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Live Leak - Railways RRB Model
Question Paper Mains 2017
(Predicted Pattern)
1. The sum of the present ages of a father and his son is 54 years. Seven years ago,
father’s age was seven times the age of the son. After 7 years, son’s age will be:
1. 12 years
2. 14 years
3. 18 years
4. 19 years
2. A train passes a 90 m long platform in 30 seconds and a man standing on the
platform in 15 seconds. The speed of the train is:
1. 20 km/h
2. 23.2 km/h
3. 21.6 km/h
4. 18.6 km/h
3. Amir Khusro belonged to which of the following king’s reign?
1. Aurnagzeb
2. Akbar
3. Humanyun
4. AlaudinKhilji
4. Where is Lothal, the Indus Valley Civilization city situated?
1. Rajasthan
2. Gujarat
3. Punjab
4. Haryana
5. The state with the lowest population density is?
1. Mizoram
2. Arunachal Pradesh
3. Manipur
4. Assam
6. If a mirror is placed on the line MN then which of the answer figure represents
the question figure?
7. In the following question, select the related word from the given alternatives.
Chisel : Sculptor : : Harrow : ?
1. Gardener
2. Mason
3. Blacksmith
4. Guard
8. What is the least number that must be subtracted from 1936 so that the resulting
number when divided by 9, 10 and 15 will leave in each case the same remainder
1. 37
2. 36
3. 39
4. 30
9. In the question below is given a statement followed by two conclusions numbered
I and II. You have to assume everything in the statement to be true, then consider
the two conclusions together and decide which of them logically followed beyond
a reasonable doubt from the information given in the statement.
Statement: The new court ruling requiring all the Members of Parliament to
disclose their sources of income has been strongly resisted by them.
I. The Members of Parliament have additional undisclosed income.
II. The Members of parliament do not respect the court.
1. Only conclusion I follows.
2. Only conclusion II follows.
3. Neither I nor II follows.
4. Both I and II follow.
10. A river 3 m deep and 20 m wide is flowing at the rate of 4 km per hour. How
much water will fall into the sea in a minute?
1. 6000 m3
2. 4000 m3
3. 3550 m3
4. None of these
11. Directions: In question below, find the odd word from the given alternatives.
1. Cataract
2. Trachoma
3. Glaucoma
4. Eczema
12. I
II 30 24
III 50 ?
1. 45
2. 40
3. 35
4. 48
13. Which of the given rights was described by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar as the “very soul of
the Indian Constitution”?
1. Right to equality
2. Right to freedom of religion
3. Right to education
4. Right to constitutional remedies
14. The Indian Constitution gavea special constitutional status to the state of Jammu
and Kashmir under which article?
1. Article 376
2. Article 51
3. Article 370
4. Article 24
15. The right to elementary education belongs to the article?
1. Article 24
2. Article 51
3. Article 21 A
4. Article 14
16. If x2 = y + z, y2 = z + x and z2 = x + y, then the value of
1. -1
2. 1
3. 2
4. 0
+ 1+𝑦 + 1+𝑧 is
17. A man takes 6 km distance to go around the rectangular area. If the area of the
rectangle is 2 km square, find the difference between length and breadth.
1. 2 km
2. 0.75 km
3. 0.5 km
4. 1 km
18. Directions: In the following question, a series is given, with one term missing.
Choose the correct alternative form the given ones that will complete the series.
ZA5, Y4B, XC6, W3D, ?
1. VE7
2. E7V
3. V2E
4. VE5
19. Directions: In the following question, a series is given, with one term missing.
Choose the correct alternative form the given ones that will complete the series.
20. Directions: In question, select which is different from other three alternatives.
1. Graphite
2. Pearls
3. Diamond
4. Coal
21. If sec θ + tan θ = 2 + √5, then the value of sin θ + cos θ is:
1. 3/√5
2. √5
3. 7/√5
4. 1/√5
22. One trader calculates the percentage of profit on the buying price and another
calculates on the selling price. When their selling prices are the same, then
difference of their actual profit is Rs. 85 and both claim to have made 20% profit.
What are the selling prices of each?
