United Together in Kingdom Building (Matt 6:9-13)

United Together in Kingdom Building (Matt 6:9-13)
By Darlean Brown
Pastor Leo Griffin & First
Lady Evangelist Mary Griffin
Leadership Summit
College Students’ Lunch
Appointments by Pastor
Prayer for the New Year
WMS Executive
Wesley’s Annual Leadership Summit was held on Saturday January 19, 2013 at Column
A, a beautiful facility located at 1234 Caroline Street. After a few days of questionable
weather, Saturday was a beautiful day. It was cool and windy with enough sunshine to
make it perfect. Those who don’t get to this part of town often were surprised by all the
activities happening on a Saturday morning in the downtown area.
The summit started with a continental breakfast of assorted
danishes, rolls, fruit, coffee, tea, and juices. After devotion
Jeff Baldwin, meeting facilitator, set the stage for what
would be a well organized and timely meeting. There was
however one glitch as is always a possibility when dealing
with electronics and technology, however, no time was lost.
Jeff was an excellent facilitator and kept the program on
track and on time.
“Let’s Be A Team in 2013”
“Lead, Follow or Get Out of the Way”
Black History Story
Wesley Members at the
Presidential Inauguration
Birthday Celebration
Family and Friends Day
Black History Questions
Heart Health
Healing List
2013 Campaign Update
Calendar of Events
Rev. Walter Cuby
Rev. Lernette Patterson
Allyson Cannon
Pamela “PJ” Johnson
Mary Warner
Larry Hollie
Sharon Branch
Sandra Green
Carl Davis
Lorenzo Johnson
These statements resonated throughout the room as Pastor
Griffin started his opening comments. Since January 1,
2013, he has reiterated this theme “Let’s Be a Team in
2013” many times. He went on to say that servant leaders. are engaged, enthusiastic,
effective and expect excellence. Real leaders arrive early, stay late, will endure any
kind of weather, want the best seats, never miss church or meetings, memorize important
information, pay the price and are always vocal.
Pastor Griffin listed and discussed seven characteristics of an effective 21 century
leader. He stated that what leaders did in the past will not necessarily work in the
technological world of today.
What are those characteristics?
Sense of Humor
Strong Relationship Skills
Spirit of Entrepreneuralship
Serious Team Play
Self Starter & Strong Finisher
Simple Flexibility
Continued on page 2
The Wesley Messenger
Volume 11.1
January/February 2013
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Continued from page 1
Leaders must exhibit the biblical mandate for leadership
in 1Timothy 3:1-13: be a model of excellence in service,
effectively minister to people under their charge and live
an exemplary life style. Before ending his presentation
Pastor Griffin said leaders should be able to make
mistakes without being criticized.
Other presentations followed. Bro. Larry Hollie presented
Rev. Lynette Hawkins’ video on “Becoming a Five Star
Church.” Bro. Marvin Lee presented “What Are We
Doing Well” which highlighted services, events and
activities accomplished in 2012
Before the lunch break, Rev. Leonard Lee presented
members with a list of concerns/problems churches
experience. The list included tithes, volunteers who are
committed, getting members to follow vision/instructions,
increasing church attendance, and increasing church
membership. Each table was requested to participate in
a working lunch and develop an action plan specific to
the concern assigned to the table. The solution had to
include data or outcomes measurable or observable.
Prior to concluding the working lunch, rev. Lee asked
each table for a representative to explain their action
plan. This activity was very interesting and thought
provoking. Many ideas came out of the discussion, but
the question remains, ‘Can the objectives of each action
plan be achieved with outcomes that are measurable
and sustainable over time?
Rev. Cuby followed with a presentation on the 2013
Capital Improvement Plan. Rev. Cuby emphasized that
we will focus on making tangible improvements to the
current facility. The two major projects are: to repair or
replace the organ and to install a video projection
system. The current estimated cost for this is
$100,000.00. Everyone was asked to contribute. A
specific number of members are needed to commit to a
designated sum of money, which will ensure the success
of the improvement plan.
entrepreneurial opportunities such as video E-mail,
dental and health insurance, living trusts, and a debt-free
program. These are all opportunities for individuals to
save and earn money
Following Rev. Cuby Bro. John Fisher presented
“Leaders Attending State Meetings.” The benefits of this
are 1) exemplifying that Wesley is a team player
2) Modeling the behavior of fellowship 3) Getting
information, (first hand) that can enhance the church
4) Developing relationships with other churches.
