HRAD Program06.indd - The Advocates for Human Rights

Women, Immigration
and Human Rights
Minnesota Advocates for Human Rights
650 Third Ave. S. • Suite 550
Minneapolis, MN 55402-1940
[email protected]
Minnesota Advocates for Human Rights
Our Mission
Injustice anywhere is a threat
to justice everywhere.
The mission of Minnesota Advocates for Human Rights is to implement international
human rights standards to promote civil society and reinforce the rule of law.
By involving volunteers in research, education and advocacy,
we build broad constituencies in the United States
and selected global communities.
– Martin Luther King, Jr.
Board of Directors
Aviva Breen, President
Robert D. Aronson
John Borman
Jacques Boucal
Steven E. Carlson
James E. Dorsey
Wood R. Foster, Jr.
Barbara A. Frey
Honorable Samuel L. Hanson
Samuel D. Heins
Honorable Hubert H.
Humphrey III
Sandra B.C. Johnson
Marlene Kayser
That part of America
Ellen Sampson
Jeffrey F. Shaw
Nancy Speer
Roberta Walburn
David S. Weissbrodt
Samuel Kofi Woods II
Scott Wright
Robin Phillips
Jennifer Prestholdt
Malinda Schmiechen
Kathy Seipp
Ann Theisen
Cheryl Thomas
Aaron Van Alstine
Katie Vang
James Weissbrodt
Andrew Williams
America is indebted to immigration
for her settlement and prosperity.
Dr. Hyder Khan
Mark Lindberg
James P. Martineau
Dipankar Mukherjee
Dr. David L. Parker
Jacqueline Regis
James V. Roth
Kim Babine
Colleen Beebe
Amy Beier
Min Chong
Emily Good
Sarah Herder
Mary Hunt
Kay Kautio
Michele Garnett McKenzie
Laura Nelson
Rebecca Palmer
Rosalyn Park
which has encouraged them most
has advanced most rapidly
in population, agriculture and the arts.
– James Madison
2005-2006 Minnesota Advocates for Human Rights Interns
Amy Albus
Jeeva Ananthan
Sara Baber
Stephanie Bates
Sara Bielawski
Britny Blomgren
Hannah Bolt
Melanie Bradshaw
Sarah Carlson-Wallrath
Heidi Christine
Carrie Coslin
Catherine Erickson
Rachel Evenson
Jane Gazman
Tracy Grundman-Reza
Margaret Hellerstein
Nicole Herther-Spiro
Katharine Horowitz
Maren Hulden
Kadra Ibrahim
Taneeza Islam
Caroline Jacobson
Jordan Jones
William Keeler
Elizabeth Kiechle
John Lanari
Angie Lewis
Shantal Marshall
Mia Lisa McFarland
Amanda McRae
Amy Medtlie
Hannah Foehringer Merchant
Jessica Mowles
Christopher Nelson
Julia Parke
Elizabeth Petheo
Shaun Pettigrew
Heather Ring
Amie Shindelar
Leah Tran
Emily Woodman-Maynard
Minnesota Advocates for Human Rights
2006 Human Rights
Awards Dinner
End of Silent Auction
Executive Director’s Update
Volunteer Awards
Penny Parker and Tammy Tucker & Sweet Tea Design
The 2006 Human Rights Awards
Kao Ly Ilean Her, Hauwa Ibrahim and Lupe R. Serrano
Keynote Address
Hauwa Ibrahim
A Message to Our Guests at the 2006 Human Rights Awards Dinner
Welcome to our 2006 Human Rights Awards Dinner, our annual celebration of human rights
and the vibrant community that makes our work possible.
Martin Luther King, Jr. said, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” These words take on
new meaning and urgency as economic globalization and advances in technology and communication
increasingly connect Minnesota with the world. Dr. King’s words reflect one of the underlying principles
of our mission and the theme of this year’s Human Rights Awards Dinner. Tonight we will focus on the
intersections of our work to protect women’s rights and immigrant rights. Our work is inspired by the work
of women’s organizations around the world and immigrants in the United States to secure their human
rights and provide a better quality of life for women and immigrants in their communities.
Hauwa Ibrahim, one of the recipients of our Human Rights Award this year, is a true hero. For years, she has
worked tirelessly to protect the human rights of women through the legal system in Nigeria. In so doing, she
has put her own life and well-being at risk to ensure that the human rights of others are protected.
Our other Human Rights Award recipients, Lupe Serrano and Ilean Her, are heroes who live here in
Minnesota. They have dedicated their lives to creating safe, healthy communities where everyone
— regardless of where they were born – can live with dignity and respect. We celebrate and honor these
women and their work.
Recently, public policy debates about immigration have taken center stage at both the state and federal
levels. At Minnesota Advocates, we are working to ensure that this discussion includes the recognition that
all people are born equal in dignity and rights according to the United States Constitution and the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights. Every day we advocate for the rights of refugees, immigrants and women. We
see the unique challenges that they face living in this country in 2006. How our country responds to these
challenges reflects our core values as a society.
We thank you all for your time and support and look forward to working with you to achieve our vision, like
Dr. King’s vision, of a world without injustice.
Robin Phillips
Executive Director
2 • Minnesota Advocates for Human Rights Awards Dinner 2006
Aviva Breen
President of the Board
Our Keynote Speaker
Hauwa Ibrahim
One of the top defenders of women’s rights in Nigeria, Hauwa Ibrahim has successfully
challenged Nigerian courts’ interpretation of Islamic Sharia law in several cases. Many of
these cases involved women accused of adultery who, if convicted, would be subject
to death by stoning. A firm proponent of the rule of law, she has argued that Sharia law
requires the courts to respect the procedural and substantive rights guaranteed by the
Nigerian constitution. Ibrahim’s professional accomplishments also include election as
the first female National Publicity Secretary of the Nigerian Bar Association in 2000 and
authorship of the first draft of the constitution for the Pan African Lawyers Union in 2002.
Ibrahim has served as a consultant to the United Nations Development Program, the
European Union and the NGO, Lawyers Without Borders.
Recognizing a disparity in legal representation for women and marginalized individuals, Ms. Ibrahim’s practice has
evolved by representating people who could not otherwise afford legal representation, but whose basic human rights
depended on the intervention of a legal representative. Ms. Ibrahim continues to represent marginalized members of
society who are entitled to justice, but for whom the system of justice can be frightening and anything but protective
of their human and civil rights.
Ms. Ibrahim’s work was recently recognized by the European Parliament, which awarded her their top human rights
award, the Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought. Czech reformer Alexander Dubcek, Nelson Mandela, and UN
Secretary General Kofi Annan are past recipients of this prestigious award.
Our Master of Ceremonies
Garrison Keillor
Garrison Keillor is the host and writer of A Prairie Home Companion and The Writer’s
Almanac, heard on public radio stations across the country. He is the author of more
than a dozen books, including Lake Wobegon Days, The Book of Guys, Love Me and
Homegrown Democrat. He was born in Anoka, Minnesota and graduated from the
University of Minnesota.
