IM2 Quiz 1

IM2 Quiz 1
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IM2 Quiz 1
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Period 1
Period 3
1. (Symmetry) *
Name each shape. Indicate where you would put each shape in the Venn diagram with the descriptions
"Has rotational symmetry (less than 360 degrees)" and "Has at least one line of symmetry"­7vCV5DH7­vMUt0QweHfs1YBLql…
IM2 Quiz 1
A: Equilateral Triangle
B: Rectangle
C: Parallelogram
D: Regular Hexagon
E: Kite
Equilateral triangle(Both/Middle), rectangle(Both/Middle), parallelogram (Has rotational symmetry (less than 360 degrees)), regular hexagon (Both/Middle)
kite (Has at least one line of symmetry)
Shapes and Venn Diagram for Question 1
2. (Polygon Characteristics) *
Place the shapes listed in square brackets in the appropriate places in the Venn diagram. [Equilateral
triangle, isosceles triangle, square, rectangle, trapezoid, regular hexagon] Indicate where you would put
each shape in the Venn diagram with the descriptions "Has at least one pair of parallel sides" and "Will
have no pair of parallel sides"­7vCV5DH7­vMUt0QweHfs1YBLql…
IM2 Quiz 1
Equilateral triangle (Will have no pair of parallel sides),
isosceles triangle (Will have no pair of parallel sides), square (Has at least one pair of parallel sides), rectangle (Has at least one pair of parallel sides), trapezoid (Has at least one pair of parallel sides),
regular hexagon (Has at least one pair of parallel sides)
Venn Diagram for Question 2
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