Upcoming state Meetings are Founders Day, February
21 -23 in San Antonio, May Day in Houston May 15 -16,
Planning Meeting November 13-15 place TBA
Sheri Dominique, YPD Director, presented an
invigorating plan for the youth. One innovative change is
the name of the Wesley’s Youth Department which is
now known as “The Church of the WAY” (Wesley’s
Anointed Youth). The Church of the WAY has an
impressive program planned for the year and needs the
support of the Wesley family. Friday Night Live will take
place on the first Friday of each month. The WAY is
asking each ministry to sponsor just one Friday Night
Live; the ministry can choose the theme for that night,
i.e. game night, movie night, Motown, etc. It’s going to
be an exciting year for our young people and others who
Pastor Griffin closed the meeting with several
announcements and appointments. Children’s Church
will begin on Sunday, February 3, 2013. At a designated
time children who are 4 -12 years of age will be
instructed to proceed to Children’s Church in the
portable building. Trustees will research space to
accommodate Church School classes. He also
appointed persons to chair different activities and
committees. See the article on APPOINTMENTS In this
The Wesley Messenger
Volume 11.1
January/February 2013
Page 3
Feeding The Souls To Connect With The Spirit
By Mary Warner
Chairperson Rosalind Baldwin had a vision, to fellowship with the college students of Wesley AME Church and their
family before they returned to school. The vision became reality on the Sunday, January 6, 2013 with over a dozen
students and their family.
The College Ministry Committee members served dinner to those college students returning back to college for the
spring semester. Along with their family members, the college students enjoyed a delicious home cooked meal and
delicious desserts. The students introduced themselves and stated where they were attending school and their major.
There were a vast array of colleges and majors, UT-Austin, Baylor-Waco, Sam Houston-Huntsville, University of
Houston, Prairie View University – Prairie View, Texas Southern University - Houston and Southern University - Baton
Rouge, Louisiana will be turning out a wide range of medical and educational professionals, as well as lawyers.
This turnout was very successful. Sister Baldwin and her committee members demonstrated what Pastor Griffin
preached: “Becoming a Team in 2013”. This was the first of many successful events that The College Ministry in
partnership with the YPD will be hosting. Go Team 2013 for a Job Well Done!
Youngest members attending 2013 Leadership Summit
Recent college graduates Amanda Jones and LaQuondra
Patterson were in the right place on January 19, 2013 preparing
themselves to be future leaders in the church. They were the
youngest adult members in attendance.
Amanda Jones graduated in December 2011 with BS in Nursing;
LaQuondra Patterson graduated in August 2012 with Master’s of
Education in Community Counseling,
Amanda Jones
LaQuondra Patterson
The Wesley Messenger
Volume 11.1
January/February 2013
Page 4
Pastor Griffin made the following appointments at the
Leadership Summit on January 19, 2013.
Pastor’s Appreciation
Rev. Leonard Lee
Bro. Marvin Lee
Bro. John Fisher
Sis. Joyce Dixon
Sis. Marva Fontenette
Sis. Tangy Reed
Bro. Larry Hollie
Director of Christian Education
Rev. Lernette
Connectional Budget
Sis. Vanessa Stepney
Chair Women’s Day
Sis. Ruthie Jackson
Chair Men’s Day
Bro. Pete Patterson
Chair Homecoming
Sis. Rose Broome
Church Picnic
Sis. Carol Compton
Christmas Program
Sis. Laurel Thomas
Christmas Party
Sis. Shon Lee
Christmas Decorations/Tree
Sis. Lillie Preston
Web Site
Sis. LaVonda Fletcher
Sis. Brittany Porter
New Members Class
Rev. Leonard Lee
Bro. Jeff Baldwin
New Members
Sis. Phyllis Mays
Sis. Rosalind Baldwin
Sis. Mary Warner
To increase Wesley’s visibility in the neighborhoods around
the church, different ministries will begin passing out fliers
on Saturday mornings. The ministerial staff, stewards,
trustees, ushers and missionaries will all participate. Watch
the bulletin for more detailed formation and be ready to do
your part
A Prayer to Live By in 2013
Submitted by
Mary Warner
Each year, New Year’s resolutions are made,
only to be broken. The definition of resolution
is a promise that you make to yourself about
yourself; doing something new or making a
choice in life. Instead of a resolution for
2013, let’s all try to live by the following
“Father, thou knowest I am growing older.
