GALILEO GALILEI’S LOCATION, SHAPE AND SIZE OF DANTE’S INFERNO AN ARTISTIC AND EDUCATIONAL PROJECT Alessandra Angelini Corso di Grafica d’Arte dell’Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera Paola Magnaghi- Delfino Tullia Norando Laboratorio Didattico FDS -Politecnico di Milano Aplimat -Bratislava February 4 – 6 , 2014 1 2 Text Presentation QR code 3 The lectures on Dante’s Inferno Autograph manuscript of Galileo’s lectures 4 The Artistic and Educational Project 5 Martina RIZZATI Rubinia DI STEFANO 6 Marta FONTANA 7 Poster of the project 8 Dante’s Memorial 9 Bergamo’s Science Festival 10 1586 The Little Balance 11 Guidobaldo Del Monte Università degli Studi di Pisa 12 1540 Cosimo I de’ Medici 13 1633 Two New Sciences 14 The structure of the Inferno by Antonio di Tuccio Manetti Paolo dal Pozzo Toscanelli 1397 -1482 PERSPECTIVE GEOMETRY ARITHMETIC Filippo Brunelleschi 1377 - 1446 Antonio di Tuccio Manetti Florence 1423 -1497 COSMOGRAPHY ASTRONOMY Leon Battista Alberti 1404 -1472 VITA DI FILIPPO BRUNELLESCHI DIALOGO CIRCA IL SITO, FORMA ET MISURA DELLO INFERNO 15 Alternative structures of the Inferno Cristoforo Landino 1481 Antonio di Tuccio Manetti Girolamo Benivieni Accademia Fiorentina 1506 Commedia’s Florentine Editions Alessandro Vellutello 1544 Commedia’s Venetian Editions Galileo Galilei’s lectures 1587 -1588 16 17 Map ( XII century) Map T - O (1472) 18 Cape of Ptolemy 19 The shape of the Inferno Jerusalem is in the middle of the arc. The angle at the center is 60 degrees. 20 The funnel of the Inferno Giovanni Stradano (Jan van der Straet) Bruges 1523-Florence 1605 21 Traditional pattern of the Inferno 22 The First Six Levels • Distance from the Earth’s center The various levels of Manetti’s Inferno are regularly spaced, in fact the first six levels are equidistant with 1/8 the radius of the Earth between each level and the next. Level Distance from the Earth’s center Limbus 2839 17/22 Level 2 2434 1/11 Level 3 2028 9/22 Level 4 1622 8/11 Level 5 1217 1/22 Level 6 811 4/11 23 Antonio Manetti’s plan 24 Grand Old Man of Crete 25 Grand Old Man 26 Dante’s path E io a lui: «Se 'l presente rigagno si diriva così dal nostro mondo, perché ci appar pur a questo vivagno?». Ed elli a me: «Tu sai che 'l loco è tondo; e tutto che tu sie venuto molto, pur a sinistra, giù calando al fondo, non se' ancor per tutto il cerchio vòlto: per che, se cosa n'apparisce nova, non de' addur maraviglia al tuo volto». Inferno XIV , 121 - 129 27 Dante’s path And I to him: "If so the present runnel Doth take its rise in this way from our world, Why only on this verge appears it to us?“ And he to me: "Thou knowest the place is round, And notwithstanding thou hast journeyed far, Still to the left descending to the bottom, Thou hast not yet through all the circle turned. Therefore if something new appear to us, It should not bring amazement to thy face." Inferno XIV , 121 - 129 28 Dante’s path 29 Thales’ Similarity Theorem 30 • Widths of the first six levels Manetti divided the length of the arc on the surface from Cuma to Jerusalem into two parts: 1000 miles + 700 miles In the first 1000 miles he marked 10 spaces, each one of 100 miles, beginning from the mouth; from these he deduced the widths of the first six levels widths on the surface Limbus 87 1/2 100 Level 2 75 100 Level 3 62 12 100 Level 4 50 100 Level 5 Level 6 112 1/2 75 300 300 Ring 1 37 1/2 Ring 2 37 1/2 Ring 3 37 1/2 Ring 1 25 Ring 2 25 Ring 3 25 31 Malebolge Tu non hai fatto sì a l’altre bolge; pensa, se tu annoverar le credi, che miglia 22 la valle volge. Thou hast not done so at the other Bolge; consider, if to count them thou believes, that two – and – twenty miles the valley winds. Inferno XXIX , 7 - 9 32 Malebolge Cercando lui tra questa gente sconcia, con tutto ch’ella volge 11 miglia, e men d’un mezzo di traverso non ci ha. Seeking him out among this squalid folk, although the circuit be eleven miles, and be not less than half a mile across. Inferno XXX , 85 - 87 33 Malebolge Dante says that the ninth bolgia turns through 22 miles, and, in consequence, the diameter must be 7 miles. Then Dante also