Dear Gardening Friends, Welcome to our Spring 2016 catalog! Please join us for a fantastic selection of plants and pottery for your home and garden. The butterflies and hummingbirds will thank you for thinking of them with our expanded selection of their favorite plants. We love to share the know how and plants needed to produce the big, bold beds of color that will make Summer 2016 your garden’s finest. Plant a little paradise in your world with plants from Vintage Hill. Jeff Oberhaus Clockwise: Jeff with Colocasia ‘Thailand Giant’, Echinacea ‘Big Kahuna’, Newberry Urn, Coleus ‘Hipster Luca’, Naxos Planter 2016 HOURS: Open Daily 9am-5pm V i nta ge H il l Fa rm w ww . vin t ag eh il l .c o m Page 3 HOW TO USE THIS CATALOG: Our catalog is a list of plants we are growing and will carry for the season. We do not list prices or sizes as these are constantly changing as we continue to change sizes as the plants grow. Most customers remark our prices are less than the box stores and since we grow the majority of plants right here we can offer good value on the rarer selections that are hard to find elsewhere. We are not a mailorder nursery. Our plants are grown to do well in your garden, not fit in a box. But if you are unable to visit, please let us know your interests and we can advise if your selections might be shippable. WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected] We respond to all email questions. If you do not receive a reply in a few days please send again. Be sure to include a subject heading in your message. PLANT SELECTION AND AVAILABILITY: We offer over 1700 varieties of plants. We try to keep them well stocked but occasionally a variety may sell out, or be in-between marketable stages of growth. As we propagate many of our plants, we can often give you information on when a new crop will be available. Since much of a plant’s success depends on its particular location we can make no guarantee of its hardiness in any given zone but will gladly give our best advice to help with your success. If you are looking for a plant that is not listed here, please call. As new plants become available we are constantly adding to our list. Follow Vintage Hill on : Ea s y to F in d ! Di recti o ns: Vi nt age Hi l l i s l oc ated 6 mi l es N W of t he Bo onsl i c k Bri d ge ( d ownt own B oon vi l l e) o n Hwy 8 7. O n t h e c o v e r : A s u mm er pl a nti ng at Vi nt age Hi l l . Zi nni a ‘P r ofusi on Do ubl e F i re’ , La nta na ‘ Sa m ant h a ’, S al vi a ‘ Bl ack & Bl ue ’, C ol eus Red he ad , Lythru m ‘M ord en ’s Gl ea m ’ and C ann a ‘P retori a. V i nta ge H il l Fa rm Abutilon ‘Biltmore Ballgown’ ‘Southern Belle’ NEW ‘Souvenir De Bonn’ ‘Tangerine Scream’ NEW Acalypha chenile trailing ‘Haleakala’ ‘Inferno’ ‘Jungle Cloak’ w. ‘Marginata’ ‘Orange Crush’ Adenum obesum Desert Rose Agave (see succulents) Ageratum ‘Blue Hawaii’ ‘Blue Horizon’ ‘High Tide Blue’ Aglanoema ‘Sparkling Sarah’ Alocasia (Elephant Ears) ‘Calidora’ ‘Portora’ reticulata ‘Stingray’ Aloe ‘Guido’ ‘Hedgehog’ vera Alternanthera ‘Chartreuse’ ‘Party Time’ ‘Red Thread’ Alyssum ‘Snow Crystals’ ‘Crystal Clear White’ Amaranthus ‘Carnival’ NEW c. ‘Love Lies Bleeding’ Angelonia ‘Angelface Blue’ ‘Carita Raspberry’ ‘Serena Purple’ ‘Anthurium superbum NEW Asclepias Butterfly Weed curvassica Red ‘Silky Gold’ (Gomphocarpus) physocarpus Asparagus dens. ‘Meyerii’ Foxtail Fern sprengeri Bacopa ‘Giant Snowflake’ Basil ‘African Blue’ ‘Balsamic Blooms’ NEW ‘Columnar Greek’ ‘Dark Opal’ ‘Large Leaf Italian’ ‘Nufar’ ‘Pesto Perpetuoso’ ‘Sweet Thai’ ‘Valentino’ A nn u als & Tro pi c al s Begonia ‘Art Hodges’ ‘BabyWing Red’ NEW ‘BabyWing White’ ‘Big Pink Green Leaf’ ‘Big Red Green Leaf’ ‘Bonfire’ ‘Dragon Wing Red’ ‘Dragon Wing Pink’ ‘Encore Red’ ‘Encore Rose’ ‘Encore White’ e. ‘Bunchii Lettuce Leaf’ erythrophylla ‘WaterLily’ ‘Escargot’ ‘Flirty Girl’ NEW ‘Good n Plenty’ ‘Gryphon’ ‘Listada’ ‘Looking Glass’ ‘My Special Angel’ ‘Non Stop Mocha Mix’ ‘Orange Angels’ NEW partita Rex Assorted ‘Jurassic Green Streak’ NEW ricinifolia ‘Immense’ sceptrum ‘Silhouette Lemon Rose’ ‘Sophie Cecile’ ‘Tea Rose’ ‘Thurstonii’ ulmifolia ‘Whopper Red Bronze Leaf’ ‘Whopper Rose Green Leaf’ Bells of Ireland Bidens ‘Beedance Painted Red’ NEW ‘Campfire Fireburst’ NEW Bromeliads Alcantarea ‘Imperialis’ Aechmea ‘Alvarez’ Aechemea blanchetiana Aechmea ‘Harvey’s Pride’ Neoregelia ‘Bullis’ Neoregelia ‘Fireball’ Neoregelia ‘Jeffrey Block’ Neoregelia ‘Marguerite’ Neoregelia ‘Raphael’ Neoregelia ‘Royal Burgundy’ Neoregelia schu. ‘Margarita’ Vriesia ‘Mint Julep’ Caladium ‘Artful Heartfire’ ‘Poision Dart Frog’ ‘Yellow Blossom’ Calathea Rattlesnake Pag e 4 Brugmansia ANGEL TRUMPETS The necessity for fragrant summer evenings! Brugmansia are the Queen of the tropical plants. A few easy pointers will help you be successful. *While they are tropical, they come from higher elevations, so in Missouri, they do best protected from hot afternoon sun. East and North exposures are good. *They are HEAVY feeders. Most that fail to perform either have too much shade or not enough food. Our recipe during growing season: Top dress twice with Osmocote, April and July. Topdress with Milorganite every two weeks April thru September. Liquid feed with Miracle Gro or Peters 20-20-20 EVERY time you water. *Before a freeze in fall, remove all leaves and blooms and trim back green tips. Store above 40 degrees in a cool dark area. Basement, garage, spare room. Water only when soil is dry during dormancy. Over 200 varieties! Please email us: [email protected] for the Brugmansia list, many we can ship. Partial List: arborea (from European seed source) ‘Butterfly’ single pink ‘Fruit Salad’ pink/yellow double blend ‘Pink Perfektion’ double German pink ‘Salmon Perfektion’ double pink/salmon ‘Santa Rosa’ large single pink ‘Serendipity’ large single pink ‘Super Nova’ huge single white ‘Xena’ single Pink Somet t a s t es bors d Many things some scape 1. D fa F li n 2. P th d a to th e w 3. H it p ta ti g p M 4. A p it la d ta If o li te d in 5. E T la It fo h 6. A fa a e b in ro to a g se p th th p a in o g m b li ’ e ps’ ted’, bosa’, , hite’ V i nta ge H il l Fa rm Calibracoa (Million Bells) ‘Candy Bouquet’ NEW ‘Superbells Apricot Punch’ ‘Superbells Cherry Blossom’ NEW ‘Superbells Cherry Star’ Superbells Coralberry Punch’ ‘Superbells Dreamsicle’ ‘Superbells Evening Star’ NEW ‘Superbells Frost Fire’ ‘Superbells Lemon Slice’ ‘Superbells Pink’ ‘Superbells Plum’ ‘Superbells Pomegranite Punch’ ‘Superbells Red’ ‘Superbells Saffron’ ‘Superbells Spicy’ NEW ‘Superbells Yellow’ Callistemon ‘Bottle Pop Neon Pink’ NEW Canna We Grow Virus Free Cannas ‘Baby Girl Pink’ NEW Bird of Paradise’ ‘Blueberry Sparkler’ ‘Longwood Erebus’ ‘Longwood Ra’ NEW ‘Longwood Endeavor’ NEW ‘Intrigue’ ‘Freckles’ ‘Tropical Red’ ‘Mauii Punch’ musafolia ‘Orange Punch’ ‘Phasion’ ‘Pretoria’ Cardoon ‘Grobe Gruen’ Cassia bicolor Butterfly Celosia ‘Arrabonna Red’ ‘Chief’ ‘First Flame Orange’ ‘Fresh Look Orange’ ‘Fresh Look Red’ ‘Fresh Look Yellow’ ‘Intenz’ ‘New Look Red’ ‘Twisted’ Centaurea ‘Colchester White’ Cerinthe major Honeywort Chinese Money Tree Chlorophytum (airplane plant) ‘Bonnie’, ‘Variegata’ Citrus ‘Lemon Variegated’ ‘Meyer’, ‘Lisbon’ Cleome ‘Cherry Queen’ ‘Senorita Rosalita’ An n u al s & Tr op ic al s C o l e u s From Cuttings for Sun ‘Apple Brandy’ NEW ‘Bright Spark’ NEW ‘Campfire’ NEW ‘Chocolate Mint’ ‘Cuckoo’ ‘Dream Catcher’ NEW ‘Flame Thrower Chili Pepper’ NEW ‘Freckles’ ‘Golden Dream’ ‘Henna’ ‘Hipsters Luca’ NEW ‘Keystone Kopper’ ‘Kingwood Torch’ ‘Lava Rose’ ‘Limetime’ ‘Peters Wonder’ ‘Pink Chaos’ ‘Pink Poodle’ NEW ‘Redhead’ ‘Trusty Rusty’ ‘Twist N Twirl’ ‘WallStreet Main Street’ NEW ‘Wasabi’ ‘Wildfire Flash’ NEW For shade: ‘Kong Lime Sprite’ NEW ‘Kong Red’ Colocasia (Elephant Ears) ‘Black Magic’ ‘Blue Hawaii’ ‘Elena’ ‘Mojito’ ‘Tropical Storm’ NEW ‘Red Stem’ ‘Thailand Giant’ Cordyline ‘Red Star’, ‘Ruby Red’ Crinum procerum ‘Splendens’ xanthophyllum Golden Crinum Coreopsis ‘Mahogany Midget’ Cuphea: ‘Allyson’, ‘Batface’ ‘David Verity’ ‘Mellow Yellow’ ‘Twinkle Pink’ ‘Vermillionaire’ Cymbopogon