Company
Eastside Marketplace
Epoxies, Etc.
ESP Eyewear
Fidelity Investments
Filter Brothers Services, LLC
FM Global Foundation
Fujifilm Electronic Materials
Ira S. & Anna Galkin Charitable
Charles H. Gardiner Memorial
Hart Design Group
Hasbro, Inc.
Hinckley, Allen & Snyder, LLP
HTJB, Inc.
Hyman Brickle & Sons
IFPTE Local 400
Imperial Pearl
IR Technologies
Jamestown Women’s Golf League
JCL Transportation Services, Inc.
Kane Barrengos Foundation
Laird Norton Family Fund
Lakewood Baptist Church
Liberty Mutual Foundation
Locke Lord Edwards
Edith S. S. Loebs Fund
Ludes Family Foundation
M-F Athletic Company
Malkin Family Fund
Marasco & Nesselbush, LLC
Marcum Accountants and
Matrix Sales & Marketing, Inc./
Northeast Produce
McAdams Charitable Foundation
Meadow Donuts, Inc.
Meehan Foundation
MetLife Auto & Home
Microsoft Matching Gifts Program
The Murray Family Charitable Foundation
In Kind Donations
Bob Alley
Marty Ballou
Kenneth Block
Chase Canopy Company, Inc.
Cybele Collins
John Cote
Russell and Ronald Dannecker
Brittany DiPippo
Lisa Dyson
Jeffrey Galli
Bill Harley
High Output, Inc.
C. Robert and Lynn Kelly
Lincoln School
Patrick Luvara and Jill Wasserman
Ira and Suzanne Magaziner
National Glass & Gate Services
Neighborhood Health Plan of Rhode Island
New Beginnings Perinatal
New England Institute of
Newport Creamery
Nortek, Inc.
North Family Trust
North Restaurant
Northern Rhode Island Chamber
of Commerce
Ocean State Charities Trust
Regina O’Hara Charitable
Orion, Inc.
Otrando, Porcaro & Associates, Ltd.
Our Family for Families First, Inc.
Paul Cuffee Elementary School
Pawtucket Credit Union
Pepsi Bottling Company
Phillips Memorial Baptist Church
Planet Aid, Inc.
Portsmouth Abbey
Propp Family Foundation
Prospect Hill Foundation
Regan Residential Heating and Air Conditioning Company
Residential Properties, Ltd.
Rhode Island Shriners
RI Distributing, LLC
RI Food Policy Council
RI Office of the General Treasurer
Riverhead Building Supply
Roberts, Carroll, Feldstein & Peirce, Inc.
The Robertson Foundation
Robinson Green Beretta
Roch’s Produce
The Salem Foundation
Donald Salmanson Foundation
Sasco Foundation
Meghan Maiorana
Nicole Mariani
Don and Lynn McCarron
Bruce McVicar
Melissa Moretti
Keith Munslow
Pamela Murray
Rachel Panitch
Roberts, Carroll, Feldstein &
Peirce, Inc.
Lisa Scahill
Marken Shedd
Star Automation, Inc.
Alain Tranchemontagne
Trinity Repertory Company
Daniel Ward
Kathleen Westervelt
Schneider Electric North America
Sensata Technologies
Grant Sherburne Fund
The Silver Tie Fund
Simon’s Supply Co., Inc.
Sodexo Foundation, Inc.
Edwin S. Soforenko Foundation
St. Paul Housing Corp.
The Staples Family Foundation
The Robert F. Stoico/FIRSTFED
Charitable Foundation
Tri Bro Tool Co., Inc.
Twin River
Tyco Matching Gift Program
Union Mutual of Vermont
United Congregational Church
United Healthcare of New
England, Inc.
United Natural Foods, Inc.
United Way of Greater Attleboro/
United Way of Massachusetts Bay
and Merrimack Valley
Vermont Mutual Insurance Group
Veterinary Services of Pawtucket
VFW Post 45
Walmart-North Smithfield
West Rock Company
Winkler Group
Ximedica LLC
Zartarian Foundation
Dorothy Davis Zimmering &
the Zimmering Family Memorial
A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 016