Call for projects - Sectie-C

Call for projects
Sectie-C opens the gate. During DDW, all visitors can meet the designers and thus push their
own limits. A unique insight into the processes and dynamics at Sectie-C.
Over the last few years SECTIE-C has gained the
reputation of being the liveliest and most surprising
venue within the Dutch Design Week, combining high
quality works and exhibits in a buzzing atmosphere with
good food, live performances and resident designers
providing an insight in the life and minds of the
independent designer, exhibiting their works within
their natural habitat: the work shop.
We therefore are happy to open the Call
for projects
We have exhibition space available for national and international kindred spirits;
autonomous thinkers and authentic doers in the field of design. People who create
new products, thoughts and visions with a sense of identity and unicity. Sectie-C
offers space in two new curated exhibitions and in the outside area on the terrain.
Would you like to be part of Sectie-C during the Dutch Design Week 2015?
Read more and apply!
Sectie-C is looking for (inter)national designers, groups of designer and institutions
that present new work that connects to the spirit of autonomous thinking and authentic
doing that characterizes Sectie-C. Designers with a strong sense of identity who strive
to create things that are unique and based on a clear vision or concept that drives
their work. For our Selection Procedure, scoll to the ANNEX below.
The exhibitions spaces are in Hal M, Hal H and the outside area. The Hals will have a
strongly defined set-up and design. The objective is to create a high quality experience
that strengthens the sense of individuality of the spaces used by each participant
avoiding large cluttered spaces with groups fighting for visual attention. Read the
ANNEX for full information and price packages.
Hal M (Inter)national kindred spirits.
A 2500 square meter space focusing on designers from outside Eindhoven and the
Netherlands in an inspiring exhibition set-up. Prices range from € 32,50 to € 60,00
per square meter.
Hal H Residents and Invitees.
A 1500 square meter space hosting Sectie-C residents and and invited guests.
Prices between € 17,50 and € 22,50 per square meter. For Hal H plans are
in development for the special design. The goal being to create well defined individual
spaces for the exhibitors while keeping an open view throughout the space.
Outside spaces
The terrain offers spaces on request for stand alone objects or exhibitions bringing
their own facilities. Price is € 15,00 per square meter.
C O M M U N I C AT I O N & B U S I N E S S
Sectie-C will develop a communication strategy and materials focusing on the
communication of the activities on Sectie-C in general. This includes materials as
posters, flyers, maps, booklets, press releases and social media. Read more detailed
information in the ANNEX.
External parties presenting at Dutch Design Week are required to apply as a participant
at Dutch Design Week. The official application at Dutch Design Week is already closed.
However application is still possible through Sectie-C. We will provide a special link
for this when you are admitted to Sectie-C. If for any reason you are not registered as
a participant at Dutch Design Week Sectie-C will charge one fourth of the registration
fee at Dutch Design Week as a contribution to our PR efforts. Read more detailed
information in the ANNEX.
Sectie-C is working on several activities that specifically target press and business
contacts such as guided tours, workshops, diners and lectures or combinations thereof.
Sectie-C is very much interested in connecting guest exhibitors and your networks to
these activities. These activities are also offered in cooperation with other locations
in Area East and Dutch Design Week. Sectie-C offers the opportunity to organize
openings and other activities that need catering requirements. Sectie-C is seriously
playing with the idea to have all openings and network activities on the same evening
creating a ‘Wednesday night exclusive’. More information about this will follow.
For application send us an email to [email protected] containing
the following information:
* name and contact data
* amount and type of space required
* description and images of the work or project
* description and/or images of the exhibition design
* names and websites of the designers involved
* in what way your application connects to the spirit of Sectie-C
For non Sectie-C residents interested in exhibiting in Hal H, make sure your application
is backed by a Sectie-C resident designer (invite).
Loek Daemen
Project manager DDW at Sectie-C
email: [email protected]
phone: +316.
Last year Sectie-C hosted approx. 20.000 visitors during Dutch Design Week.
By expanding the program, PR activities and strengthening the physical connection to
other areas of Dutch Design Week we expect to grow to 25.000 – 30.000 visitors this
year. For the 2015 edition Sectie-C is planning two new large addition to its program.