Lemon Grass Dahlberg Daisy Dahlia ‘Bishops Children’ Datura ‘Purple Ballerina’ Dianthus ‘Floral Lace Heart of Fire’ NEW ‘Floral Lace Merlot Mix’ NEW ‘Ideal Select White Fire’ NEW ‘Purple Bouquet’ Dichondra ‘Emerald Falls’ ‘Silver Falls’ Page 5 Digiplexis ‘Illumination Flame’ Dill ‘Bouquet’ ‘Fern Leaf’ Dusty Miller ‘Cirrus’, ‘Silver Queen’, ‘Silver Dust’ Emilia javanica Ensete ‘Maurellii’ Epiphyllum ‘Red’ ‘Fruhlingsgold’ guatemalenensis Devil Fruit ‘Just Beautiful’ ‘Nathan’s Pink’, ‘Unforgettable’ Eucalyptus gunnii Eugenia (topiaries) Euphorbia ‘Breathless Blush’ ‘Diamond Delight’ ‘Diamond Frost’ ‘Flameleaf’ fulgens ‘Glitz’ NEW millii ‘Giant’ Evolvulus ‘Blue My Mind’ Ferns Australian Tree Birdsnest Boston Boston ‘Tiger’ ‘Frosty’ Kimberly Queen Macho Maidenhair Meyeri Foxtail Mother Rabbits Foot Staghorn Ficus ‘Ali’, elastica‘Tineke’, salicifolia, ‘LSU Purple’ (hardy) Fuschia ‘Cascading Angel Earrings’ ‘Firecracker’ ‘Gartenmeister’ Gaillardia ‘Arizona Sun’ Gazania ‘Clear Orange’, ‘Gazebra Variegated’ Geranium Zonal ‘Calliope Dark Red’ ‘Frank Headley’ ‘Indian Dunes’ ‘Rocky Mountain Orange’ ‘Rocky Mountain Red’ ‘Rocky Mountain White’ ‘Rocky Mountain Deep Rose’ ‘Rocky Mountain Salmon’ ‘Rocky Mountain Light Pink’ Regal Martha Washington Asst ‘Mr. Henry Cox’ ‘Mrs. Pollack’ V i nta ge H il l Fa rm V i nta ge H il l Fa rm An n u al s & Tr op ic al s An n u al s & Tr op ic al s Hydrocotyle ‘Crystal Confetti’ Regal Martha Washington Asst ‘Mr. Henry Cox’ Hypoestes ‘Rose Hydrocotyle ‘CrystalSplash’ Confetti’ Regal Martha Washington Asst Impatiens ‘Mrs. Pollack’ Hypoestes ‘Rose Splash’ ‘Mr. Henry Cox’ ‘Vancouver ‘Bounce Cherry’ NEW Impatiens ‘Mrs. Pollack’Centennial’ ‘BounceCherry’ PurpleNEW Star’ NEW Gerbera Daisy Mix ‘Bounce ‘Vancouver Centennial’ German Ivy Delairea ‘Celebrette Purple Star’ ‘Bounce Purple Star’ NEWNEW Gerbera Daisy Mix ‘Dazzler Select Gomphrena ‘Celebrette PurpleMix’ Star’ NEW German Ivy Delairea ‘Fireworks’ ‘DazzlerSelect Passionfruit Mix’ ‘Dazzler Mix’ Gomphrena ‘DazzlerPassionfruit Tutti FruitiMix’ Mix’ ‘Las Vegas Purple’ ‘Dazzler ‘Fireworks’ ‘Strawberry Fields’ ‘DivineTutti SalsaFruiti Mix’ Mix’ ‘Dazzler ‘Las Vegas Purple’ ‘Infinity Electric Gynura Fields’ ‘Divine Salsa Mix’ Cherry’ ‘Strawberry ‘Infinity Cherry’ Gynura species ‘Upright’ NEW ‘InfinityElectric Orange’ ‘Infinity species ‘Upright’ ‘InfinityOrange’ Red’ Hamelia patensNEW Firebush ‘Infinity Red’ Wisteria’ NEW Hamelia patens Firebush Hedera ‘Needlepoint’ ivy ‘Rockapulco ‘Rockapulco Wisteria’NEW NEW Hedera ivy ‘Ruffles Lavender’ Algerian ‘Needlepoint’ ‘Variegata’, ‘Neon’ ‘Ruffles NEW Algerian ‘Variegata’, ‘Neon’ ‘Gold Child’ ‘RufflesLavender’ Peach’ NEW ‘Ruffles Peach’Spreading NEW Orange’ ‘Gold Child’‘Dakota Gold’ ‘Sunpatiens Helenium ‘Sunpatiens Spreading Orange’ Helenium ‘Dakota Gold’ Hemigraphis repanda ‘Super Elfin Blue Pearl’ ‘Super Elfin Blue Pearl’ Hemigraphis repanda ‘Super Elfin Hot Mix’ ‘Dragon’s Breath’ ‘Super Hot Mix’ ‘Dragon’s Breath’ Heliotrope ‘Atlantis’ ‘SuperElfin Elfin Red’ ‘Super Elfin Red’ Heliotrope ‘Atlantis’ ‘Super Elfin Salmon’ Grasses (not hardy) ‘Super Salmon’ Grasses ( not hardy) ‘SuperElfin Elfin Sedona Mix’ Carex ‘Toffee Twist’ ‘Super Elfin Sedona Mix’ Carex ‘Toffee Twist’ ‘Xtreme Tango Mix’ Cyperus papyrus ‘King Tut’ ‘Xtreme Tango Mix’ Cyperus papyrus ‘King Tut’ Iochroma ‘Ashcroft Red’ Juncus ‘Blue Arrows’ Iochroma ‘Ashcroft Red’ Juncus ‘Blue Arrows’ Melinus n. ‘Ruby Crystal’ Melinus n. ‘Ruby Crystal’ Oplimensis Basket BasketGrass Grass Lookingfor fora aPlant? Plant? Oplimensis Looking Pennisetum ‘Fireworks’ Pennisetum ‘Fireworks’ PleaseAsk! Ask!Many Many times Please times wewe ‘Jade Princess’, Princess’,‘Jester’, ‘Jester’, ‘Jade get requests for a particular get requests for a particular ‘Princess Caroline’ Caroline’‘Rubrum’ ‘Rubrum’ ‘Princess plantafter afterthis thiscatalog catalog plant is is St. Augustine ‘Variegata’ St. Augustine ‘Variegata’ printed. With our many good Scirpus Fiber Optic Grass printed. With our many good Scirpus Fiber Optic Grass Hibiscus a.‘Little Zin’ NEW contacts in the industry contacts in the industry wewe Hibiscus a.‘Little Zin’ NEW ‘Cosmic Dancer’ ‘Cosmic Dancer’ canoften oftenhave haveyour your favorite can favorite schizopetalus schizopetalus plantinindays daysororit itmay may already plant already Standards AssortedColors Colors Standards Assorted here. bebehere. Hoya ‘Hindu ‘HinduRope’ Rope’ Page 6 Page 6 Ipomea Ornamental Sweet Potato ‘Blackie’ Ipomea Ornamental Sweet Potato ‘Marguerite’ ‘Blackie’ ‘Illusion Emerald Lace’ ‘Marguerite’ ‘Illusion Midnight ‘Illusion Emerald Lace’Lace’ ‘Sweet Caroline Bewitched’ ‘Illusion Midnight Lace’ ‘Sweet Caroline Sweetheart Lt Green’ ‘Sweet Caroline Bewitched’ Iresine ‘Sweet Caroline Sweetheart Lt Green’ ‘Blazin Rose’ Iresine ‘SunRose’ Ray’ ‘Blazin Kale ‘Sun Ray’ ‘Chidori Red’ Kale ‘Chidori Red’White’ ‘Chidori ‘Chidori White’ ‘Glamour Red’ ‘Glamour Red’ lancinata ‘Dinosaur’ lancinata ‘Dinosaur’ ‘Scarletbor’ ‘Scarletbor’ ‘Winterbor’ ‘Winterbor’ Lantana Lantana ‘Ann Marie’ ‘Ann Marie’ Cherry Sunrise’ NEW ‘Bandana ‘Bandana Cherry ‘Bandana Red’Sunrise’ NEW ‘Bandana Red’ ‘Landmarck Blaze’ ‘Landmarck Blaze’ ‘Landmarck Sunrise Rose’ ‘Landmarck Sunrise Rose’ ‘Little Lucky Hot Pink’ NEW ‘Little Lucky Hot Pink’ NEW ‘Little Lucky Pot of Gold’ NEW ‘Little Lucky Pot of Gold’ NEW ‘Lucky Flame’ ‘Lucky Flame’ ‘Lucky of Gold’ ‘Lucky PotPot of Gold’ ‘Lucky Sunrise Rose’ ‘Lucky Sunrise Rose’ ‘Luscious Bananarama’ NEW ‘Luscious Bananarama’ NEW ‘Luscious Berry Blend’ ‘Luscious Berry Blend’ ‘Luscious Marmalade’ ‘Luscious Marmalade’ ‘Luscious PinkBerry’ NEW ‘Luscious PinkBerry’ NEW ‘New Gold’ ‘New Gold’ ‘Red Spread’ ‘Red Spread’ ‘Samantha’ ‘Samantha’ Com u ru rB B arn u ilt ! ! C ome eS Se e eOO arnQ Q u ilt Our n nquil t has e netnhet he perper fecfec t adt ded Ourbar bar quil t hasbebe ad ded bibit tofofi ntere st sttotoanan ot ot herher wi se “ bi“gbibu i ntere wi se g ild bu -ild i ng ” . I’ve ofte n ad mire d t he bar ns of i ng ” . I’ve ofte ntheir ad mire d t he bar ns of Pe nnsylv ani a aand hehe x six gsinsg.nsMuc h has Pe nnsylv ani and their . and Muc h has bee n s pe cul ate d as to t heir me ani ng bee n s pe cul ate deping as to away t heirevil me ani ngts and pur pose , from ke spiri t o pur pose , from ke eping away evilt her spiriway ts t Io bri ing farfar mer g ood lu ck bring ng ingt he mer g ood lu .cktrEi . adit Ei ion t her way I am happy ttohee mbr ace the s ame am happy t o e mbr ace the s ame tr adit ion wit h the Mid wes t fl air of a qu ilt bl oc k. Ou r wit h thed Mid t flnair a ns qu ilt Shadowe St ar wes de sig briof ghte anyblcoc louk.dyOu r Shadowe d St ar de sig n bri ghte ns any c lou dy d ay . d ay . So while you ar e ou t and abou t e xpl ori ng So many whilebri you oust of and t e xpl ng t he ghtarsepot theabou Boonsli ckori , pick many bri ght potBar s of the tBoonsli ck , pick u tphea fr ee c opy of tshe n Quil vi si tor ’s p a her fr eee at c opy of t heH ill Barand n Quil vi si tor ’s guu ide Vi ntage folltow t he e satand Vi ntage ows tand he t rgu ailide of her qu ilt i nt eresHtiill ng and busifoll ne sse t r ail of i nt eres ti ng busi t hings to qu doiltins tand he Boons lick r egi sse s and t hings to do in t he Boons lick r egi on. V i nta ge H il l Fa rm Larkspur ‘Imperial Mix’ Ledeboria socialis Linaria ‘Fantasy Spring Mix’ ‘Fantasy Yellow’ Lindernia grandiflora Lobelia ‘Regatta Marine’ Lobularia ‘Lavender Stream’ NEW Snow Princess’ Lotus maculatus Parrot’s Beak Lysimachia ‘Goldilocks’ Manihot esculenta ‘Variegata’ Tapioca Marigold ‘Bonanza Bolero’ ‘Bonanza Harmony’ ‘Cresta Spry’ ‘Disco Mix’ ‘Dwarf Janie Flame’ ‘Lemon Gem’ ‘Marvel Yellow’ ‘Red Cherry’ ‘Taishan Gold’ ‘Taishan Yellow’ Matthiola Stock ‘Vintage Mix’ Mecardonia ‘Gold Dust’ Melampodium ‘Lemon Delight’ Mimulus ‘Magic Mix’ Mirabilis (Four O’ Clock) ‘Marvel Mix’ ‘Limelight’ Musa ‘Basjoo’ - hardy Mustard ‘Red Giant’, ‘Red Streak Mizuna’ Muehlenbeckia Wire Vine Nasturtium ‘Alaska’ Nepenthes Pitcher Plant Nerium Oleander Nicotiana langsdorfii green ‘Perfume Deep Purple’ ‘Saratoga Lime’ ‘Saratoga