Alpha Chi Connection

Alpha Chi Connection
Alpha Chi Chapter, Texas State Organization
The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International
Mission Statement: The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International promotes professional and
personal growth of women educators and excellence in education.
Vision Statement: Leading Women Educators Impacting Education Worldwide
2016-2018 Theme: Leading Women Educators Impacting Education Worldwide
Vol. 82 No.4 February, 2017
Burnet-Llano-Marble Falls, Texas
Area VII No. 46
Editor – Carol Rose, [email protected]
OFFICERS – 2016-2018
President – Darlene Hargett
1st Vice-President – Cathy Frioux
2nd Vice-President – Toni Garner
Recording Secretary – Gloria Haley
Corresponding Secretary – Susan Nye
Treasurer – Lynda Jackson
Parliamentarian – Debbie Engler
Past President – Jamie Horn
April 10th – Burnet – First Lutheran Church
All meetings are at 6:00 pm except February 13th at
5:30 pm
Alpha Chi Meeting Dates for 2017
We had an outstanding program and meeting in
January. What a wonderful attendance – 63
members and 3 guests! Wow!! Thank you to Cathy
Frioux and her committee for a very interesting
presentation. Everyone enjoyed looking at the
beautiful quilts and hearing about their use with
books in the Marble Falls’ elementary libraries.
 February 13th – Marble Falls – Marble Falls
Church of Christ
 March Local Meetings
o Burnet – March 7, 2017 – 4:30 pm at
Sheralyn Noble’s home
o Llano – March 2, 2017 – 4:30 pm at
the Llano Library
o Marble Falls – March 6, 2017 – 5:00
pm – Marble Falls Church of Christ
Lois Laxon – Mar. 14
Andrea Bielefeld- Mar.16
Deborah Canup – Mar. 19
La Dawn Baker – Mar. 24
Kari Steward – Mar. 31
February is a time of celebrations: Groundhog’s Day,
Mardi Gras, Valentine’s Day, President’s Day. I
celebrate you, Alpha Chi members. I celebrate your
attendance at meetings. I celebrate your willingness
to serve our chapter. I celebrate the planning and
preparation that goes into hosting a meeting,
preparing food, decorating, presenting programs and
reports, and much, much more! Thanks for all you
do to make our chapter meetings special!
Please keep Faye Creel’s husband, Hal; Gloria Haley’s
husband, Mike; Carolyn Beck; Gay Galey; Marilyn
Curtis; and Diana Collins in your thoughts and
Remember that we will vote on new members at our
February meeting. Send your prospect cards or
information about a prospective member to Penny
Tanner BEFORE the February meeting so that she can
create a ballot for voting.
I look forward to seeing you February 13th at 5:30 at
the Marble Falls Church of Christ. We will have
appetizers and desserts at 5:30 and begin our
program at 6:00.
Congratulations to Myrna Mund for being Alpha Chi’s
“Reliable Rose Award” recipient in January.
February's program will highlight an amazing
dental program that is being offered in our schools.
Jennifer Banton will present Smart Smiles, a program
that provides oral health education and preventive
care to underserved, school-aged children. Making
this program a success is a community-wide effort,
and our help would be appreciated. February is
National Dental Health Month so there may be some
fun for all of us!
Sally Burget – Feb. 8
Annette Nolen – Feb. 8
Gloria Haley – Feb. 13
Nelda Tyler – Feb. 14
Andra Harris – Feb. 17
Charlsie Bremer – Feb. 19
Carrie Rice – Feb. 20
Euneen Wendt – Feb. 20
Becky Reed – Feb. 24
Nancy Light – Feb. 26
Connie Haines – Mar. 4
Annette Farley – Mar. 9
Mary Gurno – Mar.9
Joyce Craven – Mar. 14
We look forward to seeing you at the February
meeting and listening to your suggestions for our
next trip.
The Crisis Center is our February Project. To go along
with the program, they are needing the following:
toothbrushes and toothpaste, as well as general
hygiene products -- deodorant, soap, shampoo,
lotion, razors, feminine hygiene products, small
washcloths, and/or women's underwear. Monetary
donations are acceptable if members don't have time
to shop.