Keep me from becoming talkative and
possessed with the idea that I must express
myself on every subject. Release me from the
craving to straighten out everyone else’s
affair. Keep my mind free from the recital of
endless details. Give me the wings to get to
the point. Seal my lips when I am inclined to
tell of my aches and pains, for they are
increasing with the years and my love to speak
of them grows sweeter as time goes by.
Teach me the glorious lesson that occasionally
I may be wrong. Make me thoughtful but not
nosey, helpful but not bossy. With all my vast
store of wisdom and experience it does seem
a pity not to use it all, but Thou knowest,
Lord, that I want a few friends in the end. “
This is really not a New Year’s Resolution, but
a Prayer that is on my heart to share!
Submitted By Allyson Cannon
If you lack knowledge, go to school.
If you lack wisdom, get on your knees
The Wesley Messenger
Volume 11.1
January/February 2013
Page 5
Theme: “Destined for Greatness: A Season to Improve Global Health, Healing, Hope and Human
Theme Song: How Great is Our God!”
were at least twenty members from Wesley
A.M.E Church who attended the Executive Board
Meeting of the Women’s Missionary Society in Dallas,
Texas held January 30 – February 2, 2013. Pastor Leo
Griffin and Evangelist Mary Griffin were in attendance
along with Larry and Peggy Hollie. Ushers Joyce Dixon
and Connie Cox worked the opening worship service on
Wednesday night. Others in attendance were Sheri
Dominique, Texas Conference YPD Director, Rene
Arnold, Connectional Chair of Missions on the Move,
Sandra Green, Sharon Branch, Ricci Fuller, Rose
Broome, Faye Bryant, Darlean Brown, Jackie Beck,
Tangy Reed, Mattie Johnson, Geraldine Jones, Marva
Fontenette, and Dora Culberson.
Along with meetings and other activities, the 10th District,
Sandra Green shows Marva Fontenette how to make
cuts on no-sew blankets
did a magnificent job as host. Not to brag…but members
of the TEXAS Conference, including Wesley, were quite
visible. Evangelist Mary Griffin was Worship Director for
the Friday morning Worship Experience, Tangy Reed
was awesome on Texas Got Talent Night, Dora
Culberson helped man the Nursing Station, and Ericka
Fuller co-chaired the No Sew Blankets Mission Project.
while others volunteered as hostesses. The 10 District
received sincere thanks from Bishop Vashti Murphy
McKenzie, Supervisor Stan McKenzie and International
1 Vice President Debra Taylor-King.
Sharon Branch works on a no-sew blanket
First Lady of Wesley A.M.E. Church, Evangelist Mary Griffin
leads the Worship Experience on Friday February 1, 2013
Ericka Fuller and Rose Broome at Supervisor’s
Prayer Breakfast
The Wesley Messenger
Volume 11.1
January/February 2013
Page 6
Black History Month Story
Subject: Fed Up With African Americans
Submitted by Mary Warner
A very humorous and revealing story is told about a
group of white people who were fed up with African
Americans, so they joined together and wished
themselves away. They passed through a deep dark
tunnel and emerged in sort of a twilight zone where there
is an America without black people. At first these white
people breathe a sigh of relief.
At last they said, No more crime, drugs, violence and
welfare. All of the black folks have gone!
Then suddenly, reality set in. The New America is not
America at all-only a barren land.
1. There are very few crops that have flourished
because the nation was built on a slave-supported
2. There are no cities with tall skyscrapers because
Alexander Miles, a black man, invented the elevator, and
without it one finds great difficulty reaching higher floors.
