VMCHS Alumni Newsletter

- VMCHS Alumni Newsletter -
Our candidates had a month of campaigning. Fabiola’s theme was The
Grammys, Gennava’s was New York, Maria Paola’s was Dream Team and Karen’s
was Alice in Wonderland. The all sold lunch one day of the week for the whole
Our four Queen of Hearts
candidates were ready on the night of
March 21th, 2013 to know who was
going to be the 2013-2014 Queen of
Hearts. Fabiola Valenzuela, Gennava
Favela, Maria Paola Murillo, and Karen
Gallego gathered along with their
families for a toast in the school’s
library. After that, they went to the gym
where family and friends welcomed
them in.
school and on March 18 they all performed a dance for their fellow Scots. For a
couple of years now we have strayed from choosing our Queen by having
them pick roses in a box. Now, attendees vote for the candidate of their
choosing and put their vote in a raffle drum. All candidates start off with
10 votes. Voting closed and the candidates were presented once again.
Our school ASB President, Luisa Ramirez, picked a ballot out of the raffle
drum. The candidates’ whose name was called got a rose. The first
candidate with 5 roses was crowned Queen of Hearts and the other
candidates were crowned princesses. This year Karen Gallego was
crowned Queen of Hearts. We are very proud of our candidates for their
hard work, love and dedication to Vincent Memorial Catholic High School.
In this issue…
Queen of Hearts
Alums in Action
Football Clinic
And more…
“Be faithful in
small things
because it is in
them that your
strength lies.”
Mother Teresa
Her Royal Majesty,
Karen Gallego
Vincent Memorial Catholic High School ● 525 W. Sheridan, Calexico, CA 92231 ● April Issue
The VINCENT MEMORIAL SCOTS will be hosting their first annual Imperial Valley Football Skills Clinic on April 13,
2013. The camp will be geared towards athletes between 8th - 12th grade.
We will be honored with the presence of two time National Champion, former USD RB, and former STANFORD coach,
JT Rogan, and also Christopher Ramsey, two time National Champion and former USD TE.
Imperial Valley coaches and NSR Representative, Dave Batzer, will be present. NSR is the most revered high school
scouting and college recruiting organization in the world. Since 1980, college coaches have depended on NSR to
present quality prospects for recognition, evaluation and recruitment.
WHO: Athletes 8th-12th grade
WHAT: IV Football Skills Clinic
WHEN: Saturday, April 13, 2013. 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM
WHERE: Vincent Memorial Catholic High
School (525 W. Sheridan Ave.
Calexico, CA 92231)
HOW: Pre-Register on our website
or the day of the event from 7:30-8:45.
COST: $20.00 includes t-shirt, Gatorade, hot dog, and the recruiting
Vincent Memorial Couples
Mr. Victor Manriquez and Mrs. Liza Barraza-Manriquez
Class of 1994
Both of us attended VMCHS, starting as freshmen in the 1990-1991 school year, although I was the only one that graduated
from VMCHS in 1994. My husband, Victor, moved to San Diego the summer before our sophomore year (1991), but continued
his Catholic education by attending University of San Diego High School, also eventually graduating from there in 1994. We have
been married close to 10 years, live in Calexico, and have two children, Victor Hugo (5) and Jessica (3)--both students at St.
Mary's School in El Centro. Although my husband might not be full alum, he always considers VMCHS his home, and our plan is
for our children to eventually attend VMCHS!
Thank you
Mr. Alejandro Lopez and Mrs. Angela Cristina Moreno
Class of 1990 and 1992
Mr. Shane Zimmer and Mrs. Vanessa Andrade
Class of 2006
We got married last year and we have a son
Vincent Memorial Catholic High School ● 525 W. Sheridan, Calexico, CA 92231 ● April Issue
Vincent Memorial Couples Cont…
Mr. Melvin Rios and Mrs. Margarita Tellez
Class of 1994 and 1997
We met at Vincent Margarita was a freshmen
and Melvin a senior and they have been
together since then
Mr. Enrique Moreno and Evelyn Gallegos
Class of 1991 and 1992
We met at Vincent and started dating in 1991, 22 years ago this month.
We got married in 2000 and have 3 kids ages 11, 9 and 7.
Picture taken on campus on April 1991.