Kindergarten Quilt
This article is a follow-up to our January program on
how quilts are used in teaching elementary students.
The article is written by Jan Graves.
As we began plans for our Texas unit in March,
1986, it was decided that we would make a
kindergarten quilt in honor of the Texas
Sesquicentennial. We placed pictures of many things
that represented Texas in all areas of the building (an
open concept area divided into rooms or rugs by
cubby holes and other furniture). We had pictures
of the Texas shape, seal, flag, capitol, pecan tree,
Alamo and yellow rose. There were also pictures of
the mockingbird, bluebonnet, Indian paintbrush,
cactus, rattlesnake, jack rabbit, armadillo and deer.
Additional pictures were oil derricks, windmills,
cowboy, his boots and hat, astronaut, and fruits and
It is time to start thinking about the Yett/McDonald
Seminar that will be this coming September. The
Seminar is made possible by two former members of
Alpha Chi, Aileen Yett and Patsy McDonald. Aileen
Yett was a teacher in Lampasas who belonged to
Alpha Chi when Lampasas and San Saba counties
were part of Alpha Chi. Patsy McDonald was a
teacher from Marble Falls. In their wills these ladies
left money to Alpha Chi. Some of this money is used
for Alpha Chi members to take a day trip somewhere
for educational purposes. The trip is taken in years
when there is no area workshop to attend.
We need Alpha Chi members to give us suggestions
of possible places to go. In the past we have visited
the McNay Museum of Art, Bob Bullock State
Museum, Blanton Museum in Austin, Ladybird
Wildflower Center, LBJ Ranch tour, painted churches
and Delta Kappa Gamma International Headquarters
in Austin just to name a few. Please be thinking of
possible places to go as we will ask for suggestions at
the February meeting. There will be a ballot at the
April meeting for members to vote on where to go.
After the location is decided, details will be sent to
members so they can sign up to attend. The only
thing members have to pay for is lunch. The cost of
transportation and admission, if there is any, is
covered by the Yett/McDonald money.
Each child decided what they would draw on a 61/2 inch square of white paper. We then traced their
picture onto a white fabric square that they colored
with permanent markers and added their name. We
added a small colored star in the upper corner
showing their rug color. Each teacher also drew and
colored a picture.
These were then sewed together with strips of red
separating the pictures. A blue border and backing
was added. When school was out for the summer,
the quilt was hung from the ceiling in an open area at
the east end of the building. An article was placed in
the local paper inviting quilters in the area to come
and help quilt it. A number of people came to help.
For many years the quilt was displayed inside the
north entrance of the kindergarten building during
the month of March. When this class graduated, the
quilt was displayed at their graduation.
TSO Scholarships and Grants
TSO Scholarship Applications and Mini-Grant
Applications. Refer to State Scholarships page
for forms and guidelines. Deadline is March 1 st
and requires a letter of recommendation from
Kindergarten teachers and their rug color that
year were: Michaelyn Atkinson (brown), Sara Dutch
(orange), Barbara Erwin (rainbow), Phyllis Graham
(green), Janet Graves (yellow), Cindy HardingWoodhull (purple), Sandi Locke (blue), Nolene
Norred (red), Carrie Rice (pink) and Laura Schmidt
(PE aide).
2017 Texas State Organization Convention Website
Now is the time to begin planning to attend the 2017
DKG Texas Convention in Houston June 22-24. Begin
making your plans by visiting the new Convention
Website where members can book their reservations
at the beautiful Westin Galleria Hotel. Visit the
website often for convention updates including
regular Heartlines that is a newsletter designed to
provide information about Houston and about the
For the second year, ASTEF will have their annual
“Giving Day” on Tuesday, February 14, 2017.
The goal this year is $15,000.
Contributions can be in memory or honor of
someone. Just indicate the fund you want it go to:
Use the downloadable contribution form for any
fund, or to indicate that the funds are in memory or
to honor someone.