says (Inferno, XXX, 82-87) that the tenth bolgia turns through 11 miles, and, in consequence, the diameter must be 3 1/2 miles. Manetti thus supposed that the radii of the bolge were in arithmetic progression and obtained Bolgia Arc lenght Diameter Radius 10 11 3 1/2 1 3/4 9 22 7 3 1/2 8 33 10 1/2 5 1/4 7 44 14 7 6 55 17 1/2 8 3/4 5 66 21 10 1/2 4 77 24 ½ 12 1/4 3 88 28 14 2 99 31 ½ 15 3/4 1 110 35 17 1/2 34 (17 1/2 : 700) (3245 5/11) = 81 3/22 Distance of Malebolge from the center of the Earth 2/8 (3245 5/11) - 81 3/22 = 730 5/22 The depht of Geryon’s ravine 35 The Well of Giants 36 The width of Malebolge and Well width on the Earth’s surface Bolgia 1 1 3/4 70 Bolgia 2 1 3/4 70 Bolgia 3 1 3/4 70 Bolgia 4 1 3/4 70 Bolgia 5 1 3/4 70 Bolgia 6 1 3/4 70 Bolgia 7 1 3/4 70 Bolgia 8 1 3/4 70 Bolgia 9 1 3/4 70 Bolgia 10 1/2 20 Land Malebolge-Well 1/4 10 1 40 Well 37 In the Divina Commedia from these verses Facemmo adunque più lungo viaggio, Volti a sinistra; e al trar d’un balestro Trovammo l’altro assai più fiero e maggio. Therefore a longer journey did we make, Turned to the left, and a crossbow-shot oft We found another far more fierce and large. Inferno, XXXI, 82 -84 We can argue that “Dante and Virgilius turn around the well” and so the well must have a circular or polygonal shape, and that the distance from one Giant to the other is about 300 braccia (a crossbow-shot). 38 The size of Lucifer and the spheres of ice Lo ‘mperador del doloroso regno da mezzo ‘l petto uscia fuor de la ghiaccia; e più con un gigante io mi convegno, che i giganti non fan con le sue braccia The Emperor of the kingdom dolorous from his mid-breast forth issued from the ice, and better with a giant I compare than do the giants with those arms of his Inferno , XXXIV, 28 - 31 39 The size of Lucifer and the spheres of ice 40 The size of Lucifer and the spheres of ice La faccia sua mi parea lunga e grossa come la pina di San Pietro a Roma, e a sua proporzione eran l’altre ossa His face appeared to me as long and large As is at Rome the pine-cone of Saint Peter's, And in proportion were the other bones Inferno , XXXI, 58 - 60 41 Pinecone is bronze artefact of Roman origin, which is now in the Belvedere’s Garden (Città del Vaticano, Rome) 42 Height of a man = 8 times the face Height of a man = 3 times the arm Height of a man = 4 distance from the navel to the middle of the chest 43 braccia Pinecone 5 ½ Nembrot 44 Dante 3 Arm of Lucifer 645 1/3 Lucifer 1936 Navel- middle of the breast 484 braccia Fourth sphere Third sphere Second sphere First sphere 500 1000 1500 2000 44 We can assess the huge size of Lucifer if we compare his height with that of the tallest buildings in the world 45 Students 46 FEDERICA AMORUSO 47 FEDERICA AMORUSO 48 CARLO BARONI 49 CARLO BARONI 50 ANNA BASSI 51 ANNA BASSI 52 ANDREA BERTOLETTI 53 ANDREA BERTOLETTI 54 CLAUDIA CARIGLIA 55 CLAUDIA CARIGLIA 56 RUBINIA DI STEFANO 57 BIANCA FASIOLO 58 BIANCA FASIOLO 59 MARTA FONTANA 60 CAMILLA GUERRA 61 CAMILLA GUERRA 62 ELENA MAFFIOLI 63 ELENA MAFFIOLI 64 MARTINA RIZZATI 65 But you have disposed all things by measure and number and weight. Holy Bible, The Book of Wisdom, 11 - 20 66 Alessandra Angelini Artist and Graphic Art professor Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera Thank you for your attention Paola Magnaghi-Delfino Tullia Norando Department of Mathematics FDS Laboratory Politecnico di Milano 67 Social Network MostraGalileoPolimi MostraGalileoPolimi MostraGalileoPolimi 68 Manutius edition-1515 69 Alessandro Vellutello’s Inferno Galileo Galilei’s Life Magnaghi & Norando – FDS Main Projects 70 Alternative funnels of the Inferno Stradano 1523 - 1605 Vellutello 1544 71 Alessandro Vellutello’s plan 72 Alessandro Vellutello versus Antonio Manetti 73 Galileo Galilei’s life Galileo Galilei was born on February 15, 1564, in Pisa in the Duchy of Florence, Italy. He was the first of six children born to Vincenzo Galilei, a wellknown musician and music theorist, and Giulia Ammannati. In 1574, the family moved to Florence, where Galileo started his formal education at the Camaldolese monastery in Vallombrosa. 