Red’ sylvestris Orthosiphon Lilac’ Cat Whiskers Oxalis ‘Charmed Wine’ Pachystachys Yellow Shrimp Pansy ‘Delta Pure Color Mix’ ‘Cool Wave Mix’ NEW ‘Fizzy LemonBerry’ ‘FrizzleSizzle Mix’ ‘FrizzleSizzle YellowBlue Swirl’ NEW ‘Imperial Antique Shades’ ‘Majestic Giants Blotch Mix’ A nn u als & Tr o pi c al s ‘Matrix Blotch Mix’ ‘Matrix Citrus Mix’ ‘Matrix Harvest Mix’ ‘Matrix Jewels Mix’ ‘Panola Yellow’ NEW ‘Ultima Radiance Violet’ NEW ‘Wonderfall Springberry Mix’ Papaya ‘T.R. Hovey’ Pelargonium ‘Citronella’ ‘French Lace’ ‘Mixed Scented’ sissoides Palms European Fan Palm Fishtail Pygmy Date Palm Queen Palm Triangle Palm Silver Bismarckia Spindle Windmill Palm Pentas ‘Butterfly Red’ ‘Butterfly Rose’ ‘Butterfly White’ Pepperomia ‘Belly Buttons’ ferreyrae NEW Peppers (ornamental) ‘Black Pearl’, ‘Calico’, ‘Chilly Chili’, ‘Jigsaw’, ‘Nu-Mex’ Petunia Easy Wave ‘Blue’, ‘Burgundy Velour’, ‘Opposites Attract Mix’, ‘Plum Vein, ‘Red’, Red Velour, White’ Waves ‘Blue’, ‘Misty Lilac’, ‘Purple Improved’ Tidal Waves ‘Tidal Wave Cherry’ ‘Tidal Wave Red Velour’ ‘Tidal Wave Silver’ Petunia (from cuttings) ‘Black Magic’ ‘Cascadia Indian Summer’ ‘Cascadia Rim Magenta’ ‘Cha Ching Cherry’ ‘Crazitunia Black Mamba’ ‘Crazitunia Razzmatazz’ NEW ‘Crazitunia Star Jubilee’ ‘Crazitunia Starlight Blue’ NEW ‘Crazitunia Stonewashed’ NEW ‘Crazytunia Terracotta’ NEW ‘Glow Blue Stardust’ NEW ‘Moonlight Eclipse’ ‘Night Sky’ NEW ‘Phantom’ NEW ‘Potunia Blueberry Muffin’ NEW ‘Potunia Papaya’ Pag e 7 ‘Potunia Purple Halo’ NEW ‘Rhythm and Blues’ ‘Starlet Pink Lemonade’ NEW ‘Suncatcher Midnight Blue’ ‘Suncatcher Vintage Rose’ ‘Suncatcher Yellow’ NEW ‘SunSpun Purple Star’ NEW ‘Supercal Artistic Rose’ NEW ‘Supercal Blushing Pink’ NEW Supertunia ‘Black Cherry’ Supertunia ‘Bordeaux’ Supertunia ‘Honey’ NEW Supertunia ‘Latte’ NEW Supertunia ‘Lemoncello’ Supertunia ‘Mini Bright Pink’ Supertunia ’Mini Silver’ Supertunia ‘Pretty Much Picasso’ Supertunia ‘Picasso in Blue’ NEW Supertunia ‘Raspberry Blast’ Supertunia ‘Royal Velvet’ Supertunia ‘Violet Strby Charm’ NEW Supertunia ‘White Improved’ NEW ‘Surfinia Deep Red’ NEW ‘Sweetunia Suzie Storm’ NEW ‘Vista Bubblegum’ ‘Vista Fuschia’ ‘Vista Silverberry’ Philodendron ‘Marble Gold’ ‘Cobra’, ‘Hope’, ‘Neon’, Pink Princess ‘Swiss Cheese’, Swiss Cheese Variegated Pilea ‘Aquamarine’, microphylla ‘Baby Tears’, Piper auricum Rootbeer Plant Plectranthus ‘Black Patent Leather’ ‘Emerald Lace’ fosteri ‘Variegated’, ‘Green on Green’ ‘Iboza’ ‘Scaredy Cat’ ‘Zulu Wonder’ NEW Annual & Tropical Vines Cissus discolor Rex Begonia Vine Dolichos Hyacinth Bean Ipomea ‘Moon Vine’ Mandevilla ‘Alice Dupont’ ‘Parasol Giant Crimson’ Passiflora ‘Incense’ Senecio ‘Sao Paulo’ Mexican Flame Spinach ‘Malabar Red’ Thunbergia Black Eyed Susan Vine ‘Sunny Lemon Yellow’ ‘Sunny Orange Beauty’ ‘Sunny Arizona Glow’ Vigna caracalla (Snail Vine) ntage ge H Hilill l Fa Farm rm VVi inta Pe r en ni al s An n u al s & Tr op ic al s Pag e 12 Page 8 Acanthus s. Bear’s Breeches Solanum quitoense Wedelia Plumbago Achillea ‘Blue’ Soleirolia s. ‘Baby Tears’ ‘Outenwreath Gold’ Polygonum officionalis ‘Kiss ‘Strawberry Seduction’ Spinach ‘Malabar Red’ Xanthosoma Over Garden Gate’ Aegopodium p ‘Variegatum’ Corydalis lutea Gaillardia ‘Arizona Sun’ Statice ‘LimeZinger’ Portulaca ‘Happy Hour Mix’ Agastache ‘Apricot Sprite’ Crambe cordifolia Geranium: ‘Rozanne’ ‘Suworrii Pink Pipecleaners’ albomarginatum ‘Mickey Mouse’ Purslane ‘Purple Haze’ Crocosmia ‘Bright Eyes’ NEW sanguineum ‘Soiree Mix’ sagittifolium ‘Fairytale Cinderella’ Ajuga ‘Burgundy Glow’, Delosperma ‘Helleborus Stock ‘White’, ‘Fire Spinner’, Zinnia ‘Mojave Red’ ‘Chocolate Chip’ ‘Red Mountain’ NEW ‘Winter Jewels Golden Lotus’ ‘Vintage Mix’ ‘Bridesmaid’ ‘RioGrande Scarlet’ Alcea Dianthus ‘Winter Jewels Painted Doubles’ Streptocarpella ‘Concord Blue’ ‘Crystal White’ ‘RioGrande Yellow’ ‘Chater’s Double Scarlet’ ‘Bouquet Purple’ ‘Winter Jewels Red Sapphire’ Strobilanthes ‘Persian Shield’ ‘Crystal Yellow’ Ricinus ‘Dwarf Purple’ Allium ‘Millennium’ ‘Coconut Punch’ ‘Winter Tacca Bat Plant ‘Magellan Jewels Cherry’Rose Quartz’ Castor Bean‘Honerine Jobert’ Anemone ‘Tiny Rubies’ NEW Tecoma ‘Yellow Bells’ ‘Magellan Ivory’ Rudbeckia ‘Multifida ‘Rubra’ NEW Dicentra Hardy Grasses: Thalia g. ‘Red Stem’ ‘Magellan Orange’ ‘Cherokee Sunset’ ‘Whirlwind’ ‘Burning Hearts’ Acorus ‘Ogon’ Thymophylla Dahlberg Daisy ‘Magellan Scarlet’ ‘Cherry Brandy’ Aquilegia ‘Origami Mix’ NEW ‘Gold Hearts’ calamus Yellow’ ‘variegatus Tillandsias Air Plants ‘Magellan ‘Denver Daisy’ Aralia ‘Sun King’ spectabilis Andropogon ‘Indian Warrior’ Tithonia ‘Fiesta Del Sol’ ‘Profusion Cherry’ ‘Indian Summer’ Artemisia spectabilis ‘Alba’ Arundo donax Torenia ‘Kauai Blue White’ ‘Profusion Double‘Variegata’ Cherry’ ‘Prairie Sun’ ‘Powis Castle’ Dictamnus a Purpurea Calamagrostis ‘Summer Wave Blue’ ‘Profusion Double‘Karl Fire’Foerster’ ‘Tiger Eye Gold’ ‘Silver King’ Gas Plant Carex ‘Banana Boat’ Tradescantia pallida ‘Profusion Double Golden’ Ruellia b. Mexican Petunia ‘Silver Mound’ DigitalisJew ‘Tricolor’ ‘Snow Cap’ Wandering ‘Profusion Double Sunrise Mix’ Salvia Asarum ‘Shell Shocked’ ‘Dalmation Purple’ Equisetum hyemale Verbena ‘Profusion Double Yellow’ ‘Black & Blue’ splendens NEW ‘Excelsior Hybrids’ Erianthus ravennae bonariensis ‘Profusion Fire’ ‘Golden Delicious’ Asclepias incarnata NEW Echinacea Hakonechloa ‘All Gold’ ‘Superbena Lilac Blue’ ‘Profusion Orange’ ‘Evolution’ Aster ‘Kickin Red’ ‘Aloha’ NEW Juncus ‘Blue Arrow’ ‘Superbena Peachy Keen’ ‘Profusion White’ ‘Evolution White’ ‘Woods Blue’ ‘Big Kahuna’ NEW Miscanthus ‘Superbena Royal Red’ ‘Profusion Yellow’ leucantha Astilbe ‘Red Sentinel’ ‘Chiquita’Royal NEWWhitecap’ ‘Adagio’ Mix’ ‘Superbena ‘Starbright ‘Lighthouse Red’ Baptisia australis ‘Cinnamon Cupcake’ NEW ‘Graziella’ ‘Superbena Sparkling Ruby’ NEW ‘Swizzle Scarlet & Yellow’ ‘Red Hot Sally’ ‘Decadence Blueberry Sundae’ ‘Colorburst Orange’ NEW ‘Little Rose’ Zebra’ Vinca: ‘Uproar ‘Victoria Blue’ NEW ‘Cranberry NEW ‘Morning Light’ ‘Cora CascadeCupcake’ Cherry’ NEW ‘Zahara Double Cherry’ Sanseveria Congo’ ‘Decadence ‘Lemon ‘Daydream’ NEW Ophiopogon ‘Nigrescens’ ‘Cora Cascade Strawberry’ NEW ‘Zahara Double Fire’ cylindrical Merangue’ ‘Dixie Belle’ NEW Pennisetum ‘Hameln’ ‘Zahara Fire’ trifasciata LawsNEW ‘Jams & Jellies Blackberry’ BergeniaMother ‘Spring in Fling’ ‘Dixie Blaze’Blueberry’ NEW Sporobolus ‘Jams & Jellies NEW ‘Zahara Scarlet’Prairie Dropseed Tongue ‘Winter Glut’ ‘Dixie Scarlet’ wrightii Sanchezia nobilis ‘Nana’Great’ ‘Jams & Jellies American Pie Mix’ ‘Zahara Raspberry’ Brunnera ‘Alexander’s ‘FireBird’ NEW Hemerocallis ‘Pacifica Dark Red’ ‘Zahara Rasp Lemonade Mix’ Saxafraga stolonifera ‘Jack Frost’ ‘Flame Thrower’ ‘Bella Lugosi’, ‘Pacifica Deep Orchid’ NEW ‘Zahara Sunburst’‘Mighty Chestnut’ Scaevola ‘New Wonder’ Buddleia Butterfly Bush ‘Glowing Dream’ NEW ‘Monterrey Jack’, ‘Pizza Crust’ ‘Pacifica Rose Halo’ ‘Zahara Yellow’ Setcreasea ‘Purple Queen’ alternifolia ‘Argentea’ ‘Gum Drop’ ‘Ruby Spider’, ‘Stella D Oro’ ‘Pacifica White’ ‘Zowie Snapdragon ‘Bicolor’ ‘HotIcy Lava’ Herniaria g. ‘Sea Foam’ ‘Titan Pink’ NEW Yellow ‘Liberty Mix’ ‘Black Knight’ ‘Leilani’ NEW Heuchera ‘Titan Punch’ Flame’ ‘Rocket ‘Lo and Mix’ Behold Bluechip JR’ ‘Meteor Yellow’ NEW ‘Black Taffeta’ Vinca Vine ‘Illumination’ ‘Snapshot Sunset’ NEW ‘Miss Molly’ ‘Now Cheesier’ ‘Champagne’ NEW ‘Pink Microchip’ ‘Pow Wow Wild Berry’ ‘Delta Dawn’ Callirhoe involucrata ‘Secret Glow’ ‘Electric Lime’ Campanula ‘Freya’ ‘Secret Passion’ ‘Fire Chief’ NEW You m ay h montana a ve hea rd the b utterfl i es , m on arch s i n p arti c ul a r‘Galaxy’ ne e d Centaurea ‘Sunbird’ NEW our hel p . T here are se ver al tho ughts on wh y NEW thei r n u mbe rs‘Georgia ha v e Peach’ Ceratostigma plumbaginoides ‘Tangerine Dream’ dCimicifuga ecl i ned i n ‘Chocoholic’ recent ye ars . On eEupatorium of t he most ul ar i n vol v es‘Southern t he i r l os s of h abi t at NEW m. pop ‘Gateway’ Comfort’ from cl e ane‘Bordeaux’ r f ar m fi el d s and Euphorbia more d e vel op ment . We’ ve bee n p rovi d i fo r mon Convallaria ‘Spellbound’ ng NEW arch s i n p arti c ul a r, for m any ye ars . O ur fa vo ri te and one of th ei r’s i s So uth Coreopsis ‘Jethro Tull’ ‘Ascot Rainbow’ A‘Moonbeam’ meri c an B utterfl y Weed , Ascl epi as cu r ass a vi c a. T hi s an nu al gr ows to t hi rty Ferns i nches t al l and bl oo m s al l su mAthyrium me r i n o ur M i d west he at. A v ai l a bl e i n red and ‘Japanese Painted’ gol d , t he bl o o ms pro vi d e m uch need ed hei ght i n a n ann u al pl an ti ng. F or a few ‘Dre’s Dagger’ wee ks t he mo na rch c at erpi l l ars , stri p the l e a ve s, l ea vi ng the fl o wers st i l l f or col ‘Ghost’ or. Then w hen thei r feed i ng ‘Lady i s c o in mpl et e, the pl ant gro ws new l ea ves and i s go od Red’ t hru fro st. L a st s u m mer we stAutumn arted sFern om e‘Brilliance’ l arge r p ots for i nst an t su m me r c ol or . The wo od en pal l et s be hi nd thei r d i s pl ay w as ho me to a pl ent i f u l nu mbe r of mo nMatteuccia Ostrich Fern arch ch rys al i se s. Thi s ye ar we h a ve ad d ed m ore mi l k weed s : Gomphocarpus physocarpus, Asclepias incarnata, the Swamp Milkweed, and Pycnanthemum muticum, Mountain Mint to help provide food sources for butterflies in your garden. 