Mr. Felipe Enciso and Mrs. Gabriella Nunez
Class of 1983 and 1987
My name is Gabriella Nunez Enciso class of 1987 and my husband is Felipe Enciso class of 1983. We never attended Vincent at
the same time because he graduated the year before I became a freshman. I began dating Felipe my Sophomore year because
our parents were good friends, therefore I've known Felipe practically my whole life.
My sophomore year at Vincent, after dating for a few months I realized my love for Felipe and knew that I wanted to be with
him forever. We got married in 1994 in San Diego at the mission, it was a perfect day. We had our first daughter Sophia in 1995,
Ana Gabriella in 1997 and Juan Felipe in 2002. We have a strong, faith filled marriage and we are so proud of our children. We
have continued in the tradition our parents began with us, educating them in the faith and they all attend Catholic schools in
San Diego. Sophia is graduating from high school this year, Ana is a freshman at the Academy of Our Lady of Peace and Juan is a
fourth grader at St.Didacus. It is a sacrifice but one that Felipe and I decided many years ago was going to be a priority in our life.
Felipe is a customs broker, following in his fathers and grandfathers footsteps and I am a principal at Our Lady of The Sacred
Heart School. Both Felipe and I fondly remember our years at VMCHS and are grateful for being able to share those memories
with each other and our children. Our story is a very unique one because we truly grew up together, fell in love and continue to
feel blessed every day! (Pictures: 1987 Queen of Hearts Dance, now, and their 3 children)
Vincent Memorial Catholic High School ● 525 W. Sheridan, Calexico, CA 92231 ● April Issue
Diego Gonzalez ’10, is a student at USC and will be directing his last
film, Sin Dolor, as an undergraduate student. Sin Dolor will be his calling
card, as he will be venturing out into the film industry once he graduates. Sin
Dolor is a 25 minute short film adaptation of the famous short story by T.C.
Boyle. The events of the story take place in Mexicali, México in the year
1980. The story revolves around Frank, an American doctor working in
Mexicali who comes across a boy, Atanacio, who was born with the inability
to feel pain.
Diego is asking for our help! To be able to fulfill his life-long dream
and to apply to the graduate program for Directing at the American Film
Institute in Los Angeles, CA, he needs to raise 13,000. Contributors can help
make it possible. Any amount helps and the more you donate the more you
can be a part of the movie making process. With just $10 dollars your name
will appear in the “special thanks” section of the end credits!
To check out Diego’s video synopsis, go to his donating website:
http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/sin-dolor?c=home or contact him by e
mailing him at [email protected]. Last day to donate is March 23rd!
As a mechanical engineering student I'm very passionate about
building things and I recently developed an appreciation for electric
vehicles. I had already built an electric scooter and modified a
children's pocket bike to go over 25mph, but I wanted a four wheel
vehicle that could go even faster. So I did some research online and
went over to the machine shop to start building. After over two
weeks of intense work I had the first iteration of my go-kart.
Considering I have less than a year and a half left at MIT I want to
make the most of my time left here. Currently, I'm on the executive
board of the Society of Latino Engineers and Scientists and the
Electric Vehicle Team at MIT. I plan to continue to hold these
responsibilities and improve these communities until the end of my
time here at MIT. Aside from that, my plans for the future are still
kind of fuzzy. This summer I will be interning at Boeing in Seattle, but
who knows where I'll be and what I'll be doing next summer.
Shout out to Ms. Ana and Mrs. Ramirez and everyone at Vincent
Memorial who helped me get to where I am right now!
Vincent Memorial Catholic High School ● 525 W. Sheridan, Calexico, CA 92231 ● April Issue
Vincent Memorial Catholic High School ● 525 W. Sheridan, Calexico, CA 92231 ● April Issue
No, you are not seeing
double! These two trophies will be
at Vincent Memorial for another
year. Both the boys’ and girls’
basketball won the Manzanita
League Championship. They went
on to play for the CIF Finals. Boys
lost at the second round and girls
went to the semi finals.
We are very proud of their
accomplishments and hope to have
a successful season next year.
Seniors Jose Ignacio Velarde, Irene
Aranda, Ana Cristina Araujo, and
Barbara Aguirre will be graduating
The Baseball team will be selling T-Shirt and caps
while supplies last. Caps are fitted and the sized
are S/M and L/XL. Please send us a message on
Facebook if you are interested or send us an
email at [email protected].