Using the DONATE button on the website,, will send your money directly to
JUNE 22 – 24, 2017 Westin Galleria
They have changed the convention hotel; it is now
the Westin Galleria. Reservations for the
Convention can be made at the following link,
starting January 2nd until May 30, 2017. Please let
Darlene know when you have made reservations
and who your roommate is. Remember Patsy’s
Legacy pays for three nights – Thursday through
Saturday, but you must make the reservation.
Reminder: You can help raise money for DKG just by
shopping at or Good Shop. Details
can be found on the International website under the
“Be A Member” tab.
Houston Convention Breakout Session Form
If you would like to do a breakout session at the
convention (some of you did great sessions at the
Area Workshop), you can find the form at this link,
Reminder: The 2018 DKG International Convention
will be held in Austin, Texas. If you are interested in
helping with this endeavor, please contact
Convention Chair JoAnn Brooks
at [email protected].
The deadline to submit is February 17, 2017.
Go Ahead Tours: Summer, 2017, take a trip to Spain
and Portugal with DKG. See the itinerary at the DKG
website, Scroll down the home page
and find Go Ahead Tours. Within the borders of one
small area, you’ll find impressively distinct
destinations. Relive the Age of Discovery in Lisbon
and discover Moorish influences in exotic Andalusia.
Fast-forward to the present day to feast on tapas,
drink sangria and join the night life in Madrid before
ending in the Basque Country, where an impressive
culinary scene shines. For cost and detailed itinerary,
go to the International website. You must be able to
log into your account.
In the Regular Checking account is $1958.33 and in
Patsy’s Legacy is $231,478.29. The full treasurer’s
report can be found on our website under
Have you ever wanted a pen pal? Have you
ever considered discussing your favorite book
with someone from Finland? Or do you want to
know strategies and tips on DKG membership?
The Society’s website offers the opportunity
for each member to make these and many
other connections with DKG members around
the world. Click on the link and find out more.
January/February 2017.
Delta Kappa Gamma Society International
Alpha Chi Chapter
January 9, 2017
The regular meeting of the Alpha Chi Chapter met at
Lutie Watkins Methodist Church in Llano on January
9, 2017. The meeting was called to order at 6:01 p.m.
The following officers were present: Darlene
Hargett-President, Cathy Frioux-First Vice President,
Toni Garner-Second Vice President, Gloria HaleyRecording Secretary, Susan Nye-Corresponding
Southwest Regional Conference
The Southwest Regional Conference will be held in
Honolulu, Hawaii, July 4-7, 2017. For more
information see the International website.
Secretary, Lynda Jackson-Treasurer, Debbie EnglerParlimentarian and Jamie Horn-Past Chapter
Wednesday morning of each month. In addition to
the program, Cathy Frioux led us in the singing of
“The Pieces of a Quilt”, an original composition.
The welcome to our Annie Program was given by
Sharon Rivers. It was a poem relating DKG to a quilt.
Guests included Linda Bundy from Burnet as well as
our guest speakers Linda Crosby and Nancy Bell.
Linda Dyke, who was reinstated, was also present.
Alice Smith gave the invocation.
Minutes of the November meeting were printed in
the newsletter. The only correction was the time for
the January meeting. It was written to be 6:30 rather
than 6:00 p.m. Many thanks went to Toni Garner for
taking the minutes due to Gloria’s out of town
Our dinner, prepared by our Llano hostesses,
consisted of spaghetti and meatballs, Caesar Salad,
garlic bread, and chocolate cake. The table
decorations complimented our program on quilts.
Positive comments were heard throughout our
meeting about the food and decorations.
