650 Medicina (Kaunas) 2004; 40(7) EKSPERIMENTINIAI TYRIMAI Transport proteins in rats’ renal corpuscle and tubules Piret Hussar, Toivo Suuroja1, Ülo Hussar, Tiit Haviko2 Department of Anatomy, University of Tartu, 1Department of Morphology, Estonian Agricultural University 2 Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics, University of Tartu, Estonia Key words: renal corpuscle, tubuli nephroni, transepithelial transport proteins. Summary. The localization of transepithelial transport proteins for glucose and water reabsorption in renal corpuscle and tubules epithelium was observed. Material and methods. Immunohistochemistry of normal male Wistar rats’ kidney has been performed. Facilitated diffusion glucose transporter GLUT4, Na(+)-dependent glucose cotransporter SGLT1, a cargo transporter TGN38, and water transporter aquaporin-2 (AQP2) were used. Results. An intensive GLUT4 expression in renal proximal tubules and in convoluted segment of distal tubules has been observed. The intensive SGLT1 expression was marked in all renal tubules, and also in the glomerulus of the renal corpuscle. TGN38 was expressed mainly in the S1 of proximal tubules and a bit weaker in the distal tubules. The most intensive AQP2 expression in the proximal tubules and in the thin part of Henle’s loop has been detected. In some cases AQP2 expression in the collecting tubules has been observed. The same tubules nephroni are marked heterogeneously. The distribution of transepithelial transport proteins in different parts of nephroni is also greatly heterogeneous because of weak determination of urinary system. Conclusion. The comparable transport-proteins distribution with technique of fluorescence immunohistochemistry in rats’ renal corpuscle and tubules was elucidated. Data suggest that expression of glucose and water transepithelial transporter proteins is heterogeneous in all parts of nephron, and, probably, is in accordance with recycling of transport proteins. Introduction Two types of transepithelial glucose transporters have been identified: facilitated-diffusion glucose transporters (GLUT family), and Na(+)-dependent glucose co-transporters (SGLT family). These transporters play important roles in the sugar reabsorption in renal tubular cells (1–3). GLUT4 is localized in the proximal and distal tubules, connected with renal juxtaglomerular apparatus (JGA) (4), and in medullary thick ascending limbs of Henle, not far from distal tubules (5). SGLT1, an isoform of Na(+)-dependent glucose transporters, is localized at the apical plasma membrane of the proximal tubules (6, 7) and of the thin segment of loop of Henle (portio conducens nephroni) (1, 8). TGN38 (trans-Golgi network) plays a role as a cargo transporter in cells, also a role of evaluation of the glucose transport (9). Aquaporin-2 (AQP2) is a member of water channel proteins expressed mainly in the kidney collecting duct cells and stored in the intracellular compartment. Upon stimulation of anti- diuretic hormone (ADH), AQP2 is recruited to the plasma membrane, and plays a critical role in urine concentration (10). The renal collecting duct principal cells contain the AQP2 and small amount of the AQP3. They are localized differently: AQP3 at the basolateral plasma membranes and AQP2 in the intracellular vesicles and moves to the apical plasma membranes when stimulated by vasopressin (11). AQP2 is specifically expressed in the renal tubules (12–14). The aim of the present work is to perform the comparable fluorescence immunohistochemistry of renal corpuscle and tubules epithelium in male Wistar rats in order to observe the localization of transepithelial transport proteins for glucose and water ultrafiltration and reabsorption. Material and methods Tissue preparation Male Wistar 4-week-old rats (supplied by the Animal Breeding Facility, Gunma University, Japan) were Correspondence to Ü. Hussar, Department of Anatomy, University of Tartu, Arhitekti 28, 50407 Tartu, Estonia E-mail: [email protected] Transport proteins in rats’ renal corpuscle and tubules anesthetized and killed with intraperitoneal injection of sodium pentobarbital. In experiments 7 animals were used. The renal cortical and medullary specimens were taken with sharp scissors and scalpel under the dissecting microscope. The renal specimens were removed at