English - AECS-3

Anushaktinagar, Mumbai
Summative Assessment Examination-2
Academic year- 2014-15
Class- VIII
Subject– English
Time – 3 hours
Maximum Marks – 90
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CCE-15-SA-II-Class-8-English -Question Paper
SECTION A (Reading)-20 Marks
Q. 1. Read the passage given below carefully.
When the body works with the rhythm of nature, it is able to function at the best. Our body is
programmed to work with the cycles of day and night and the seasons throughout the year. If we honor
our body by working within these cycles we are inclined to have good health, lots of energy and a calm
The best time to get-up is the early morning. Take bath in warm water, not hot or cold. Dress up in clean
clothes. Go for exercises/ yoga/ walk which will give scope for deep-breathing and pump out toxins left
out in our body like poison. Whatever may be our choice of breakfast, control salt, avoid oily fatty food;
caffeine or alcohol. Drink enough warm water for proper cleansing of internal body.
Make it a regular routine to have your lunch between 12 noon and 1 pm. It goes without saying, clean
your hands and face before eating. Lunch needs to be the biggest meal of the day as the digestive fire of
pita is at its peak.
Read the questions given below and write the option you consider the most appropriate answer:- (5 Marks)
1. Our body functions at its best when it works;
a) In harmony with nature
b) in rhythm with the cycles of the day and night
c) In association with life
d) with the rhythm of nature
2. Working within the rhythm of nature provides us with
a) Good health
b) good health and energy
c ) good health, energy and a calm mind
d) a calm mind
3. Lunch should be the biggest meal of the day because
One is drained out of energy
the digestive fire of ‘ pitta’ is at its peak
The stomach secrets maximum digestive juice
One is hungry
4. Bathe in warm water, never …..
a) hot
b) cold
c) hot or cold
d) very hot
5. Find the synonym of the word ‘poison’.
a) caffeine
b) alcohol
c) toxin
d) fatty acid
Q.2. Read the following poem carefully and answer the questions that follow each:
I lay in sorrow, deep distressed:
My grief a proud man heard;
His looks were cold, he gave me gold
But not a kindly word,
My sorrow passed – I paid in back
The gold he gave to me;
Then stood erect and spoke my thanks
And blessed his charity.
I lay in want, in grief and pain;
A poor man passed my way;
He bound my head, he gave me bread
He watched me night and day.
How shall I pay him back again,
For all he did to me?
Oh, gold is great, but greater far
Is heavenly sympathy!
Answer the following questions:
(1x5=5 Marks)
1. Who helped the poet when he was in distress?
2. “His looks were cold” what does this line suggest?
3. How did the poor man help the poet?
4. Explain the meaning of the last two lines of the poem?
5. “He watched day and night”. He refers to whom?
Q.3. Read the passage given below:
Adventurous excursions are nothing unusual for the students of Tibet’s Braille Without Borders
Training Centre for the blind, the remarkable institution founded by Sabriye Tenberken, the young
German woman who’d so easily outpaced me. Eight years ago, aged 26, she left her country to pursue a
dream to train blind Tibetan youngsters in the skills they needed to become confident and valuable
members of their society. Sabriye herself had studied at one of Germany’s finest schools for the blind
where, apart from academic subjects, she’d learnt to ski, ride horses and kayak. “My school,” she says,
“infused in me all the confidence I could possibly have.”
Still, everyone thought she was crazy, she doesn’t know a soul in Tibet, nor had she taught anything
before. And although she’d started learning Tibetan in college, she couldn’t speak it properly. But
Sabriye whose slender frame belies an iron will, proved everyone wrong.
An attractive two storey building with a large courtyard, the centre is in a quite lane off one of
Lhasa’s busiest avenues. I arrive to the cheerful hubbub of more than two dozen children ranging from
four year olds to gangling teenagers playing in the courtyard. No one has a cane, nobody is wearing dark
glasses, and there is nothing of the timidity and tentativeness with which the blind often move.
Answer the following:
(5 x 1 = 5 marks)
1. What is the nationality of Sabriye Tenberken?
2. Why did she leave her homeland?
3. What was her dream?
4. What was the usual thing for the students of Tibets Braille Without Borders Training Centre for
the blind?