1. Rs. 1700
2. Rs. 2100
3. Rs. 2550
4. Rs. 2750
23. Which of the following is measured by Fathometer?
1. Current flowing through a wire
2. Voltage
3. Atmospheric pressure
4. Depth of ocean water
24. Which of the following is known as the centre of an atom?
1. Proton
2. Neutron
3. Electron
4. Nucleus
25. Which among the following is popularly known as the laughing gas?
1. Nitrogen
2. Nitrogen dioxide
3. Nitrous Oxide
4. Nitrogen penta Oxide
26. A man swims at 5 km/h in still water. He takes 75 minutes to swim from position
A to position B and back in a river when it is flowing at 1 km/h. What is the
distance between A and B?
1. 8 km
2. 4 km
3. 3 km
4. 6 km
27. In the question given below, select the one which is different from the other three
1. 53, 69
2. 65, 80
3. 62, 78
4. 50, 66
28. What is the height of the tower, if angles of elevation from two points at distances
a and b (a > b) from its foot and in the same straight line are 30° and 60°
1. √𝑎 − 𝑏
2. √
3. √𝑎𝑏
4. √𝑏 − 𝑎
29. In a group of 30 persons, a total of 16 take lemon tea while 9 take lemon tea but
not cold drink. How many persons in this group take cold drink but not lemon
1. 27
2. 14
3. 21
4. 11
30. What does IFSC code stands for?
1. An alphabetic code
2. A numeric code
3. An alphanumeric code
4. Can be all of the above
31. ‘G’ in RTGS stand for?
1. Group
2. Goods
3. Growth
4. Gross
32. Which amongst the following depicts the theme ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’?
1. BRICS 2016 Summit
2. World Economic Forum
33. A square field of area 33124 sq. m is to be surrounded by the barbed wire. The
wire to be fixed at the height of 1, 2, 3 & 4 m above the ground. If the length of the
wire required to cover the field once, is 5% more than the actual length, then how
long the wire will be required?
1. 3063.4 m
2. 3090.6 m
3. 3085.8 m
4. 3057.6 m
34. Mosquito: Malaria, Water: Cholera, Rat: “?”
1. Disease
2. Plague
3. Rabbies
4. None of the above
35. Directions: In the following question, from the given alternative words, select
the word which cannot be formed using the letters of the given word.
36. Arrange the following words as per order in the English dictionary.
1. Transfixed
10 | P a g e
2. Tranquilizer
3. Transaction
4. Trampoline
1. 4, 1, 2, 3
2. 4, 2, 1, 3
3. 4, 2, 3, 1
4. 3, 2, 1, 4
37. Amongst the following, who is the Napoleon of India?
1. Ashoka
2. Samudragupta
3. Akbar
4. Chandragupta I
38. The capital of the Guptas was?
1. Pataliputra
2. Taxila
3. Mathura
4. Ujjain
Directions(38-41): Study the pie-chart given below and answer the questions that
follow. Budget Estimated by a family for their Monthly expenses.
Total salary = Rs. 40,000 per month
11 | P a g e
39. The family saved Rs. 2400 on their electricity bill. What is the new percentage of
electricity bill amount of the total salary?
1. 11%
2. 13%
3. 12%
4. 14%
40. What is the difference in the amount estimated by the family on electricity and
cell bill?
1. Rs. 3600
2. Rs. 2800
3. Rs. 3200
4. Rs. 3440
41. If the family actually pays Rs. 9678 on grocery. What is the difference between
the actual expense & the estimated budget?
12 | P a g e
1. Rs. 1512
2. Rs. 1544
3. Rs. 1522
4. Rs. 1536
42. Due to sudden marriage, the family incurs miscellaneous expenditure of Rs. 2650
in total. How much is the increase in the amount under this head from the
estimated budget.
1. Rs. 200
2. Rs. 325
3. Rs. 250
4. Rs. 350
43. In a class of 80 students, 30 play Cricket, 35 play football and 25 students play
volleyball. Also, 15 Students play both Cricket and Football. 17 Students play both
Cricket and Volleyball and 14 students play both Football and Volleyball. 9
students play all three games. Find how many students play only Football.
