Mya Abby Hes Neveah Grace Willcox Harry Louis

PROUD parents Sandra Fry
and Joshua Hes welcome
their first baby girl to the
family, Mya Abby Hes.
Mum Sandra explained that
Mya’s big brother Jacob was
confused at first with the
new addition to the family.
‘‘But he’s taking it really well
now and he is really helpful,’’
she said.
Sandra says Mya is a pretty
calm baby.
‘‘She’s easygoing considering
all the noise from her
brother,’’ she said.
Both parents will be happy
with whichever sports she
chooses to play.
Mya was born on November
5 at 3:37pm and weighed
3.47kg and measured 50cm.
Neveah Grace Willcox
MUM Tamara Kavanagh says being pregnant
along with someone else is great. Tamara
spent her pregnancy alongside her best
friend of almost 15 years, Caroline Morrissy,
who gave birth to her baby this week.
‘‘It’s really good to be pregnant with someone
else,’’ she said.
Tamara and dad Matthew Willcox welcomed
Neveah Grace Willcox on October 16. Tamara
said Neveah’s step-brother, Jayden, was
excited about a new member in the family.
Tamara described little Neveah as ‘‘cheeky
and observant’’, saying ‘‘she looks at
everything and she takes everything in’’.
Baby Neveah was born at 8:24pm. She
weighed 2.99kg and measured 48cm.
Indiana May Morrissy
Harry Louis Svarc
amazing. ‘‘He’s already starting to show a few different
sides,’’ she said. ‘‘They’re nothing but good though.’’
Harry’s uncle wants him to be a footy player and his dad
expects he will follow him and become an electrician.
Harry was born on October 23 at 1.03pm. He weighed
3.71kg and measured 49cm.
Evagellia Anaplioti
RINOULAS Anaplioti
was champing at the
bit in the waiting
room, keenly
anticipating the birth
of her little sister,
Mum Anna said her
eldest, aged just 2½,
was excited about
having a new sister
and dad Peter was
more than happy to
have two girls.
‘‘We’re really happy,’’
she said.
The family lives at
Wagaman with
Anna’s parents,
who now have seven
Evagellia was born
on November 9 at
11.07am. She
weighed 3.35kg and
measured 49cm.
Joaquim Mu-Shofner
Grace Hui Greer
WHAT’S in a name? The Huang-Greer family hopes a lot
after the birth of baby Grace Hui Greer.
Dad Shane Greer, 47, said the Bayview couple hoped Grace
was like her name.
‘‘For us that means graceful, peaceful and a pleasant
personality,’’ he said.
Mum Wei Fang Huang, 34, said she was excited and happy
about Grace’s arrival after a caesarean birth and they were
looking forward to going home and getting settled.
Grace was born on November 17 at 10.44am. She weighed
3.01kg and measured 47.5cm.
means extra work
for the Shofner
family — and there
might be more to
‘‘We’re more
fulfilled,’’ dad Joe
Shofner, 28, said.
‘‘But maybe not
totally fulfilled.’’
Joe and mum Kim
Mu-Shofner, 28, are
pleased their
18-month-old son
Meno has a sibling.
‘‘He loves kids,’’ they
said. ‘‘But he’s a little
confused about
Joaquim. There could
be a little jealousy.’’
Little Joaquim was
born on November
20 at 2.37am. He
weighed 4.03kg and
measured 51cm.
Sunday, November 27, 2011. Sunday Territorian.
MOTHER Olivia Svarc cannot help but giggle when asked
about her first-born son, Harry Louis Svarc.
While on the phone to Hello Baby, Olivia couldn’t stop
giggling as she talked cute about her first-born.
With her partner Ben Svarc by her side, Olivia described
the feeling of having her first child as overwhelming, but
PROUD new parents Caroline
and Shane Morrissy
welcomed the first addition
to their family, a beautiful
baby girl named Indiana
May Morrissy.
Mother Caroline said the
feeling of having a baby is
‘‘indescribable’’ and that it
was an ‘‘out-of-body
experience’’. Father Shane
added she is a ‘‘big bundle of
joy.’’ Indiana is said to
resemble her father a lot.
Caroline said her personality
‘‘had changed, up until then
she was an angel,’’ she is
now said to be a ‘‘feisty’’ little
girl for her size by the
doctors. Both parents
could not be happier and said
their new little girl has
brought them the feeling of
‘‘lovely joy’’.
Indiana May was born on
November 19 at 1.11pm. She
weighed 2.7kg and
measured 46cm.