Peregrine Falcon’s are the Fastest Birds on the Planet! By: Lanaysia Devore Table of Contents Page 2: Page 3: Page 4: Page 5: Page 6: Page 7: Raising the Babies Peregrine Falcon Word Search Agility My Joke Speed Hidden Message Raising the Babies When peregrine falcons are raising their young, they start off by making a nest. Some peregrine falcons have their nests on high places and some make them on Skyscrapers, bridges, or towers. Peregrine falcons build their nests a little differently. Their nests is called a scrape. They build them by pushing down on gravel with their foot. In North America some peregrine falcons make their scrapes in February or March. The female peregrine falcon lays her eggs. Sometime there are 3-5 eggs. The female peregrine keeps her babies cozy while the male get the food for the female peregrine falcon. After sometime, around 30 days, the babies are born. When the babies are born, they are covered with white fluffy down. Their eyes are not open. They are weak. The female watches after her babies in the beginning. The male catches their food and brings it back to his family. As the babies get older the female starts to leave and to go fetch prey. After 4-6 weeks the nestlings are no longer weak chicks. They leave their nest and begin to sit on nearby ledges. Soon they do something called fledge, or start to learn how to fly. They stay a close distance to the nest. The parent peregrine falcons give the fledglings food. The babies birds start to get better at their flying by running after each other. They even start to hunt small birds and bugs. Finally, the young peregrine falcon will see many bad things in their early life. Owls eat some hurt falcons, but many young peregrine falcons do live. In just little time the change from weak young babies to amazing fast and powerful birds. Agility Peregrine falcons are sometimes called agile birds. They can swoop and move quickly. This is important for falconry. The falcons have to be able to catch their prey in the sky. For hundreds of years, hunters and their family depended on the prey that the peregrine falcons caught. They need hunting birds that would be swift and agile. My Joke Speed Peregrine falcons are speedy. Their long dives also know as stoops, are awesome to watch. Just like professional car drivers want fast cars. Falconers want to have fast falcon. Owning a peregrine falcon means that the peregrine falcon owner can watch as many awesome stoops as they want to. Because of their agility, strength and speed peregrine falcons have to become preferred by falconers. Many falconers share there falcons at programs and shows on TV. Maybe you will get to see peregrine falcons at work someday. Hidden message
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