Sectie-C is a limitless domain merging independent thinkers and authentic doers
within an unique, organic culture. Sectie-C is the nursery; delivering new visions,
products and solutions. Sectie-C is inhabited by people with talent and skill. Organic
collaborations between these 180 creative entrepreneurs; artists, designers, musicians,
communicators and craftsmen make Sectie-C an almost self-sustaining enclave.
Sectie-C is a big buzzing area with studios, workshops, gardens, podiums, exhibitions
and labs. A tight creative grid where unexpected collisions trigger a spark to make
the world even more beautiful. Freedom governs at Sectie-C, enabling us to work on
things that actually matter in an original and conscious way.
Sectie-C | Daalakkersweg 4-8
5641 JA Eindhoven | The Netherlands
Sat & Sun 12.00 hrs - 21.00 hrs
Mon till Fri 14.00 hrs - 21.00 hrs
Sat & Sun 12.00 hrs - 21.00 hrs
Admission Free
Throughout the week catering facilities will be open until 23:00 supported
by live performances and music. Occasional and spontaneous partying
may occur at Sectie-C.
Sectie-C is looking for (inter)national designers, groups of designer and institutions
that present new work that connects to the spirit of autonomous thinking and authentic
doing that characterizes Sectie-C. Designers with a strong sense of identity who
strive to create things that are unique and based on a clear vision or concept that
drives their work. With respect to the work itself, the focus strongly lies on design
rather than other forms of creative entrepreneurship.
The presented works have to recent and not yet shown at Dutch Design Week.
The products and the exhibition set-up has to reflect the train of thought or process
that lies behind it.
All applications will be judged on:
- Quality and type work presented
- Quality of the designers involved (previous work)
- Concept of the exhibition
The selection committee members are:
- Paul Heijnen
- Esther Jongsma
- Jasper Gerardse
- Gerton Knipping
The committee will have planned sessions on August 4, August 18, September 1,
September 14 and September 28. The earlier the application the better the chance
that there is space available. Late applications may lose out of possibilities to be
included in Sectie-C or DDW communication.
The exhibitions in Hal M and Hal H will have a strongly defined set-up and design.
The objective is to create a high quality experience that strengthens the sense of
individuality of the spaces used by each participant avoiding large cluttered spaces
with groups fighting for visual attention.
Hal M (Inter)national kindred spirits.
A 2500 square meter space focusing on designers from outside
Eindhoven and the Netherlands in an inspiring exhibition set-up.
Prices range from € 32,50 to € 60,00 per square meter.
The exhibition spaces in this hall will be built out of 12,5 or 16,0 sqm
lots that can be connected to larger spaces of over 100 sqm.
The lots will be designed as the outline of houses made of thick
wooden beams and steal connectors. The facades of the houses vary,
representing various style houses. The units come in two sizes
standard (12,5 sqm) and large (16 sqm). Large houses are a taller and
may be placed on 40 cm platforms. Connected lots offer the
possibility of creating an internal routing within your own exhibition.
Together the houses will be set up like a village connected by wooden
pathways and partly surrounding a village square hosting designer
street food by Nareshtaurant and Bostel Brothers. The pathways will
lead up to the entrance of the lot. Every lot or group of connected lots
will have free space surrounding it creating air and a strong feeling of
individuality once entering a space. This will create a visually attractive
experience that provides room to each group to work freely within
their own space.
Hal H Residents and Invitees.
A 1500 square meter space hosting Sectie-C residents and and invited
guests. Prices between € 17,50 and € 22,50 per square meter. For Hal
H plans are in development for the special design. The goal being to
create well defined individual spaces for the exhibitors while keeping
an open view throughout the space.
Outside spaces
The terrain offers spaces on request for stand alone objects or
exhibitions bringing their own facilities. Price is € 15,00 per square
C O M M U N I C AT I O N & B U S I N E S S
Sectie-C will develop a communication strategy and materials focusing on the
communication of the activities on Sectie-C in general. This includes materials as
posters, flyers, maps, booklets, press releases and social media. Individual projects may
be highlighted in Sectie-C communication. However, Sectie-C is not responsible for
communicating individual projects. Sectie-C is aiming to create a fully equipped and
manned press center on site providing high speed internet and Sectie-C press kits for
press professionals. Deadlines for sending information necessary for our Sectie-C PR
activities will be communicated well in advance. Sectie-C has no direct influence on
PR activities by the Dutch Design Week organization and can not be held
accountable for the content of their communication.