3. There are few if any cars because Richard spikes, a
black man, invented the automatic gear shift, Joseph
Gambol also a black man invented the Super Charge
System for Internal Combustion Engines, and Garrett A.
Morgan, a black man, invented the traffic signals.
4. Furthermore, one could not use the rapid transit
system because its procurer was the electric trolley car,
which was invented by another black man, Albert R.
5. Even if there were streets on which cars and a rapid
transit system could operate, they were cluttered with
paper because an African American, Charles Brooks,
who invented the street sweeper.
6. There were few if any newspapers, magazines and
books because John Love invented the pencil
sharpener, William Purveys invented the fountain pen,
Lee Barrage invented the Type Writing Machine and
W.A. Love invented the Advance Printing Press. They
were all, you guess it, Black.
7. Even if Americans could write their letters, articles and
books, they would not have been transported by mail
because William Barry invented the Postmarking and
Canceling Machine. William Purveys invented the Hand
Stamp and Philip Downing invented the Letter Drop.
8. The lawns were brown and wilted because Joseph
Smith invented the Lawn Sprinkler and John Burr the
Lawn Mower.
9. When they entered their homes, they found them to
be poorly ventilated and poorly heated. You see,
Frederick Jones invented the Air conditioner and Alice
Parker the Heating furnace. Their homes were also dim.
But of course, Lewis Latimer invented the Electric Lamp,
Michael Harvey invented the lantern and Granville T.
Woods invented the Automatic Cut off Switch. Their
homes were also filthy because Thomas W. Steward
invented the Mop and Lloyd P. Ray the Dust Pan.
10. Their children met them at the door-barefooted,
shabby, motley and unkempt. But what could one
expect? Jan E. Matzeliger invented the shoe Lasting
Machine, Walter Sammons invented the comb, Sarah
Boone invented the Ironing Board and George T.
Sammons invented the Clothes Dryer.
11. Finally, they were resigned to at least have dinner
amidst all of this turmoil. But here again, the food had
spoiled because another Black Man, John Standard
invented the refrigerator.
Now, isn’t that something? What would this Country be
like without the contributions of Blacks, as AfricanAmericans?
One of the local television stations always plays their
theme song “you built this city”. Well, after all of this, you
see that most of the city was built with the help of Black
Share this story with your children or grandchildren. See
if they know Black history includes more than just
slavery, Frederick Douglass, Martin Luther King, Jr.,
Malcolm X, Marcus Garvey and W.E.B. Dubois.
By Barbara Ann Kipfer
Only those who have the patience to do simple things
perfectly will acquire the skill to do difficult things
Life divides people into two categories: those waiting
for something to happen and those making something
Count all the good things that happen to you in a day
before you count the bad things that happen to you.
Have faith in yourself and in your family and friends
The Wesley Messenger
Volume 11.1
January/February 2013
Page 7
Celebrating the Inauguration of President Barack Obama
The 57th Presidential Inauguration
Attending the inauguration ceremonies in
Washington, D.C. on January 21, 2013
was Carl Davis as seen here with Rev.
Timothy Tyler and Bishop Carolyn Tyler
Guidry, Shirley Dauchan who joined friends
from California and Linda White who
planned and hosted an inaugural breakfast
Another Great Ice Cream Social
By: Mary Warner
January 20, 2013, marked Wesley’s end of the year Ice Cream Social, where members who
celebrated birthdays during the months of October, November and December were treated to ice
cream, cake, cupcakes and punch. The members had an opportunity to fellowship with each other
and had a great time.
The Ice Cream Social has turned out to be a great success over time. Members enjoy
fellowshipping with other birthday members, because it affords them the privilege to meet other
Wesley members that they may not know. There were approximately 234 members that took part in
the 2012 birthday celebrations and the number is consistently growing. 2013 is here and we have
started the year off with 33 members celebrating their birthday in the month of January. We again
look forward to having more members participate in the Ice Cream Social.
