Year 6 Curriculum Overview 2016-2017

Year Group: 6
Take One Picture – War Game
Pupils should be taught to:
recognise that light appears to travel in
straight lines
use the idea that light travels in straight
lines to explain that objects are seen because
they give out or reflect light into the eye
Light Videos – Snoozy Woozy!!
explain that we see things because light
travels from light sources to our eyes or from
light sources to objects and then to our eyes
Light Sources – Natural vs. Manmade
Use of video to recognise the importance of
light – bbc schools. Discussion of different
light sources. Add pictures and label.
Look at diagram showing light moving from
source – object – eye. Children to recreate
diagram in books. Use of objects to
use the idea that light travels in straight
lines to explain why shadows have the same
shape as the objects that cast them.
Shadows – Lesson Plan
Out onto the playground, if sunny, look at
shadows created. What do the children notice?
Provide with light sources to make shadows.
Explain to a partner how shadows are created.
How can you prove that the size of a shadow
changes according to the distance of the light
Kensuke’s Kingdom and China
Evolution and inheritance
Pupils should be taught to:
recognise that living things have changed
over time and that fossils provide information
about living things that inhabited the Earth
millions of years ago
Miss Haselgrove Planning - Lesson 1
Sc1- Exploring how different finches beaks
were adapted to different food sources on the
Galapagos Islands. Over time, how did these
specie evolve?
recognise that living things produce
offspring of the same kind, but normally
offspring vary and are not identical to their
Miss Haselgrove Planning – Lesson 2
Recognising how different species had adapted
to different environments, and researching
their own animal or plant.
identify how animals and plants are adapted
to suit their environment in different ways and
that adaptation may lead to evolution.
Miss Haselgrove Planning – Lesson 3
Using prior learning, creating own creature and
how it is best suited to its habitat. Drama &
speed dating!!!
Living things and their habitats
Who do you think you are?
Animals including humans
Pupils should be taught to:
identify and name the main parts of the
human circulatory system, and describe the
functions of the heart, blood vessels and blood
Activity – Kids to act out being the heart (4
sections) with coloured bibs, showing movement
of blood around the body. Labelling of the
circulatory system.
Activity – Investigation into pulse rates……
Resting rate & after exercise.
info and couple of links on the circulatory system
recognise the impact of diet, exercise, drugs
and lifestyle on the way their bodies function
Healthy eating plate – sorting of foods into
groups and stick onto plate.
“ Mo Farah has lost his memory….he has
forgotten the foods he needs to eat to stay
Pupils should be taught to:
healthy. Can you help him write a shopping
 describe how living things are classified into list?”
broad groups according to common
What other ways can keep our bodies healthy?
observable characteristics and based on
similarities and differences, including micro- Link to the heart from previous
lesson…exercise, water, sleep, avoid drugs.
organisms, plants and animals
 give reasons for classifying plants and animalsDiscuss learning from young citizens workshop.
Create a poster of how to live healthily.
based on specific characteristics.
Pupils should be taught to:
associate the brightness of a lamp or the
volume of a buzzer with the number and
voltage of cells used in the circuit compare
and give reasons for variations in how
components function, including the brightness
of bulbs, the loudness of buzzers and the on/off
position of switches
Literacy link – write a report of how to keep
describe the ways in which nutrients and
water are transported within animals, including
Possible Dr. Mark Activities…..
Dr Mark 1 – Balancing On One Leg
Dr Mark 2 – Catching The Ruler
Dr Mark 3 – Bending Over
Sc1 – how can we vary the brightness of a bulb
in a circuit? What conclusions can we draw
from this?
use recognised symbols when representing
a simple circuit in a diagram.
Create simple circuits matching the pictures on
the board – how do we know which piece of
equipment matches each symbol. Draw and
record in books
Exploration lesson – Children to investigate a
variable of their choice, such as insulators &
Electricity Lesson Plan
Take One Book – War Game
Kensuke’s Kingdom and China
A study of an aspect or theme in British
history that extends pupils’ chronological
knowledge beyond 1066.
The achievements of the earliest
civilizations – an overview of where and
when the first civilizations appeared and a
depth study of one of the following: Ancient
Who do you think you are?
A local history study.
Sumer; The Indus Valley; Ancient Egypt; The
Shang Dynasty of Ancient China.
A local history study.
Visiting memorial for the war in Horsham –
what do local people remember?