room temperature. Specimens were cut into pieces, fixed in 3% formaldehyde in 0.1 M sodium phosphate buffer, pH 7.4, for 3 hours on ice. Before cryostat sectioning specimens were infused with 20% sucrose in phosphate-buffered saline overnight, embedded in Tissue-Tek OCT compound (Sakura Fine Technical, Tokyo, Japan) and frozen with liquid nitrogen. Cryostat sections of 3–7 mm thickness were cut, mounted on poly-L-lysine-coated glass slides and fixed in ethanol for 30 minutes, thereafter rinsed with PBS (15). Antibodies Primary antibodies anti-GLUT4, anti-SGLT1 and anti-TGN38 were raised in a rabbit and characterized as previously described (16–19). Oligopeptide corresponding to the COOH terminal amino acids of rat AQP2 was synthesized with a model 431A peptide synthesizer (Applied Biosystems; Foster, CA). Secondary antibodies Alexa 546 and rhodamine red Xlabeled donkey anti-rabbit IgG were products of Jackson Immunoresearch (West Grove, PA). Immunofluorescence staining Immunostaining procedures were performed basically as described previously (20). In short, sections were first covered with 5% normal goat serum, then sequentially incubated with the primary antibody and the fluorescence labeled secondary antibody. In primary antibody solution F-phalloidin (1:50) was included. For nuclear counterstaining 4’,6-diamino-2-phenylindole dihydrochloride (DAPI; Boehringer-Mannheim, Mannheim, Germany) was added in the secondary antibody solution. Primary antibodies as well as rhodamine red X were used at dilutions of 1:200; Alexa 546 at dilution of 1:1000. Immunohistochemical controls For immunohistochemical control primary antibody was replaced with normal rabbit serum. None of the controls gave positive staining, confirming the specificity of the staining. These controls were carried out in parallel with the experimental studies. Specimens were examined with an AX-70 microscope equipped with Nomarski differential interference contrast and epifluorescence optics (Olympus, Tokyo, Japan). Results An intensive facilitated-diffusion glucose transporMedicina (Kaunas) 2004; 40(7) 651 Fig. 1. Immunofluorescence localization of GLUT4 in the renal proximal S1 tubules and convoluted segment of distal tubules (portio intermedia) Fluorescence micrograph is shown by using rabbit antiGLUT4 as a primary antibody with Alexa 546 as a secondary antibody. Arrows and arrowheads indicate positive for GLUT4 proximal S1 tubules and convoluted segments of distal tubules respectively. Double arrowheads – negative for GLUT4 thin and thick segments of Henle’s loop. CM – corpusculum renis Malpighii, negative for GLUT4. Bar: 150 µm. ter GLUT4 expression in renal coiled segment (S1) of proximal tubules (portio proximalis) and in convoluted segment of distal tubules (portio distalis), connected with JGA, was observed. By using rabbit antiGLUT4 as primary antibody with Alexa 546 as secondary antibody positive for GLUT4 were proximal S1 tubules and convoluted segments of distal tubules respectively (Fig. 1). Negative for GLUT4 were thin (portio conducens) and thick segments of Henle’s loop, localized in medulla, and renal corpuscles (corpusculum renis Malpighii). The intensive Na(+)-dependent glucose cotransporter SGLT1 expression was marked in all renal tubules, and also in the glomerulus of the corpusculum renis. By using rabbit anti-SGLT1 as primary antibody with red-X as secondary antibody (Alexa 546 was too weak in this case) glomeruli were positive for SGLT1 (it was not possible to differentiate endothelial barriercells from the cover cells - podocytes of visceral layer of capsula glomeruli), coiled segments of proximal and distal tubules, and Henle’s loop (Fig. 2). TGN38 was expressed in all renal tubules, mainly in the S1 of proximal tubules and a bit weaker in the distal tubules to elevate the intracellular trans-Golgi mechanisms for transporters. By using rabbit antiTGN38 as a primary antibody with Alexa 546 as a secondary antibody, all tubules nephroni, mainly proximal S1 tubules, were positive for TGN38 (Fig. 3). TGN38 is marked with different intensity in tubules and localized heterogeneously. 