1. 25
2. 20
3. 10
4. 15
44. Should the income generated out of agricultural activities be taxed?
13 | P a g e
I. No, farmers are otherwise suffering from natural calamities and low yield coupled
with low procurement price and their income should not be taxed.
II. Yes, majority of the population is dependent on agriculture and hence at least a
little portion of their income should be taxed to augment the resources.
III. Yes, many big farmers much earn more than the majority of the service earners
and the should be teased to remove the disparity.
1. I and II are strong
2. All are strong
3. II and III are strong
4. I and III are strong
45. If in a certain language, MAKER is coded as NZPVI, then how is TWISTING
coded in that language?
46. A milkman mixes water with milk and sells the mixture at the cost price of pure
milk. The volume of the water in litres to be mixed with each litre of milk to get a
20% profit is
1. 1 4
2. Cannot be calculated without knowing the cost price of milk
3. 1/6
14 | P a g e
4. 1/5
47. A man had Rs. 8000. He lent a part of it at 8% at SI and the remaining at 6% SI.
His total annual income was Rs. 600. Find the sum lent at 8% rate.
1. Rs. 5200
2. Rs. 5300
3. Rs. 6000
4. Rs. 6400
48. The SEBI Panel on Alternative Investment Funds was headed by whom?
1. Suresh Prabhu
2. Narayan Murthy
3. Arvind Mayaram
4. Arvind Subramaniam
49. Who amongst the following is the World’s largest exporter of rice?
1. India
2. Brazil
3. Thailand
4. China
50. Which of the following Indian states was/were aimed by the ‘Tejaswini’ project of
World Bank?
1. West Bengal
2. Jharkhand
3. Bihar
4. Himachal Pradesh
15 | P a g e
51. Two chords of lengths a metre and b metre subtend angles 60° and 90° at the
centre of the circle respectively. Which of the following is true?
1. b = √2a
2. a = √2b
3. a = 2b
4. b = 2a
52. Direction: Read the following statements and answer the question that follows.
a) Seeta, Rajinder and Surinder are children of Mr. and Mrs. Maudgil.
b) Renu, Raja and Sunil are children of Mr. and Mrs. Bhaskar.
c) Sunil and Seeta are married and Ashok and Sanjay are their children.
d) Geeta and Rakesh are children of Mr. and Mrs. Jain.
e) Geeta is married to Surinder and has three children named Rita, Sonu and Raju.
How is Rajinder related to Raju?
1. Brother
2. Paternal uncle
3. Brother-in-law
4. Cousin
53. In the following question select the related letter from the given alternatives.
16 | P a g e
54. Madhav got twice as many marks in History as in Science. His total marks in
History, Science and Maths are 240. If the ratio of his marks in History and
Maths is 2 : 3, what are his marks in Science?
1. 40
2. 60
3. 72
4. 90
55. If
= 𝐴 + √𝐵, then B – A is
1. -13
2. 2√13
3. 13
4. 3√3
56. Directions: Study the diagram and answer.
1. 535
2. 451
3. 702
4. 154
17 | P a g e
57. The start-up which recently became first to avail the benefits of Start-up India
Action is?
1. PhonePe
2. UrbanClap
3. Cygni Energy
4. India Shine
58. Who is the actress getting famous for her role as FBI trainee Alex Parrish?
1. DeepikaPadukone
2. Larad Dutta
3. Katrina Kaif
4. Priyanka Chopra
59. Who is Margaret Atwood?
1. Politician
2. Hollywood Actress
3. Sportsperson
4. Author
60. Directions: In question, two statements are given followed by conclusion. You
have to consider the statement to be true even if it seems to be at variance from
commonly known facts. You are to decide which of the given conclusion can
definitely be drawn from the given statement. Indicate your answer.
(I) Some students are intelligent.
(II) Ankita is a student.
