Preparing a Bohr Talk about RIBs and HIE

  Preparing a Bohr Talk about RIBs and HIE-ISOLDE.
  Building up an understanding of IH-Structure, in order to understand the beam
dynamics in the normal conducting REX linac, as injector to HIE-ISOLDE:
  To understand beam
dynamics for HIE-ISOLDE
  Optimise a matching
  No measurement of
longitudinal emittance.
  LORASR code used
before, not employing
full integration.
  IH open tank.
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  “Old” ProEngineer Drawing
Matthew Fraser – CI Monday Meeting, 14th December 2009
  Designed and built almost 10 years ago…Lots of missing information.
  Met with magnet engineer and CAD designer. Started to implement geometry in MWS.
  Problems:
  No drawings of the drift tubes. NTG vs LMU – who manufactured them?
  NTG say they didn’t. LMU say they didn’t. Stephan Emhofer is sure NTG did…
  No drawings of the plungers.
  No drawings of undercut mods.
Undercut mods (manufactured at CERN)
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Stephan Emhofer’s MWS Design
Matthew Fraser – CI Monday Meeting, 14th December 2009
  Problems ctd…
  Plunger positions changed since bead-pull measurements during commissioning.
  No raw data of the original bead-pull: Just processed data with gap voltages, no
fields. Stephan is looking: “Highly unlikely to still exist.”
  Aim to make my own bead-pull measurement of structure:
  Visited REX and designed the mechanical support to adapt an existing bead-pull
setup for measurements of the structure on the beam line.
  Met with Maurizio Vretenar, Johannes Broere, Giovanna Vandoni and Didier Voulot.
  Negative outcome: Lack of support from RF and Vacuum groups until after LHC
start-up is complete. Matteo is pushing for an end of January date – looks more likely.
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Matthew Fraser – CI Monday Meeting, 14th December 2009
  A few problems as described…
  Think quick about direction:
  Can the IH structure be simulated with the desired accuracy from what I have?
  Didier Voulot has suggested a trip to LMU to directly search and recover
documents of drift tubes, plungers etc…what about NTG?
  If not, can we push for bead-pull in a reasonable time frame?
  January is OK but end of March or next shut-down period is a problem.
  Otherwise, low energy SC section needs focus:
  Low-beta cavity design.
  Deceleration study:
  Combination of RFQ/IH/Low-beta section to increase the energy range
accessible to experiments (< 1MeV/u).
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Matthew Fraser – CI Monday Meeting, 14th December 2009