Trinity Times II - Trinity Episcopal Church

Trinity Times II
Please take this
home with you!
Saturday, June 10, 2017 to Sunday, June 18, 2017
Our Mission is to welcome all people to know and live as Christ in the world.
A partial weekly listing of activities and programs at Trinity Episcopal Church, Reno
WE WELCOME YOU, are glad you chose to be with us today, and are honored by your presence! We are here
to welcome and serve all of God’s people, so if we can be of service to you please let us know. We invite you to
come to our Welcome Table at the back of the church, sign our Guest Book, and receive a gift. There is a “Blue
Form” in the pew if you would be willing to express your concerns or give us contact information. This form may
be placed into the offering plate (this is all we expect of you at the Offertory, since you are our guest!) or given to
one of the clergy when you depart.
Altar Flowers are given in the memory of Dolly Roche by William Roche, in thanksgiving for my
mother-in-law, Louise Story, by Tom Conn; and in memory of Fr. Ned by Sean G. Smith.
Recognition of Graduates – Congratulations!
Pat & Clyde Ikehara ‘s Grandson, Grant Ikehara, graduated May 14th with a Bachelor of
Science in Engineering Management with honors. their granddaughter, Laryssa Ikehara will
graduate from Reno High School.
Heather Pirie’s grand-nephew, Trevor Reed Cosslett, will graduate from Easter View High
School in Culpepper, VA. He was president of his senior class and Valedictorian. His stepbrother, Austin Cole Neville also graduated from the same class and school.
Mary & David Piser’s granddaughter and Ruth Brewer’s Great granddaughter, Madeleine
Carlborg, graduated from Wellesley College.
The CONVENTION PLANNING COMMITTEE will have a meeting on Wednesday
evening, June 14 at 5:30 PM in Conference Room A to review the convention venue,
menus, and information, as well as organize more specifically details for the first day of
Convention – the Thursday Evening Program here at Trinity Cathedral. We will also focus
on creating a budget for the Thursday convention events we are hosting.
TODAY, TRINITY SUNDAY, June 11 - We are having a special celebration with our
Cathedral's Feast Name Day! In addition to this being the last week for the St. Cecelia Choir till
they formally gather again in the Fall for rehearsals, we will be thanking them for their work. They
will be presenting a special piece composed by Dr. Bruce Saylor called “The 23rd Psalm”
commissioned to honor Dr. Philip Manwell, our Choir Director and Organist who will be fully retiring from
Church music at the end of the summer.
We will also during the Services be honoring teachers who taught with our Education Wednesday
Program which was new this past academic year. We are especially grateful for the expertise and knowledge of
Dr. Manwell, Father Millsap and Dr. Stomski for being main organizers and teachers. We honor especially the
following: (9:00 AM Service attenders) Margot Davison, Dennise Howard, Kait Flocchini, and (10:30 Service
attenders) Nancy Petersen and Carol Moore.
Centering Prayer–Mondays at 2 pm & Tuesdays 12:10 pm
Caregivers Group–1st Tuesday 4 pm
Healing Service–Thursdays 12:10 pm
Prayer Shawl Ministry–Thursdays 2 pm
Naomi & Ruth (Bereavement Support)–1st Thursday 11 am
Repose of the Soul
Rose LaCasse
(Fr. William)
Madison Hennessey
Nora Conn
Joshua Shorb
(M. Tarble)
William R.
(T. & G. Johnson)
Fred Oliver Dolven
(L. Kirk)
Thomas Benedict
Please Note: “The Healing/
Friends & Family” column for
prayers of healing will be purged
on a monthly basis, except for
those people for whom healing
prayers are still requested. Please
notify the office to submit,
remove, or retain names.
Healing: For the
Trinity Parish Family
Healing/Family &
Louise Nelson-Kortland
John Seddon
Chris Diamond
Henry Diamond
Tom Conn & family
Dexter Kihorny
Jack Wolfe
Paul McNutt
Charlene McNutt
Randy Wright
Marion Tammany
Father William Stomski
Joe Gruden & family
Mark Sheldon
(D. Sheldon)
James Rung (L. Campbell)
Carmen & Vicki Deyesu
(L. Campbell)
Gary Arps (J. Arps)
Joe Gruden (L. Campbell)
Kathy Campbell
(L. Campbell)
Terry Fix (L. Campbell)
Grant Ikehara
Brenda Sorge (J. Leneaux)
Judy Simpson (Rene Reed)
Lacy Essex
USA Military on
Active Duty
Other: Joe Duggan
Rev. Stefani Schatz
David & Lynne
We pray for those in the Diocese of Nevada, Nevadans for the Common Good.