External parties presenting at Dutch Design Week are required to apply as a participant
at Dutch Design Week. The official application at Dutch Design Week is already closed.
However application is still possible through Sectie-C. We will provide a special link
for this when you are admitted to Sectie-C. If for any reason you are not registered as a
participant at Dutch Design Week Sectie-C will charge one fourth of the registration fee
at Dutch Design Week as a contribution to our PR efforts. These cost are added to
the rent of the spaces.
EXPO SMALL (one designer) € 200
EXPO MEDIUM (2 – 5 designers) € 375
EXPO LARGE (6 – 15 designers) € 750
EXPO EXTRA LAGRE (16-25 designers) € 1500
Prices are ex VAT.
Registration at Dutch Design Week will provides you with your own page on, if applied before August 10 your name listed on the DDW map,
the opportunity to provide DDW with tags so they can include you in content specific
activities. If you are not registered at DDW they will have no opportunity to take
you up in any of their PR activities.
Sectie-C is working on several activities that specifically target press and business
contacts such as guided tours, workshops, diners and lectures or combinations
thereof. Sectie-C is very much interested in connecting guest exhibitors and your
networks to these activities. These activities are also offered in cooperation with other
locations in Area East and Dutch Design Week. Sectie-C offers the opportunity to
organize openings and other activities that need catering requirements. Sectie-C
is seriously playing with the idea to have all openings and network activities on the
same evening creating a ‘Wednesday night exclusive’. More information about
this will follow.
Standard lot (12,5 sqm):
- € 32,50 ex VAT for (groups of) independent designers
- € 50,00 ex VAT for large institutions and agencies
Large lot (16 sqm, elevated):
- € 50,00 ex VAT for (groups of) independent designers
- € 60,00 ex VAT for large institutions and agencies
Each lot includes:
- one 240 V /10 Amp power group
- two 2 m steel pipes for hanging lights
- four PAR 56 / 300 Watt spots
Extra options are:
- additional lights (around € 6,00 per piece)
- additional power group (on request)
- closed wall wood panel depending on location (€ 25,00)
- WIFI Internet (to be determined)
- frames and panels may not be painted to colour
- only white light may be used in the exhibition
Additional costs:
External parties are required to apply at Dutch Design Week apart from participation
at Sectie-C. If this is for the case for any reason one fourth of the costs of application
at DDW will be charged as contribution to Sectie-C PR efforts. For details see
chapter on registration at DDW.
Sectie-C residents:
- production costs with a maximum of € 17,50 ex VAT per sqm.
- € 22,50 ex VAT per sqm
Additional costs:
External parties are required to apply at Dutch Design Week apart from participation
at Sectie-C. If this is for the case for any reason one fourth of the costs of application
at DDW will be charged as contribution to Sectie-C PR efforts.
For details see chapter on registration at DDW.
Sectie-C residents:
- Free
External parties:
- € 15,00 ex VAT per sqm.
- No facilities like power and water are included.
- They will be supplied on request based on production costs.
Additional costs:
External parties are required to apply at Dutch Design Week apart from participation
at Sectie-C. If this is for the case for any reason one fourth of the costs of application at
DDW will be charged as contribution to Sectie-C PR efforts. For details see chapter on
registration at DDW.
Sectie-C is the domain without limits in which independent thinkers
and do-ers authentic merge into a unique organic culture.
Sectie-C is the delivery room, pregnant with new visions, products and solutions.
Sectie-C is occupied by people with talent and skills.
Casual collaborations between these 180 creative enterprises; artists, designers,
musicians, communicators and artisans make Sectie-C virtually
self-sufficient enclave.
Sectie-C is a great buzzing area furnished with studios, workshops, gardens,
stages, exhibition halls and laboratories.
A dense grid with unexpected collisions creative spark (acceleration) can be
concrete steps to make the world even more beautiful.
On Sectie-C reigns freedom so that in original, deliberate manner
can be worked on things that really matter.
With respect and enthusiasm.