652 Piret Hussar, Toivo Suuroja, Ülo Hussar, Tiit Haviko Fig. 2. Immunofluorescence localization of SGLT1 in the renal corpuscle and all tubules of nephroni Fluorescence micrograph is shown by using rabbit antiSGLT1 as a primary antibody with rhodamine red-X as a secondary antibody. Arrows, arrowheads and double arrowheads indicate positive for SGLT1 proximal and distal tubules and thin segment of Henle’s loop (portio conducens nephroni), respectively. GL – glomerulus of corpusculum renis (consisting mainly of capillary endothelial cells, which are covered with visceral layer cells of glomerular capsulapodocytes), positive for SGLT1. Bar: 200 µm. Second part of our studies dealt with aquaporins (AGPs) – water channel proteins serving in the water permeation across cellular membrane. In our experiments the AQP2 was used. The most intensive AQP2 expression in the proximal tubules and in the thin part of Henle’s loop has been detected. By using Rabbit anti-AQP2 as primary antibody with Alexa 546 (Red- X was too weak in this case) definite positive for AQP2 were proximal tubules of nephroni and thin part of Henle’s loop. In some cases aquaporin expression in the collecting tubules has been observed (Fig. 4). Renal corpuscles with ultrafiltration and hemato-renal barrier cells lack the AQP2 marker. In control group primary antibodies were replaced with normal serum. Secondary antibodies Alexa 546 and red-X were used. All structures of nephroni and collecting tubules lack positive specific staining. All structures are indifferently colored red (Fig. 5). The transport-proteins localization with various techniques of fluorescence immunohistochemistry in rats’ renal corpuscle and tubules was elucidated. These data suggest that glucose and water transepithelial transporter proteins expression have been observed with different localization in tubules of nephroni. SGLT1 expression also in the glomerulus of corpusculum renis Malpighii, and AQP2 expression still in collecting tubules were noted. Probably, it is dependent on the weak determination of urinary organs. Moreover, GLUT4 as well as TGN38 and AQP2 of some tubules nephroni are marked heterogeneously (with different intensity). Some ductuli at the same picture are marked very strongly, and other are remarkably weaker. It is possible if these protein transporters are functionally recycled in temporo-spatial conception. Discussion The transport proteins GLUT4, SGLT1, TGN38 a b Fig. 3. Immunofluorescence localization of TGN38 in the renal cortical tubules, mainly in the proximal S1 tubules Fluorescence micrograph (a) and corresponding Nomarski differential interference contrast image (b). Fluorescence micrograph is shown using rabbit anti-TGN38 as a primary antibody with Alexa 546 as a secondary antibody. Arrows and arrowheads indicate positive for TGN38 proximal and distal tubules of nephroni, respectively. TGN38 is marked with different intensity and localized heterogeneously. CM – corpusculum renis Malpighii, negative for TGN38. Bar: 200 µm. Medicina (Kaunas) 2004; 40(7) Transport proteins in rats’ renal corpuscle and tubules Fig. 4. Immunofluorescence localization of AQP2 in the tubules of nephroni, mainly in the proximal tubules and in the thin part of the Henle’s loop. Some collecting tubules are also marked. AQP2 lacks in the renale corpuscles Fluorescence micrograph is shown by using rabbit antiAQP2 as a primary antibody with Alexa 546 as a secondary antibody. Arrows, arrowheads and double arrowheads indicate positive for AQP2 proximal tubules, thin part of Henles’s loop and collecting tubules, respectively. CM – corpusculum renis Malpighii, negative for AQP2. Bar: 200 µm. Fig. 5. Control fluorescence micrograph using the normal serum instead of primary antibodies and one of secondary antibodies – Alexa 546 Fluorescence micrograph is shown by using normal serum instead of a primary antibody with Alexa 546 as a secondary antibody. All structures stained non-specifically in red color. Nuclei are stained dark blue with DAPI (arrows). Bar: 100 µm. and AQP2 are the main transepithelial transporters of glucose (GLUT4, SGLT1, TGN38) and water (AQP2) in kidney (2, 4, 9, 14, 21). The glucose is reabsorbed mainly in the proximal tubules epithelium (principal) cells of nephroni. The sugar is reabsorbed in the convoluted part of proximal tubules by a low-affinity, and in the straight parts by a Medicina (Kaunas) 2004; 40(7) 653 high-affinity (7). The water is reabsorbed mainly in the proximal tubules of nephroni and in