5. Apart from academic subjects she had learnt some skills in her school. Name at least two skills.
On the basis of your reading the above passage choose the correct option:
1. Everyone thought Sebriya Tenberken was
(i) crack
(ii) insane
(iii) crazy
(5 x 1 = 5 marks)
(iv) haughty
2. Sebriye Tenberken could learn Tibetan Language…
(i) In a school
(ii) By private tution
(iii) In a college
(iv) In a monastery
3. She was a lady who had …
(i) robust body (ii) iron will (iii) a great eagerness to be a leader
(iv) enough money
4. The training centre is an attractive two-storey building…
(i) with a garden (ii) with a large courtyard (iii) with a verandah (iv) with a balcony.
5. When the writer reached the centre, the children were …
(i) sleeping (ii) doing their homework (iii) playing (iv) praying.
SECTION B (Writing) – 25 Marks
Q.4. You are the member of “ CLEAN INDIA UNIT” Bharat Nagar colony. Your unit has decided to
join Prime Minister’s call for “Swachha Bharat Abhiyan” on every public holiday to keep your
environment clean. Put up a notice inviting residents for joining the programme to create awareness
with in 50 words. Give your time date and venue.
(5 marks)
Q.5. You are Renu. Write a diary entry about your life’s goal and how you want to achieve it.
(5 marks)
Q.6. Scarcity of water is a major concern these days. There is not only scarcity of water but water in most
of the places is contaminated. You are really disturbed with this fact. So you decide to write a letter
to the editor of a national daily, expressing your concern about the problem of scarcity of clean
drinking water in the country and suggesting measures to improve the situation. You may take help
of the hints given below:
(7 marks)
HINTS: -Scarcity of clean drinking water.
-Women travel long distances in certain parts of the country to fetch water like Rajasthan, Gujarat
- Scarcity of water in big cities as well.
- Contaminated water supply.
- water contains odour.
- not safe for drinking.- leads to various diseases like Typhoid, jaundice etc…
Q.7. Read the outlines given below of a story. Write it in full using these outlines and your own ideas,
give a suitable titles and a moral to the story.
(8 Marks)
Outlines: - a bee – falls into a tank – a dove flies past – drops a large leaf into the water – the bee
climbs on the leaf – flies away – a boy takes aim at the dove – the bee stings – the dove is saved.
SECTION-C (Grammar-20marks)
Q. 8. The following passage has not been edited. There is an error in each of the lines. Write the
incorrect word and the correction in your answer sheet against the correct blank number.
Underline the word that you have supplied.
(3 marks)
(Example)-Tests and examination is not confined
to school alone. They are widely use in various
government or non-government offices.
Business and Industry to are using tests.
Tests are used for a selection of
candidates and at some cases they are
one of the criteria of selection.
(a) is
(b) ______
(c) _____
(d) ______
(e) ______
(f) ______
(g) ______
Q.9. Rearrange the following words/phrases to form meaningful sentences. The first one has been
done as an example for you.
(3 marks)
Example: unhappiness/root cause/discontentment/of all/is the
Ans : Discontentment is the root cause of all unhappiness.
(a) a slave/a/his desires/is always/to/discontented man
(b) enemy/he/acts as/his own
(c) his position/not care/prestige/he/or/ does/for
Q.10. Complete the letter by choosing the correct options given below
(4 marks)
Dear Papa,
This a) --------------------- in answer to your letter which said that my first rank slipped to the
second. Papa, we have never been really close. Yet you ought to be b) ---------------- aware of my
musings. You are well educated and our family c)------------------------ by you. But in your school
days did you d) -------------- Pythagorus theorem or Newton’s law of Gravity?
Oh papa, last week my rose plant died because of pests. When I asked my biology teacher about the
pesticide to be used I e) ---------------- to ask the gardener. I learn about pesticides, but not about its use.
Papa, once I asked grandmother, how she f) -------------- to be so wise. Do you know what she said?
By living and experiencing. Are we living Papa, or is life passing by? What I fear is that I am so
busy learning about Newton that if I meet him, I will not be able to recognize him.