Use of Horsham museum to share artefacts
and pictures from WW1 in Horsham
Take One Picture – War Game
Kensuke’s Kingdom and China
Who do you think you are?
Use maps, atlases, globes and
digital/computer mapping to locate
countries and describe features studied.
Name and locate counties and cities of the
United Kingdom, geographical regions and
their identifying human and physical
Name and locate counties and cities of the
United Kingdom, geographical regions and
their identifying human and physical
Use fieldwork to observe, measure, record
and present the human and physical
features in the local area using a range of
Use maps, atlases, globes and
digital/computer mapping to locate
countries and describe features studied.
Use of atlases and maps…what do they
show. Quiz about the world to solve using
atlases. Use of the internet and IPADS to
answer questions where appropriate.
Locate the world’s countries, using maps to
focus on Europe (including the location of
Russia) and North and South America,
concentrating on their environmental
regions, key physical and human
characteristics, countries, and major cities
Complete map work identifying continents,
countries and areas of significance
Locate the world’s countries, using maps to
focus on Europe (including the location of
Russia) and North and South America,
concentrating on their environmental
regions, key physical and human
characteristics, countries, and major cities.
Identify the position and significance of
latitude, longitude, Equator, Northern
Hemisphere, Southern Hemisphere, the
Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, Arctic and
Antarctic Circle, the Prime/Greenwich
Meridian and time zones (including day and
Describe and understand key aspects of:
- Human geography, including: types of
settlement and land use, economic
activity including trade links, and the
distribution of natural resources
including energy, food, minerals and
Re-create drama shown by museum
visitor….which countries were involved?
Identify triple entente and triple alliance.
Complete map work to show different
Describe and understand key aspects of:
- Human geography, including: types of
settlement and land use, economic
activity including trade links, and the
distribution of natural resources
including energy, food, minerals and
methods, including sketch maps, plans and
graphs, and digital technologies.
How was this affected during the war?
Rationing came into play.
Topics Yr
Take One Picture – War Game
Kensuke’s Kingdom and China
Who do you think you are?
Make and try a range of Chinese food
use research and develop design criteria
to inform the design of innovative,
functional, appealing products that are fit
prepare and cook a variety of
predominantly savoury dishes using a
range of cooking techniques
understand and apply the principles of a
healthy and varied diet
for purpose, aimed at particular
individuals or groups
generate, develop, model and
communicate their ideas through
discussion, annotated sketches, crosssectional and exploded diagrams,
prototypes, pattern pieces and
computer-aided design
select from and use a wider range of
tools and equipment to perform practical
tasks [for example, cutting, shaping,
joining and finishing], accurately
select from and use a wider range of
materials and components, including
construction materials, textiles and
ingredients, according to their functional
properties and aesthetic qualities
investigate and analyse a range of
existing products
evaluate their ideas and products
against their own design criteria and
consider the views of others to improve
their work
understand seasonality, and know where
and how a variety of ingredients are
grown, reared, caught and processed.
use research and develop design criteria
to inform the design of innovative,
functional, appealing products that are fit
for purpose, aimed at particular
individuals or groups
generate, develop, model and
communicate their ideas through
discussion, annotated sketches, crosssectional and exploded diagrams,
prototypes, pattern pieces and
computer-aided design
use research and develop design criteria
to inform the design of innovative,
functional, appealing products that are fit
for purpose, aimed at particular
individuals or groups
generate, develop, model and
communicate their ideas through
discussion, annotated sketches, crosssectional and exploded diagrams,
prototypes, pattern pieces and
computer-aided design
select from and use a wider range of
tools and equipment to perform practical
tasks [for example, cutting, shaping,
joining and finishing, accurately
select from and use a wider range of
tools and equipment to perform practical
tasks [for example, cutting, shaping,
joining and finishing], accurately
select from and use a wider range of
materials and components, including
construction materials, textiles and
ingredients, according to their functional
properties and aesthetic qualities
select from and use a wider range of
materials and components, including
construction materials, textiles and
ingredients, according to their functional
properties and aesthetic qualities
investigate and analyse a range of
existing products
understand how key events and
individuals in design and technology
have helped shape the world
investigate and analyse a range of
existing products
Technical knowledge
apply their understanding of how to
strengthen, stiffen and reinforce more
complex structures
evaluate their ideas and products
against their own design criteria and
consider the views of others to improve
their work
evaluate their ideas and products
against their own design criteria and
consider the views of others to improve
their work
understand how key events and
individuals in design and technology
have helped shape the world
Technical knowledge
understand and use electrical systems in
their products [for example, series
circuits incorporating switches, bulbs,
buzzers and motors]
Links to science lessons
understand how key events and
individuals in design and technology
have helped shape the world
apply their understanding of how to
strengthen, stiffen and reinforce more
complex structures
Technical knowledge
apply their understanding of how to
strengthen, stiffen and reinforce more
complex structures
understand and use mechanical
systems in their products [for example,
cams, levers and linkages]
Made Pizzas at ASK restaurant & then
made and tasted noodles for our
Chinese New Year Day.
