Crystal structure of ferrite

Crystal structure of
Polycrystalline soft ferrite prepared from metal oxides are magnetic
semiconductor and have made important contribution both technological
and conceptual development of electronics and electronic industries. Up
until today, soft ferrites remain the best magnetic materials which are
irreplaceable by any other magnetic materials with respect to their very
high frequency applications because they are inexpensive, more stable,
easily manufactured. They have wide variety of technological applications
in transformer core, inductors, high quality filters, radio frequency
circuits, rod antennas, read write heads for high-speed digital tape and
operating devices as well [1].
The ferrites with spinel structure are technologically important class of
magnetic oxides’ due to their magnetic properties, high electrical
resistivity and low eddy current and dielectric loss. These properties of
ferrites are strongly depending on their chemical composition, cation
distribution, various additives and method of preparation in general and
structure in particular nature of material [2].
The spinel crystal structure is determined primarily by the oxygen ions
lattice. The radii of the oxygen ions are several times larger than the radii
of the metallic ions in the compound. Chemistry is insufficient to define
the properties of ferrites; the distribution of the cations and point defects
among the crystal lattice sites is of most importance.
The smallest cell of the spinel lattice that has cubic symmetry contains
eight “molecules” of MeFe2O4 where (Me = Cd2+,Ni2+,Cu2+,Zn2+,Co2+). The
relatively large oxygen ions form an FCC lattice. In the cubic close packed
structure two kinds of interstitial sites occur, the tetrahedral (A) and
octahedral (B) sites which are surrounded by 4 and 6 oxygen ions
respectively. In the above mentioned cubic unit cell, 64 tetrahedral and 32
octahedral sites are present, of which only 8 and
16 respectively, are
occupied by metal ions [3].
In a tetrahedral site, the interstitial is in the center of a tetrahedron
formed by four lattice atoms. Three atoms, touching each other, are in
plane; the fourth atom sits in the symmetrical position on top. Again the
tetrahedral site has a defined geometry and offers space for an interstitial
atom. An octahedral position for an (interstitial) atom is the spaces in the
interstices between 6 regular atoms that form an octahedron. Four regular
atoms are positioned in a plane; the other two are in a symmetrical
position just above or below. All spheres can be considered to be hard and
touching each other. The six spheres define a regular octahedron, in its
interior there is adefined space for an interstitial atom, bordered by six
The primitive tetrahedral unit cell of spinel ferrite consists of two
molecular MeFe2O4 units and is represented by two octants as shown in
the Fig. 2.1. Four primitive unit cells (Figure 2.1) combine to form the
conventional, cubic unit cell of spinel.
Figure 2.1: MeFe2O4 Spinel structure [Sickafus, K. E. and Wills, J. J.
Am. Ceram. Soc.1999, 82, 3279]
Consequently, there are Z = 8 formula units per cubic unit cell, each of
which consist of 32 anions and 24 cations, for a total of 56 atoms [4].
There are 96 interstices between the anions in the cubic unit cell;
however, in spinel ferrites, only 24 are occupied by cations of the 64
tetrahedral interstices (8a, 8b, 48f) that exist between the anions, only 8
are occupied by cations. The remaining 16 cations occupy half of the 32
octahedral interstices (16c, 16d). The unoccupied sites are octahedral
(16c) and tetrahedral (8a, 48f) [5] as shown in Figure 2.2. The location of
tetrahedral and octahedral site is always the same and do not depend on
the nature of constituent cations. However, the general position of anions
depends on the relative size of A and B cations.
Figure 2.2 Schematic drawings of lattice surroundings and nearest
neighbours for (a) the tetrahedral A-site (8a), (b) the octahedral B-site
(16d), and (c) the tetrahedral oxide site (32e). Anion dilations are
indicated in (a) by solid arrows [King, R.J. Geology Today,
The anion sub lattice is arranged in a pseudo-cubic close–packed (ccp)
spatial arrangement, although some spinels possess almost–ideal ccp
anion sub lattices. The repeat unit of the conventional unit cell is twice
that of the anion lattice. As a consequence, the spinel lattice parameter ‘a’
is large.
2.3 U parameter:
In any octant four oxygen ions form a tetrahedron. All oxygen ions are
tetrahedrally surrounded by four cations, of which three are form B-site
and one form A-site. In many cases the close packing of oxygen is
deformed due to the presence of the metal ions of different sizes in the
interstices. Then the oxygen ion moves along the body diagonal from the
ideal position. The displacement of oxygen ion along the body diagonal is
known as oxygen parameter ‘u’ as shown in Fig. 2.3. In ideal case u = 3/8
and in the actual case ‘u’ is slightly greater than ideal value. The values of
the parameter ‘u’ can be found with the aid of X-ray or neutron diffraction.