2016 Perennial Offerings: Yo u Ca n He l p th e B u tt er f l i es … … H ‘L ‘M Su H ‘A ‘A ‘B ‘C ‘C ‘E ‘H ‘P ‘P m Iri ‘B en pa s. sp La La ‘H ‘P Le ‘D ‘G Li Li ‘B ‘K Li M M M M N O ‘Si Pe Pe am Mi d V i nta ge H il l Fa rm Page 9 ’ ’ Mi d Mi ss ou r i’s L a r g es t S el ect i on of Pott er y! Jus t I nvi te the Fa i r i e s . . . O u t o f r o om i n y o u r ya r d ? O v e r w h e l m e d b y w e e ds ? Discover the latest trend in g a r d e ns . W i th c o m pl e t e c o n t r o l ov e r t h e e n v i r o nm e n t a n d e as e o f d e s ig n a n d m a i n t e na n c e a m i n i a t ur e g a r d e n ma y b e j us t f o r y ou ! V i n t a g e H il l of f e r s a h ug e a ss o r t m e n t o f t i n y a c c e ss o r i e s : C l as s i c g a z e b os, b e n c h e s , u rn s, g a r d e n h o u s e s, ba r ns , e v e n t h e c h i c k e n c o o p! W h a t e v e r theme you choose you are s u r e t o e nj o y a m i n ia t u r e g a r d e n. O u r v as t s e l e c t i o n o f pl a n ts b o t h h a r d y a n d t e n d e r w i l l a dd p e r f e c tl y s c al e d pl a n ti n gs t o y o u r p r o j e c t. V i nta ge H il l Fa rm An n u al s & Tr op ic al s Page 1 0 Succulents & Cacti Succulents are all the rage and rightly so! Long lived, easy to care for, drought tolerant and interesting textures make them useful in so many applications. Many of them are quite collectable as they are a favorite of grandmas and windowsills since houseplants were first kept. Be sure to check out our mixed containers with a ready made collection already done for you. These can be enjoyed for a year or two and then separated and you have an instant succulent collection. Our list below is never complete as we are always finding new ones! Adenium obesum Desert Rose Aeonium ‘Blushing Beauty’ NEW ‘Irish Bouquet’ NEW ‘Lily Pad’ ‘Silver Edge’ ‘Kiwi’ Agave americana ’Mediopicta’ ‘Blue Glow’ ‘Calimari’ ‘Champ’ ‘Cornelius’ ‘Crème’ Brulee’ geminifolia ‘Joe Hoak’ ‘Kissho Kan’ parryi truncatum potatorium ‘Retro Choke’ ‘Sharkskin’ victoria ‘Reginae’ Aloe descoingsii ‘Guido’ ‘Hedgehog’ vera ‘White Fox’ Aptenia cordata cordata ‘Variegata’ Beaucarnea Ponytail Palm Bulbine frut. ‘Orange’ Ceropegia String of Hearts String of Pearls Chasmatophyllum ‘Krugerskraal’ NEW Cleistocactus colademononis Monkey Tail Cotyledon ‘Happy Young Lady’ Crassula ‘Campfire’ capitella NEW ‘Gollum’ m. ‘Princess Pine’ perfoliata ‘Falcata’ radicans rupestris Rosary Beads streyi ‘Variegated Jade’ ‘Watchchain’ Dorontheanthus ‘Mezoo’ Dyckia ‘Grape Jelly’ Echeveria ‘Black Prince’ ‘Bouquet’ gigantea metallica nodulosa ‘Pink Frills’ ‘Silver Spoons’ ‘The Rose’ Epiphyllum ‘Red’, Unforgettable’, ‘Pink’, ‘Fruhlingsgold’ plus 70 more varieties! Cuttings available. Euphorbia platyclada rosea ‘Firesticks’ Faucaria feline Furcrea mediopicta ‘Variegata’ Gasteria minima Haworthia perfoliata rycrofetiana Kalanchoe ‘Big Mama’ ‘Fantastic’ var. ‘Dissecta’ Orostachys spinosus Pachypodium lamerii Pepperomia ferreyrae NEW Rhipsalis capiliformis Sanseveria cylindrica Schlumbergera Christmas Cactus Sedeveria ‘Blue Giant’ Sedum ‘Chocolate Ball’ ‘Coral Reef’ d.var. ‘Glanduliferum’ ‘Elizabeth’ hispanicum ‘Purple Form’ indicum yunnanense ‘Crested’ mackinoi ‘Ogon’ ‘Mentha requein’ nevii NEW ‘Fine Leaf Gold’ ‘Tokyo Sun’ NEW morgianum ‘Burros Tail’ nussbaumerianum rubrotinctum ‘Mini Me’ variegatum Senecio ‘Blue Chalk Fingers’ radicans ‘String of Bananas’ radicans ‘Glauca’ Stapelia ambigua Starfish GIFT CERTIFICATES: Available year-round and make ideal birthday, holiday or appreciation gifts. You just can’t go wrong with a gift certificate from Vintage Hill. Credit card orders are welcome by phone at 660-848-2373 or email: [email protected]. V i nta ge H il l Fa rm ww w. vi nt age hi l l .c om Page 11 Fruits and Vegetables From Your Own Garden If you want to grow more of your own veggies and fruits our selection includes plants, fruit trees and shrubs. As with our bedding plants, Vintage Hill vegetables are grown without growth regulators so you can be assured our plants are ready to take off and grow. Items marked HL are heirloom varieties. These are offered in single pots to help you try as many as possible. Enjoy a bountiful harvest and the peace of mind of knowing you are feeding yourself and your family uncompromised and nutritious food grown with your love behind it! Artichoke ‘Green Globe’ Asparagus ‘Jersey Knight’ ‘Purple Passion’ Beet ‘Bull’s Blood’ Broccoli ‘Southern Comet’ ‘Packman’ Cabbage ‘Early Flat Dutch’ ‘Ruby Perfection’ ‘Stonehead’ Cantaloupe ‘Hales Best’ HL Cauliflower ‘Snow Crown’ Chard ‘Bright Lights’ ‘Ruby Red’ Cucumber ‘Burpless #26’ ‘Diva’ ‘Fanfare’ ‘National Pickling’ HL ‘True Lemon’ HL Eggplant ‘Black Beauty’ ‘Orient Express’ ‘Rosa Bianca’ Kale ‘Dinosaur’ ‘Red Russian’ ‘Scarletbor’ Lettuce ‘Bistro Blend’ Mustard ‘Red Giant’ ‘Red Streaked Mizuna’ Peppers ‘Anaheim’ ‘Big Bertha’ ‘Big Early’ ‘California Wonder’ HL ‘Corno Di Toro’ ‘Gypsy’ ‘Habanero’ ‘Holy Mole’ ‘Hungarian Yellow Wax’ ‘Jalapeno’ ‘Karma’ ‘Long Red Cayenne’ HL ‘Mama Mia Giallo’ ‘Orange Blaze’ ‘Purple Beauty’ ‘Serrano’ ‘Sweet Banana’ ‘Yolo Wonder’ Rhubarb ‘Chipman Canada Red’ Rumex ‘Raspberry Dressing’ Squash Yellow ‘Multipik’ Zucchini ‘Balls’ Strawberry ‘Honeoye’, ‘All Star’ June bearers Tomatillo Toma Verde’ Tomato ‘Arkansas Traveler’ HL ‘Better Boy’ ‘Big Beef’ ‘Big Boy’ ‘Black Krim’ HL ‘Brandywine’ HL ‘Celebrity’ ‘Champion’ ‘Chef’s Choice Orange’ ‘Cherokee Purple’ HL ‘Early Girl’ ‘German’ HL ‘German Johnson’ HL ‘Great White’ HL ‘Green Zebra’ HL ‘Indigo Rose’ ‘JetSetter’ ‘Jet Star’ ‘Mr. Stripey’ HL ‘Patio’ ‘Pineapple’ ‘Red Grape’ ‘Riesentraube’ HL ‘Roma’ ‘San Marzano’ HL ‘Sun Gold’ ‘Sunny Boy’ ‘Sunsugar’ ‘Supersauce’ NEW ‘Supersonic’ ‘Sweet 100’ ‘Sweet Million’ ‘Yellow Pear’ HL Watermelon ‘Black Diamond’ HL ‘Crimson Sweet’ ‘Moon & Stars’ HL Fruits Apples ‘Golden Delicious’ ‘Jonathan’ ‘Gravenstein’ ‘Liberty’ ‘HoneyCrisp’ ‘McIntosh’ ‘Wolf River’ Blackberries ‘Chester Thornless’ Blueberries ‘NorthBlue’ ‘North Country’ Cherry ‘Montmorency’, ‘North Star’ Plum ‘Blues Jam’ Pear ‘Bartlett’, ‘Kieffer’ Raspberry ‘Heritage’ V i nta ge H il l Fa rm Acanthus s. Bear’s Breeches Achillea ‘Strawberry Seduction’ Aegopodium p ‘Variegatum’ Agastache ‘Apricot Sprite’ ‘Purple Haze’ Ajuga ‘Burgundy Glow’, ‘Chocolate Chip’ Alcea ‘Chater’s Double Scarlet’ Allium ‘Millennium’ Anemone ‘Honerine Jobert’ ‘Multifida ‘Rubra’ NEW ‘Whirlwind’ Aquilegia ‘Origami Mix’ NEW Aralia ‘Sun King’ Artemisia ‘Powis Castle’ ‘Silver King’ ‘Silver Mound’ Asarum ‘Shell Shocked’ splendens NEW Asclepias incarnata NEW Aster ‘Kickin Red’ ‘Woods Blue’ Astilbe ‘Red Sentinel’ Baptisia australis ‘Decadence Blueberry Sundae’ NEW ‘Decadence Lemon Merangue’ Bergenia ‘Spring Fling’ NEW ‘Winter Glut’ Brunnera ‘Alexander’s Great’ ‘Jack Frost’ Buddleia Butterfly Bush alternifolia ‘Argentea’ ‘Bicolor’ ‘Black Knight’ ‘Lo and Behold Bluechip JR’ ‘Miss Molly’ ‘Pink Microchip’ Callirhoe involucrata Campanula ‘Freya’ Centaurea montana Ceratostigma plumbaginoides Cimicifuga ‘Chocoholic’ NEW Convallaria ‘Bordeaux’ Coreopsis ‘Jethro Tull’ ‘Moonbeam’ Pe r en ni al s Pag e 12 2016 Perennial Offerings: Corydalis lutea Crambe cordifolia Crocosmia ‘Bright Eyes’ NEW Delosperma ‘Fire Spinner’, ‘Red Mountain’ NEW Dianthus ‘Bouquet Purple’ ‘Coconut Punch’ ‘Tiny Rubies’ Dicentra ‘Burning Hearts’ ‘Gold Hearts’ spectabilis spectabilis ‘Alba’ Dictamnus a Purpurea Gas Plant Digitalis ‘Dalmation Purple’ ‘Excelsior Hybrids’ Echinacea ‘Aloha’ NEW ‘Big Kahuna’ NEW ‘Chiquita’ NEW ‘Cinnamon Cupcake’ NEW ‘Colorburst Orange’ NEW ‘Cranberry Cupcake’ NEW ‘Daydream’ NEW ‘Dixie Belle’ NEW ‘Dixie Blaze’ NEW ‘Dixie Scarlet’ ‘FireBird’ NEW ‘Flame Thrower’ ‘Glowing Dream’ NEW ‘Gum Drop’ ‘Hot Lava’ ‘Leilani’ NEW ‘Meteor Yellow’ NEW ‘Now Cheesier’ ‘Pow Wow Wild Berry’ ‘Secret Glow’ ‘Secret Passion’ ‘Sunbird’ NEW ‘Tangerine Dream’ NEW Eupatorium m. ‘Gateway’ Euphorbia ‘Ascot Rainbow’ Ferns Athyrium ‘Japanese Painted’ ‘Dre’s Dagger’ ‘Ghost’ ‘Lady in Red’ Autumn Fern ‘Brilliance’ Matteuccia Ostrich Fern Gaillardia ‘Arizona Sun’ Geranium: ‘Rozanne’ sanguineum ‘Helleborus ‘Winter Jewels Golden Lotus’ ‘Winter Jewels Painted Doubles’ ‘Winter Jewels Red Sapphire’ ‘Winter Jewels Rose Quartz’ NEW Hardy Grasses: Acorus ‘Ogon’ calamus ‘variegatus Andropogon ‘Indian Warrior’ Arundo donax ‘Variegata’ Calamagrostis ‘Karl Foerster’ Carex ‘Banana Boat’ ‘Snow Cap’ Equisetum hyemale Erianthus ravennae Hakonechloa ‘All Gold’ Juncus ‘Blue Arrow’ Miscanthus ‘Adagio’ ‘Graziella’ ‘Little Zebra’ ‘Morning Light’ Ophiopogon ‘Nigrescens’ Pennisetum ‘Hameln’ Sporobolus Prairie Dropseed wrightii Hemerocallis ‘Bella Lugosi’, ‘Mighty Chestnut’ ‘Monterrey Jack’, ‘Pizza Crust’ ‘Ruby Spider’, ‘Stella D Oro’ Herniaria g. ‘Sea Foam’ Heuchera ‘Black Taffeta’ ‘Champagne’ NEW ‘Delta Dawn’ ‘Electric Lime’ ‘Fire Chief’ NEW ‘Galaxy’ ‘Georgia Peach’ ‘Southern Comfort’ ‘Spellbound’ NEW Mi d e’ ’ V i nta ge H il l Fa rm Hibiscus ‘Lady Baltimore’ ‘Midnight Marvel’ Summerific Cherry Cheesecake’ Hosta ‘Abiqua Drinking Gourd’ ‘Alligator Alley’ ‘Blue Angel’ ‘Church Mouse’ NEW ‘Cool as a Cucumber’ NEW ‘Empress Wu’ ‘High Society’ NEW ‘Paradigm’ ‘Pocketful of Sunshine’ NEW montana albomarginata Iris pseudoacorus ‘Black Gamecock’ ensata ‘Variegata’ pallida ‘Aurea Variegata’ s. ‘Caesar’s Brother’ spuria ‘Fontanelle’ Lamium ‘Golden Anniversary’ Lavendula ‘Grosso’ ‘Hidcote’ (see herbs) ‘Phenomenal’ Leucanthemum ‘Daisy Mae’ ‘GoldFinch’ NEW Liatris ‘Kobold’ Ligularia ‘Britt Marie Crawford’ ‘King Kong’ NEW Liriope spicata Malva sylvestris ‘Zebrina’ Monarda ‘Gardenview Scarlet’ Mukgenia ‘Nova Flame’ NEW Musa ‘Basjoo’ hardy banana Nepeta ‘Walker’s Low’ Ophiopogon ‘Nigrescens’ ‘Silver Dragon’ Penstemon ‘Dark Towers’ Persicaria polymorpha amplexicaulis ‘Speciosa’ Pe r en ni al s Peony ‘Buckeye Belle’ ‘Coral Charm’ ‘Coral N Gold’ ‘Coral Sunset’ ‘Kansas’ ‘Pink Hawaiin Coral’ NEW ‘Red Charm’ NEW ‘Rubra Plena’ t. ‘R. FloraPlena’ Fern Leaf Peony Interspecific Varieties: ‘Bartzella’ ‘First Arrival’ NEW ‘Garden Treasure’ ‘Julia Rose’ NEW ‘Sequestered Sunshine’ ‘Singin In The Rain’ ‘Yankee Doodle Dandee’ NEW Tree Peony ‘Hanikisoi’ ‘High Noon’ ‘Hoki’ ‘Renkaku’ ‘Shimadaijin’ ‘Shimanishiki’ Perovskia atriplicifolia Phlox Platycodon ‘Sentimental Blue’ Polygonatum ‘Variegatum’ Pulmonaria ‘Majeste’ Pulsatilla grandis Pycnanthemum muticum NEW Rosemary ‘Irene’ ‘Madeline Hill’ Rosularia chrysantha NEW Rudbeckia ‘Goldsturm’ ‘Little Goldstar’ Salvia ‘Caradonna’ ‘Pink Dawn’ Saponaria ocymoides Scabiosa ‘Butterfly Blue’ Sedum ‘Autumn Charm’ ‘Autumn Fire’ ‘Angelina’ album ‘Blue Spruce’ cauticola ‘Lidakense’ ‘Coral Reef’ ‘Elizabeth’ ‘Grisbachii’ hispanicum ‘Purple Form’ d. var. ‘Glanduliferum’ ‘Lemon Coral’ ‘Touchdown Teak’ ‘Voodoo’ ‘Weihenstephaner Gold’ Pag e 13 Sedum ‘Limezinger’ lineare ‘Golden Teardrop’ ‘Matrona’ mentha ‘Requein’ pachyclados sexangulare ‘Thundercloud’ Sempervivum ‘Hen & Chicks Mix’ ‘Cobweb’ ‘Pacific Blue Ice’ ‘Rocknoll Rossette’ ‘Red Beauty’ ‘Ruby Heart’ ‘Sanford Hybrids’ Senna hebecarpa Sisyrinchium ‘Lucerne’ Stachys ‘Fuzzy Wuzzy’ ‘Hummelo’ Teucrium chamaedrys Thermopsis villosum Trifolium repens ‘Dragon’s Blood’ Trycirtus ‘Miyazaki Hybrids’ Yucca ‘Color Guard’ Perennial Vines Akebia quintata Bittersweet ‘Autumn Revolution’ Clematis: ‘Allanah’ ‘Henryii’ ‘Jackmanii’ ‘Multi Blue’ ‘Nelly Moser’ paniculata Sweet Autumn montana ‘Rubens’ ‘Sweet Summer Love’ Hydrangea petiolaris Lonicera ‘Major Wheeler’ Red Honeysuckle Parthenocissus tricuspidata Boston Ivy Wisteria ‘Aunt Dee’, ‘Amethyst Falls’ V i nta ge H il l Fa rm V i nta ge H il l Fa rm Pe r en ni al s Pe r en ni al s Pag e 14 Pag e 14 Herbs Herbs Plant the herbs you use! For what three sprigs of basil or rosemary cost at the grocery store you can Planta whole the herbs youfor use! what three sprigsGrowing of basil oryour rosemary cost atis the grocery store can have plant useFor anytime you want. own herbs a rewarding step you to better have a whole plant for use anytime you want. Growing your own herbs is a rewarding step to better health. Fresh herbs in your favorite recipes will make it a dish to remember everytime. Plant them to health.atFresh herbsa in favorite recipes will it a dishontoyour remember everytime. Plantthem themclose to receive least half dayyour of full sun and grow in make a container patio so you can have receive at least half a day of full sun and grow in a container on your patio so you can have them close at hand anytime. at hand anytime. Eucalyptus ‘Lemon’, ‘Silver Aloe vera Parsley (curled) Eucalyptus ‘Lemon’, ‘Silver Aloe vera Dollar’ Parsley Artemisia French Tarragon Parsley(curled) (plain Italian) Dollar’ Artemisia French Tarragon Parsley (plain Italian) Fennel ‘Bronze’, ‘Florence’ annua ‘Sweet Annie’ Patchouli Fennel ‘Bronze’, ‘Florence’ annua ‘Sweet Annie’ Patchouli Geranium Assorted Scented, Basil Peppermint Geranium Assorted Scented, Basil Peppermint Citronella Mosquito ‘African Blue’ Rosemary ‘Barbeque’, Citronella Mosquito ‘African Blue’ Rosemary ‘Barbeque’, Laurus nobilis Bay Tree ‘Balsamic Blooms’ NEW ‘Foxtail’, ‘Irene’, ‘Madeline Laurus nobilis Bay Tree ‘Balsamic Blooms’ NEW ‘Foxtail’, ‘Irene’, ‘Madeline Lavender ‘Fernleaf’, ‘Greek Columnar’ Hill’, Lavender ‘Fernleaf’, ‘Greek Columnar’ Hill’, ‘Grosso’, ‘Hidcote’, ‘Dark Opal’ Sage‘Bergarten’, ‘Bergarten’,‘Clary’, ‘Clary’, ‘Grosso’, ‘Hidcote’, ‘Dark Opal’ Sage ‘Phenomenal’, ‘Provence’ ‘Nufar Large Leaf Italian’ ‘Phenomenal’, ‘Provence’ ‘Garden’, ‘Pineapple’ ‘Nufar Large Leaf Italian’ ‘Garden’, ‘Pineapple’ Lemon ‘Pesto Lemon Balm Balm SavoryWinter Winter ‘PestoPerpetuoso’ Perpetuoso’ Savory Lemon Grass ‘Sweet Thai’ Lemon Grass Sorrel ‘Red Veined’ ‘Sweet Thai’ Sorrel ‘Red Veined’ Lemon Verbena Lemon Verbena ‘Valentino’ Tarragon French ‘Valentino’ Tarragon French Marigold Mint Marigold Mexican Mexican Mint Borage TeucriumGermander Germander Borage Teucrium Mint ‘Chocolate’, Ginger Mint ‘Chocolate’, Ginger Catnip Thyme ‘Lemon’, ‘Red Catnip Thyme ‘Lemon’, ‘Red Variegated, ‘Ghirardelli’, Variegated, ‘Ghirardelli’, Chamomile German Creeping’, ‘Orange Scented’ Chamomile German Creeping’, ‘Orange Scented’ ‘Kentucky Colonel’, ‘Mojito’ ‘Kentucky Colonel’, ‘Mojito’ Chives Sweet Woodruff Chives Sweet Woodruff Spearmint Mojito’ Spearmint ‘Midnight ‘Midnight Mojito’ Coriander/Cilantro Coriander/Cilantro ‘Sunrise ‘Sunrise Mojito’ Curry Curry‘Dwarf’ ‘Dwarf’ Oregano ‘Greek’, Oregano ‘Golden’, ‘Greek’, Dill Dill‘Bouquet’, ‘Bouquet’,‘Hercules’ ‘Hercules’ ‘Hot Best’, ‘Hot & Spicy’, ‘Jim Best’, Kents ‘Italian’ Kents Beauty’, ‘Italian’ Lark Larks Led Ledeb Lina Linari ‘Fan ‘Fantas Lind Linde Lob Lobel Lob Lobul NE NEW Lotu Lotus Lys Lysim Man Manih ‘Var ‘Varieg Mar Marig ‘Bon ‘Bonan ‘Cre ‘Cresta ‘Dis ‘Disco ‘Dw ‘Dwarf ‘Lem ‘Lemo ‘Mar ‘Marve ‘Red ‘Red C ‘Tais ‘Taisha ‘Tais ‘Taisha Mat Matth ‘Vin ‘Vintag Mec Mecar Mel Melam ‘Lem ‘Lemo Mim Mimu Mir Mirab ‘Marve ‘Mar ‘Limel ‘Lim Musa Mus Musta Mus ‘Red S ‘Red Mueh Mu Nastu Nas Nepen Nep Neriu Ner Nicot Nic langsd lang ‘Perfum ‘Per ‘Sarato ‘Sara ‘Sarato ‘Sara sylves sylv Ortho Orth Cat W Cat Oxalis Oxa Pachy Pac Pansy Pan ‘Delta ‘DelW ‘Cool ‘Coo ‘Fizzy ‘Fizz ‘Frizzl ‘Friz ‘Frizzl ‘Friz NEW NE ‘Imper ‘Imp ‘Majes ‘Maj V i nta ge H il l Fa rm V i nta ge H il l Fa rm otato Green’ W EW I k A nn u als & Tr o pi c al s Pag e 7 w ww . vin t ag eh il l .c o m Page 1 5 ‘Potunia Purple Halo’ NEW Larkspur ‘Imperial Mix’ ‘Matrix Blotch Mix’ andgrafted Blues’ Ledeboria socialis ‘Matrix Citrus Mix’ OR = own‘Rhythm root, not ‘Starlet Pink Lemonade’ NEW Linaria ‘Fantasy Spring Mix’ ‘Matrix Harvest Mix’ ‘Suncatcher Midnight Blue’ ‘Fantasy Yellow’ ‘Matrix Jewels Mix’ Vintage Lindernia Yes,grandiflora you CAN grow roses! Bring theYellow’ beauty of fresh cut roses into ‘Suncatcher your home from yourRose’ garden. ‘Panola NEW Yellow’ LobeliaThe ‘Regatta DavidMarine’ Austin’s are unbeatable true roseViolet’ fragrance and form.