Our Companion Diocese of Santiago Philippines, Northern California, Northern Indiana, Northern Izon
(Niger Delta, Nigeria), Northern Luzon, Northern Philippines (Philippines), Northern Malawi (Central
Africa), Northern Michigan
We announce the Retirement of our Parish Administrator, Gayla Gianchetta who has served us
faithfully since June of 2012. Her husband Rod retired this past year (2016) and as she anticipates
retirement, they are looking to move to Boise, Idaho. Gayla will be finishing up at the end of June. The
executive committee is presently exploring our options for a “temp” as we define the position and interview
We will miss Gayla’s wonderful “cheerfulness and hospitality” as an excellent first person-contact with our
cathedral. We pray for Gayla and Rod as they anticipate “leisure time with family” and relocation.
Project Resource 2.0
Workshop for Parish Stewardship Teams
Saturday, June 24
9:30 -11:00 AM in the Parish Hall
With a “year-round” stewardship emphasis, Project Resource was created as a cooperative effort by the
College for Bishops, The Episcopal Church Development Office, and the Episcopal Church Foundation… a
first and incredible cooperative effort! The materials have been “updated” since the launch a year and a half
ago. This Saturday workshop will focus specifically on the task of the Annual Pledge Campaign for the
operating budget. Dr. William Stomski, our Cathedral Dean, attended this “2.0 Conference” in early May and
will lead us through a process with practical methods to plan, launch, carry out, and celebrate such a year-long
campaign. Resources will be given for the two other realms of stewardship: Major Gifts and Planned Giving.
We would also like to explore setting up a conference soon to do a Planned Giving Workshop dealing with
estate planning, wills, end-of-life decisions, pre-funerals arrangements, and the like. Let us know if you would
have an interest and would attend.
If you have an interest in parish financial work and would like to attend, please let Father William know. Our
annual campaign program is always in need of volunteers and leadership excellence! We are blessed with those
who serve and assist David Morgan, Mac Wieland and Bob Snavely, especially our counters and our
Stewardship Commission members. There is always room for more folks.
Trinity Times II Stewardship Focus Article
June 10 & 11 – Maundy Thursday All Night Vigil – Bonnie Strader
Even though this is not Holy Week, we can always be reminded of activities
occurring during a solemn period in our church year. Bonnie Strader has been attending
Maundy Thursday All Night Vigils for over 30 years. This ministry is a ‘once a year’
opportunity where individuals can spend time contemplating the short human lifespan of
Jesus, the lessons learned, the modeling he gave us praying that that those of us to come
would live out his word. Spending two or more hours in a dark, quiet church, participating
in a ritual that has been practiced for hundreds of years in the Episcopal Church (as well as
by other Christians worldwide) brings into focus the discipline of group silent worship throughout the
years. Participants continue to pray as our forefathers prayed; and meet at the All Night Vigil in a ritual that
will continue to be practiced throughout the future. That cohesiveness has a powerful impact spiritually.
This year during the vigil, Bonnie spent some time going over previous vigils and the holy spaces
where they took place; mostly in chapels, but also parish halls and as well as a garden. Bonnie was blessed to
spend a night on a hilltop one year, as well as in the Cathedral of Paris, sharing the space with a diverse group
of people of different languages, races, creeds, as well as many of the Paris homeless. Bonnie shares, “It
occurred to me as I thought of my first Vigils in Paris as a teen; how wonderful a ministry it would be if we
could, in some future point expand on our opening our hearts and space to the community at large. Perhaps,
opening our Cathedral doors for periods of time - Mornings? Afternoons? Weekends? Twenty-four hours a
day! What a truly wonderful ministry that would be!”
SPECIAL THANKS to all of the support and planning with the Pentecost
PICNIC last Sunday at Idlewild Park. A great time was had by all! We
especially thank Kait Flocchini and Rayann Brown, and Nancy Pezonella,
the chefs, and all members of our sister Episcopal Parishes as well as
members of Trinity.
JULY, 2017
All events are free unless otherwise noted.
Thursday, July 6 – 7:00pm
Friday, July 7 – 12 noon
Thursday, July 13 – 7:00pm
OLGA PEREZ FLORA, Mezzo-soprano and Friends
Canciones de mi isla: Songs from my Cuban Island
An evening of Cuban rhythms and songs with an illuminating power point presentation that
walks the audience from the beginning of Cuban song to its most contemporary composer,
Jose Maria Vittier.
Friday, July 14 – 12 noon
Wednesday, July 19 – 7:00pm
Thursday, July 20 – 7:00pm
DUO SIQUEIRA LIMA, Guitar Duo (Sierra Nevada Guitar Festival)
Friday, July 21 – 12 noon
SEDONA FARBER, Guitarist (Sierra Nevada Guitar Festival)
Thursday, July 27 – 7:00pm
Friday, July 28 – 12 noon
DAVID HATT, Organist
Sunday, July 30 – 7:00pm
Tahoe Chamber Music Society Collaborative Concert: Reno Phil Concertmaster Ruth Lenz,
Principal Violist Dustin Budish and other area musicians join forces with Tahoe Star Tours
guide Tony Berendsen for an evening of astronomy, music, and poetry – featuring works for
piano quintet and string quartet. Telescope viewings will follow the concert.