In the award winning Movie, the line’ The Hibiscus is red” g) ---------------------- a hundred times, by
the boy, but in his book he coloured it yellow. Is the essence of life h) ----------------------- Papa? My
heart is not arteries and muscles, it feels too.
Still, my dearest Papa, I shall keep your advice in mind and try to get full marks as always.
Your obedient son
a) i) is
ii) are
iii) was
iv) were
b) i) make
ii) made
iii) makes
iv) will make
c) i) has been well provided
iii) have been well provided
ii) had been well provided
iv) well provided
d) i) like
ii) liked
iii) will like
iv) will not
e) i) was told
ii) told
iii) tell
iv) were told
ii) got
iii) went
iv) grow
iii) was written
iii)miss out
iv)miss in
i) go
g) i) wrote
h) i) being missed out ii)is missed out
Q.11. Do as Directed
a) Underline the Verb and classify it as transitive/intransitive
(1/2+1/2= 1 m)
William ate the apple.
b) ‘Do you want to be a good student?’ the teacher asked the student.
(1 mark)
(Change to Reported Speech)
c) Write an idiom associated with the word “head”
(1 mark)
d) Create a meaningful phrase with these words ‘rhyme/word’
(1 mark)
e) He has two cellphones. ------------ are costly. (use both / all)
(1 mark)
f) Complete each sentence using the right form of the word given in the bracket
(1 mark)
This is the ------------------------------------- (beautiful) place I have visited
g) Complete the sentence by choosing the appropriate phrase from the ones given in the bracket.
The Indians were ------------------ to fall prey to the‘Divide and Rule’ policy of the British
(fair enough /foolish enough )
(1 mark)
h) Write the noun form of the following word - able
(1 mark)
i) Complete the sentence by using the appropriate form of the verb given in bracket
(1 mark)
The students waited --------------for the results (eager)
j) Fill in the blanks in the given sentences using the appropriate forms of the words given in brackets.
(i) Some people say ‘yours ________’ when they formally refer to themselves. (obedient) (1/2 mark)
(ii) The meeting was ________by the youngest member of the board. (preside)
(1/2 mark)
SECTION-D (Literature-25 marks)
Q.12. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow
(3 marks)
Said the Kangaroo to the Duck,
This requires a little reflection;
Perhaps on the whole it might bring me luck,
And there seems but one objection
i) What was the objection?
ii) What did the Kangaroo have to reflect on?
iii) Write a pair of rhyming words from this stanza.
Q. 13. Read the extract and answer the following questions
(3 marks)
The poetry of earth is never dead:
When all the birds are faint with the hot sun,
And hide in cooling trees, a voice will run
From hedge to hedge about the new-mown mead
That is the Grasshopper’s – he takes the lead
In summer luxury.
(a) What does the line “The poetry of earth is never dead” mean?
(b) In the poem, in which season is the grasshopper’s voice heard?
(c) What does the word ‘mead’ mean?
14) Read the extract and answer the following question
(2 marks)
I have had grand dreams, but they have been only dreams.
Sometimes I lack faith in my own thoughts.
a) Who said this to whom?
Q. 15. Answer any six of the following questions in 30 word
(2 x 6 = 12 marks)
i) Why does Jody want to bring the fawn home?
ii) When and why did the poet reach Lyonnesse?
iii) ‘Before you, like a lantern whose walls are worn so thin you glimpse only the light inside, is the
incandescence of a man’. What general conclusion does the writer draw from this comparison?
iv) What are the two things the school boy is compared to?
v) What, according to you, makes the two adversaries turn into good friends in a matter of
minutes in the lesson ‘The Fight?
vi) In the lesson Jalebis the boy’s prayer to God is like a lawyer’s defense of a bad case. What
are the points he makes? (Mention any two)
vii) Both Dutta Da and his wife are unhappy about the discovery of the comet. Why?
viii) What had happened in the Sappleton family as narrated by the niece?
Q. 16. Imagine you are Dutta Da in the lesson ‘The Comet”. Write a letter to your friend
describing the steps taken to check the collision of the comet with the earth. (5marks)
Imagine you are Ernest. Make a diary entry of the role played by nature in your life?