1. Some students are dull.
2. Ankita is intelligent.
18 | P a g e
1. Only 1 follows
2. Both 1 and 2 follows
3. Only 2 follows
4. None follows
61. Find the figure from alternatives in which the question figure is hidden:
19 | P a g e
20 | P a g e
62. If 35674 is written as 57896, how will 4213 be written as?
1. 5376
2. 6435
3. 5997
4. 5389
63. A solid toy is in the form of a hemisphere along with a cone, height of the cone is
2 cm and the diameter of the base is 4 cm. If the right circular cylinder
circumscribes the toy, find the difference of the volumes of the cylinder and the
toy. (Take π = 3.14)
1. 25.12 cm3
2. 2.515 cm3
3. 251.2 cm3
4. 0.2512 cm3
64. If 𝑎+4𝑏 = 5,
then find the value of 𝑎+10𝑏
1. 12
2. 2
65. What is the other name of wood alcohol?
1. Methanol
2. Propanol
3. Butanol
4. Ethanol
66. Which amongst the following is known as the brightest star?
21 | P a g e
1. Proximacentauri
2. Alpha centauri
3. Polaris
4. Sirius
67. Which of the following deficiencies causeBeriberi disease?
1. Calcium
2. Phosphate
3. Vitamin D
4. Vitamin B1
68. Zika virus is spread by which of the following mediums?
1. Unhygienic environment
2. Dirty Water
3. Mosquito Bite
4. Infected Food
69. If (𝑥 + 𝑥)2 = 3 then find the value of x154 + x148 + x78 + x72 + x26 + x20 + 1.
1. 0
2. 1
3. 148
4. 78
70. There are 9 pentagons and hexagons in a chart. If the total number of sides is 49
then the number of pentagons is
1. 3
2. 2
3. 5
4. 4
22 | P a g e
71. Directions: In the given question, a series is given, with one term missing.
Choose the correct alternative from the given ones that will complete the series.
1. 5
2. 8
3. 7
4. 6
72. Which one of the given responses would be a meaningful order of the following?
A) Ghee , B) Milk, C) Curd, D) Cow, E) Butter
1. E, A, B, D, C
2. D, B, E, C, A
3. D, B, C, E, A
4. C, B, E, D, A
73. Rahul Dravid has a certain average for 13 innings. When he plays the 14th inning
he scores 150 runs and his average increases by 3 runs. What is the new average?
1. 108
2. 120
3. 113
4. 111
74. In the question below is given a statement followed by two assumptions
numbered I and II. An assumption is something supposed or taken for granted.
You have to consider the statement and the following assumptions and decide
which of the assumptions is implicit in the statement.
Statement: The odd-even traffic system to fight increased air pollution has received
mixed response from people.
I. Air pollution has decreased due to odd-even system.
23 | P a g e
II. Every citizen has welcomed the odd-even system.
1. Only assumption I is implicit.
2. Only assumption II is implicit.
3. Neither assumption I nor II is implicit.
4. Both assumptions I and II are implicit
75. The full form of CIBIL is?
1. Credit Information Board Limited
2. Credit and Investment Board Limited
3. Credit Investment Bureau Limited
4. Credit Information Bureau Limited
76. The organization which does not exist anymore?
1. IMF
2. SCO
77. Pick the denominations which are not available in the form of paper notes?
1. 100 rupees
2. 20 rupees
3. 1000 rupees
4. 5 rupees
78. A tank has a leak which would empty the completely filled cistern in 20 hours. If
the tank is full of water and a tap is opened which admits 2 liters of water per
minute in the tank, the leak now takes 30 hours to empty the tank. How many
liters of water does the tank hold?
1. 2400
2. 4500
24 | P a g e
3. 1200
4. 7200
79. A, B and C started a business by investing Rs. 40,500, Rs. 45000 and Rs. 60,000
respectively. After 6 months C withdrew Rs. 15,000 while A invested Rs. 4500
more. In annual profit of Rs. 56100, the share of C will exceed that of A by
1. 900
2. 1100
3. 3000
4. 3900
80.Jimmy (From pt-A) walks 10 km in the east direction. He takes a right turn and
walks 3 km. Then he takes left turn to walk 10 km and another left turn to walk 3
km. Then he takes a right turn and walks 10 km. Now he is at point B. He takes a
semi circular path to go back to the point. A. what is radius of the circle?