Memory Box
Wonders of the world
Reach for the Stars
Switched on unit 6.1 – We are app planners
- To develop an awareness of the
capabilities of Smart phones &
- To identify interesting, solvable
- To evaluate competing products.
- To pitch a proposal for a Smart
phone or tablet app.
Switched on unit 6.3 – We are market
- To create a set of good survey
- To analyse the data obtained from a
- To work collaboratively to plan
- To analyse & interpret the
information obtained to present their
Switched on unit 6.5 – We are app
- Become familiar with another
programming toolkit.
- To understand & use variables.
- To recognise the importance of user
interface design including
consideration of input & output.
- To write down the algorithms for the
- To programme, debug, & refine the
code for the app.
Switched on unit 6.2 – We are project
2Create projects linked to China topic.
To identify existing talents & plan
how they can develop further
knowledge & skills.
To identify the component tasks of a
project & develop a timeline to track
To identify the resources needed to
accomplish a project.
To use web based research skills to
source tools, content, & other
Gymnastics - indoor
 To perform single actions and balances with
control, showing tension and extension
 To be able to move into and out of actions
and balances.
 To fluently show good weight transfer
 To link actions and balances together to
show good timing when working with
 To recognise a variety of ways to be
inverted and recognise that changing and
varying the speed, direction and level of the
sequence affects the way it looks and
increase its interest for the audience.
 Netball - outdoor
Possible German phrases, basic intros
and describing home and family. E.g.
family photos. Reference to Christmas
and War Game by Michael Foreman.
French verbs linked to war e.g shoot,
crouch, lay, fight
To understand computer networks
including the internet; how they can
provide multiple services, such as
the world wide web; and the
opportunities they offer for
communication and collaboration.
- To use a given programme to
present information to a specific
target audience.
- To consider layout, colour &
presentation of information.
- To create links between pages.
Dance – indoor
Tennis – indoor/outdoor
Rugby - outdoor
Rounders & Athletics- outdoor
Geography focus – describe place
around the world. Where would you
rather live and why?
Food tried from different countries
Focus on China but other countries as
well according to the wonders of the
world eg Italy, Egypt
Describing the Chinese dragon including
colours , size etc
Categorising animals and plants
All about me and the future
Moving on to secondary school
My aspirations and ambitions
Feeling and emotions
Describe how you feel
Parts of the body and how to stay
Propaganda posters
Paul Nash prints – official war artist
Pointillism – images from the war Seurat
Water colours – recreate images from
the book
Camera use – black and white pictures
recreating war scenes
Block printing – Poppies
Life drawing in a pose
Willow tree plates
Tree print scrolls using black ink
Writing names in Chinese
Sculptures of Terracotta Army
Work of the artist Li Fuyuan
Printing of rose blossoms or Chinese
Look at sky lines of cities – create city
scape using colour mixing
Shen Quan – animals pictures
Portraits – sketching , Pablo Picasso
Poses – take photo to make template
and recreate to make repeated pattern
Hanging mobile ‘All about me’.
Dream catchers
Starry, starry night – Vincent Van Gogh
– use of paint to create swirls – make it
Foil figures – pipe cleaners and foil –
what do I want to be? Alberto
Giacometti. Link to Lowry stick
War songs – rallying the troops. What
words would we use to encourage and
raise hopes of people?
Listen to the music in War Horse – what
feelings and emotions does it inspire?
Holst ‘Mars the Bringer of the War’ –
does this depict the feelings of the
Singing Silent Night in English and
German and performing it.
Christmas production practice.
Use of chimes to create Chinese
Develop bars of music and recognise
harmonies that can be created using
different chimes. Record notes using
staff notation
Listen to music from different countries
– how do we know which country it is
from? Which instruments can we
Chinese harps – create string
instruments – look at pitch created.
Listen to and perform a range of
uplifting songs – create one our own.
What could we say about our time at
Leechpool and our hopes for the future?