Fig. 2.3: Surroundings of oxygen in spinel ferrite
The u parameter generally increases linearly with (rA-rB)/a, where ‘a’
is the lattice parameter and rA, rB are the radii of ions in the tetrahedral
(A) and octahedral [B] site respectively. The local symmetry of the cation
sites is cubic in the A-position and trigonal in B. The trigonal symmetry is
due to both the configuration of the neighboring cations and the distortion
of the anion octahedral, if u ≠ 3/8. Each of the four diagonal belongs to
just one of the cations in the primitive cell. Hence, these cations are nonequivalent, differing in their local symmetry axis. Each of them may be
taken as representing on face centre cubic (Fcc) sub lattice with the lattice
constant ‘a’. The local symmetry of the A-site however remains cubic even
if u ≠ 3/8, so that, both sub lattices represented by A-sites in the primitive
cell are mutually equivalent.
When considering some aspect for which the local symmetry is
irrelevant, all the B-position may be treated as belonging to only one sublattice (octahedral) in the same way as the A-position may be unified to
form one tetrahedral or A-sub lattice. The radii of the spheres in both
types of sites are given by the expressions.
r A =  u
3 − R0
 5
= 
− u a − R0
 8
where, ‘rA’ and ‘rB’ are radii of the tetrahedral (A) and octahedral [B] site
cations respectively, ‘a’ is a lattice constant and ‘R0’ is the radius of oxygen
In ferrites, the metallic ions occupy two crystallographically different sites,
i.e. octahedral [B] and the tetrahedral (A) site. Three kind of magnetic
interactions are possible, between the metallic ions, through the
intermediate O2- ions, by super-exchange mechanism, namely, A-A
interaction, B-B interaction and A-B interaction. It has been established
experimentally that these interaction energies are negative, and hence
induce an anti-parallel orientation.
In general, the magnitude of the interaction energy between the
magnetic ion, MeI and MeII depends upon (i) the distance from these ions
to the oxygen which the interaction occurs and (ii) the angle MeI-O-MeII
represented by the term Ф as shown in Fig. 2.4.
Fig. 2.4: Angle Ф between MeI and MeII with oxygen ion.
An angle of 1800 will give rise to the greatest exchange energy and the
energy decreases very rapidly with increasing distances. The various
possible configurations of the ions pairs in spinel ferrites with favorable
distances and angle for an effective magnetic interaction as envisaged by
Gorter [6] are given in Fig. 2.5. Based on the values of the distance and
the angle Ф, it may be concluded that, of the three interactions the A-B
interaction is of the greatest magnitude. The two configurations for A-B
interaction have small distances (p, q and q, r) and the values of the angle
Ф are fairly high. Of the two configurations for the B-B interaction, only
the first one will be effective since in the second configuration, the
distance ‘s’ is too large for effective interaction. The A-A interaction is the
weakest, as the distance r is large and the angle Ф is ≅1800
Fig. 2.5: Configuration of ion pairs in spinel ferrites with favorable
distance and angles for effective magnetic interaction
Thus, with only A-B interaction predominating the spins of the A and B
site ions in ferrites will be oppositely magnetized sub-lattice A and B with
a resultant magnetic moment equal to the difference between those of A
and B site ions. In general, the value of saturation magnetic moment for
the B lattice (MB) is greater than that of the A lattice (MA), so that the
resultant saturation magnetization (Ms) may be written as Ms=|MB-MA|
With this theory, Neel could satisfactorily explain the experimentally
observed magnetic susceptibility and magnetic saturation data obtained
for ferrites.
Neel’s theory [3] is based on the following assumptions.
1) Ferrimagnetic crystal lattice could be divided into two sub lattices
namely tetrahedral (A) and octahedral [B] site in a spinel structure.
Amongst the three magnetic interactions (A-B, A-A and B-B) A-B
interaction and B-A interaction are identical and predominant over A-A
interaction and B-B interaction. Therefore the net magnetic moment is
the difference between two average sub-lattice magnetic moments.
3) There exists one type of magnetic ion in the material of which a fraction
λ appears on tetrahedral (A) site and remaining fraction µ appears on
octahedral [B] site such that λ+µ=1.
4) Due to magnetic interactions with in the material from the Weiss
molecular point of view. The magnetic field acts upon an ion is written
H = H0 + H M
Where, H0 is the externally applied field and
HM is the internal or molecular field.
