Broadway Church of Christ

Broadway Church of Christ
Sunday 10:00 am ....................................................Bible Classes
11:00 am ............................................................W orship
5:00 pm .............................................................W orship
East Broadway - P.O. Box 129
Campbellsville, KY 42719
7:00 pm ....................................................Bible Classes
[email protected]
We are so glad you are here. If this is your first time with us, we would like to let
you know what to expect. We seek to worship according to the New Testament
pattern. As a result, you will notice that we sing without the accompaniment of
mechanical musical instruments (Eph. 5:19; Col. 3:16). You will also notice that
weekly we observe the Lord’s Supper (cf. Acts 20:7) which consists of
unleavened bread and fruit of the vine (Matt. 26:26-29). This memorial is
designed for those who have been baptized for the remission of sins to partake
(Acts 2:38, 42). There will also be an offering collected from our members (1
Cor. 16:1-2). As our guest, you are not expected to make a donation. Feel
perfectly comfortable passing the collection plate down the row. You will also
hear the preaching of a Bible-centered message (Acts 20:7) and men leading the
congregation in prayer (1 Tim. 2:8). We think you will find our worship
meaningful and refreshing as we strive to do it in spirit and in truth (John 4:24).
We encourage you to observe carefully and stay a while afterwards so that we can
get to know you better and answer any questions you may have.
If you are looking for a church home, we would love to have you as a part of our
family. If you would like for someone to visit you or are in need of our services,
please do not hesitate to call us.
Elders: Chris Clark
Steven Reynolds
home (270) 932-4027
home (270) 465-6510
Deacon: Steve Doss
cell (270) 403-4164
cell (270) 537-4865
cell (270) 469-5548
Minister: Edd Sterchi
office (270) 465-6851 cell (270) 849-4439
Bible Study
Sun AM
Sun PM
(270) 465-6851
yr ago
March 8, 2015
Time’s Paces
When I was a babe and wept and slept,
Time crept;
When I was a boy and laughed and talked,
Time walked.
Then when the years saw me a man,
Time ran.
When older still I daily grew,
Time flew.
Soon I shall find, while traveling on,
Time gone.
May Christ have saved my soul, by then,
- Henry Twells
Christian Snowflakes
Prayer List * Elaine Bennett (friend of Rebecca Grant, cancer) * Paxton
Bloyd * Peggy Clark * Sharon Cornett (multiple myeloma) * Randy
Doty (Bret Sholty’s uncle, cancer) * Byron Eastridge (Mildred’s brother,
stroke) * Willard Holliday (Mary Bustinza’s brother) * Eli Marcom
(grandson of a co-worker of Jamie Huffman, brain tumor) * Karen Noe *
Kara Reed (daughter of April Clark’s friend, cystic fibrosis)
As I write this article it is snowing – again! I don’t know
about you, but I hope this is the last blast of this winter
season. I am ready for spring. At least this snow has
provided me with an opportunity for contemplation.
Looking out my window, I see that the snowflakes are
quite active, distinct, and fluffy. This got me to thinking
– in many ways Christians are like snowflakes.
Medical Updates
Mary Lou Clark fell again recently and had hip surgery last week. She has
been transferred to Sunrise Manor in Hodgenville for therapy. She is in
room 1304.
As snow flakes fall from the heavens, so our beginning is from heaven.
Jesus Christ came from heaven to bring God’s beautiful grace to mankind.
The beginning of our Christian life begins with God. Read Titus 2:11.
Ginger Colvin was named Mid-South Conference coach of the year for the
second year in a row and fourth year overall. Congratulations to Coach
Colvin and the Campbellsville University Lady Tigers on another great
season. Also Madison Clements earned Academic All Mid-South
Conference honors.
Ladies News
There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the foyer for food for our
upcoming Ladies Day.
Lord’s Supper Preparation
There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board for preparing the Lord’s
Supper. Pick a month and help us out.
Upcoming Area Events
* Ladies Inspiration Day at Elizabethtown Church of Christ - Sat., Mar.
* Fundamental Truths Seminar at Lehman Ave. Church of Christ in
Bowling Green - Sat., Mar. 28
* The fliers for both of these are posted on the bulletin board.
Birthdays This Week - Jackie Harden (Mar. 13)
Keep your face to the sunshine and you’ll never see the shadows!
Like a snow flake, each Christian is unique and beautiful. No two are
alike (Christians or snowflakes). Each Christian has unique abilities and
talents to be used to the glory of God. Read 1 Pet. 4:11.
Snow flake are made pure – and so are Christians. Even though starting
out as a speck of dust, a snowflake is covered many times over with pure
water through the crystallization process. Likewise, our past has been
covered over with the blood of Christ. Read 1 John 1:7.
Just as snow flakes affect w hat they touch – so should Christians.
Snowflakes change the look of and bring nutrients to things just by coming
into contact with them. Christians also should be very influential and make
a positive difference everywhere they go. Read Matt. 5:13-16.
W hen snow flakes w ork together, they can cover a w hole landscape,
and so can Christians. Snowflakes are one of nature’s most fragile
things, but just look at what they can do when they stick together. W e need
to realize that we can do a lot for the Lord when we band together and put
forth a harmonious effort. Read Eph. 4:11-16.
And finally, the snow flake (and the Christian) that lasts is the one that
congregates w ith others. Have you ever seen piles of snow left when all
others areas have melted away? It’s because the snowflakes stuck
together. Faithful Christians know that regular contact with the saints
makes everyone stronger. Read Heb. 10:24-25.
I guess you could say that the bottom line is that just like snowflakes
“Christians are really cool.”
- Edd Sterchi