the thin part of Henle’s loop, also in the other tubules of nephron and in the renal collecting tubules (21). In our research an intensive GLUT4 expression in proximal tubules and in convoluted segment of distal tubules, connected with JGA, has been observed. GLUT4 transporters remove glucose from the plasma membrane and recycle back to the intracellular storage compartments (22). This mechanism of localization for the GLUT4 responds rapidly and efficiently (23). GLUT4 translocation is remarkably inhibited and regulated by inosital phosphatase (24). GLUT4 expression and glucose uptake are decreased in diabetic animals (25). The glucose transporter GLUT4 is insulinresponsive (4) and therefore localized in convoluted segment of distal tubules, connected with endocrine JGA. SGLT1, an isoform of Na(+)-dependent glucose transporters, is localized at the apical plasma membrane of the proximal tubules (6, 7) and of the thin segment of Henle’s loop (1, 8). Our data suggest, that intensive SGLT1 expression was marked in all renal tubules, and also in the glomerulus corpusculi renis. In our work the hemato-renal barrier cells (endothelial cells of capillary wall) are colored together with ultrafiltration cells (podocytes of the visceral layer of capsula glomeruli), covering the capillary network. Its differentiation by used methods of immunohistochemistry is not possible. In comparing the distribution of diffuse glucose transport (by GLUT4) and active Na(+)-dependent transport (by SGLT1) the important role of Na(+)-dependent glucose transporters (SGLTfamily) in renal sugar metabolism was accented (SGLT1 expressed in all parts of nephroni and in glomerulus corpusculi renis). In our experiments TGN38 was expressed in all renal tubules, highly in the S1 proximal tubules as it elevates the glucose reabsorption. TGN38 was located mainly in proximal convolute tubules epithelium (in principal cells) and was a bit weaker in distal tubules. Other parts (straight segments of proximal tubules, thin and thick segments of Henle’s loop) of nephroni are marked heterogeneously with different intensity. It may be interpreted in recycling of TGN38 with apical and/or lateral surface of cell membrane and the trans-Golgi network as well as other intracellular compartments (26–28). Second part of our studies dealt with water channel proteins – aquaporins (AGPs) – serving in the water permeation across cellular membrane. At least 10 isoforms of aquaporins have been identified, from which 654 Piret Hussar, Toivo Suuroja, Ülo Hussar, Tiit Haviko AQP1 to 4 playing major roles in nephron water transport. Major renal aquaporin AQP2 has been reported to be present in small vesicles in the cytoplasm, serving as the pool of the AQP2 storage and responsible for the ADH-induced translocation to the plasma membrane. Once AQP2 is at the plasma membrane of the renal tubule cells, it serves in the reabsorption of water from primary urine. Therefore, in our experiments AQP2 was used. Our data suggest that the most intensive AQP2 expression in the proximal tubules and in the thin part of Henle’s loop has been detected. In some cases aquaporin expression in the collecting tubules has been observed. AQP2 expression lacks in the distal tubules of nephroni, in contrary to glucose transporter proteins (GLUT4, SGLT1) expression at the distal tubules, connected with renal juxtaglomerular apparatus (JGA). Accordingly, the endocrine regulation of water reabsorption is realized by the para-juxtaglomerular system in the renal tubules. The AQP2, water channel protein, is mainly located in the apical plasma membrane of all renal tubules epithelial cells and in the basolateral surface of the inner medullary-collecting duct (21). After intraperitoneal administration of oxytocin a remarked redistribution (translocation) of AQP2 in the intracellular compartments was noted (21). Oxytocin may be one of the factors, which accounts of vasopressin-independent AQP2 targeting in the ren. AQP2 is ADN-responsive (10) and therefore is expressed by vasopressin, etc. The molecular mechanisms of receiving the signal on the renal tubular epithelial cells receptors for stimulation the expression of the transport proteins GLUT4, SGLT1, TGN38 and AQP2 have been unknown. GLUT4 as well as TGN38 and AQP2 of some kind of tubules nephroni (proximal, distal