Garrison Keillor went to work for Minnesota Public Radio in 1969 on the 6 to 9 am
morning program called A Prairie Home Companion — named after the Prairie Home
cemetery in Moorhead, Minnesota. It was after he began work on an article for the New
Yorker magazine about the Grand Ole Opry in Nashville that he developed an idea for a radio show with musical
guests and commercials for imaginary products. On July 6, 1974, Mr. Keillor hosted the first live broadcast of A Prairie
Home Companion at the Janet Wallace Auditorium at Macalester College in Saint Paul, Minnesota.
Today, A Prairie Home Companion is heard by over 4 million listeners each week on over 580 public radio stations.
This past May, a movie version of A Prairie Home Companion had its local premiere at St. Paul’s Fitzgerald Theater,
where most of it was filmed. The movie was directed by Robert Altman and written by Garrison Keillor.
Minnesota Advocates for Human Rights Awards Dinner 2006 • 3
The 2006 Human Rights Award Honorees
Kao Ly Ilean Her, Esq., is
among the most effective
and admired advocates for
refugees, immigrants, and
women in the Twin Cities.
Ms. Her has been the
Executive Director of the
Minnesota State Council on
Asian-Pacific Minnesotans
since 1997. In her role
at the Council, Ms. Her works to develop legislation
and public policy, serves as community liaison, and
advises the governor and members of the legislature
on broad issues impacting the Asian-Pacific community
in Minnesota. In 2004, Ms. Her traveled with St. Paul
Mayor Randy Kelly to visit the Hmong refugees at Wat
Krambok in Thailand. Prior to joining the Council, Ms.
Her worked at the Minnesota Department of Employee
Relations, Office of Diversity and Equal Opportunity, the
private law firm of Thao and Li, P.A., and as a law clerk
at the Minnesota Supreme Court serving under Justice
Sandra Gardebring and Justice Esther Tomljanovich. She
is on the board of the Hmong American Partnership,
Citizens League, Harriet Tubman Women’s Center,
and Asian Women of Tomorrow. Born in Laos, Ms. Her
came to the US with her family in 1976 as a political
refugee. Ms. Her received her J.D. from the University of
Minnesota Law School in 1994 and was the first Hmong
woman admitted to the Minnesota State Bar.
Lupe R. Serrano is
widely recognized as
a national expert on
domestic violence and
community engagement.
For over twenty-five
years, as a community
leader and human rights
advocate, she has played
a significant role in helping
programs that address domestic violence become
more responsive to Latino communities. Ms. Serrano
is currently Director of Casa de Esperanza, a non-profit
organization whose mission is to mobilize Latinas and
the Latino communities to end domestic violence. With
her brave and innovative spirit, she has led Casa de
Esperanza through a philosophical transformation that
recognizes and honors Latina women’s strengths. The
shift in approach to building on those strengths moved
the organization beyond creating systems to developing
community-based solutions to address domestic
violence. Today Casa de Esperanza is a major force in
community efforts to change attitudes about domestic
violence. The organization, for example, has worked
effectively to reduce immigrant women’s fears about
seeking help when they experience domestic violence.
Ms. Serrano’s leadership and vision has prepared Casa
de Esperanza to move into the future and to lead the
Latino community, in the Twin Cities, nationally, and
Hauwa Ibrahim (see page 3)
4 • Minnesota Advocates for Human Rights Awards Dinner 2006
The 2006 Human Rights Volunteer Award Honorees
Penny Parker has
represented Minnesota
Advocates at the United
Nations for more than
15 years and has greatly
contributed to raising the
organization’s international
profile through her
dedication and hard
work. Penny is widely
respected as an expert on human rights mechanisms
at the UN. Not only has she effectively represented
Minnesota Advocates at the UN, but she has also
played an important role in improving the operations
and procedures of the UN human rights bodies. Penny
has worked with individuals and non-governmental
organizations from around the world and has provided
essential training and mentoring to new groups
presenting their issues to the UN. In addition to her work
at the UN, Penny volunteered for Minnesota Advocates
as a trial observer during the trial of the Muslim
Brotherhood in Egypt. She also worked with the team
reporting on human rights abuses in Saudi Arabia and
wrote the international legal analysis for the Minnesota
Advocates report Shame in the House of Saud. Penny is
an attorney with Nokia Corporation and is currently living
in Belgium.
Tammy Tucker is a
professional graphic
designer and the founder
and creative director of
Sweet Tea Design. Tammy
works with nonprofits to
effectively communicate
their messages, and
generously offers her
talents to help organizations
tell their stories to promote social change. For several
years, her graphic design skills have enhanced a variety
of Minnesota Advocates programs and projects. She
created the organization’s 15th Anniversary Report,
which became the prototype program for subsequent
Annual Reports. Tammy also designed brochures for
Minnesota Advocates’ Asylum Project Conference. More
recently, Tammy’s colorful and vibrant print materials
have captured the spirit of the last three International
Women’s Day Celebrations. In addition to volunteering
for Minnesota Advocates, Tammy has contributed her
creative energy and designs for the Midwest Coalition
for Human Rights, the Human Rights Program at the
University of Minnesota, Powderhorn Park Neighborhood
Association, and the Women’s Environmental Institute, as
well as for various benefits and fundraisers.
Special Thanks
To Boulevard Gardens for donating centerpiece flowers.
To Bill Cameron for photography of the award winners and the event.
To Marie Enge and Johnson Design + Etc for donating the design of the Awards Dinner’s invitation
and program.
To Greta Budzynski, Holly Davis, Karen Evans, Rachel Johnson and Chelli Phillips Ray for assisting with
the event.
Minnesota Advocates for Human Rights Awards Dinner 2006 • 5
About Minnesota Advocates For Human Rights
Minnesota Advocates was founded in 1983 by a group of Minnesota lawyers who recognized the community’s unique
spirit of social justice as an opportunity to promote and protect human rights in the United States and around the world.
Minnesota Advocates:
• investigates and exposes human rights violations internationally and in the United States;
• represents immigrants and refugees who are victims of human rights abuses;
• trains and assists groups that protect human rights; and
• works through education and advocacy to engage the public, policymakers and children about human rights and
cultural understanding.
The organization has produced more than 50 reports documenting human rights practices in more than 25 countries,
and works with partners overseas and in the United States to restore and protect human rights. Minnesota Advocates
holds Special Consultative Status with the United Nations.
Refugee and Immigrant Program Our Refugee and Immigrant Program clients are at risk of deportation to their
home countries where they face persecution, torture, and death because of their ethnicity, religion, nationality, social
group, or political beliefs. Clients include political activists, human rights workers, journalists, children, and teachers.
More than 350 Minnesota Advocates volunteer lawyers represent hundreds of asylum seekers every year.
Women’s Human Rights Program The Women’s Human Rights Program of Minnesota Advocates applies international human rights standards to advocate for women’s rights in the United States and around the world. The program
has published 15 reports on women’s human rights violations in 12 countries, collaborating with local organizations
overseas and in the United States to document domestic violence, rape, employment discrimination, sexual harassment
in the workplace, and trafficking in women and girls for commercial sexual exploitation. The Women’s Program also
provides training on legal reform related to violence against women and consultation on new domestic violence laws to
legal professionals and women’s organizations in Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union.
Human Rights Education Program Through school and community-based education and professional training, the
Human Rights Education Program teaches the principles of human rights to K-12 classrooms, works to combat racism
and anti-immigrant sentiment, and trains professionals to promote and defend international human rights. Education
experts create curricula, lesson plans, and other tools that are used locally and nationally as a means of educating
others about human rights. Minnesota Advocates reaches thousands of people each year by conducting training
sessions, holding community forums, teaching law courses and providing other public education opportunities.