Thank you WONG family for donating this 1955
yearbook of OLGA high school (which later became
VMHS). Also, thank you Yveth Lopez ‘81 for donating
the 1993 and 1996 yearbooks that were missing. We
now have one copy of every single VMCHS yearbook1966-2012 (and 1955).
Vincent Memorial Catholic High School ● 525 W. Sheridan, Calexico, CA 92231 ● April Issue
Message from our Principal…
Dear VMCHS Alumni:
The Church is celebrating the season of Easter. Easter begins with the Feast of
Resurrection and ends with the feast of Pentecost or the Coming of the Holy Spirit.
It is celebrated for fifty days. The Easter season is a joyful time celebrated after
“Passover”; the “passing” from death to new life. Easter is celebrated during spring
season when we enjoy new life in nature’s colors.
Easter invites us to contemplate God’s creation in nature and to live a new life in
God’s grace. Let us rejoice with the church and ask God to strengthen our faith and
the faith of our loved ones.
Happy Easter Time!!!
Please keep me in your prayers.
Sister Guadalupe Hernández, SJS
VMCHS Principal
Message from our Vice-Principal…
Hello fellow alumni,
“God is good!”
I think we can all agree that our years at Vincent were probably some of the best years of our lives!
We made great friends, shared lots of laughs and even some tears. We learned from our teachers, not only the material on the
subjects they taught, but we learned from the stories they shared with us, the advice they gave us and simply by the way they
communicated with us. They were great years. Our experience at Vincent, however, was not a typical one for a high school
student, ours was different. Ours included God. We prayed together, attended Mass together, participated in retreats and had
the opportunity to talk about our faith and feel secure. What a blessing! At Vincent God is present and that just makes everything
I pray that each of you still invite God to be a part of your lives. If your life has become too “busy” for prayer, start with small
steps. Pray for two minutes in the morning and then two minutes before going to bed. Invite God to be with you during the day
and in the evening, reflect on the blessings He bestowed upon you during the day.
Also, let us pray for each other: for our classmates, schoolmates and all of the Vincent alumni and our families. Prayer is
Thank you for your prayers.
God bless the SCOTS!!!
Mrs. Elva Olivas Ochoa
Class of 1986
Vincent Memorial Catholic High School ● 525 W. Sheridan, Calexico, CA 92231 ● April Issue
Please join us to support the football team! DON’T FORGET TO PICK UP YOUR FLYER IN THE OFFICE!
Vincent Memorial Catholic High School ● 525 W. Sheridan, Calexico, CA 92231 ● April Issue
Ana Cristina Necoechea class of
1989 had Baby Shower in Calexico
planned and attended by some
VMHS alumni from the class of 1989
on March 16, 2013. Her baby girl is
due April 18, 2013.
(Picture from left to right, TOP: Ana
Hodgers, Deane Ira Callu (Yanira),
Guitierrez, Dana
Gonzalez. BOTTOM: M. Celideth
Ungson, Karla Estrella, Norma
Soberanes, Yolanda Olague. Proud
Class of 1989)
Special thanks to Yanira Callu ‘89
for sending us the pictures.
If you have any events, a special
occasion, good news, or something to
share tell us through Facebook or send
us an e mail at
[email protected]! We will
gladly post it on our Scot Wall!
Moms of ’89 Alumni at the baby shower!
Mrs. Hodgers Enciso, Mrs. King and Mrs. Callú with Yanira
Vincent Memorial Catholic High School ● 525 W. Sheridan, Calexico, CA 92231 ● April Issue
Julieta Sánchez de Guerena
May God grant that she rest in peace
If you know of any alum who has passed away, please
let us know by sending an e mail to
[email protected]
Thank you!
Vincent Memorial
Catholic High School
Volume 1 Number 4
525 W. Sheridan Ave
Calexico, CA 92231
Phone: (760) 357 – 3461
Fax: (760) 357 – 0902
still needs your
help! May parents are deciding to send their
children to another high school because they can’t
afford it. Please donate TODAY and make a
difference in a potential Scot’s life. There are 3
ways of donating! Send a check, call us and we
securely give us your credit card information, or
donate via our website through Paypal!
Make a difference in a student’s life, donate to the
“Scotarship” Program!
Vincent Memorial Catholic High School ● 525 W. Sheridan, Calexico, CA 92231 ● April Issue