‘Suncatcher All of our roses areNEW easy to ‘UltimaforRadiance NEW ‘SunSpun Purpleis Star’ NEW grow‘Lavender and will perform our area. The single most important factor for roses to FEED Lobularia Stream’ well in‘Wonderfall Springberry Mix’ Artistic them. Princess’ Regular feeding keepsPapaya them vigorous, rewards you with more‘Supercal flowers and helpsRose’ themNEW stay NEW Snow ‘T.R. Hovey’ ahead of disease problems. like to topdress in April and June with Osmocote slow release ‘Supercal Blushing Pink’ NEW Lotus maculatus Parrot’s Beak We Pelargonium fertilizer and water once or twice a week with Miracle Gro or PetersSupertunia Liquid food. TheCherry’ fertilizer jars ‘Black Lysimachia ‘Goldilocks’ ‘Citronella’ foresculenta the end of your hose make this anLace’ easy task. Cease fertilizing in Supertunia September ‘Bordeaux’ so tender new Manihot ‘French growth slows for winter. Supertunia ‘Honey’ NEW ‘Variegata’ Tapioca ‘Mixed Scented’ Supertunia ‘Latte’ NEW Marigold ‘Bonanza Bolero’ sissoides Belle Pointevine, OR, 3x3’, Palms Antique lavender pink rugosa hybrid. Supertunia Rich foliage.‘Lemoncello’ ‘Bonanza Harmony’ Beauty, OR, 3x3’, European Buck, medium coral pink, everblooming, disease resistance. Supertunia ‘Mini Bright Pink’ ‘Cresta Carefree Spry’ Fan Palm Champlain, OR, 3x3’, A favorite landscape performer, semi doubleSupertunia bright red ’Mini everblooming. Silver’ ‘Disco Mix’ Fishtail Park, OR, 3x2’, Easy Pygmy Elegance Series, Upright mound of double red flowers, blackspot Supertunia ‘Pretty Much Picasso’ ‘Dwarf Como Janie Flame’ Date Palm resistant. Nice small size for any garden Supertunia ‘Picasso in Blue’ NEW ‘Lemon Gem’ Queen Palm hardy, blood red nicely formedSupertunia flowers. Beautiful! ‘Raspberry Blast’ ‘MarvelCuthbert Yellow’ Grant, OR, 3x3’ Canadian Triangle Palm Drift Peach, OR, 2x2’, Disease resistance, small size, covered with tiny double ‘Royal peach blooms. Supertunia Velvet’ ‘Red Cherry’ Silver Bismarckia Drift Red, OR, 2x2, Cross between mini & groundcover roses, drifts are great for small spots. Supertunia ‘Violet Strby Charm’ NEW ‘Taishan Gold’ Spindle Grandma’s Blessing, OR, 2x2’, Hardy pink tea-like flowers. Makes a nice low hedge. Supertunia ‘White Improved’ NEW ‘Taishan Yellow’ Windmill Palm Harrisons Yellow, 7x7’, Historic rose, was brought west with wagon trains, double yellow. ‘Surfinia Deep Red’ NEW Matthiola Stock Pentas High Voltage, OR, 4x4’, Easy Elegance Series, double yellow hybrid tea form on a hardy plant. Suzie Storm’ NEW ‘Vintage Mix’ ‘Butterfly Red’Double red everbloomer‘Sweetunia Kashmir, OR, 3x3’, Easy Elegance Series, with classic tea form. ‘Vista Bubblegum’ Mecardonia ‘Gold Dust’ ‘Butterfly Macy’s Pride, OR, 5x5’, Easy EleganceRose’ Series, Hardy white rose with good disease resistance. ‘Vista Fuschia’ Melampodium ‘Butterfly White’ NERS Award winner. ‘Vista Silverberry’ ‘LemonDouble Delight’Pink Knockout, OR, Pepperomia Buttons’ 5x5’, Double‘Belly hot pink flowers, disease resistant, everblooming. Philodendron ‘Marble Gold’ Mimulus ‘Magic Mix’ NEWflowered knockout. Excellent disease resistance. Double Red Knockout, OR,ferreyrae 5x5’, Double ‘Cobra’, ‘Hope’, ‘Neon’, Mirabilis (Four O’ Clock) Peppers (ornamental) Rosa rugosa, OR, 5x5’, Single, fragrant pink with great rose hip production, very cold hardy.Pink Princess ‘Swiss Cheese’, Swiss Cheese Variegated ‘MarvelSunny Mix’ Knockout, OR, 4x4’,‘Black Pearl’,single ‘Calico’, Chili’, Pale yellow with‘Chilly good Knockout qualities. Pilea ‘Aquamarine’, microphylla ‘Limelight’ ‘Nu-Mex’ Nearly Wild, OR, 3x3’, Early‘Jigsaw’, floribunda hybrid from ‘40’s, single pink flowers all summer. ‘Baby Tears’, Musa ‘Basjoo’ - hardy Oso Easy Lemon Zest, OR,Petunia 3x3’, Non fading double yellow! Easy, hardy, disease resistant. Piper auricum Rootbeer Plant Mustard ‘Red Giant’, Easy Wave ‘Blue’, ‘Burgundy Oso Easy Paprika, OR, 2x2’, Bright orange single flowers all summer. Easy and small. Plectranthus ‘Red Streak Mizuna’ Velour’, ‘Opposites Yellow Brick Road, OR, 3x3’, Fully double deepAttract yellow Mix’, rose, great disease resistance. ‘Black Patent Leather’ Muehlenbeckia Wire Vine David Austin Roses ‘Plum Vein, ‘Red’, Red Velour, ‘Emerald Lace’ Nasturtium ‘Alaska’ White’ red with fruity fragrance. Austin’s Darcy Bussell, OR, 3x2’, Crimson best red! fosteri ‘Variegated’, ‘Green on Green’ Nepenthes Pitcher Plant ‘Blue’, ‘Misty ‘Purple Golden Celebration, 5x5’, orWaves small climber. LargeLilac’, golden, heavily fragrant. ‘Iboza’ Nerium Oleander Improved’ Heritage, OR, 4x4’, clear pink with intensely fragrance of fruit, honey and carnation . Nicotiana Tidal Waves ‘Tidal Wave Cherry’ ‘Scaredy Cat’ Lady of Shallot, OR, 4x4’, Fully double, chalice shaped, salmon pink with yellow reverse on ‘Zulu Wonder’ NEW langsdorfii green ‘Tidal Wave hardy Red Velour’ petals. Tea and clove fragrance. Reliably and bushy form. ‘Perfume Deep Purple’ Silver’ Annual Tropical Vines Litchfield Angel, OR, 4x3’, ‘Tidal apricotWave cupped buds open to creamy white. Clove& fragrance. ‘Saratoga Lime’ Petunia (from cuttings) Cissus discolor Rex Begonia Vine Molineaux, OR, 3x2’, Rich yellow and compact sized heavy bloomer. ‘Saratoga Red’ ‘Black Magic’ Dolichos Hyacinth Bean Munstead Wood, 3x2’, Warm and fruity fragranced crimson flowers. sylvestris ‘Cascadia Indian Summer’ Ipomea ‘Moon Vine’ Olivia, NEW RELEASE, 4x3’, Candyfloss double pink with fruity fragrance. One of Austin’s Orthosiphon Lilac’ resistant and they ‘Cascadia Rimbest Magenta’ most disease claim their rose to date! SupplyMandevilla limited, reserve yours early! Cat Whiskers ‘Cha Ching Cherry’ ‘Alice Dupont’ Port Sunlight, OR, 5x3’, Rich apricot with a strong tea fragrance. Vigorous grower. Oxalis Princess ‘CharmedAnne, Wine’OR, 4x3’, Deep ‘Crazitunia Black Mamba’with tea rose fragrance. ‘Parasol Giant Crimson’ pink, long flowering Upright & compact. Pachystachys Shrimp NEW Passiflora ‘Incense’ TeasingYellow Georgia, OR, 4x4’,‘Crazitunia Soft apricotRazzmatazz’ yellow, fragrant and everblooming. Pansy Tess of The D’Urbervilles,‘Crazitunia Star Jubilee’ Senecio ‘Sao Paulo’blooms. Mexican Flame OR, 4x4’, Large, bright crimson, cupped old rose scented ‘Delta Pure Color Mix’ healthy shrub. ‘Crazitunia Starlight Blue’ NEW Forms a vigorous Spinach ‘Malabar Red’ ‘Cool Wave Mix’ NEW Thunbergia Black Eyed Susan Vine Climbing Roses ‘Crazitunia Stonewashed’ NEW ‘Fizzy LemonBerry’ ‘Crazytunia Terracotta’ NEW ‘Sunny Lemon Yellow’ CanCan, 8’, Hardy pink to red semi double, super disease resistance, everblooming. ‘FrizzleSizzle Mix’ ‘Glow Blue Stardust’ NEW ‘Sunny Orange Beauty’ John Davis, 8-10’, Canada hardy double pink climber, super vigorous. ‘FrizzleSizzle YellowBlue Swirl’ ‘Moonlight Eclipse’ ‘Sunny Arizona Glow’ Ramblin Red, 8-10’, Super blooming semi-double bright red. Great hardiness. NEW William Baffin, OR, 8-10’ Pink ‘Night Sky’ NEW Vigna caracalla (Snail Vine) Canadian, super winter hardiness and recurrent bloom. ‘Imperial AntiqueCircle, Shades’8’, Fire engine ‘Phantom’ NEW and disease resistant. Winner’s red. Vigorous ‘Majestic Giants Blotch Mix’ ‘Potunia Blueberry Muffin’ NEW ‘Potunia Papaya’ The ROSES of Vintage Hill V i nta ge H il l Fa rm w ww . vin t ag eh il l .c o m Page 1 6 Shr ubs , Tre e s , & E ve rg re e ns Acer griseum Paperbark Maple ‘Fall Fiesta’ Sugar Maple, ‘Green Mountain’ Sugar Maple ‘North Wind’, ‘Red Sunset’, ‘Royal Red’, platinoides ‘Variegated’ Japanese Maples p. ‘Butterfly’, ‘Katsura’, ‘Rhode Island Red’, ‘Sango kaku’, ‘Orangeola’, ‘Seiryu’ Betula nigra ‘Dura Heat’ nigra ‘Fox Valley Dwarf’ Berberis ‘Concorde’, ‘Golden Devine’, ‘Orange Rocket’ Callicarpa ‘Isaii’ Beautyberry bodamerii ‘Profusion’, dichotoma Calycanthus floridus Caragana a. ‘Walkeri’ Caryopteris ‘Petite Blue’ Catalpa ‘Purpurea’, ‘Aurea’ Chaenomeles Quince ‘Double Take Scarlet Storm’ Chionanthus White Fringetree Cladrastis Yellowwood Cornus ‘Firedance’,‘Baileyii’ Variegated Red Twig Dogwood Corylus avellana ‘Contorta’ Cotinus ‘Golden Spirit’, ‘Royal Purple’ Cotoneaster ‘Tom Thumb’ Crapemyrtle ‘Pocomoke’ dwarf Cherry Dazzle, ‘Dynamite’ Eucommia Hardy Rubber Tree Euonymus Burning Bush ‘Rudy Haag’ Forsythia ‘Northern Gold’ Fothergilla gardenia FRUIT TREES (see page 11) Gingko biloba ‘Autumn Gold’ biloba ‘Mariken’ Dwarf Gleditsia ‘Sunburst’ Honeylocust Hamamelis Witchhazel ‘Arnold’s Promise’, ‘Diane’ Hydrangea: ‘Annabelle’, ‘Bloomstruck’, ‘Bobo’, ‘Endless Summer’, ‘Great Star’, ‘Incrediball’ ‘Lets Dance Diva’ ‘Lets Dance Moonlight’ ‘Limelight’, ‘Little Quick Fire’, ‘Pinky Winky’, ‘Pistachio’ quercifolia ‘Gatsby Moon’, quercifolia ‘Snow Queen’ q. ‘Pee Wee’, q. ‘Ruby Slippers’ ‘Tickled Pink’, ‘Tiny Tuff Stuff’, ‘Twist n’ Shout’ ‘Vanilla Strawberry’ Hypericum ‘Sunburst’ Ilex (Holly) decidua v. ‘Jim Dandy’ & v. ‘Red Sprite’ Itea v. ‘Little Henry’ Kerria japonica ‘Plena’ Kolkwitzia Beautybush Lespedeza ‘Gibraltor’ Liriodendron tulipifera Magnolia acuminata Cucumbertree, virginiana, ‘Butterflies’, ‘Elizabeth’, ‘Bracken Brown Beauty’, ‘Leonard Messel’, ‘Royal Star’ Malus ‘Royal Raindrops’, ‘Tina’ Microbiota Russian Cypress Myrica Bayberry Nyssa ‘Black Tupelo’ Oxydendrum arboretum Sorrel Tree Philadelphus ‘SnowWhite’ Mock Physocarpus ‘Amber Jubilee’, Coppertina’, ‘Diablo’, ‘Little Devil’, ‘Tiny Wine’ Poncirus ‘Flying Dragon’ Populus t. Quaking Aspen Prunus Flowering Almond Quercus Red Oak, White Oak Rhamnus Fine Line Rhus ‘Tiger Eyes’ Salix alba Niobe Weeping Willow boydii, lindleyana, caprea Weeping PussyWillow i ‘Hakura Nishiki’ p. ‘Nana’ Spirea ‘Dakota Goldcharm’ j. ‘Golden Elf’ NEW n. ‘Snowmound’ prunifolia Bridalwreath vahhouttei Renaissance Styrax japonica ‘Emerald Pagoda’ Syringa (Lilacs) ‘Avalanche’ m. Palibin (tree form) m. Palibin (Dwarf Korean) ‘Chas Joly’, ‘Sensation’, ‘Yankee Doodle’ reticulata ‘Ivory Silk’ Taxodium ‘Cave Hill’ d. Bald Cypress, ‘Peve Minaret’, ‘Lindsey’s Skyward’ Ulmus ‘Jacqueline Hilliar’, Seiryu’ ‘Camperdownii’ Viburnum ‘Alleghany’, ‘Burkwood’ ‘Autumn Jazz’, ‘Blue Muffin’, ‘Juddi’, ‘KoreanSpice’, ‘Maresii’, opulus Snowball, ‘Pragense’ Weigela ‘Fine Wine’, ‘Sonic Bloom Red’, ‘Wine and Roses’ Evergreens: Buxus: Boxwood ‘Green Mountain’ ‘Green Velvet’ ‘Justin Browers’ ‘North Star’ ‘Vardar Valley’ Cedrus a. Weeping Serpentine Chamaecyparis ‘Golden Mops’ Ilex ‘China Boy & ‘Girl’ Juniper ‘Bar Harbour’, ‘Broadmoor’, ‘Buffalo’, ‘Limeglow’, p. ‘Nana’, ‘Mother Lode’, ‘Saybrook Gold’, ‘Shimpaku’, ‘Taylor’s Upright’ Picea: Spruce abies ‘Clanbrassiliana’ ‘Cupressina’, ‘Pendula’, ‘Pumila’, ‘Papoose’ glauca ‘Jean’s Dilly’ omorika ‘Nana’ omorika ‘Pendula’ Pinus Pine aristo ‘Sherwood Compact’ banksii ‘Uncle Fogy’ cembra ‘Prairie Statesman’ contorta ‘Spaan’s Dwarf’ contorta ‘Taylors Sunburst’ densiflora ‘Burke’s Red Varigated’, ‘Golden Ghost’, ‘Harui’, ‘Globosa’, ‘Low Glow’, ‘Pendula’, ‘Umbraculifera’ leucodermis ‘Banderica’, ‘Irish Bell’, ‘Iseli Fastigiate’, ‘Malink’, ‘Mint Truffle’, ‘Smidtii’, ‘Zwerg Schneverdi’ mugo ‘Columnaris’ mugo ‘Mitsch Mini’ mugo ‘Paradekissen’, ‘Valley Cushion’ parviflora ‘Glauca Brevifolia’ Sciadopitys ‘Wintergreen’ Taxus baccara ‘Amersfoort’ Thuja Arborvitae o. ‘DeGroot’s Spire’ ‘Franky Boy’ o. ‘Green Giant’ ‘Spring Grove’ ‘Whipcord’ Tsuga Hemlock ‘Gentsch White’ C ‘C ‘S ‘S N ‘S Su ‘S ‘S ‘S ‘S ‘S ‘S ‘S ‘S ‘S ‘S ‘S C P C W ‘B B ‘B ‘L ‘L ‘L ‘I ‘F ‘T ‘M m ‘O ‘P ‘P C C C ‘A ‘C ‘F ‘F ‘F ‘F ‘I ‘N ‘T C C C C ‘B C ‘M C ‘S 4 RUMPETS summer evee Queen of the y pointers will hey come from ssouri, they do fternoon sun. are good. s. Most that too much . Our recipe op dress twice July. Topry two weeks quid feed with 20-20 EVERY move all leaves green tips. a cool dark pare room. y during dor- email us: the Brugmansia eed source) double blend German pink e pink/salmon ink ink white V i nta ge H il l Fa rm w ww . vin t ag eh il l .c o m Page 1 7 T ip s f or a Wel l De si gn ed L a n d s ca p e S o m e t i m es i t is d if f i c ul t t o s e e w h at i s r i g h t in f r o n t o f y ou . O u r l a n ds c a p e t a s t es a nd d e c i s i o ns a r e i n fl u e n c e d b y m a n y s o u r c e s. W hat a r e o u r n e ig h b o r s d o i ng ? W ha t ha v e w e d o n e i n th e p as t ? W ha t d i d w e g r o w u p w i t h? M a n y f a c t or s c o n t ri b u t e t o h o w w e p e r c e i v e a pl e as i n g l a nd s c a p e a n d l ik e al l t h i n g s s u bj e c t i v e, b e a ut y o f t e n l i es i n t h e e y e s o f t h e b e hol d e r. B e l o w a r e s o m e c o mm o n g u i d e l i n e s f o r a c hi e v i n g a pl e as i n g l o w m ain t e n a n c e l a n d s c a p e. 1 . D e c i d e h o w m u c h l i gh t y o u ha v e . M a n y t im e s t h e p r o bl e m w i t h a p l a n t f a il i n g t o t h r i v e i s b e ca u s e i t e i t h e r h as t o o m u c h o r no t en o u g h l i g h t. F u l l su n i s 6 h o u r s o f s u n o r m o r e. Pl a n ts f r o m c o ol e r cl im a t e s l ik e a l i t tl e af t e r n o o n s h ad e i n M is s o u r i. S o m e s ha d e pl a n ts ( l i k e h y d r a n g e as) n e e d j u st a l i t tl e m o r n i n g s u n t o k e e p t h e m v ig o r o us e n o ug h t o bl o o m. 2 . P l a n ts d o n’ t g r o w w el l i n cl a y. Y e s, s o m e l iv e b u t f e w t h riv e a n d n o w is t h e t i m e t o mak e t h e i r h om e t h e b e s t i t c a n b e. I f y o u ha ve c l a y, d o n ’ t d i g i t o u t, y o u o nl y c r e a t e a b a t h t u b f ul l o f g o o d s o il t ha t h o l ds w a t e r a n d e v e n t u al l y d r o w ns y o u r n e w pl a n t s. B e t t e r to a d d 6 i nc h e s o f g o o d t o p s o il a n d c o m p os t o n t o p an d t h e y c a n s t i ck t h e i r r o ot s i n t o t h e c l a y i f t h e y w a n t t o. T h i s c r ea t e s a s l i g h tl y ra i s e d b e d, w i t h ou t th e n e e d f o r e d g i n g o r bl o ck s . T h e pl a n ts w i l l h a v e p e rf e c t d r a i na g e an d y o u w o n ’ t w a s t e t im e f ig h t i n g cl a y . 3 . H o w b i g i s th a t pl a n t go i n g t o g e t? Al l ta gs o n pl a n t s a r e e s t i ma t e s b u t i t i s t h e b es t g u i d e l i n e w e h a v e. I f i t i s a c u t e l i t tl e e v e r gr e e n i n a l i t tl e p o t , i t m a y o r ma y n o t g e t 1 f oo t t al l o r 6 0 f e e t t al l i n 1 5 y e a r s. R ea d t h e t a g. T h e r e i s n o g r ea t e r t r ag e d y t h a n t o w a t c h a pl a n t g r ow i n t o a b ea u t i f u l s p e c i m e n a n d th e n o n e d a y r eal i z e i t is t o o b ig f or t he s p a c e, i t ha s g r o w n i n t o o t h e r p l a n ts o r t h e wa l l s o f y o u r h o m e. P r un i ng i s al w a ys p o s s ib l e, b u t t h a t l i t tl e m a n t ra w e h e a r o v e r a nd o v e r a g ain – L o w M a i n t e n a n c e– l e a v es n o r o om fo r p r u n i ng o n a r e g ul a r b asi s. 4 . A r r a ng e m e n t. A w e e d i s a pl an t o u t of pl a c e. S o p u t y o u r l an d s ca p e p l a nt s i n t h e r i g h t pl a c e. M o st l a n ds c a p es su r r o u n d a h o us e t o s o f t e n i t s c o r n e r s a n d a n c h o r i t i n t o t h e s i t e. W h e n e v e r p o ss i bl e t h i n k a l i t tl e l a rg e r a n d ma k e t h e p l a n t i ng b e d s a r o u n d y o u r h o m e a l i t tl e w i d e r a nd d e e p e r . T hi s w il l a l l o w f o r l a y e rs, pl a n ts pl a nt e d i n g r ou ps w i t h t h e t a l l e r b e h i n d, w hi c h m ak es f o r a b ea u t i f ul p r es e n t a ti o n f ro m t h e r o ad . I f y o u o nl y ha v e r o o m f o r a s i n gl e “ r o w ” o f pl a n t s, d u e to s i d e w al k o r o t h e r r e s t r i c t i o ns, a vo i d an e v e r y o t h e r o n e a p p r o a c h. B e tt e r t o g r o u p l ik e pl a n ts t og e t h e r a n d t h e n a d d a n o t h e r g r o u p i ng o r s p ec i m e n f o r i nt e r e s t o n t h e e n ds. T hi n k o f h o w t h i n gs l o ok f r om y o u r f av o r i t e w i n d o w s . La n d s ca p e s s h o ul d e n ha n c e t h e b e a ut y o f t h e ho m e l o ok i ng f r om i n s i d e o u t to o . 