6+7=13 6+8=14 6+9=15 8x7=56 8x9=72

Maths Homework – Y4 Charlies - 20/1/2017
Worded Problems
Learn Its!
This week’s Learn Its to practise are:
Try saying them in different voices
(scared, happy, shout, whisper etc.)
How many times can you say each fact
in 1 minute?
Can you spot the theme?
If there were 250 statues at the Witch’s palace and
Aslan took 30 seconds to turn each back to life, how
long would this take him in seconds, minutes, hours?
The witch had 18 Turkish delight in her box. Edmund
ate 10. What fraction is this? Can you think of a
different equivalent fraction?
It took 7 wolves to arrest and detain Tumnus. If the
same number are needed at every arrest, how many
wolves are needed for 27 prisoners?
If Lucy was 11.5, Edmund was 13.75, Susan was 14.25
and Peter was 15.4, what was the children’s combined
age in total? What is this in months? What about in
If the White Witch had ruled Narnia for 243.9
years and she was 174.6 when she began her rule,
how old was she when her rule ended?