Neel’s theory of ferrimagnetism has been successfully used to explain
the magnetic properties of several spinels. Assuming Neel’s model one can
determine the possible cation distribution among the tetrahedral (A) site
and octahedral [B] site from the knowledge of resultant saturation
magnetization at 0K. The saturation magnetization MS in spinel ferrite can
be expressed as
MS = |MB - MA |
For a simple ferrite of the form MFe2O4, which satisfies Neel’s assumption,
the magnetic ions are trivalent ferric (Fe3+). M2+ is nonmagnetic ion. The
cation distribution formula can be written as
(Fe2λM(1-2λ))A [Fe(2-2λ)M2λ]BO4 or (Fe2λM(1-2λ))A [Fe2-2λM2λ]BO4
Applying internal Weiss molecular field concept to a ferromagnetic
material, we have
… 2.3
… 2.4
Where, HA is molecular field acting on A site ion.
HAA is field acting on A site ion due to neighboring A site ion.
HAB is field acting on A site ion due to neighboring B site ion.
Similar definitions hold for molecular field HB, acting on a B-ion. The
molecular field components may be written as
where, γ are appropriate molecular coefficients and MA, MB are the
magnetic moments of A and B sub-lattices. It may be shown that
γAB = γBA but γAA≠ γBB unless the two sub-lattices are identical.
In the presence of externally applied field H0, the total magnetic field
acting on each sub-lattice may be written as
Ha = H0 + HA
orHa = H0 + γAA MA + γBA MB
… 2.7
Ha = H0 + HB
orHb = H0 + γBB MB + γBA MA
… 2.8
A property possessed by a permanent magnet or current carrying coil is
used to measure the magnetic strength. It is torque, experienced when a
magnet is placed in a magnetic field of unit size with its axis
perpendicular to the magnetic field. One of the simplest examples of
magnetic moments is that of the current-carrying loop, carrying current I
and of area A. Magnetic moment can be calculated as [7]
(nB ) = Mol.Wt × M s
… 2.9
Where nB is the magnetic moment of the samples, Ms is the saturation
magnetization of the samples. Magnetic moment may have different value
from that of theoretical value. There are at least three causes for the
deviations of the magnetic moment from the theoretical values.
(i) The ion distribution may not remain the same. For such ferrites, the
saturation magnetization is greater for quenching than after slow cooling.
(ii) In addition to spin moment, the ions may have an orbital moment
which is not completely quenched.
(iii) The angle between octahedral sub-lattices B1 and B2 is known as
Yafet-Kittel angle may occur.
An interesting case is that of mixed Ni-Zn ferrites as given in Eq.2.9 in
which then non-magnetic zinc ions prefer to go to the tetrahedral so with
the increase in zinc concentration. For the small concentration of zinc, the
case remains true. For larger concentration of zinc, the deviations are
found. The magnetic moment of the few remaining Fe3+ ions on the A-site
are no longer able to align all the moments of the B ions antiparallel to
them as it is opposed by the negative B-B exchange interaction which
remains unaffected. At this stage, the B lattice will divide itself into two
sub-lattices, the magnetizations of which make an angle with each other
varying from 00 to 1800. It is due to the fact that the ions within one sublattice interact less strongly with each other than with those in the other
sub-lattices [7]. At 4.2 K, the average magnetic moment of ions on the
octahedral sites is twice as large as that of ions on tetrahedral sites.
The structural, electrical and magnetic properties of ferrite are very
much important from the point of view of their application. The electrical
and magnetic properties of ferrites can be modified by using proper
method of preparation, choosing appropriate type and amount of dopant
and sintering temperature etc.
(a) Magnetic properties:
The magnetic properties of ferrite mainly depend upon the distributions
of metal cations over the available sites. The magnetic properties of ferrite
are divided into two groups; intrinsic or structure-insensitive and extrinsic
or structure-sensitive. Saturation magnetization and Curie temperature
are the two prominent structure-insensitive properties. On the other hand
structure-sensitive properties are numerous and may be classified further
as static or dynamic, according to whether or not the property displays
frequency dependence. Induction, permeability, hysteresis loop and
associated energy loss, coercive force and remanence are structure35
sensitive, static properties. Eddy current loss, resonance of spin and
domain walls are structure sensitive dynamic properties [8]. Intrinsic properties
All those properties that is characteristic of material and are unaffected
by the microstructure. (e.g. grain size, crystal orientation of grains).