Minnesota Advocates’ B.I.A.S. (Building Immigrant Awareness and Support) Project reaches more than 5,000 people
each year with accurate information about the impact of immigration on our culture and economy. The project also
builds bridges between disparate cultures and educates about and advocates for the rights of refugees and immigrants.
Special Projects
• Death Penalty Project: Minnesota Advocates’ Death Penalty Project provides education and advocacy on death
penalty issues in our own community. The Death Penalty Project’s advocacy efforts focus on opposing attempts to
reintroduce capital punishment in Minnesota.
• Human Rights Monitoring Project: Internationally, Minnesota Advocates is using human rights monitoring
methods to contribute to the success of transitional justice in Peru and Sierra Leone. Minnesota Advocates also
recently launched two local projects. The Oromo Project draws upon the large community of ethnic Oromos in
the Twin Cities to document systematic human rights violations in Ethiopia. The Post-9/11 Project is designed to
investigate the impact of 9/11 on refugee and immigrant communities in Rochester, St. Cloud and the Twin Cities.
• Nepal School Project: Minnesota Advocates collaborates with community leaders in the village of Sankhu, Nepal,
to educate 180 of the region’s poorest students at the Sankhu-Palubari Community School.
6 • Minnesota Advocates for Human Rights Awards Dinner 2006
Annual Overview 2005-2006
Held its annual Human Rights Awards Dinner,
featuring keynote speaker Seymour Hersh, known
for his exceptional investigative journalism exposing
human rights violations around the world. Also
honored were the American Refugee Committee, the
Center for Victims of Torture, Pangea World Theater,
and volunteers Cliff Anderson, Karen Ellingson,
Dianne Heins, Julia Kashaeva, Sherry Kempf, Mark
Lee, and Robert Vaaler.
Participated in a national coalition responding to
the US report on compliance with the International
Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and the
Covenant Against Torture (CAT), and co-authored the
immigration-related sections of the coalition’s shadow
Served on the national Steering Committee for the
Detention Watch Network.
Provided mentoring to 25 National Violence Against
Women Monitors in Central and Eastern Europe
and the Commonwealth of Independent States
on monitoring their government and community
response to violence against women. Hosted a twoday meeting with the Network Women’s Program of
Open Society Institute in Tbilisi, Georgia to promote
the NVAW Monitor Program.
Celebrated the 11th Annual International Women’s
Day in March 2006 on the University of Minnesota
campus. The event, attended by more than 600
people, included keynote speaker Naomi Tutu, and
a panel discussion with Nyango Melissa Nambangi,
Susana de Leon, Farheen Hakeem, Peggy Flanagan,
and Pakou Hang. This year’s event included special
performances by Pangea World Theater.
Women’s Program Director Cheryl Thomas with
Peter and Anne Heegaard at the 2005 Human
Rights Awards Dinner.
Ann Theisen, Aaron Van Alstine and
Kathy Seipp, Education Program staff members.
Arvonne Fraser speaks about women’s human
rights at a lunch lecture co-sponsored by
Fredrikson & Byron, P.A.
Loretta Frederick (second from left) at a training
for Bulgarian police on their new domestic
violence law.
Board member Barbara Frey with Deborah Ellis
at the death penalty project fundraiser at the
Minnesota Center for Photography.
Staff attorney Rose Park demonstrates the
resources of the StopVAW website to police
officers in Tajikistan.
Minnesota Advocates for Human Rights Awards Dinner 2006 • 7
Annual Overview 2005-2006 (Continued)
ADVOCACY (Continued)
Pro bono attorneys led by Jeff Keyes obtained a
reversal of conviction in the US Supreme Court for
Martin Draughon, who was on death row in Texas.
Educated the public about proposed bills and their
potential impact on immigrant communities via
forums, training sessions and panel discussions.
Provided free legal representation and advice to over
1,000 asylees, refugees and immigrants.
Placed over 60 new cases with volunteer attorneys
and attorney teams.
Continued to develop and expand the Stop Violence
Against Women website,, and the
monthly Violence Against Women Monitor newsletter.
Both provide information and serve as advocacy tools
for advocates working to enact legal reform dealing
with violence against women.
Advocated for refugees, asylees, and immigrants in
the US Congress and the Minnesota Legislature by
commenting on proposed legislation and providing
expert testimony.
Co-sponsored the Rally to Stop Genocide, organized
by the Save Darfur Initiative as part of the “Million
Voices for Darfur” campaign.
Organized a Minnesota Advocates team for the Walk
for Justice and participated in the Race for Justice.
Staff members Malinda Schmiechen (left) and
Colleen Beebe (second from right) with
volunteers at the Park Avenue Walk-in Legal Clinic.
Board Member Hyder Khan presenting an award
at the 2005 Human Rights Awards Dinner.
Members of Minnesota Advocates’ site visit
team with staff from partner non-profit Hoste
Hainse in Nepal.
Emma Kelty, Laura Provinzino and Mark
Johnson at a house party benefiting the
Refugee and Immigrant Program.
8 • Minnesota Advocates for Human Rights Awards Dinner 2006
A Minnesota Advocates asylum client greets his
wife as she arrives at the MinneapolisSt. Paul airport.
Attorneys Sandra Babcock and Joe Margulies
were honored by Minnesota Advocates for their
advocacy against the death penalty.
Naomi Tutu presenting her keynote address
at the 2006 International Women’s Day
Students at the Sankhu-Palubari Community
School in Nepal.
Launched — a new
website dedicated to providing accurate and up-todate information about immigration in the US and
Minnesota, pending immigration-related legislation,
reports, resources, and curriculum on immigration
issues, and postings of related community events.
Launched the Torture Destroys Us All campaign to
catalyze and inform a discussion on the use of torture
during wartime. The campaign began on Nicollet Mall
in Minneapolis and continued at the Minnesota State
Fair, where more than 1,000 people signed a petition
against torture.
Educated over 180 children at the Sankhu-Palubari
Community School in Nepal, where children are
provided meals and an education as an alternative to
exploitative child labor. Also conducted a site visit to
the school.
Held the 2006 Human Rights and Asylum
Conference where featured speakers discussed labor
rights as human rights and emerging issues in asylum
Trained police, judges, social service workers and
community groups on the criminal justice system
response to battered refugee and immigrant women.
Provided information to the Minnesota Court
Interpreter Program, which led to the adoption of
new rules for complaint procedures and sanctions for
improper interpreter conduct.
Collaborated with Pangea World Theater on a
dramatic production, "Journey to Safety,” based on
the findings of the battered refugee and immigrant
women project report.
Established a “Rights Sites” partnership with the
Anoka School District — our first district-wide project.
Welcomed the Perpich Center for Arts Education in
Golden Valley as a new “Rights Sites” project partner
Presented on the StopVAW website at the
international AWID (Association for Women’s Rights in
Development) Forum in Bangkok, Thailand.
Coordinated and conducted 2 two-day trainings in
November 2005 and May 2006 for over 100 police
and judges in Bulgaria on implementing that country’s
new domestic violence law.
Trained nearly 200 attorneys and legal assistants
with the City of Minneapolis on cross-cultural
communication and interpretation; trained
University of Minnesota law students to represent
asylum seekers in detention; trained media on
immigration law basics.