Ladeadra Howard
Mia Miles
DeRon Brown Carroll
Billie Blackmon
Ronald Brown
Chernita Baldwin
Shannon Johnson
Winona Dismuke
Darrell Warner
Tangy Reed
Charles Hamilton
Jasmine Ashley Sims
Jordan Green
Betty Adams
Maggie Beatrice Edward
Jardan Jones
Thaddeus McGee
Jeremey Jones
Jordan Choice
Albert Warner
Elizabeth Sims
Alfonso McFarlin
Janice Argudin
Fred Reed
Betty Yates
Laurel Thomas
Geraldine A. Jones
Carolyn Goudeaux
Rev. Tamika Baker
Rev. Leonard Lee
Yolanda Devrow Holmes
Alma Nickelberry
Ojinga Green
Kyntavia King
Guy P. Anderson
Veronica Searcy
Brenda Price
Roger Swift
Rev. Derrick Cyprian
Re. Ewart Jones
Connie Allen
Jeff Baldwin
Arthur Edwards
Willie “Bill” Adams
Rene’ Arnold
Carl Davis
Angela Williams
Marva M. Fontenette
Lakesha Axel
Melvina Toussant
Rachel Hall
Damaree Robertson
Clarice Conner
Chris Prince
Ruby L. Blackmon
Helen B. Hutchinson
M. Delores Collins
Quiarre Stafford
The Wesley Messenger
Volume 11.1
January/February 2013
Page 8
Pamela “PJ” Johnson
On Sunday December 23, 2012, Wesley as always had an awesome day at church. The message was brought to us
by Rev. Dr. Leo Griffin entitled “Celebrate” with Matthew 1:21 as scripture reference. And indeed we did celebrate, It’s
a good feeling to celebrate the holidays with family and friends, as we remember the reason for the season and that is
the birth of our Lord and Savoir Jesus Christ.
Wesley’s praise dance teams (adults and children alike) along with the mime team blessed everyone with their
outstanding and uplifting performances. Now one would think that’s a fulfilling day of worship, but the celebration did
not stop there. At the end of the service bags containing fruit, nuts and candy were issued to every member. Minutes
later in the lower auditorium, an appetizing dinner sponsored by April Momon was served.
But wait…there’s even more! April Momon invited families from Clayton Homes to worship with Wesley on this Family
and Friends Sunday. They not only were treated to a wonderful church service and dinner, but each child received
toys, some even received bicycles. KUDOS to April Momon.
Wesley, you are and have always been and will always be a GREAT CHURCH!!!!!
Children were excited to receive toys, while adults enjoyed a delicious meal. The children seemed more interested in
their gift bags, so parents had to make sure they ate their meal before diving into the goodies.
One of many family and friends visiting on this Sunday was Terry Singleton,
Coordinator Jack Yates Alumni Reunite, seen here with Carl Davis, Gospel Music
Advocate and Faye Bryant, former Supreme Basileus of Alpha Kappa Alpha
Sorority Inc.
The Wesley Messenger
Volume 11.1
January/February 2013
Page 9
Submitted by Mary Warner
1. The 44th President of the United States and the first African American to obtain this office and re-elected for a
Second Term as the 45th President of these United States.. ________________________________________
2. Re-appointed Pastor of Wesley A.M.E Church ______________________________ _____________________
3. The first African American First Lady of the United States now serving as First Lady of the White House for another
4 years ________________________________
4. First Lady of Wesley A.M.E Church who is also an Evangelist _________________________________ _______
5. Founded the African Methodist Episcopal Church in 1816____________________________________________
6. First female A. M. E. Bishop to be elected in the church’s history in July 2000 and first to preside over the 10th
7. The first African American woman to be appointed Secretary of State ______________________ ____________
8. The first African American to serve on the Supreme Court of the United States ____________________
9. The first African American to hold the office of United States Secretary of State and the only African American to
serve as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Department of Defense __________________________________
10. Most widely beloved entertainer and profoundly influential artist of all times_____________________________ _
11. Congresswoman from Texas – 18th District ____________________ __________________________________
12. The first African American General in the United States Army ______________________ __________________
13. Born in Galveston, Texas, the first African American Heavyweight Champion ___________________ _________
14. The first African American to play in the Master’s Tournament in 1975 __________________________________
15. The first African American player in the modern Major Leagues and the first African American to be inducted into
the Baseball Hall of Fame: ____________________
16. An African American Educator, Author, Historian, Sociologist, Philosopher, Poet and Leader, was one of the
founders of the NAACP, and was the very first African American to receive a Doctoral Degree from Harvard
University _________________________
17. First Black to become Miss American_______________________________________
18. First African American man to win at the U.S. Open and at Wimbledon __________________________________
19. Born in Houston, Texas became the first African American Congresswoman to come from the Deep South and the
first woman ever elected to the Texas Senate ______________________________________________________
20. The first African American woman to be elected to the U.S. Senate________________________ _____________
Answers Page 10
The Wesley Messenger
Volume 11.1
January/February 2013
Page 10
Looking Back:
Top Heart Tips for 2012
By Stephanie Coulter, MD
been a big year for Texas Heart Institute and the
Center for Women’s Heart & Vascular Health. We’ve
covered a lot of information about our hearts and how to
take care of them, but I’d like to boil it all down to five
helpful tips. Take these tips into 2013 and make it the
best year ever for your heart.