1) Saturation magnetization
The maximum attainable intensity of magnetization per unit volume is
known as the saturation magnetization (MS) of ferromagnetic material. It
will depend on the strength of the dipole moment on the atom that
makesthe material and how densely they are packed together. The atomic
dipole moment will be affected by the nature of the atom and the overall
electronic structure within the compound. The packing density of the
atomic moments will be determined by the crystal structure (i.e. the
spacing of the moments) and the presence of any non-magnetic elements
within the structure. For ferromagnetic materials, at finite temperatures,
MS will also depend on how well these moments are aligned, as thermal
vibration of the atoms causes misalignment of the moments and a
reduction in MS. For ferromagnetic materials not all of the moments align
parallel, even at zero Kelvin and hence Ms will depend on the relative
alignment of the moments as well as the temperature.
2) Curie temperature
Ferromagnetic materials exhibit a characteristic temperature known as
the Curie temperature. At temperatures below the Curie point the
magnetic moments are partially aligned within magnetic domains in
ferromagnetic materials. As the temperature is increased from below the
Curie point, thermal fluctuations increasingly destroy this alignment,
until the net magnetization becomes zero at and above the Curie point.
Above the Curie point, the material is purely paramagnetic [9].
At temperatures below the Curie point, an applied magnetic field has a
paramagnetic effect on the magnetization, but the combination of
paramagnetism with ferromagnetism leads to the magnetization following
a hysteresis curve with the applied field strength. The destruction of
magnetization at the Curie temperature is a second-order phase transition
and a critical point where the magnetic susceptibility is theoretically
infinite. Extrinsic (structure-sensitive) properties
a) Static properties
1) Magnetic induction
If the performance of a magnetic component or device depends on the
magnetization of the ferromagnetic material involved, induction, rather
than magnetization is used to assess the performance. This is so because
the definition of induction,
B= µ0 (H+M)
… 2.10
It has made it inherently structure-sensitive static property through the
µo, H term and therefore induction is more useful than magnetization in
2) Permeability
Magnetic permeability (µ) is defined as ratio of magnetic induction (B) to
magnetic field (H) or strength of applied field. The ratio of flux density and
applied field is called as absolute permeability.
= µ 0 (1 +
) = µ absolut
… 2.11
This absolute permeability is the product of the magnetic constant of free
space and the relative permeability,
= µ0µ r
… 2.12
There are several versions of ߤ௥ depending on conditions the index r is
generally removed and replaced by the applicable symbol e.g. µi, µδ,
Following four permeability’s are particularly important.
a) Initial permeability, (µi): The limiting value approached by normal
permeability when H is reduced to zero.
b) Maximum
permeability obtained from a (B-H) curve.
c) Intermediate permeability, (µδ) is equal to Bδ/Hδ, where Hδis an
alternating field in addition to a constant biasing field and Bδis the
alternating induction caused by Hδ.
d) Differential permeability (µd) is equal to dB/dH and is simply the
slope of B-H curve at each point.
3) Hysteresis loop and energy loss
In the B-H curve B lags behind H and thus the closed B-H curve is called
hysteresis loop. This loop appears in the four-quadrant as shown in
Fig.2.7. In the B-H plot, the area enclosed by hysteresis loop represents an
energy given by
W b=
∫ H .dB
… 2.13
This magnetic energy is converted into heat, which dissipates in to the
lattice immediately upon generation and it is permanently lost.
Fig.2.6: Typical hysteresis loop
Thus Wb is called the hysteresis loss in units of Joules per m3 per
cycle. With soft magnetic materials hysteresis loss is very undesirable, not
only because it wastes energy, but also heat involved could create further
problems in the application of the material.
4) Coercive force and coercivity
Hysteresis loop is shown above Fig.2.6. A characteristic field known as the
coercive force Hc and a characteristic induction known as remanence, Br.
Coercivity often is used as the most important single criterion for
determining whether a ferromagnetic material is soft or hard.
The essential difference between a hard and a soft ferrite lies in their
respective coercive force. Hc is large (~100 Oe) in the former and small
(<20 Oe) in the later. Keeping coercivity at a minimum is a primary goal in
a preparation of soft magnetic material. Experimental data shows that
coercivity is closely related to other structure sensitive magnetic
5) Remanence or Retentivity
During the cycle of magnetization Br (Fig.2.6) is the amount induction
remained ever after the field H is made zero. This characteristic induction
is known as remanence or retentivity.
b) Dynamic properties
1) Eddy current and associated energy losses
When an alternating field is applied to magnetize a ferromagnetic body, an
electromagnetic force (e.m.f.) is setup in the body. If the material is also a
good conductor, as with metal and alloys, the induced e.m.f. is produced
appreciable amount of currents in different regions, these currents are
known as the eddy currents and their occurrence gives rise to energy loss
(We) through Joule. Thus, in a.c. application, metallic ferromagnet suffers
the hysteresis as well as the eddy current losses. Also, we increase with
frequency according to the second power law. Hence, the eddy current loss
becomes even more burdensome than the hysteresis loss at intermediate
and high frequencies.