Briefed the UN Human Rights Committee about US
violations of the International Covenant on Civil and
Political Rights (ICCPR) with regard to asylum-seekers
and other non-citizens.
Minnesota Advocates for Human Rights Awards Dinner 2006 • 9
Annual Overview 2005-2006 (Continued)
EDUCATION (Continued)
Celebrated International Human Rights Day as a
co-sponsor of a CLE, reception and evening event.
Sponsored screening of “After Innocence,” followed
by a question and answer session with Michael
Cromett, Assistant State Public Defender, and Robert
McLaughlin, an exoneree.
Participated in the 16 Days of Activism Against
Gender Violence campaign with a presentation on
the connections between women’s human rights,
violence against women, and HIV/AIDS.
Co-sponsored with Fredrikson & Byron, P.A. the
Immigration Speaker Series, including Sam Myers
and Loan Huynh’s lecture, “Immigration in America:
Opportunity for Reform.”
Hosted a Women’s Human Rights Film Series with
The Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library to view
and discuss important films documenting women’s
human rights issues throughout the world.
Facilitated the Oromo Project study group to learn
more about the human rights abuses against the
Oromo people in Ethiopia.
Co-sponsored with Dorsey & Whitney LLP the Death
Penalty Lecture Series, including Fionnuala Ní Aoláin’s
lecture, “The European View on the Death Penalty in
the Context of the War on Terror.”
Initiated the Children’s Human Rights Speaker Series
at Faegre & Benson LLP, including Judge Kathryn
L. Quaintance’s lecture, “Children’s Rights in the
Minnesota Juvenile Justice System.”
Yawo Attivor, Moving Lives Speakers Bureau
artist, playing music with students at new Rights
Sites partner, Perpich Arts High School.
Staff member Min Chong assisting Jeff Keyes,
an attorney at Briggs & Morgan, at a lunch
lecture about the death penalty co-sponsored
by Dorsey & Whitney.
Board Member Aviva Breen, Executive Director Robin Phillips, Board Member Marlene Kayser, Education Program Director Colleen Beebe, Julia Kashaeva and Jesus Purisaca at the 2005
Minnesota State Fair.
10 • Minnesota Advocates for Human Rights Awards Dinner 2006
Nyango Melissa Nambangi, one of five
immigrant activist panelists at International
Women’s Day 2006.
Meena Natarajan, Aamera Siddiqui and Board Member Dipankar
Mukherjee (all from Pangea World Theater) visit with Manju Parikh at the
Women’s Program Spring House Party.
Chris Granias (center standing), new Rights
Sites teacher at the Perpich Arts High school
with students and guest teachers.
Members of Pangea World Theater performing at International Women’s
Day 2006.
Deputy Director Jennifer Prestholdt with Board
Member Steve Carlson.
Hauwa Ibrahim and Development Director
Andrew Williams.
Received Minnesota Hispanic Bar Association Award
for immigrant legal services.
Received Charity Navigator’s highest 4-star rating for
sound fiscal management.
Malinda Schmiechen and Emily Good co-authored an
article in The Hennepin Lawyer entitled “Practicing
Human Rights in Minnesota: Representing Asylum
Seekers Through the Immigration Process.”
Michele Garnett McKenzie authored a chapter on
legal services in “Healing the Hurt: A Guide for
Developing Services for Torture Survivors,” published
by the Center for Victims of Torture.
Women’s Program Director Cheryl Thomas was
named a 2005 “Changemaker” by Minnesota
Women’s Press.
Traveled to Tajikistan at the invitation of organizations
in Dushanbe to document domestic violence as a
human rights violation.
Held a meeting and interviews with a visiting
delegation of government officials from Tajikistan,
including a Supreme Court Justice and Deputy
Director of Internal Affairs.
Traveled to Bulgaria to research the justice system’s
response to the new domestic violence law in
preparation for training police and judges.
Conducted fact-finding interviews in Minnesota about
human rights abuses against the Oromo people
in Ethiopia with the goal of raising awareness and
providing information for advocacy efforts to improve
the human rights situation in Ethiopia.
Conducted several round table discussions and
interviews in Rochester, St. Cloud and the Twin
Cities to document the long-term impact of 9/11 in
Minnesota's immigrant communities.
Minnesota Advocates for Human Rights Awards Dinner 2006 • 11
Contributions from May 20, 2005 to May 19, 2006
$25,000 & Up
The Beverly Foundation
The Otto Bremer
The Jay & Rose Phillips
Family Foundation
Legal Services Advisory
McKnight Foundation
Mertz Gilmore Foundation
Minneapolis Foundation
Oak Foundation
Office of Refugee
Open Society Institute
Robins, Kaplan, Miller
& Ciresi LLP Foundation
for Education, Public
Health & Social Justice
The Saint Paul Foundation
United Nations Voluntary
Fund for Victims of
$15,000 to $24,999
Marlene & Thomas Kayser
Daniel R. Pennie/BTC
Robins, Kaplan, Miller
& Ciresi LLP
$10,000 to $14,999
Carolyn Foundation
Dorsey & Whitney
Faegre & Benson LLP
Fredrikson & Byron P.A.
Lawyer Trust Account
Robert & Alexandra Klas
$5,000 to $9,999
Briggs & Morgan P.A.
Samuel D. Heins &
Stacey L. Mills Heins,
Mills & Olson, P.L.C.
Ingber Aronson
Immigration Law Firm
James R. Thorpe
Leonard, Street & Deinard
Lindquist & Vennum
Lutheran Immigrant
& Refugee Service/
Presbyterian Disaster
Minnesota Chapter
Federal Bar Association
Jeanne M. Voigt
$2,500 to $4,999
Irfan Sandozi &
Afshan Ansham
Dorsey & Whitney LLP
Larry Hendrickson &
Barbara Forster
Halleland, Lewis, Nilan
& Johnson, P.A.
Hennepin County Bar
Douglas Johnson &
Kathryn Sikkink
Irwin Andrew Porter
Joanne Kletcher
Myers Thompson
Princeton University
Class of 1969
R.B.C. Dain Rauscher
Jeff Shaw
University of St. Thomas
Mary Vaughan
Zelle, Hofmann, Voelbel,
Mason & Gette LLP
$1,000 to $2,499
American Express
Robert Aronson
Steven E. & Cathy Carlson
Ann & Michael Ciresi
Julie Corty &
Richard Erickson
Holly Davis & Akshay Rao
Charles & Carol Denny
James E. & Dee Dorsey
Mary Ellingen
Elmer & Eleanor Andersen
James Bell Ford
Philip Geller
Jeff & Lucy Heegaard
William & Elizabeth
David Amos &
Muria Kruger
Larson King, LLP
Kathy Lenzmeier
Hilde Lindemann
Ellen Michael &
Robert Luce
James P. Martineau
Maslon, Edelman,
Borman & Brand, LLP
Lynne Morishita &
Thomas T. Amatruda
Rebecca Palmer &
Lloyd Zimmerman
Ramsey County Bar
Walter & Paula Richey
Edna Sanders
Schwegman, Lundberg,
Woessner & Kluth, P.A.