#1 - Follow Doctor's Orders
As women, we want to do it all, but sometimes
we can’t do it alone. We need help from a
physician, and there is no shame in that.
Jennie Gamble
Pauline Lindley
York F.Gibson, Jr.
Gloria Matlock
Dorothy Herndon
Mattie McCarthy
Elizabeth Hobbs
Camilya Neblett
Mable Hunter
Rene Singleton
Dorothy Jackson
Ozell Stephens
Sylvia Johnson
Ruth Thomas
Irene Kinney
Ella Upshaw
#2 - Move More
Exercise lowers your blood pressure, increases
your HDL (good) cholesterol, lowers your risk of
diabetes, can improve symptoms of depression
and menopause, and lots more.
Ora Woodfork
Continue to Pray for Our Members
Answers to Black History Questions
#3 - Tweak What You Eat
There are no “bad” foods, just bad dietary
habits. It’s important that you know what you’re
putting in your body, but it’s also important to be
consistent. Make wise food choices and stick to
#4 - Expect Changes at Menopause
Your heart and vascular risk increases by at
least two- to fourfold at menopause. You must
expect and be prepared to address these
#5 - Be Your Own Health Advocate
Nearly 7 in 10 women say they put their family’s
health needs ahead of their own. I understand
the temptation to do this, but forgetting about
your own health is not a good choice. If you truly
love your family, you need to take care of
yourself too so you can be there for them for
years to come. You are your best health
advocate so put your health and the good of
your family into your own hands.
That’s a lot of information, but at the end of the day, it’s
important to remember that, while cardiovascular
disease is the number one killer of women, at least 80%
of it is preventable. You can change your heart health
Reprinted in Part from Article by Stephanie Coulter, MD
1. Barack Obama
2. Rev. Dr. Leo Griffin
3. Michelle Obama
4. Evangelist Mary Griffin
5. Rev. Richard Allen
6. Bishop Vashti Murphy McKenzie
7. Dr. Condoleezza Rice
8. Thurgood Marshall
9. Colin Powell
10. Michael Jackson
11. Sheila Jackson Lee
12. Benjamin Oliver Davis
13. Jack Johnson
14. Lee Elder
15. Jackie Robinson
16. W.E.B. Dubois
17. Vanessa Williams
18. Arthur Ashe
19. Barbara Jordan
20. Carol Mosely-Braum
The Wesley Messenger
Volume 11.1
January/February 2013
Page 11
2209 Dowling Street
Houston, Texas 77003-6009
We are excited and encouraged by the
financial support that you are giving to both
the 2013 Capital Improvement Campaign
and the General Budget fund. We
encourage everyone who has not done so,
to do your part toward the success of these
worthwhile programs.
Printed Name: __________________________________________________
Home Phone: _____________________ Work/Cell: __________________
Street Address ________________________City ____________ Zip_______
OUR 2013 GOAL:
I am committed to give the following indicated amount for 2013
Capital Improvement Fund for the purchase of “Worship Service
Enhancement” equipment in the Sanctuary. We thank you in advance
for COMPLETING your commitment no later than May 19, 2013.