5 . E d g i n g; w h o n e e ds i t? Yo u d o n ’ t u n l es s y o u l i k e t o r u n a w e e d e a t e r . T h e b e s t e dg e i s a v - sh a p e d t r e n c h y o u m ak e w i t h a s h o v el b e t w e e n t h e l a w n a n d y o u r p l a n t i ng b e d. Th i s g e t s f il l e d w i t h m ul c h af t e r y o u pl a n t. I t c a n b e t i di e d u p i n a y e a r o r t w o i f n e e d e d . N o e d g in g m ak e s t h e f o c u s o n t h e pl a n t i ng, n o t a bl o ck w al l f r om a b ox s t o r e t ha t e v e r y b o d y h a s. A n d b es t o f al l , y o u m o w ri g h t u p t o i t w i t h n o n e e d f o r t r i mm i n g. 6 . A f t e r y o u r pl a n t s a r e p r o p e rl y pl a n t e d d o n o t e v e n c o n s id e r l an d s ca p e f a b r i c o r p l a s ti c . T h is is t h e s i n gl e l a rg e s t m is t ak e m os t p e o p l e mak e a n d al wa y s r e g r e t i t. T h e o b j e c t o f t h e g am e h e r e i s to c re a t e a g r e a t e n v i r o n m e n t f or pl a n t g r o w t h. Pl as t i c s h e e t i n g a n d l a n d sc a p e f a b ri c b o t h s e al th e s o il a n d k e e p t h e na t u r al p r o c es s o f c om p o s ti n g f r om t ak i n g pl a c e. A w e e d p ul l e d f r o m m ul c h p ul l s r ig h t o u t. W ee d s l o v e t o r o o t i n t o l a n ds c ap e f ab r i c a n d a r e i mp o ss i bl e t o p ul l . M ul c h p l a c e d o n t o p o f l a nd s ca p e fa b r i c e v e n t u al l y d e c o m p os es as i t is s u pp o s e d t o s o a l l o w t ha t g o o d c o m po s t to g o to y o u r r o o ts a s i t s h o ul d. W h i c h is w h y g r a v el a n d r u b b e r mu l c h a r e ba d o p t i o ns. If y o u r t o ps o il h a s w e e d s e e d s o r y o u j u s t wa n t s o m e i ns u r an c e , pl a c e a c o u pl e l a ye r s o f n e ws p ap e r s o r s i n gl e l a y e r of pa p e r f e e d s a ck s u n d e r y o u r m ul c h. A n y s e e d s t h a t h av e b e e n b r o u g ht t o t h e s u r fa c e w i l l g e r m i na t e a nd th e n d i e u n d e r t h e p a p e r. I n a f e w m o n t hs t h e p ap e r i s g o n e a n d t h e m ul c h c a n d e c o m p o s e a n d e n r i c h y o u r pl a nt i n gs as na t u r e i n t e n d e d. T h e n s o m e da y w h e n a r e n o v at i o n is n e e d e d , y o u a r e w o rk i ng w i t h b ea u t i f ul s o il . A p p l y a 3 - 4 i n c h l a y e r o f m u l c h. K e e p t h e m ul c h t h i n a r o u n d t h e c r o wn a n d t r u nk s o f pl a n ts, y o u w a n t t o m ul c h t h e ro o t z o n e n o t c h ok e o u t th e p l an t . A g o o d h ar d w o o d m ul c h is a n ex c e l l e n t c h o i c e. T h e n e w d ye d m u l c h es m ak e t h e pl a n t in g l o ok fr e s hl y d o n e l o ng e r . Al w a ys o p t f or a d a rk b r o w n m ul c h f o r a m o r e n a t u ral l o ok . R e d m ul c h es a r e t re n d y b u t d o l i t tl e t o e n ha n c e t h e n a tu r al b e au t y o f pl a n t s. V i nta ge H il l Fa rm w ww . vin t ag eh il l .c o m Page 1 8 W hi le Yo u Ar e In T h e Ar ea … Vi nt age Hi l l F ar m i s l ocat ed i n the Bo one’ s Li c k are a of central M i s sou ri , a vi rtu al l y und i sco vered h a ven f or the t ouri st. P eo pl e her e are fri end l y , pri ces are re as on abl e, and th ere a re so m a ny bea uti ful t hi ngs t o d o whi l e h ere . Why not ta ke an ext r a d ay o r t wo? A c oupl e of f av ori tes : J ust up the ro ad , the n l eft on 18 7 , i s t he Boone ’s Li c k St ate Hi stori c Si te. T rai l s wi nd d o wn t o t he s pri ng where Da ni el Boon e’ s s ons boi l ed w ater fro m the s al ty spri ng s i n hu ge pot s t o m a ke sal t . If you he ad ba ck to Hi gh w ay 8 7 a nd No rt h y ou wi l l fi nd Gl asgo w. Th e Rol l i ng P i n B a kery i s one of t he fi ne e a teri es of t hi s q u ai nt and sceni c l i ttl e ri ve r to wn (try t he pi e!), o r Bec k et t ’s wi l l ser ve yo u a fi ne d i n ner . E ast i s F a yette, o ur cou nt y seat , wi th t he hi stori c cou rt ho use s qu are . F ayet te i s al s o h o me to Ce nt r al M e t hod i st Uni ver si ty and t he A shby Hod ge Art Gal l e ry, ( 66 0) 2 48 - 3 3 91 . Be su re t o e at at E m mett ’s Ki tchen a nd T ap ( 6 6 0) 2 4 8 -3 3 6 3 on t he sq u a re. Co mpl ete t he ci rcl e b ac k to Ne w F ra n kl i n and stoc k up at a real q ual i ty s m al l to wn butc her sho p, Jen ni ngs P re mi u m M e ats (8 00) 2 1 0- 6 4 2 5. Do not mi ss Snod d y ’s Store , si nce 19 2 4 , o n y our w ay bac k. It i s one of the few re m ai ni ng f ami l y ow ned s mal l gene ra l stores . J ust a fe w feet e ast of t here i s the Ri ve rcene B & B. Thi s hi s t ori cal ma sterpi ec e h as r oo ms a v ai l abl e at ww w. ri v ercene .co m . Acro ss t he bri d ge , ove r t he M i s so uri Ri ve r, i s hi stori c Boon vi l l e. Just on yo ur l eft i s t he meti cul o usl y re stored H otel F r ed eri c k, www .hotel f red eri c k.c o m ( 6 6 0) - 8 8 2- 2 8 2 8. M ai n St reet i s f ul l of shops , a f ant asti c ant i q ue m al l , s m al l rest au ra nts a nd a nea rby c asi no . P l an t o spe nd so me ti me w and e ri ng a mon g the pl ants and pa r ks of d own t own. Wa r m S pri ng s R anc h i s ho me to the B ud wei s er Cl yd esd al es breed i ng f aci l i ty a nd offe rs pop ul a r t o ur s. ( 88 8) - 9 72 - 5 9 33 Just 20 mi n utes ea st i s the ch ar mi n g ol d t ow n of Roch eport . Chec k o ut roch eport .co m for the co mpl ete l i st. Y ou c an st ay a t the Yates H ou se B& B ( 57 3) 69 8 - 2 12 9 and t hey wi l l gi ve y ou t he d et ai l s of t he m any fi n e anti que sh ops whi l e yo u strol l t hro ugh t hei r be au t i ful wal l ed ga rd ens . Ri ch ard S au nd ers Anti q ues ( 57 3) 69 8 - 3 7 65 h as a great co urty ard g ard en i n a be auti f ul ol d bri c k ho me th at s houl d be vi si ted . If anti q ui ng i s you r t hi ng, Whi te Hor se Anti qu es and Gr an ny’s are a mu st see al s o. H a ve a gre at d i nner at Les B our geoi s Wi nery and Bi st ro ( 5 7 3) 6 9 8 -2 3 0 0 j ust a fe w mi l es o ut of to wn on t he r i ver bl uffs . T he vi ew i s as t ant al i zi n g as t he food a nd i s a g re at pl a ce t o watch a su nset whi l e o verl oo ki n g t he ri ver . Head we st to vi si t A rro wroc k a nd Bl ack w at er . Arro wro ck has a stat e hi st ori c si te as w el l as m an y i nte resti ng sh ops and b ui l d i ngs. The Lyc eu m Th eat re i s a gre at wa y to s pend an e veni ng . P l an on t ouri ng aw ard wi nni n g Bl ack w ater ’s re vi tal i zed m ai n street t h at ser ve s as a n e x a mpl e f or m any s m al l t own s to fol l ow . The end e ari ng peopl e who ha ve w or ked f or thi s a re a gre at ex a mpl e of th e o ve rwhel m i ng good and be auty th at c an co me fro m h a vi ng you r h ea rt i n the ri ght pl ace . Al ong wi t h a nti qu e shop s, there i s the Chote a u G ard e n l ocated i n wh at w as a v ac ant storef ront on M ai n Str eet. If he ad i ng ho me t a kes yo u ea stw ard , we are o nl y 3 0 mi n utes from C ol u mbi a. F ro m d ayl i ght t o d a rk st op off at Shel t er Ga rd ens j ust off Bro ad w ay . The U ni ve rsi ty of M i sso uri h as been d esi gn ated a Bot ani c G ard e n. The c a mpu s i s al i ve wi th g re at pl ant i ng s, i ncl ud i ng so me i n no vati ve t ropi c al s and an nu al s , m any fro m Vi nt a ge Hi l l . Th an k y ou agai n fo r vi si t i ng , we hope to see yo u ag ai n soo n! m
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