Fran Plemmons is seeking a position on the TRS
Board of Directors as an educational retiree. Her
position, if elected, would represent the interests of
retirees as she has done for the past 15 years. In
order to be considered, she must have 250
signatures of TRS annuitants to be submitted to the
TRS office by January 20, 2017. If you would like to
support Fran, please sign the petition that is being
Our program entitled “Learning through Quilts” was
presented by two members of the Highland Lakes
Quilt Guild. Some examples of their beautiful work
were displayed for our members to examine and
appreciate. Lenore Weihs had a power point on
quilts for us to view throughout our meeting. Linda
Crosby presented the quilt that is used in conjunction
with the book Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You
See? She spoke of her love of reading and to children
especially. Nancy Bell, the coordinator of the
program, stated that it is the librarians that make this
project work. Currently, four Marble Falls’ schools
participate. Their goal is to rotate six quilts per
semester to each participating campus with the hope
that other districts will join this endeavor. Cultural
diversity is emphasized. The Marble Falls’ local
presented two books to the guild. Donated books
were Quiltmaker’s Journey and Patchwork Family.
Llano local donated Stitchin and Pullin and The Last
Mule in Gee’s Bend, and Burnet donated a gift card
for purchase of additional books. DKG members who
are interested in joining the guild should go to the
Marble Falls Methodist Church on the third
The Treasurer’s Report was also in the newsletter.
Lynda Jackson stated that the regular checking
account has $1,741.09 and Patsy’s Legacy balance is
Darlene noted that from now on, correspondence
will be printed in the newsletter.
Penny reported that all Prospect Cards need to be
turned in to the sign-in table as next month we will
be voting on new members. She also requested that
the Member Biographical Data Sheet also needs to
be turned in to her. Burnet had 16 members present
at tonight’s meeting. Marble Falls had 29 members
and Llano had 18 members for a total of 63 members
and 3 guests. The door prize was won by Marilyn
Charlsie Bremer, Chair of Global Awareness,
explained tonight’s project of Schools for Africa
raffle. The goal of this committee is to make an
The applications are due March 1st and are available
on our website. Members were told that these
grants are the Velma Elliot which is a $500
scholarship for an education major who is entering
her junior or senior year of college. Marble Falls local
will determine who will receive the grant this year.
The Patsy McDonald grant -in -aid goes to each local
group. $1,000 may be given to one applicant, or the
money may be divided between two applicants who
are studying education.
annual donation to promote safe drinking water,
separate boys’ and girls’ bathrooms, school supplies,
and other important items to thirteen international
countries. Our donation total tonight was $140.00.
Marilyn Curtis won the beautiful basket that Myrna
Mund created.
Lorine Kuhn, Chair of the Achievement Committee,
recognized Alpha Chi members who quilt. These
members include Diana Virdell, Beulah Holland,
Kathleen Turner, Linda Dyke, Euneen Wendt, and Jan
Graves. The Reliable Rose Award was presented by
Margaret Smith to Myrna Mund, and Susan Nye was
awarded the Noteworthy Award.
Under Unfinished Business, there was a report on
findings to maintain Patsy McDonald’s grave.
Investigations are currently under way.
Mary Gurno announced deadlines for Grant in Aid
Applications/Scholarships & TSO and International
Scholarships. The applications, instructions, and
qualifications may be found on-line. Letters of
recommendation are needed on all applications.
International applications are due February 1st and all
others are due March 1st.
Under New Business, Darlene requested that
members sign up for the convention which is being
held in Houston this summer from June 22-24th. The
Westin Galleria will be our host hotel, so it is
imperative to reserve your room as quickly as
Sharon Tays, Project Chair, noted that tubs of mints
were to be distributed to area campuses to make
educators more aware of our Delta Kappa Gamma
Society. Volunteers are needed to deliver the mints.
She requested that if you are interested, please see
her after the meeting.
Jamie Horn, Chair of Legislation, stated that our
healthcare situation is “bad and ugly.” There is a 1.2
billion dollar deficit. There are two solutions. One is
to drastically increase our monthly premiums, and
the other is to change all Medicare participants to
Medicare Advantage. She recommended that we call
or write letters to our legislators. ATPE and TRTA are
advocating for all of us.
Chair of Personal/Professional Enrichment, Carole
Buchanan, spoke about the Alpha Chi Grants-in-Aid.
Reminder to notify Carol Rose and Darlene
whenever you have a change in your
directory contact info.
February 14, 2017 is “Giving Day” for ASTEF.