$ 1,500 & above
$ 1,000
$ 900
$ 800 __________
$ 600 _________
$ 500 _________
Other Amount: $ ________
Signature: ________________________________ Date: __________
“Now, let us rise up and build so that we can take the Church to the people”
FINANCIAL UPDATE as of Feb 17, 2013
$125 EACH
$ 84,500
$ 8,503
$ 83,803
 3/1 Friday Night Live
 3/2 WMS Prayer Breakfast
 3/8 Bishop Vashti’s IMAGINE Tour
 3/9 Super Youth Saturday
 3/15 District Conference;
Wesley – Clute
 3/15-16 College Ministry
Rejuvenation Retreat
 3/17 Go Western Day
 3/17 College Spirit Sunday (YPD)
 3/17 Second Quarterly Conference
 3/23 Super Youth Saturday
 3/24 Palm Sunday (Youth Sunday)
 3/24 Connectional Budget Due
 3/29 Good Friday Outing
 3/31 Easter Sunday
As you can see from the above data, the Capital Improvement
commitments and giving are progressing toward our $100,000 goal
daily! For those members who have committed to the success of the
Campaign, we are most grateful to God for your demonstrated support.
We are asking every adult member to make a commitment to the
Capital Improvement Campaign so that we can purchase the Worship
Service enhancement equipment (Video Projection System, Digital
Camera System, and a rebuilt or replaced organ). If you have not done
so, please complete the commitment card in this newsletter and either
bring it to Church, mail it or fax it to the Church. All funds are due no
later than May 19, 2013.
Also, we are asking all of the members to pay the $125.00 General
Budget by March 29, 2013.
 4/4 First Lady Evangelist Mary
Griffin’s Birthday
 4/13 Super Youth Saturday
 4/14 Rev. Green 20 Year in
Ministry, Pastor Griffin PreachingJones AME Church
 4/18 Friday Night Live
 4/27 Super Youth Saturday
 4/28 Youth Sunday
The Wesley Messenger
Volume 11.1
January/February 2013
Page 12
2209 Dowling Street
Houston, Texas 77003
PERMIT NO. 13121
The Wesley Messenger is published for the members and friends of WESLEY AME CHURCH.
Leo Griffin, Pastor; Darlean Brown, Editor; Prince Washington, Assistant Editor; Janice Taylor, Proofreader
Rosalind Baldwin, Allyson Cannon, Pamela Johnson, Sean Nickleberry, Mary Warner
The Vision of Wesley African Methodist Episcopal (A.M.E.) Church
Is to make the church and the community it serves a better place,
For individuals and families through spiritual growth,
Economic empowerment, community development,
Political awareness, academic achievement,
Cultural enrichment and social development.
Bishop Vashti McKenzie’s IMAGINE Tour
Bishop Vashti McKenzie will
visit Wesley A.M.E. Church on
Friday, March 8, 2013 at
7:00PM. Bishop McKenzie will
churches in the South District
of the Texas Conference. This
is your time to meet and greet
our dynamic new Bishop.
Bible Verse: “He is not here, he has risen! Remember
how he told you, while he was still with you in Galilee.
‘The Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of
sinful men, be crucified and on the third day be raised
Luke 24: 6-7
The Meaning of Lent:
Rev. Lernette Patterson
Lenten Season begins with Ash Wednesday, February
13, 2013 and concludes on Easter Sunday, March 31,
Lent is a time to renew and refresh our understanding of
our identity as neighbors and as brothers and sisters,
and serve others selflessly in compassion.
There are three things that are stressed during the 40
days of Lent: prayer, fasting and compassion. Forty (40)
is symbolic for trial, testing, and waiting.
During Lent, Christians participate in prayer, fasting, selfreflection, and self sacrifice for spiritual growth. This
makes the Lenten season a time for personal challenge.
While Lent is about giving up something, it is also about
putting something positive in its place. The goal is
spiritual growth. Make an intentional effort to stick with
your commitment.
Peace and Blessing