2) Motion and resonance of domain walls
The resonance of Bloch walls is prominent phenomena detected in ferrites
at high frequency. It plays an important role in the application of soft
magnetic materials. It is found that, the eddy-current power loss is
proportional to the square of the velocity of the domain walls. Thus to
minimize the loss, we must try to keep the wall velocity at the lowest
possible value. On the other hand, some applications of ferrites at
microwave frequency involve the resonance of domain walls.
(b) Electrical Properties
Ferrites play a useful role in many technological applications because of
their high electrical resistivity. Electrical properties of ferrites depend
upon the chemical composition as well as on the various heat treatments
during the course of preparation. These properties are also influenced by
the method of preparation [10]. The variation in dcelectrical resistivity can
be explained on the basis of Verwey hopping mechanism [11]. According to
it, the electrical conduction in ferrites is due to the hopping of
electronsbetween the ions of same element but of different valence states
present at the octahedral sites. The conduction in ferrites is the result of
hopping of electrons between Fe3+ and Fe2+ ions present at octahedral sites
[12]. Generally, the electrical resistivity of ferrites decreases with the
increase of temperature. This shows that ferrites have semiconductor like
behavior [13]. Ferrites have very high resistivity which is one of the
considerations for microwave applications [14]. For ferrites, resistivities
vary from 10-2 ohm-cm to1011 ohm-cm at room temperature depending on
chemical composition of the material [8].
If the material has to be conducting, lattice must contain the same
cations in at least two different valence states. In spinel, since distance
between two (A) site cations is larger than the distance between adjacent
[B] site cations and as tetrahedral and octahedral sites are not
energetically equivalent, conductivity is mostly due to the electron
exchange between [B] site cation. For example in Fe3O4 though the
conductivity is due to hopping of electron from Fe2+ to Fe3+ ion at B site, in
this mechanism initial and final states are equivalent,
Fe2+ +Fe3+↔ Fe3+ + Fe2+
unbounded electron
According to Verwey [12], the conductivity of high resistivity oxides can be
increased by the addition of small amount of impurities to the structure.
The substitution of cations of the low valence state gives rise to ‘p’ type of
conduction while the substitution of cations of high valence state to ‘n’
type of conduction [13]. The presence of Fe2+ ions is sometimes desirable
[14] as it reduces magneto-striction and resistivity. It has also been shown
that conduction mechanism in spinel can be explained on the basis of
small polaron hopping mechanism [15-18].The small polaron are trapped
carriers which exhibits thermally activated phonon assisted hopping from
one site to other. In the case of low mobility oxides the charge carriers
remains in the vicinity of the particular atomic site over an interval longer
than typical vibrational period, an atoms in the vicinity of the excess
charge have sufficient time to assume new equilibrium position consistent
with presence of added charge. The atomic displacement generally
produces a potential well for the excess carriers, if this carriers induced
potential well is sufficiently deep, the carrier occupies a bound state as it
is unable to move without alteration of the position of the surrounding
atoms. This unit comprising of trapped carriers and its induced lattice
deformation is the polarons and since it is confined to a small region it is
termed as small polaron. The temperature dependence of electrical
resistivity is given by the relationship,
ρ = ρ 0e
… 2.14
k is Boltzmann constant,
∆E activation energy of conduction,
ρ 0 is a constant which is the energy required for the hopping of the
electron or hole.
(c) Dielectric properties:
Dielectric properties depend upon several factors including the method
of preparation, chemical composition and grain structure or size. When a
ferrite is sintered under slightly reducing condition, the valence state
changes, the individual cation found in the sample leads to high
conductivity and when such a material is cooled in an oxygen atmosphere,
it is possible to form films of high resistivity over the constituent grain.
Such ferrites in which the individual grains are separated by either air
gaps or low conducting layers behave as inhomogeneous dielectric
This aroused considerable interest in the low frequency range (102 Hz 105 Hz) dielectric behaviour of ferrite. Among the many workers involved
in this type of studies, the prominent ones are Koops [19], Moltgen [20],
Iwauchi et al. [21], Rezlescu [22,23] and Josyolu [24]. The polycrystalline
ferrites have high dielectric constant of the order of a few thousands at low
frequencies, following to a very low value of only 10-20 at microwave
frequencies. The A.C. resistivity decreases with increase in temperature
like D.C. resistivity, whereas dielectric constant increases with increase in
temperature. According to Rabkin and Novikova [25] the process of
dielectric polarization in ferrite takes place through a mechanism similar
to conduction process.
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