8-9 Perfect Squares - Doral Academy Preparatory School

8-9 Perfect Squares
Factor Perfect Square Trinomials
Perfect Square Trinomial
a trinomial of the form π‘Ž2 + 2ab + 𝑏 2 or π‘Ž2 – 2ab + 𝑏 2
The patterns shown below can be used to factor perfect square trinomials.
Squaring a Binomial
Factoring a Perfect Square Trinomial
(π‘Ž + 4)2 = π‘Ž2 + 2(a)(4) + 42
= π‘Ž2 + 8a + 16
π‘Ž2 + 8a + 16 = π‘Ž2 + 2(a)(4) + 42
= (π‘Ž + 4)2
(2π‘₯ βˆ’ 3)2 = (2π‘₯)2 –2(2x)(3) + 32
= 4π‘₯ 2 – 12x + 9
4π‘₯ 2 – 12x + 9 = (2π‘₯)2 – 2(2x)(3) + 32
= (2π‘₯ – 3)2
Example 1: Determine whether 16π’πŸ – 24n + 9 is a
Example 2: Factor 16π’™πŸ – 32x + 15.
perfect square trinomial. If so, factor it.
Determine whether each trinomial is a perfect square trinomial. Write yes or no. If so, factor it.
1. π‘₯ 2 – 16x + 64
2. π‘š2 + 10m + 25
3. 𝑝2 + 8p + 64
Factor each polynomial, if possible. If the polynomial cannot be factored, write prime.
4. 98π‘₯ 2 – 200y2
5. π‘₯ 2 + 22x + 121
6. 81 + 18j + j2
7. 25𝑐 2 – 10c – 1
8. 169 – 26r + r2
9. 16π‘Ž2 – 40ab + 25𝑏 2
10. 16π‘š2 + 48m + 36
13. 36π‘₯ 2 – 12x + 1
11. 16 – 25π‘Ž2
12. 𝑏 2 – 16b + 256
Solve Equations with Perfect Squares Factoring and the Zero Product Property can be used to solve equations that
involve repeated factors. The repeated factor gives just one solution to the equation. You may also be able to use the
Square Root Property below to solve certain equations.
Square Root Property
For any number n > 0, if π‘₯ 2 = n, then x = ±βˆšπ‘›.
Example: Solve each equation. Check your solutions.
a. π’™πŸ – 6x + 9 = 0
b. (𝒂 βˆ’ πŸ“)𝟐 = 64
Solve each equation. Check the solutions.
1. π‘₯ 2 + 4x + 4 = 0
2. 16𝑛2 + 16n + 4 = 0
3. 25𝑑2 – 10d + 1 = 0
4. π‘₯ 2 + 10x + 25 = 0
5. 9π‘₯ 2 – 6x + 1 = 0
6. π‘₯ 2 + x + 4 = 0
7. 25π‘˜ 2 + 20k + 4 = 0
8. 𝑝2 + 2p + 1 = 49
9. π‘₯ 2 + 4x + 4 = 64
10. π‘₯ 2 – 6x + 9 = 25
13. (π‘₯ + 1)2 = 7
11. (4π‘₯ + 3)2 = 25
12. 16𝑦 2 + 8y + 1 = 0