tubules, etc.) are marked heterogeneously (with different intensity). Some ductuli at the same picture are marked strongly, and others are remarkably weaker. Such kind of picture is possible if these protein transporters are functionally recycled in temporo-spatial conception. The localization and activity of transepithelial transport proteins in different parts of nephron is also greatly heterogeneous. Probably, it is dependent on the weak determination of urinary organs (renal tubu- les among them). These peculiarities of biology of the urinary system are required to provide the especially fine filter for elimination. Conclusion The comparable fluorescence immunohistochemistry was performed in male Wistar rats to observe the localization of transepithelial transport proteins for glucose and water ultrafiltration and reabsorption in renal corpuscle and tubules. An intensive GLUT4 expression in proximal tubules and in convoluted segment of distal tubules, connected with JGA, has been observed. The intensive SGLT1 expression was marked in all renal tubules, and also in the glomerulus of renal corpuscle. Na(+)dependent glucose transport in ren is more extensive compared to facilitated-diffusion glucose transport. TGN38 was expressed mainly in the S1 of proximal tubules and was a bit weaker in distal tubules to elevate the glucose reabsorption. The most intensive AQP2 expression in the proximal tubules and in the thin part of loop of Henle has been detected. In some cases aquaporin expression in the collecting tubules has been observed. GLUT4 as well as TGN38 and AQP2 of some kind of tubules nephroni (proximal, distal tubules, etc.) are marked heterogeneously (with different intensity). Probably, it is possible if these protein transporters are functionally recycled in temporo-spatial conception. The localization and activity of transepithelial transport proteins in different part of nephroni is also greatly heterogeneous. Probably, it is dependent on the weak determination of urinary organs. Acknowledgements We wish to thank Prof. K. Takata and the whole Laboratory of Molecular and Cellular Morphology, Institute for Molecular and Cellular Regulation of Gunma University, Japan where Piret Hussar had a great luck to work with a perfect team. This work was supported in part by Grants-in-Aids for Scientific Research from the Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture of Japan. Baltymø perneðimas þiurkiø inkstø kûneliuose ir vamzdeliuose Piret Hussar, Toivo Suuroja1, Ülo Hussar, Tiit Haviko2 Tartu universiteto Anatomijos katedra, 1Estijos þemës ûkio universiteto Morfologijos katedra 2 Tartu universiteto Traumatologijos ir ortopedijos klinika, Estija Raktaþodþiai: inksto kûnelis, nefrono vamzdeliai, baltymø transepitelinis perneðimas. Medicina (Kaunas) 2004; 40(7) Transport proteins in rats’ renal corpuscle and tubules 655 Santrauka. Darbo tikslas. Nustatyti baltymø transepiteliniø neðikliø lokalizacijà gliukozës ir vandens reabsorbijos metu inkstø kûneliuose ir vamzdeliuose. Tyrimo medþiaga ir metodai. Inkstuose atlikta imunohistochemija sveikoms vyriðkos lyties Wistar veislës þiurkëms. Naudoti: lengvinanti gliukozës difuzijà neðiklis GLUT4, nuo Na(+)– priklausantis gliukozës koneðiklis SGLTI, neðiklis TGN38 ir vandens neðiklis akvaporinas-2 (AQP2). Rezultatai. Intensyvi GLUT4 ekspresija uþfiksuota inkstø proksimaliniuose vamzdeliuose ir distaliniø vamzdeliø vingiuotuose segmentuose. Intensyvi SGLTI ekspresija buvo ryðki visuose inkstø vamzdeliuose, taip pat inkstø kamuolëliø kûneliuose. TGN38 ekspresija daugiau pasireiðkia proksimaliniø S1 segmento vamzdeliuose, silpniau – distaliniuose vamzdeliuose. Didþiausio intensyvumo AQP2 ekspresija nustatyta proksimaliniuose vamzdeliuose ir iðplonëjusio vamzdelio (Henlës kilpos) kylanèiojoje dalyje. Kai kuriais atvejais AQP2 ekspresija buvo pastebëta surenkamuose inkstø vamzdeliuose. Tie patys nefrono vamzdeliai pasiþymi ir heterogeniðkumu. Pasiskirstymas baltymø transepiteliniø neðikliø skirtingose nefrono dalyse taip pat yra þymiai heterogeniðkas, nes silpnai determinuotas ðlapimo iðskyrimo sistemoje. Iðvados. Lyginamasis baltymø neðikliø pasiskirstymas þiurkiø inkstø kûneliuose ir vamzdeliuose buvo nustatomas fluorescencine imunohistochemine metodika. 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