Smith Parker PLLP
Richard & Nancy Solum
Nancy Speer
Still Ain’t Satisfied
Cheryl Thomas &
Roger Heegaard
Roberta Walburn
Rogers & Julie Weed
University of Minnesota
Law School
Western Bank
William Mitchell College
of Law
Women’s Foundation of
$500 to $999
American Immigration
Lawyers Association
Karna Berg
Best Care Home
Health, Inc.
Frances Davis
Michael H. Davis Law Firm
Manpreet Dhanjal
Brad Engdahl
Karen & Richard Evans
Donald & Arvonne Fraser
Gray, Plant, Mooty, Mooty
& Bennett Foundation
Scott & Gretta Hagg
Carol & Bud Hayden
Eric & Mrs Carreen
Anne & Peter Heegaard
Henson & Efron, P.A.
Richard Ihrig
Alice Johnson & Amy
Rachel Johnson &
Tom Hamlin
Sandra & Jerry Johnson
Aubrey Latchana
Brigid McDonough
Joel Mugge
Mary Niehaus
James Nixon
Constance Otis
Penny Parker
Naomi Perman
Cynthia & Perry Prestholdt
Mary Ranum
12 • Minnesota Advocates for Human Rights Awards Dinner 2006
Daniel Rasmus
Charlie Rounds &
Mark Hiemenz
Bill Sands
Robert Sands
Ashraf & Muneeza
Karen Sternal
University of Minnesota
Maureen Kucera-Walsh
& Michael Walsh
David & Mary Ann
Barrows Wark
James R. Williamson
$250 to $499
Zena Khalil & Bangean
Kaleel & Thasneem
Anoka High School
Amnesty International
& Student Council
Catherine Anson &
Peter Vaughan
Alexandr Arakelov
Peter Bachman &
Janet Rice
Barna, Guzy &
Steffen, Ltd.
Lois & Jonathon Bishop
Thomas J. Bloss
Art & Angie Boylan
Aviva Breen
William & Connie
Anne Edmee Carayon
Carolyn Chalmers &
Eric Janus
Civil Society
Janet Conn
Lucia & Gary Copland
Charles Cox
David E. Crawford
& Sharon L. Mook
Clinton Cutler
Dennis & Nickie Dillon
David Dvorak
Sally Economon
David S & Barbara Eiger
Marie & Eric Enge
Nick & Mary Eoloff
Linda Foreman &
Mel Dickstein
Barbara A. Frey &
Howard Orenstein
General Nanosystems Inc.
Cynthia & Bob Gilbertson
Joline Gitis & Steven Miles
Global Studies Student
Michaela Graeb
Kathleen Graham
Seymour Gross
Samuel L. Hanson
Lucy Hartwell
Dianne Heins
Kathy Hendricks
Geri Hetterick
Patrick Hickey
Ann Hoven
Hubert H. Humphrey III
Kimberly Hunter
Mohammed Hussain
Robb Hydukovich
Mark Ireland &
Amy Schroeder Ireland
Kimberly Johnson
Susan & Bruce Johnson
Kay Kane
Eloise Kaplan
Samuel & Sylvia Kaplan
Julia Kashaeva
Patricia Kelly
William N. Kelly
Thomas & Jean King
Jim Ladner
Shawn & Alfred Lange
Elayne & David Lasky
Lindsay Thomas &
David Lauth
Susan Lenfestey
Richard Luther
Macalaster College
Hamdy Makky
John & Kristine Mandler
Ruth Mickelson &
Bill Manning
Michael McCarthy
Anne McKinsey
Hugh Maynard
Metris Foundation
Minnesota Valley
Action Council, Inc.
Elizabeth Nilles
Kelli Oborn
David & Mary Parker
Robert Parnell
Joanne Patterson
Thomas Perron
Wayne & Joan Popham
Productivity Inc.
Stephen Rau
Susan Rhode
Terry & Anne Riley
David Rowley
Helen Rubenstein
Georgiana Ruzich
Ellen Sampson
John & Linda Satorius
Deborah Schmedemann
Max Schott
Gail Shore
Siegel, Brill, Gruepner,
Duffy & Foster, PA
Brenda Steve
Sarah Stoesz &
David Foster
Mukhtar Thakur
John Valen &
Cheryl Hoium
Karla Vehrs
Joan Weissman
Harold and Jean White III
James Wilkinson &
Karen Covington
Gregory & Linda Wright
Up to $249
Martha Abbott
Lee Keller &
Sue Abderholm
Tatiana L. Achcar
Peter & Lynne Ackerberg
Robert & Thea Adams
Steven Aggergaard
Kathleen Ahrens
Syed Ghazi Akailvi
Peter Albrecht
Reynaldo Aligada
Altrusa International
Club of St.Paul
American Association
of University Women
Richard & Sarah Amos
Julie Andberg
Kirsten Andenas
Deena Anders
Beverly Anderson
Elizabeth C. Anderson
Jeffrey Anderson
Roger & Sharon Anderson
Susan Anderson
Jean K. Andrews
Wendy Andrews
Brenda Anfinson
Rosalie Angelus
Ahsanuddin &
Zehra Ansari
Marcia Appel
Nancy Arnison
John Arnold
Sanduw Aye
Lane Ayres
Zameer & Sara Baber
Renee Bachler
Boubacar Bah
Carla Bahls &
Shirley Bierma
Gordon Baily
Rabinder & Sarjit Bains
David & Karen Baisinger
Laura Baker
Michael & Marcia Baudino
Amy Bay
Carol & William Beadie
Colleen Beebe
Kumar & Kiran Belani
Andrew Bender Dahl
Mike Benner
Patrick & Joni Kelly
Katherine Berg
Amy Bergquist
Shelly Bertrand
Andrea Bible
Karen Birkeland &
Lee Mitau
Jolie Bleeker Klapmeier
Susan Bloch
Kristina Blommer
Charles Bloss
Amy Blumenshine
& Michael Troutman
Wayne Boerum
Angela Bohmann
& Jonathan Riehle
Gail Chang Bohr
Marcia Boisclair
Sherlyn Bolder
Marie Boler
Andrea Bond
Mary Bond
John Borman
Thomas Bostyanck
Della Boustrous
Lisa Boyd
Gerald Rosen &
Martha Brand
Robert Brandt
Roger Branigin
James Bride
Judy & J.E. Brill
Therese Brill
David Brink
Char Brooker &
Gene Mammenga
Estelle Brouwer
David M. & Sandra Brown
Jesse & Esther Brown
Laurel Browne
Elizabeth C. Bryan
Jill Buckley
Tyrone & Delia Bujold
Rita Byrne
Christine Cammack
Jane Canney
Heather Capistrant
G. William &
Cathy Carlson
Lois Carlson
Rebecca Rom &
Reid Carron
Christine Carter
Matthew & Erin Carter
Benjamin Casper
Harlan Cavert &
Linda Odegard
Center for Global
Centro Legal, Inc.