74 Galileo Galilei’s life 1581 – Enrols as medical student at University of Pisa 1582 – Attends mathematics lecture by Ostilio Ricci and decides to study math and science 1585 – Leaves University of Pisa without degree and works as tutor 1586 – Invents hydrostatic balance; wrote La Balancitta (The little balance) 1589 – Appointed to Mathematics Chair, University of Pisa 1590 – Partially completes De Motu (On Motion), which is never published 1591 – Death of his father, Vicenzo Galilei 1592 – Appointed professor of mathematics at University of Padua, remains 18 years ~1593 – Invents early thermometer that unfortunately depended on both temperature and pressure ~1595 – Invents improved ballistics calculation geometric and military compass, which he later improves for surveying and general calculations and earns income from tutoring on its use 1600 – First child, Virginia is born; ~1600 Le Meccaniche (Mechanics) 75 Galileo Galilei’s life 1610 – Publishes Siderius Nuncius(Starry Messenger); views our moon's mountains and craters and brightest 4 of Jupiter's moons 1611 – Discovers phases of Venus; granted audience with Pope; made member of Lincean Academy 1616 – Officially warned by the Church not to hold or defend the Copernican System 1616 – The Catholic Church places De revolutionibus orbium coelestium on the List of Prohibited Books 1616 – Private letter Discourse on the Tides 1617 – Moves into Bellosguardo, west of Florence, near his daughters' convent; observes double star Mizar in Ursa Major 1630 – Completes Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems and subsequently receives approval of Church censor 1632 – Publishes Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems 76 Galileo Galilei’s life 1633 – sentenced by the Inquisition to imprisonment, commuted to house arrest, for vehement suspicion of heresy 1633 – Catholic Church places Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems on the List of Prohibited Books 1638 – Publishes Dialogues Concerning Two New Sciences 1642 – death in Arcetri, Italy 77 FDS - Magnaghi & Norando - Main Projects 78 Dante’s Commedia Luca Pacioli’s Capital Letters in progress Jonathan Swift’ Laputa Island Alessandro Mazzucotelli, the iron and fire of Art Through the looking-glass in progress 79 Stage 2009-2010 Analisi della struttura dell’Isola di Laputa Jonathan Swift’ Laputa Island Our project’s aim is the study of the structure of Laputa Island, the floating island which appears in the third chapter of Jonathan Swift’s novel “Gulliver’s Travels”. The students conjecture that this island can really float thanks to the magnetic field, created by the material which constitutes magnetic field, created by the material which constitutes the core. 80 Stage 2010-2011 Il sacro fuoco ( e il ferro ) dell'arte Alessandro Mazzucotelli, the iron and fire of Art Alessandro Mazzucotelli was born in Lodi not far from Milan, his family were dealers in iron and he worked as blacksmith. He also designed jewellery and fabrics for the weaving factory at Brembate. He is best-known for his wrought ironwork, in a vigorous Art Nouveau, the style he not only followed but which he managed to exceed thanks to his thorough studies from life of nature inspiration to the artistic movement, from which he discovered also geometric -mathematical formulas. The students , inspired by his works , decided to create a frieze. 81 TeatroInMatematica 82 I Numeri Primi e la Crittografia Il Dilemma del Prigioniero Prime Numbers and the Cryptography Topics: Prime Numbers, Cryptography Prisoner’s Dilemma Topics: Games Theory Parallelismi: Geometrie Euclidee e Non L’Irrazionale leggerezza dei Numeri Straight Line and Geometry that it describes Topics: Euclidean a Non-Euclidean Geometry The Irrational Number Lightness Topic: Irrational numbers Il Caso Probabilmente: la partita a dadi Metti, una serie a cena The chance: a game of dice Topics: The roots of the Probability’s Theory One night, a series at dinner Topics: Fibonacci’s series, Golden Ratio I 7 ponti e il mistero dei Grafi Appuntamento al limite The seven bridges and the mystery of Graph Theory Topics: Graph Theory Appointment to the Limit Topics: Function, Limit, Derivatives 83 Stage 2007-2008 La cicloide: nuovi orizzonti per lo sci The Cycloid: a new way of skiing In this project, the students apply the properties of the cycloid to the study of special and giants slalom. 