Eight Tips For Successful PLA Management

Eight Tips
For Successful
PLA Management
By Mark Simon
Senior Vice President, Sales and Marketing
Sensitive and Confidential ©2013 Didit
In 2012, Google rebranded its shopping service (known by a variety of names including Google
Base and Froogle) as Google Shopping, a paid-only service powered by PLAs (Product Listing
Ads). While many e-tailers bridled at the change, others jumped on board, causing PLA spending
to explode in Q4 2012, ultimately accounting for 17 percent of total search engine spend during
the holiday season.
PLA ads represent a hybrid of Google’s PPC and Product Search feed programs. PLAs include
the price, a picture of the product, and a description or promotion tailored to the product. Because
users don’t need to click through to your site in order to see your offer and the item’s price, PLA
ads are generally self-qualifying and the pictures are more likely to attract attention from users
who are looking to buy.
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Implementing PLA campaigns can involve a steep learning curve and considerable ongoing effort.
Management of an efficient PLA program involves significant coordination and optimization
efforts between your PPC and CSE teams. But a successful PLA campaign can add revenue at
equivalent ROI to a well-performing PPC campaign.
Search Clicks from PLAs up over 210% from 2012
2013 Search Clicks from PLAs
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2012 Search Clicks from PLAs
Here are eight tips we’ve found to be helpful
for e-tailers running PLA campaigns.
Coordinate Comparison Shopping Engine (CSE) and PLA Efforts
The data used to populate Product Listing Ads actually comes from your Google
Comparison Shopping Engine (CSE) Data Feed. Successful implementation requires
a combination of both PPC and CSE expertise. Creative text and bids are managed by
Adwords. However, bidding is done not on a keyword basis, but at the product level
(like CSEs). If your agency is not managing both programs for you, the onus is on you
to coordinate the program so that these PPC and CSE team efforts are synchronized,
not disconnected.
Ensure Quality Product Search Feed Data
Because PLA product information and categorization are based on your Google
Merchant Center/Product Search feed, it is imperative that the feed is well cared for –
error-free, up to date, consistent, and content-rich. Also, be sure to keep in step with
Google’s feed data requirements as they evolve and with any new functionality as
Google expands the program.
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Take Full Advantage of the Synergy
PLAs are automatically updated based on your product feed, so PLAs will help fill in
any gaps in PPC keyword coverage. For example, it will stand in while you catch up
on PPC keyword development programs for new product offerings. In addition, products and searches with successful PLA results can provide hints for additional PPC
terms to be built out, and vice versa.
Apply PPC and CSE Best Practices
Successful CSE filtering and optimization technology and techniques are directly applicable to PLAs; these technologies are the key to improving PLA ROI. On the PPC side,
follow best practices to apply negative keywords, use your best performing creative,
and include promotions. Remember that your creative text helps to differentiate you
from the other sellers in the SERP neighborhood, especially if they are displaying the
same product.
Carefully Construct the PLA Account Structure
Always build separate PPC and PLA ad groups. This approach will enhance your ability
to categorize groups, to weed out poor performing products easily, to control bidding,
and to test ad copy. However, there is an element of ambiguity; you will need to find
the ideal point of equilibrium between too many and too few categories. A conservative
level of granularity will help avoid the angst of determining where to group a product
that can fit into more than one category and will ease the nightmare involved in tracking
results for a dizzying number of product/category combinations.
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Look at the Big Picture
Because PLAs may behave differently than typical PPC campaigns, we recommend
starting with your full catalog, with the same bid for all products. Then vigilantly trim
categories that aren’t meeting expectations. Through extensive ongoing analysis and
a process of elimination, the cost of marketing will drop and you will be left with a
relatively efficient program.
Test and Test Again
Carefully monitor PLA results and respond accordingly; this program can churn through
your budget if you are not alert. Set aside a specific budgeted amount just for PLAs. If
you are looking for incremental revenue, try not to shrink your PPC spend in the process.
Remember to adjust your bidding and classification structure for seasonality, as top products are replaced with other items. As in other PPC programs, in order to see the most
efficient results, you must continually measure results and optimize your PLA program.
Don’t Set and Forget
While the ROI for PLAs may not be as stellar as your longer-running PPC campaigns,
the revenue can indeed generate additional revenue at an acceptable ROI. Remember,
if you aren’t using PLAs, you may be missing out on significant additional impressions
for branding purposes, leaving additional revenue on the table and losing sales to those
competitors who have already jumped into the PLA scene.
Sensitive and Confidential ©2013 Didit
330 Old Country Road, Suite 206
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About Didit
A digital marketing leader since 1996, Didit provides full-service online advertising
and marketing services with award-winning expertise and innovation. Recognized as
a 2007 Inc. 500, Deloitte Fast 50 and Fast 500 company, Didit continues to lead the
evolution of auctioned media management and online marketing with keen insight,
technological know-how and a passion for advancing search and online media.
Sensitive and Confidential ©2013 Didit