Min Chong
Church of the Good
Margaret Chutich
Grace Cialek
Kimberly &
Philip Cleminson
Paul Cohen & Mary Youle
Rusty & Burton Cohen
Karen Cole
Sandy Colling
Patricia Connelly
Robert Conrow
Mary Conway
Nan Corliss
Cheryl & David Cornille
Burt & Jeanne Corwin
Sheila Cox
Margo Coyle
Rita Coyle DeMeules
Kimberly Cramer
Barbara Crosby
Annie Cull
Marilyn Cuneo
Bill & Mary Cunningham
Cynthia Curran
Elizabeth Cutter
Peter Dahlen &
Mary S. Carlsen
Amakoe D’almeida
Margaret A. Daly &
Dennis C. Liudahl
Thomas & Patricia Darden
Stephanie Davies-Larson
Kris Davis
Nathan Davis
Charles Dayton &
Sara Evans
Mae Dayton
Catherine Deal
Martha Delaney
Charles Diessner
Joseph & Eugenia Dixon
Domestic Violence
Prevention Network
Ann Donaldson
Kevin & Beth Dooley
Jennifer Downham
William Drake
Peter Dross
Martha Duckert
Carol Duff
Judy Duffy
Hawah Dukuly
Duane Dull
James M. Dunn
Jennifer Dunning
Lauren Law Dvorak
Barbara Edstrom
Mohamed A. &
Nadia Elakkad
Shannon Elkins
Bruce E. & Joyce F.
Karen F. Ellingson
Sharon Elmore
Suzanne Elwell
Aissata Sylla Epkeita
Jonathan Eoloff
Ericca Erhard
Carol Ericson
Karin Erickson
Larry Espel
Professor Gertrude
Marion Etzwiler
Nancy Etzwiler &
Daniel O’Neill
Karen and Richard Evans
Beverly Everson
Thomas Fabel
Emily Miyamoto Faber &
James Andrew Densley
Edward Farmer
Cecilee & Wallie Faster
Nancy Feldman
Roberta Merryman &
Dwight L. Fellman
Mary Louise Fellows &
Beverly Balos
Barbara Felt
Mark Fiddler &
Elizabeth Seaquist
Harold & Joyce Field
Susan Fink
Max & Betty Finkel
Jerry & Judy Fiola
Vivian Fischer
Daniel Fiskum
Fistula Foundation
Beverly & Richard
Karen Flolid
Foley & Mansfield P.L.L.P
Anne Forest
Elizabeth Forsythe
Dulce Foster
Dutton & Caroline Foster
Katharine &
Richard Fournier
Thomas Fraser &
Mary Strand
Loretta Frederick
Carol Freeman
Marsha Freeman
William L. French
R. Mark Frey
Ervin & Mary Fuhrman
Susan Funk &
Wood Kidner
Kathryn Gainey
Jane Galbraith
Rosa Garcia-Peltoniemi
Cindy A. Gauthier
Judith Gavin
Ellen Gavin & Bruce Kelley
Anne Geisser
John & Janet Gendler
Susan & William Gerberich
Daniel & Patricia Gerhan
Kathleen Gill
Holly Gimbel
Terrence Glarner
Karen Gochberg
Frederick & Mary Goetz
Sara Goldware
Christine Mack &
Franklin R. Gordon
Mary Grau
Sarah Greenman
Rose Grengs
Bert & Susan Gross
Joan Anderson Growe
Daniel Guerrero
Donna Gunderson-Rogers
Sara Gurwitch
Jean Guttman
Lesley Guyton
Marsha Haagenson &
Edward Schwarz
Jennifer Halcrow
Sharon Hall
Sue & Jan Halverson
Carolyn Ham
Nancy Hammond
Suzanne L. Hanley
Ann Marie Hanrahan
Kent & Judith Harbison
Mary L. Harlow
M. Madeline Hart
Sharon & Will Hartfeldt
Bruce Hartigan
Lami Musa Hassan
Raymond Hathaway
Thane & Blanche Hawkins
Gloria Hawkinson
Susan Hawks
John & Terri Hawthorne
Arlene Hayden
Edward J &
Ellinor D Hayward
Bill & Kristyn Heegaard
Chuck LeGros &
Karen Heegaard
Roger & Marge Heegaard
Susan Heegaard &
Gary Findell
Minnesota Advocates for Human Rights Awards Dinner 2006 • 13
Contributions from May 20, 2005 to May 19, 2006 (Continued)
Marian Heinrichs
Tom Henderlite
Gary & Linda Hendlin
Peter Hendricks
Patricia Herbert
Ellen Herman
John & Diane Herman
Lois Herman
Nicole Herther-Spiro
Kevin Hickey
Peggy Hickey &
Paul Wardell
Andrea Hickle
Arthur Higinbotham
Joan Higinbotham
Jim Hilbert
Jessica Hjarrand
Pat Hoehn
Alan & Judith Hoffman
Linda Hoffman
Dawn Hofstrand
James & Gail Hogg
Ann Remington &
Scott Holdahl
Kelly & Michael Holland
Karin Holt
Laura Honeck
Margaret Horsch
Harriet Horwitz
Coral Houle
Jolanta & David Howard
Jenifer Robins &
Steven Hunegs
John & Mary Hunt
Ikram Huq
Leonid & Evelyn Hurwicz
Minou Hussain
Loan Huynh
Scott & Sandy Hvizdos
Erik & Gail Ibele
Lisa Ide
Anna Igra
Paul & Jean Jachman
Thomas & Erica Jacobson
Heather Elizabeth Jacoby
Kathleen Jaglo-Joseph
John & Thelma James
Jennifer Jameson
Michele E. Janin
Robert & Susan Jansen
Augustine &
Elizabeth Jappah
James Jaranson
Brenda Johnson
Cliff & Betty Johnson
Mark Johnson
Robert Johnson
Ronald Johnson
Sylvia Johnson
Sally Johnson &
Kay Kramer
Yleen Joselyn
Joyce Juster
Lois Libby Juster
Esra Kadioglu
Laura & Robert Kadwell
Christine Kaeler
Corin Kagan
Kenneth & Amy Kaminsky
Errol K. Kantor
Steven Kaplan
Leslie Karam
Tina Karelson
Mary Kariuki
Patricia Kasimor
Jane Katz
Harpreet Kaur
Patricia Keefe
Alexander Keith
Tasya Kelen
Tom Kelly
Kelly & Jacobsen
Emma Kelty
Sherry Kempf
Andrew Kepper
Julie Kesti
Hyder Khan & Nazneen
Nahid Khan
Courtney C. &
Robert B. Kiernat
Skip & Pat Kiland
Teresa Kimker
Jean A. King
Kirkland & Ellis Foundation
David & Karen Kirkwood
Helen Kivnick &
Gary Gardner
Barbara Klas
Louise Klas
Thomas J. Klas
Lynn Kleiman Maninoff
Amy Klobuchar
Lisa Knazan
Barbara Knudson
Diane Knust
Akouavi Akpedje Koehler
Suzanne Koepplinger
Rosalva Kogo
Kim Kokett
Andree Kolling
Kakatsi Komlan
Pavel Konovalov
Luanne Koskinen
Suzanne Kpowulu
Holley Kramer
Robert Kramer &
Susi Saxl
Jayanth Krishnan
Gerald & Ann Krisik
Kristine Kroenke
Duane & Mary Alice
Mark & Sara Kronholm
Barbara Kueppers
Alicia La Freniere
Mike LaFleur
Robin & James Lackner
Kathryn Laing
Melissa Lally
Maury & Julie Landsman
Adeel & Cheryl Lari
Karla Larsen
Diane Larson
Mary Latchana
Kate Latimer
June Lavalleur
Bricker L. Lavik
Jeannine Lee &
C. Roger Finney
Joan Lee
Mark Lee
Brad & Karee Lehrman
Helga Leitwer
Erica Lepp
Larry Leventhal