84 Stage 2008-2009 La teoria martolemaica The Marptolemaeus’ solar system theory Marptolemaeus, an hypothetical Mercian astronomer, has defined the mathematic model of the cosmologic system. This is the aim of these research: building the Mercian system, supposing Mars to be at the centre of the universe. The choice of an astronomic theme has been influenced by the fact that 2009 has been proclaimed the year of astronomy because for the first time four thousand years ago Galileo observed the sky with the telescope. Besides the Sun moves around Mars following an ellipse. The other planets, Earth, Mercury and Venus, instead, describe orbits which don’t appear in our earthly geometric books and that we have imaginatively called “epiclissoidi”. 85 Stage 2009-2010 Analisi della rete delle farmacie di Monza Analysis of the chemists network in Monza This paper deals with a research carried out in Monza to analyse the efficiency of the network of chemists through the study of minimum paths and Voronoi tessellation of the city map. In the first part, we give an in-depth explanation of the nature and purpose of Voronoi diagrams and we briefly discuss Fortune’s algorithm for computational construction of V.d. and how they can be applied to our study case. The second part of the paper relates how we enforced our mathematical model by means of a statistical inquiry and how we came to set up a working simulation. 86 Stage 2010-2011 Sulle orme di Keplero A study about Jupiter’s mass This project was finalized at calculating the mass of Jupiter through observing the same four satellites (Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto) which both Galileo and Kepler used to follow with their means almost 400 years ago. This project implied several on-the-ground experiences at the Astronomical Observatory of Merate (AOM) which greatly enriched our knowledge about some astronomical related subjects that had been studied at school only under their theoretical aspect. 87 Stage 2011-2012 Operazione meridiana Sundial The main aim of this project is to complete the mathematical and geometrical planning as well as the construction of a fully working sundial, equipped with a solar calendar The position of the hour-lines and date-lines has been calculated and laid out through the application of some theorems about spherical trigonometry in order to sort out a spatial geometry problem. An important part of the project consists in planning a spreadsheet which calculates the equations of hour-lines and date-lines for a sundial working in Central Europe. 88 Stage 2012-2013 Il suono delle campane The song of bells A systematic study regarding bells sound requires the knowledge of three important features: the theoretical model about sound characteristics, the technical aspect of the instrument and the historical-artistic one. The students contacted the Italian Campanology Association, then, they applied the Fourier analysis to examine the sound produced by two different bell concerts: Lodi Cathedral and Wilten Abbey in Innsbruck. 89 Stage 2012-2013 Sunshine project: let’s roll! The purposes of this project are the following: studying the differential rotation of the Sun and making three-dimensional images of the star. This project allowed the students to develop abilities in taking pictures of the Sun through a solar dedicated telescope and to improve their knowledge about the Sun. It was carried out on two complementary sides: the direct observations of the Sun were made in the Brera Astronomic Observatory in Merate (LC) and a study about the differential rotation of the Sun conducted, following the motion of solar spots, analyzed using our knowledge of Kinematiks and pictures of the satellite (SOHO). 90 Learning Week 91 In Action with Math 92
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