Slavery Divides America- Part III

Slavery Divides America- Part III
Bleeding Kansas/Dred Scott Decision/Formation of the Republican Party
The Crisis Deepens
Why did violence erupt in Kansas and in the Senate?
What impact did the Dred Scott case have on the nation?
Violence Erupts in Kansas
1. Kansas settlers were to settle the slavery issue by
________________________________________________________. Proslavery and
_____________________________ settlers fought for _________________________ of
Kansas. _____________________________________________ brought in settlers from
_________________________________________. Proslavery settlers also moved into Kansas,
and proslavery bands from Missouri—_____________________________________________—
often rode across the _________________________ into Kansas.
2. In 1855, Kansas held ____________________. Border Ruffians voted ____________________,
helping to elect a _________________________ legislature.
__________________________settlers refused to accept the ____________________________
and elected their own _____________________and legislature. Kansas had two
3. A band of ________________________ men ___________________ the town of Lawrence,
destroying homes and smashing the ________________ of a Free-Soil
4. Abolitionist ________________________________ led a band to the town of Pottawatomie
Creek and killed five ____________________________ settlers there.
5. The killings at Pottawatomie Creek led to more _____________________. Both sides engaged
in __________________________________________, or the use of hit-and-run tactics.
Newspapers started calling the territory
Violence Erupts in the Senate
1. _________________________________________ of Massachusetts was the leading
_________________________________ senator. In one speech he denounced the proslavery
legislature of ________________________ and viciously criticized his Southern
________________, especially Senator ________________________________________ of
South Carolina.
2. A few days later Butler’s ____________________________, Congressman
______________________________________, marched into the ___________________
chamber and with his cane ______________ Sumner until he was
The Dred Scott Case
What was the Dred Scott Case?
Dred Scott filed a __________________________, that is, a legal case brought to settle a
_______________________ between people or groups. __________________________ had been
___________________________ in Missouri. He moved with his ________________________ to
_________________________ and then to the Wisconsin Territory, where slavery was not
___________________________. Scott with his owner returned to Missouri. When his owner
_____________, Scott claimed that because he had lived in a _______________________territory, he
had become a ______________ man. The case reached the Supreme Court as
What did the Supreme Court decide?
1. Scott could not file a lawsuit because, as an _________________________ person, he was not
a _________________________.
2. Slaves were considered to be ___________________________.
3. Congress did not have the power to __________________slavery in any territory. This decision
meant the Missouri Compromise was _________________________________________.
The Republican Party Emerges
Why did the Republican Party come into being in the mid-1850s?
What events lay behind the rapid emergence of Abraham Lincoln as a Republican leader?
How did Americans react to John Brown’s raid on Harpers Ferry?
Who formed the Republican Party?
A group of ________________________________, northern ______________________________, and
antislavery ____________________.
Why did they form a new party?
They believed that neither the Whigs nor the Democrats would take a strong enough stand against
What was the goal of the party?
Its main goal was to keep slavery out of the _______________________________________________.
A few Republicans hoped to end slavery in the ______________________ as well.
How Abraham Lincoln Became Leader of the Republican Party
1. Abraham Lincoln was born in ___________________________. Later, he lived in Indiana and
2. Lincoln opened a store in Illinois. He studied ______ and entered ______________________.
3. He served eight years in the ______________________________________________ and one
term in ____________________________.
4. He opposed the Kansas-Nebraska Act, so he ran for the _________________________ in 1858.
5. During the Senate campaign, he debated ___________________________________________
seven times.