Joseph & Lenore Lewis
Jay & Sally Taylor
Perrin Lilly
Robyn Linde &
Holiday Shapiro
Mary Sue Lobenstein
& John Sellen
Greer & Mary Lockhart
Maggie Lockner
Bert Lockwood
Neal & Sharon Lockwood
Midge Loeffler
James Loilkinsa
Jean-Dominque Lokenye
Jacqueline Looney
Adina Lopatin
Delores Lopez
Janet & Dean Lund
Richard & Susan Lundell
Cindy Hazelwood Lutz
Robert Lyman
Joyce Lyon
Anne MacLaughlin
Machine Dreams
Angela Maddy
Martha Malinski
Nancy Malmon
Donna Malum
Margaret Manderfeld
Ann Manning
Seymour &
Susan Mansfield
Steven Marchese
Jill Marks
Cynthia Marsh
Siri & Bob Marshall
Carole Martin
Richard Martin
14 • Minnesota Advocates for Human Rights Awards Dinner 2006
Lotti Matkovits
Mary Ann Mattoon
Scott & Katherine McBride
Angela McCaffrey
Marianne McDaniel
Laura McGrew
Peter McLaughlin &
Nancy Hylden
Karen McMullen
Joan & Bill McNeil
Barbara Meacham
Joanne Meehan
Roberta Megard
Sophie Meghjee
Richard & Joan Meierotto
Jerome Meites
Laura Melnick &
Mark Dahlager
Keldi & Michael Merton
Gamal Metwaly
Raymond Meyer
Marilyn Michales
Middle East Peace Now
Jennifer Miles
Susan Rester Miles
Mary Miller
Minneapolis Community
& Technical College
Faculty & Sisters for
Social Justice
Minneapolis Community
& Technical College
Women’s Studies
Minnesota Association
of Criminal Defense
Minnesota Congregation
for Humanistic Judaism
Minnesota Indian
Women’s Resource
Minnesota International
Health Volunteers
Minnesota NOW LDEF
Minnesota Women
Minnesota Women’s
Campaign Fund
Nancy Mischel
Carolyn Mitchell &
Christopher Reif
Pearl Mitchell-Jackson
Jean Moede
Nicole Moen
Johara Mohammed
Nasir Mohammed
Nessir Mohammed
Ana Molina & Rodrigo
Paul Monroe
Ann D. Montgomery
Jo Montie & Carl Besser
Jon Moore
Yvonne Moore
Bianca Morales-Egan
Stephanie Morgan
Mary Moriarty
Jessica Mork
Lydia Morley
Christine Morris
Sally Mortenson
Geri & Tasissa Moti
Ibrahim & Humera Mujir
Dipankar Mukherjee &
Meena Natarajan
Monica Murdo
NARAL Pro Choice
Andrew Nelson
Conrad Nelson
Laura Nelson
Margaret Ann Nelson &
Thomas Audre
Rachel Nelson &
Wil Totten
Juliane & Steven Nilsson
Nonviolent Peaceforce
Beryl A. Nord
June Noronha
Barbara North
Andrea Northwood
John Nyongkah
Georgia O’Brien
Joseph O’Neill
Susan Obremski
Rebecca Odland
Amy Okaya &
Michael McPhee
Older Women’s League
of Minnesota
Cathleen Olive &
Michael Aubart
Kirsten Olsen
Lynn Olson
Steven & Sara Olson
Vicki & Daniel C. Olson
Steven Olson & Ann Byers
Elizabeth A. Oppenheimer
& N. Jeanne Burns
Oromo-American Citizen
Rachel Osband
Dan Osterman
Rich & Mary Ostlund
Ferdinanda Louise Otness
Ramona Ouimet
Laura Owen
Ron Pagnucco
Nicole Palasz
Pangea World Theater
Michaela C. Paradise
Manju Parikh
Rosalyn Park
Caroline Parker &
Stephen Rueff
Lee Parker
Katie Paulson
Allalaghatta Pavan
Michael Paymar
Peace Corps
Nancy Pearson
Arlene Asecio Perkkio
Connie & George Perpich
Bruce Peterson
Dawn Peterson
Doug & Therese Peterson
Phillip & Karin Peterson
Jim & Kit Pfau
Huy Pham &
Jolee Mosher
Robin Phillips
Marita Bujold Philpott
Susan Phipps-Yonas &
Albert Yonas
Steven M. Pincus
Planned Parenthood
of Minnesota/South
Barbara Portwood
Powderhorn Phillips
Cultural Wellness
Renee Powers
Becky Prasek
Colleen Press
Jennifer Prestholdt &
Charles Weed
Michelle C. Primm
Jane Prohaska
John & Jannine Provinzino
Prudential Foundation
Lawrence Pry
Daniel V. Purdy
Marilyn Raplinger
Rochelle Phillips Ray
John & Elizabeth Reichert
Karen Reierson
Cristine Reiling
Susan & Charles Reinhart
Resource Center of the
Diane Richard
Andrea Richardson
John Richter
Martha Rickey
Robbinsdale Area Schools
Louis Robards &
Mary Coleman
Sandra & John Roe
Lucretia Rogers
Christopher &
Helen Roland
Robert & Judy Romig
David Rosenbloom
Jeff Ross
Ryan Thomas &
Amy Christine
Marvin & Judith Rothfusz
Margaret Rounds
Elliott Royce &
Beverly Tallman
Norma Rowe
Connie Running
James Rustad
Amy E. Ryan
Joseph and Jane Rydholm
Sandhya Joshi &
D. Sadagopal
Mohamet Salih
Nancy Sanders
Burton & Florence Sandok
Susan Sanger
Steven Sarafolean
Marie & Dick Saunders
J. Diane &
C. Wade Savage
Margaret Savage
Jack & Carolyn Sayers
Vernon Schaefer
Romaine Scharlemann
Judith Schlichting
Barbara Schmeichen
Allen & Deborah
Amy Schneider
Elyse Schneiderman
Katherine Gray &
Gary Schoener
School Sisters of Notre
Mary Schrankler
Mark Schroeder
John D. Schultz
Anthony & Judy
Judy & Steven
Professor Joseph
Joanne Schwebach
Lisa Segal &
Arthur Strimling
Susan Segal &
Myron Frans
Kathy & Dan Seipp
Marty & Mary Seipp
Toni Seroshek
Krishna & Pratistha Shah
Steve & Susan Shakman
Kate ShamblottJan
Leslie Johnson &
Williard Shapira
Robeito Shapiro
Sarit Sharma &
Sandhya Gupta
Daniel and Donna
Jeffrey & Constance
Alan & Nancy Shestack
Adaline Shinkle
Elizabeth Shippee
Elizabeth Shipton
Wilfred William Showers
Darrell Shreve
Philip Sieff
Libby Siegel
James & Jean Silk
Sally Silk
Rajdeep & Simmi Singh
Rajinder & Neena Singh
Bernice Sisson
Sisters of St. Joseph of
Bonnie Skelton
Magdalen Skelton
Ann Skoglund
Stacey Slaughter
Karen Sletten
Catherine Smith
Martia Reed &
Markwick Smith
Rossi & Penelope Snipper
Catherine Solheim
Nan Sorensen &
Thomas Shroyer
Dorothy Sorenson
Soroptimist International
of Greater Minneapolis
Thierno Sadou Sow
Warren & Marjorie
Frances Spicer
Scott & Sarah Sponheim
David Stamps
Tim Staum
Evelyn Staus
Hope Stege
Pamela Stein