1. 5 km
2. 10 Km
3. 15 km
4. 10√3
81. A word is represented by only one set of numbers as given in any one of the
alternatives. The sets of numbers given in the alternatives are represented by two
classes of alphabets as in two matrices given below. The columns and rows of
Matrix I are numbered from 0 to 4 and that of Matrix II are numbered from 5 to
9. A letter from these matrices can be represented first by its row next by its
column, e.g., ‘A’ can be represented by 03, 34, 86, etc., and ‘N’ can be represented
25 | P a g e
by 12, 65, 79, etc. Similarly, you have to identify the number set for the word
given below:
Matrix I
Matrix II
1. 98, 56, 31, 77
2. 10, 02, 69, 88
3. 55, 22, 99, 33
4. 55, 43, 23, 69
82. In a Bank officer’s selection exam 70% of the successful students qualified in the
efficiency test and and 65% in the interview. If 27% were unsuccessful in both the
exam and 248 were successful in both the exams, then how many students were
successful in the written exam?
1. 400
2. 350
26 | P a g e
3. 450
4. 300
83. The tribe performing Karma Naach Dance is known as?
1. Santhals
2. Gonds
3. Bheel
4. Chengpa
84. The yoga session at the UN on the occasion of the second International Yoga Day
was headed by whom?
1. Baba Ramdev
2. Jaggi Vasudev
3. Swami Agnivesh
4. Sri Sri Ravishankar
85. Nuwan Kulasekara belongs to which of the following countries?
1. West Indies
2. Pakistan
3. India
4. Sri Lanka
86. Torres Strait separates New Guinea with which of the following countries?
1. New Zealand
2. Singapore
3. Australia
4. Hawaii
87. Select the related number from the given alternatives.
25 : 625 : : 35 : ?
27 | P a g e
1. 1575
2. 975
3. 635
4. 1205
88.2sin25° + 2sin210° + 2sin215° + … + 2sin285° + 2sin290° is equal to
2. 18
3. 19
4. 9 2
89. Find out the number of circles in the figure.
1. 18
2. 20
3. 16
4. 19
90. A girl is facing towards the east. She walks 5m, then takes a left turn and walks
another 5 m. She then takes a right turn to walk 10 m, then a left turn to walk
another 10 m. Then, she turns left and walks 5m. She has another left and walks
5m. Then she takes a right turn to walk 10 m and then another left to walk 10 m.
Her displacement is :
1. None
2. 5m, west
28 | P a g e
3. 10m, east
4. 10m, west
91. If 8 men or 12 women can do a piece of work in 25 days, in how many days can
the same work be done by 6 men and 11 women?
1. 15 days
2. 12 days
3. 18 days
4. 22 days
92. Which of the following replacement of one sign would make the given equation
72 × 9 × 8 = 64
1. + and –
2. ÷ and ×
3. + and ÷
4. – and ×
93. What will come in place of the question mark (?) in the following equation?
80% of 135 + ?% of 750 = 228
1. 25
2. 20
3. 16
4. 24
29 | P a g e
94. The number of digits used in numbering each page of a book of 200 pages is:
1. 342
2. 348
3. 328
4. 492
95. The unit digit in (795 - 358) is
1. 0
2. 4
3. 6
4. 7
96. If $ means +, # means –, @ means × and ∗ means ÷, then what is the value of 16
$ 4 @ 5 # 72 ∗ 8 ?
1. 25
2. 27
3. 29
4. 36
97. A statement is given followed by two inferences I and II. You have to consider the
statement to be true even if it seems to be at variance from commonly known
facts. You have to decide which of the given inferences, if any, follow from the
given statement?
Statement: The secretary said that the upcoming cricket series has been cancelled
due to the recent terror attacks.
30 | P a g e
I. Terrorism has created conditions unsafe for cricket.
II. The series would have taken place had there been no terror attacks.
1. Only inference I follows
2. Only inference II follows
3. Both the inferences follow
4. None of the inferences follows
98. Soni Chaurasiya who has recently broken the world record of longest dance
performance is related to which dance?