The goal this year is $15,000. Use the
downloadable contribution form at and indicate the fund to which
you would like to contribute: Scholarship,
Leadership, or Projects. These donations are
tax deductible.
Breakout Sessions Proposal forms for the
state convention in Houston are due February
17, 2017. See the link in the January Alpha
Chi newsletter.
Next meeting is February 13th at the Marble
Falls Church of Christ. The program will be
SMART Smiles. We will also vote on new
members. NOTE: this is an appetizer/dessert
meeting and will begin at 5:30. Our project
is the Highland Lakes Crisis Center.
Carol announced that she feels she has
enough articles for the Seal of Merit for our
newsletter. However, if you would still like to
submit an article, please let Carol know.
The Seal of Merit is given out by the
Communications and Publicity Committee at
the end of the biennium. Carol is hopeful
that we will win this honor.
Vickie Morrison announced that Literacy for
Highland Lakes needs volunteers.
The meeting closed with the singing of the Delta
Kappa Gamma Song.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:47 p.m.
Gloria Haley
Recording Secretary
Minutes of the Alpha Chi Executive Board Meeting
January 17, 2017
An informal meeting of the Alpha Chi Executive
Board was held on January 17, 2017, at Francesco’s
Italian Restaurant in Marble Falls. All board
members were present except for past president
Jamie Horn.
Discussion was held for numerous agenda items.
These were as follows:
1. Lynda Jackson, chapter treasurer, passed out
copies of the proposed budget and the
amounts that have actually been spent to
date. She also presented copies of Patsy’s
Legacy Funds and Patsy’s Legacy Checking
Account. During this time, it was brought to
our attention that the parking for the state
conventions needs to be clarified. Diana
Virdell was called, and she sent the original
document with how Patsy Legacy Funds were
to be disbursed. It was the recommendation
of the Board that paid parking be added to
the document. This will be voted on by the
membership during our February meeting.
Susan Nye gave an update about Patsy’s
Legacy Project Grants. The application and
rubric are available online for interested
educators. The applications are due by
August 31st, with the grantees receiving $500
by the end of September. It was noted that
educators in our membership may also apply.
Sharon Tays is working on an article for our
newsletter concerning the upcoming Yett
Seminar in the fall. Background information
about the purpose of the Yett was discussed.
Members are welcome to offer suggestions
for this trip.
The Alpha Chi Brochure has been updated
and is now available online.
Regarding scholarships, there was a question
about who could receive grants –in-aid. It
was noted that an applicant who applies for a
grant two years in a row, must skip one year
before reapplying. It was determined that we
will go by the mailing address on applications
to determine which local chapter should
receive the application. Discussion followed
about a deadline for cashing the grant check.
The Executive Board will discuss this again in
Schools For Africa donations at our last
meeting netted $160. Myrna Mund’s invoice
was for $20, so $140 was sent to UNICEF.
Darlene will order certificates for the new
To determine who will receive 25 or 50 year
member recognition, Cathy Frioux from Llano,
Darlene Hargett from Marble Falls, and Toni
Garner from Burnet will check for qualifying
members from their local chapters.
Discussion followed about our current
projects. Gloria suggested we have a project
for senior members of our community. Cathy
Frioux, first vice-president, suggested that we
ease into helping by having a program next
November to determine the membership’s
thoughts on this possible endeavor.
10. Darlene noted that fifteen of our chapter
members have signed up so far for our
convention in Houston this coming June.
11. Carol will put Highland Lakes Family Crisis
Center “wish list” in the newsletter for
donations at our February meeting.
12. Darlene gave us information about the
President’s Annual Report and Necrology
Report. We have no deceased members this
13. Cathy Frioux offered to host our summer
Executive Board meeting at her home on July
18th at 10:30. Officers will bring a salad to
share for our luncheon.
Singing the Quilt Song
One of the Many Beautiful Quilts on Display
There being no further business, the meeting was
Gloria Haley, Recording Secretary
More pictures on the Alpha Chi website
The Beautiful Centerpiece