Laura Stephans
Andrea Stern
Leo Stern
Jack Stuart &
Nancy Weston
John Stuart
Robert & Stephanie Stuart
Jane A. Sudo
Maura Sullivan
Mirza Aleem Baig &
Amena Sultana
Megan & Borys Swan
Sharon L. Swanson
Stephen & Margaret
Michael & Sandra Swirnoff
Marshall Tanick
Tanji-Furzer Foundation
Alison Tegeder
Nardos Tekleab
William & Pamela Telleen
Andrea Templeton
H. Elaine Templin
Robert Tennessen
Steven C. Thal
William Thal
Brian Thomas
Marjorie Thomas
Timothy Thomas
Barbara Thompson
Brad Thorsen
Julie Tilley
Thomas Tinkham &
Jacqueline Hauser
Mary Tjosvold
Cathy Tobias
Carolyn Toft
Nancy Triplett
Tom Triplett
Janet Tschida
Emily Anne &
Gedney Tuttle
Stacy Tweto
US Bancorp Corporate
Mala Ugargol
Kari Ulland
Robert Vaaler
Carol Vake
Valley View Middle School
James & Ellen Van
John B & DeeDee
Van de North
David & Lynn Vander Haar
Julie & Hugh Vanhattan
Ashleigh Varley
Mary R. Vasaly
Sharon Rice Vaughan
Jill Vecoli
Susan Vonbank
Rosalie Wahl
Hilary & Tim Wahlberg
Mark Moonan Walbran
Joe Wall
Kevin Walli
Carrie & Dayne Walling
Pamela Wandzel
Steven & Diana Warner
Emily Warren
Bonnie Watkins
Helen Watkins
Stephen Watson
Celia Barbour &
Peter Weed
David S. Weissbrodt &
M. Patricia Schaffer
Steve Wells
Catherine Wengler
Dobson & Jane West
Robin West
Beverly Wexler Fink
David Wheaton &
Michele Moylan
Carol White
White House Project
Women’s Leadership
William & Shirley Whitlock
Beth Wickum
Carolyn Longacre &
Michael Wilens
James E. Wilkinson
Sara Wilkinson
Betty Welch Williams
Stephen Wilson
John Windhorst Jr.
Anothy Winer
Carol Wirtschafter
Mark & Kathy Wisser
Robin & Michael Witt
Nancy J. Wolf
Nathan Wolf
Pamela J. Wollenburg
Women Against Military
Women of Nations
Women’s Initiative for
Women’s International
League for Peace &
Renee Wood
David Woodward
Roger Worm
Lin Fa Xiang &
Chen Li Yun
Lynn Yamanaka
Rebecca Yanisch
Sokunthy Yean
Mary Yelenick
Laura Young &
Brian Southwell
Michael J. Youngdahl
Lynn Zenter
Paul & Elizabeth Zerby
Holly Ziemer
Olga Zoltal
Jeffrey Zuckerman &
K. Lisa Pogoff
Minnesota Advocates for Human Rights Awards Dinner 2006 • 15
Statement of Financial Position — Year Ended June 30, 2005
Cash and Cash Equivalents
Accounts Receivable
Unconditional Promises to Give, current position
Unconditional Promises to Give, long-term portion
Cash Value of Life Insurance
Prepaid Expenses
$ 268,740
$ 664,052
Accounts Payable
Accrued Expenses
Deferred Lease Incentive – current portion
Deferred Lease Incentive – long term portion
Unrestricted Net Assets
Temporarily Restricted Net Assets
$ 664,052
Statement of Activities — Year Ended June 30, 2005
Foundation and Corporate Contributions
Individual Contributions
In-Kind Donations
Government Grants
Special Events
Program Services
Sales of Publications
Interest Income
Refugee and Immigrant
Women’s Human Rights
Special Projects
$ 108,469
$ 4,590,012
Change in Net Assets
Net Assets, Beginning of Year
Net Assets, End of Year
16 • Minnesota Advocates for Human Rights Awards Dinner 2006
$ 586,945
Our Mission
Injustice anywhere is a threat
to justice everywhere.
The mission of Minnesota Advocates for Human Rights is to implement international
human rights standards to promote civil society and reinforce the rule of law.
By involving volunteers in research, education and advocacy,
we build broad constituencies in the United States
and selected global communities.
– Martin Luther King, Jr.
Board of Directors
Aviva Breen, President
Robert D. Aronson
John Borman
Jacques Boucal
Steven E. Carlson
James E. Dorsey
Wood R. Foster, Jr.
Barbara A. Frey
Honorable Samuel L. Hanson
Samuel D. Heins
Honorable Hubert H.
Humphrey III
Sandra B.C. Johnson
Marlene Kayser
That part of America
Ellen Sampson
Jeffrey F. Shaw
Nancy Speer
Roberta Walburn
David S. Weissbrodt
Samuel Kofi Woods II
Scott Wright
Robin Phillips
Jennifer Prestholdt
Malinda Schmiechen
Kathy Seipp
Ann Theisen
Cheryl Thomas
Aaron Van Alstine
Katie Vang
James Weissbrodt
Andrew Williams
America is indebted to immigration
for her settlement and prosperity.
Dr. Hyder Khan
Mark Lindberg
James P. Martineau
Dipankar Mukherjee
Dr. David L. Parker
Jacqueline Regis
James V. Roth
Kim Babine
Colleen Beebe
Amy Beier
Min Chong
Emily Good
Sarah Herder
Mary Hunt
Kay Kautio
Michele Garnett McKenzie
Laura Nelson
Rebecca Palmer
Rosalyn Park
which has encouraged them most
has advanced most rapidly
in population, agriculture and the arts.
– James Madison
2005-2006 Minnesota Advocates for Human Rights Interns
Amy Albus
Jeeva Ananthan
Sara Baber
Stephanie Bates
Sara Bielawski
Britny Blomgren
Hannah Bolt
Melanie Bradshaw
Sarah Carlson-Wallrath
Heidi Christine
Carrie Coslin
Catherine Erickson
Rachel Evenson
Jane Gazman
Tracy Grundman-Reza
Margaret Hellerstein
Nicole Herther-Spiro
Katharine Horowitz
Maren Hulden
Kadra Ibrahim
Taneeza Islam
Caroline Jacobson
Jordan Jones
William Keeler
Elizabeth Kiechle
John Lanari
Angie Lewis
Shantal Marshall
Mia Lisa McFarland
Amanda McRae
Amy Medtlie
Hannah Foehringer Merchant
Jessica Mowles
Christopher Nelson
Julia Parke
Elizabeth Petheo
Shaun Pettigrew
Heather Ring
Amie Shindelar
Leah Tran
Emily Woodman-Maynard
Women, Immigration
and Human Rights
Minnesota Advocates for Human Rights
650 Third Ave. S. • Suite 550
Minneapolis, MN 55402-1940
[email protected]
Minnesota Advocates for Human Rights