1. Bharatnatyam
2. Garba
3. Kathak
4. Bhangra
99. Cristiano Ronaldo is related to which country?
1. Brazil
2. France
3. Spain
4. Portugal
Which of the following states has Asia’s cleanest village Mawlynnong?
1. Meghalaya
2. Assam
3. Uttarakhand
4. Goa
31 | P a g e
In the adjoining figure: ∠A + ∠B + ∠C + ∠D + ∠E =
1. 900°
2. 720°
3. 180°
4. 540°
From the given answer figures, select the one in which question figure is
32 | P a g e
33 | P a g e
Each man dances with 3 women, each women dances with 3 men. Among each
pair of men they have exactly two women in common. Find the no. of men and
1. 3, 6
2. 5, 3
3. 4,4
4. Cannot be determined
In the given figure, Circle represents ‘persons having a car’. Triangle
represents ‘persons having a motorcycle’. Square represents ‘persons having a
Auto rickshaw’. Rectangle represents ‘persons having a Cycle’. Find the area that
represents persons having Car, motorcycle, cycle but not Auto rickshaw.
If Shiv receives 11% interest on one – third of his capital, 12% interest on one
– fourth of his capital and 8% on his remaining capital, the percentage interest he
receives on the whole is
1. 10%
34 | P a g e
2. 29%
3. 6%
4. 18%
The ratio, in which tea costing Rs. 192 per kg is to be mixed with tea costing
Rs. 150 per kg so that the mixed tea, when sold for Rs. 194.40 per kg, gives a
profit of 20%, is
1. 2 : 5
2. 3 : 5
3. 5 : 3
4. 5 : 2
Which of the following is a conductor of electricity?
1. Sea water
2. Plastic
3. Glass
4. Ceramic
Metal which is capable of replacing the hydrogen from their acids to form salts
1. S
2. Na
3. Ag
4. P
Which of the following lakes is formed due to volcanic activities?
1. Crater lake
2. Lagoon
35 | P a g e
3. Caldera lake
4. Fresh water lake
110. A source of green manure is
1. Oil seed husk cakes
2. Domestic vegetable waste
3. Fresh animal excreta
4. Decomposing green legume plants
111. In ΔABC, ∠B = 35°, ∠C = 65° and the bisector AD of ∠BAC meets BC at D. Then,
which of the following is true?
1. AD > BD > CD
2. BD > AD > CD
3. AD > CD > BD
4. None of these
112. The average age of 30 boys in a class is 15 years. One boy, aged 10 years, left the
class, but two new boys came in his place whose ages differ by 16 years. If the average
age of all the boys now in the class becomes 16 years, the age of the younger
newcomer is:
1. 20 years
2. 16 years
3. 6 years
4. 10 years
36 | P a g e
113. A retailer purchases a grinder at a discount of 15% and sells it for Rs. 1955 at a
profit of 15%.The amount of discount received by the retailer from the whole seller
1. 270
2. 290
3. 300
4. 330
114. Three numbers are in the ratio 2 : 3 : 4. If the sum of their squares is 2349, then
the numbers are
1. 8, 12 and 16
2. 16, 24 and 32
3. 12, 18 and 24
4. None of the above
115. Directions: In the following questions, find the missing number from given
1, 2, 3, 14, 5, 34, 7, ?, ?
1. 68,7
2. 63,9
3. 60,11
4. 62,9
116. Simplify:150% of 150 + 75% of 75 = ?
1. 75.75
2. 78.75
3. 135
37 | P a g e
4. 281.25
117 .The book ‘Freedom From Fear’ is written by whom?
1. Nayantara Sehgal
2. Corazon Aquino
3. Aung San Suu Kyi
4. Benazir Bhutto
118. Jawaharlal Nehru Port is located in which of the following states?
1. Kolkata
2. Paradip
3. Mumbai
4. Cochin
119. Pick from the following, the authority which approves an ordinance issued by
1. The Parliament
2. The State Legislature
3. The State Council of Ministers
4. The President
120. Directions: In the following question, find the odd term from the given
38 | P a g e
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39 | P a g e