Pensions in the Melting Pot - The Pensions Management Institute

PMI Autumn Conference
Wednesday 20 November 2013
One Moorgate Place, London EC2R 6EA
Pensions in the Melting Pot
• Pension specialists (administrators, managers and consultants)
• Trustees • Employers • HR staff • Investment managers
• Financial advisers • Pension lawyers
• Third party administrators
This course is relevant for those undertaking RDR relevant CPD. It qualifies for 5 hours
CPD for the PMI Accredited Adviser Programme (PMI AAP).
Programme – Wednesday 20 November 2013
Chairman’s introduction
Susan Smith, PMI Vice President
12.50 LUNCH
Setting the scene – from a regulatory point
of view
Gregg McClymont, Shadow Pensions Minister
interviewed by John Greenwood, the Telegraph
Psychology of decision making when
thinking about funding
Marcus Hurd, Principal and Senior Consulting
Actuary, Head of Employer Consulting, Buck
Session title tbc
Representative from BNYMellon
Contemporary DC issues – governance,
outcomes, automatic enrolment etc
Defined Ambition - a better solution for the
(Collective defined contribution)
David Pitt-Watson, London Business School
(CDC alternatives)
Ray Martin, Head of Pensions and Benefits
RBS plc
Andrew Warwick Thompson, the Pensions
Risk - security of assets (fraud)
Sorca Kelly-Scholte, Managing Director, Client
Strategy & Research, Russell Investments
11.20 COFFEE
15.10 COFFEE
Automatic enrolment – the story so far - are
people moving towards defined ambition?
Francois Barker, Partner and Head of Pensions,
Human Resources Group, Eversheds LLP
Better outcomes for DC members –
improving outcomes, better asset
allocation/defaults, guarantees
Andy Parker, Principal, Mercer
PANEL DISCUSSION - what do members need
to consider when making retirement
CHAIR: Margaret Snowdon, PASA
PANEL to be confirmed
An ageing population – funding long-term
care and the role of pension funds
Lord John Hutton
Prize giving
Paul Couchman, PMI President
Speakers are subject to change
Delegate booking form
One Moorgate Place London
Please complete one form per delegate, photocopies are acceptable, and return to the address overleaf or fax to the PMI
DELEGATE DETAILS (as you wish them to appear on your badge)
First name
Job title
PMI membership number
Delegate Category (eg Fellow, Student etc)
Dietary requirements
I have read and agree to the terms and conditions of registration and cancellation.
this form is not valid unless signed
I do not wish to receive information about future PMI events and services
I do not wish my mailing details to be disclosed to a third party
Terms and Conditions
PMI reserves the right to make modifications to the programme(s) and administrative arrangements in the event of special circumstances.
Cancellations- in the event of written cancellation received by the PMI at least 14 days before the event, 80% of the fee will be refunded. Otherwise
no fees will be refundable.
• If the event cannot be held for any reason, the PMI's liability will be limited to a refund of the appropriate event fee only.
PAYMENT MUST BE RECEIVED IN ADVANCE OF THE EVENT BEING HELD. A VAT receipt will be dispatched after full payment has been received. Joining
instructions will be issued two weeks prior to the event.
Processing of your personal data
Information provided by you on this form will be processed by PMI Services Ltd and used for the purposes of:
• providing the goods and services ordered by you, and for billing and accounts
• sending you information about our other services and offers
• allowing limited third party mailings from organisations where we believe their services may be of interest to you.
METHOD OF PAYMENT - please tick the appropriate box
• Individual
Option 1 Cheque
• I enclose a cheque made payable to PMI Services Limited
Option 2 BACS
• I have made my payment by BACS
• I have included the participant’s name(s) , company details and the invoice number (if applicable)
or Organisation
in the transmission details.
• I have sent a copy of this booking form to PMI House
• I have sent the BACS payment to: HSBC Bank plc, 100 Old Broad Street, London EC2N 1BG
Sort code 40-07-31 Account number 91267086
Option 3
Credit Card
• Please debit the following account with (Total amount) £........................................
Card type: Visa
Card number
Valid from
Valid until
Name (as shown on card)
Billing address (if different from delivery address)
3 digit security code
Early booking discount
If you book your place before Friday 18 October 2013, a
10% discount is offered. However, payment must be
received in full by this date or an invoice for the full fee will
be issued.
Non members
Group booking discount
10% discount for companies booking three or more
delegates at the same time.
Special rates
Special rates for unemployed/retired are available on request.
Affiliate Member Discount
Sign up to become a PMI Affiliate Member at a cost of
£50 per year and you will instantly be entitled to the
members discounted rate on this booking saving £100!
For further details please contact Denise Hawkins at
[email protected]
Administrative Details
Confirmation of booking
Confirmation of booking, final event programme and other
details will be issued two weeks prior to the event date. Please
note that payment must be received before the event is held.
Delegate cancellation
In the event of written cancellation before Wednesday
4 November 2013, 80% of the fee will be refunded. No
fees are refundable after this date though it will be
possible to substitute a delegate OF THE SAME FEE
CATEGORY up to the day of the event.
CPD accreditation
This event is eligible for PMI CPD hours based on your
assessment of its value to you. This course is also relevant
for those undertaking RDR relevant CPD or qualification
gap fill. It qualifies for a maximum of 5 hours CPD for the
PMI Accredited Adviser Programme (PMI AAP).
£495 +
£99.00 VAT
£79.00 VAT
£395 +
The VAT reg. no. is 163 7420 14.
The fee includes all event literature, refreshments and lunch.
If the event cannot be held for any reason, the PMI's liability
will be limited to a refund of the appropriate event fee only.
This course is relevant for those undertaking RDR
relevant CPD. It qualifies for 5 hours CPD for the PMI
Accredited Adviser Programme (PMI AAP).
It covers the following Learning Outcomes in the
Pensions and Retirement Planning area:
• Understand the relevant aspects of pensions law and
regulation to pension planning
• Understand the political, economic and social
environment factors which provide the context for
pension planning
• Understand the structure, characteristics and
application of Defined Benefit schemes to an
individual’s pension planning
• Analyse the range of Defined Contribution scheme
options as they apply to an individual’s pension
• Evaluate the aims and objectives of retirement
planning including the relevant investment issues
The PMI is a designated accredited body for RDR
purposes. The PMI accredited body role is called the PMI
Accredited Adviser Programme (PMI AAP). Further
details can be found on the website.
Contact the PMI Commercial Development Department on
020 7392 7428 if you have any other enquiries relating to
this event.
Unique PMI sponsorship opportunities
If you are interested in:
• An exhibition stand at the PMI Conference
• Other PMI sponsorship opportunities
Please contact Victoria Sherriff at
[email protected] or on 020 7392 7428
Please complete and return this form to:
PMI Services Ltd, PMI House
4-10 Artillery Lane, London E1 7LS
OR FAX TO THE PMI ON 020 7375 0603
Enquiries: 020 7392 7425 or
[email protected]