Aim. oeap. Hjf., Vol. 40, No. 4, pp. 423-435, 1996 Bntirii f^ • iii»*twi«l HTDCOC Society Crown copyright G 1996 Pobtttwci by Hawicr ft***** Ltd AM righu rocrved. Printed in Great Britain 0001-4878/96 115.00 + 0 OO 0003-4878(95)00091-7 CHEMICAL POLLUTANTS IN^-RAY FILM PROCESSING DEPARTMENTS Emma Scobbie, David W. Dabill and John A. Groves [jjealth and Safety Laboratory] Health and Safety Executive, Broad Lane,Sheffield)S3 7HQSU.KT| {Received in final form 24 August 1995) {A survey of X-rayfilmprocessing departments revealed the main airborne contaminants to be sulphur dioxide and acetic acid at concentrations of about 0.1 ppm. Glutaraldehyde was not detected either in the ambient air or in the exhaust duct from an automatic film processor. Laboratory studies confirmed sulphur dioxide and acetic acid as the main headspace constituents above working strength processing solutions but glutaraldehyde and butyraldehyde were also detected. (Crown copyright © 1996 Published by Hsevier Science Ltd. INTRODUCTION Radiographers and darkroom technicians engaged in processing X-ray films have reported a variety of symptoms, including sinus pains, sore eyes, blurred vision, aching and ringing ears, chest and ear infections, weight loss, tiredness, dry skin, inflamed nostrils, bad teste in the mouth and nausea. Surveys carried out in New Zealand (Spicer et aJ., 1986) and Britain (Society of Radiographers, 1991) suggest that the problem may be widespread. Although the cause of the problem is not known, suspicion has inevitably fallen on the chemicals used in processing the films. The chemical formulations vary between manufacturers but the substances most commonly used include: glutaraldehyde (or a glutaraldehyde bisulphite complex), hydroquinone, a glycol (diethylene, propylene or ethylene), acetic acid, sodium sulphite, potassium hydroxide, phenidone in the developer and ammonium thiosulphate, acetic acid, aluminium sulphate, sodium sulphite (or bisulphite), sulphuric acid and a glycol ether in the fixer. The potential for such mixtures of chemicals to emit harmful vapours has been discussed (Collier, 1986; Gordon, 1987; HSE, 1992) and strategies to reduce the risk of exposure have been suggested (Hewitt, 1993, 1994). The processing chemicals are supplied as concentrates which are diluted and mixed before use. Whereas it was once common practice for dilution to be done by hand, it is now generally done in automatic mixers which then provide a direct supply to the X-ray film processor. The processing itself is now also automated so that films are fed into the processor and pass through various stages including immersion in developer, removal of surplus reagent, immersion in fixer, washing in clean water and finally warm air drying. The processed image emerges with minimum intervention by staff and no direct exposure to chemicals. Some processors are provided with extraction to a waste duct to remove the chemical vapours which could be evolved at the operating temperatures of the processors, typically 28-35°C. 423 424 E. Scobbie et al. Although advances in processing technology have minimized exposure, there is continuing concern about the incidence of 'darkroom disease' which is reinforced by the lack of knowledge of what actually causes it. The purpose of this work was to investigate the composition of the chemical vapours present in X-ray processing areas. It was intended that this might give some insight into which species might be responsible for the symptoms observed and also form the basis for guidelines on exposure levels on processing areas. The study consisted of surveys of X-ray film processing units and a laboratory investigation of the substances evolved from the processing chemicals. EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS Chemicals monitored and methods of analysis The composition of the processing formulations provided by the manufacturers gave information on the chemicals that might be encountered in X-ray film processing areas. Some of these arc of low vapour pressure, however, and would not be likely to become airborne under the conditions of use in a film processor and so were excluded from this investigation. Additional substances which are not constituents of the formulations but which can be formed during the process were also included. These were sulphur dioxide, formed by the decomposition of the thiosulphate or bisulphite, hydrogen sulphide which may be released if the pH of the process falls below pH 7, and ammonia which can be released if the pH rises above 7. In addition to these specific chemicals, air samples were collected on Tenax for analysis by GC-MS to identify other airborne materials which may have been present; the chemicals included in the study and the analytical methods used to quantify them are shown in Table 1. In addition to the techniques in Table 1, on-site measurements for sulphur dioxide and acetic acid were made using Gastec colorimetric gas detector tubes (Detectawl, Milton Keynes, U.K.). Low humidity has been suggested as a possible cause of some of the symptoms observed and so relative humidity and temperature were monitored at each site. The temperature and humidity probes were connected to a Squirrel data logger which stored the data at 5-min intervals for periods up to 3 weeks. Surveys Sampling visits were carried out to answer three specific questions. (1) What are the airborne concentrations of the selected chemicals in typical locations? The concentrations of the selected chemicals in typical X-ray film processing departments were established by sampling at six units in four hospitals. These units operated both darkroom and daylight processing using several brands of chemicals; the processing units are described briefly in Table 2. The air samples were collected during the normal working day for periods up to 6 h. The samplers were generally positioned as close to the film processors as possible. No personal samples were collected. Chemical pollutants in X-ray film processing 425 Table 1. Sampling and analytical methods Sample volume Sampling medium Substance Aldehydes Glutaraldehyde Formaldehyde Acetaldehyde Acetic acid Glycol ethers Methoxyethanol Ethoxyethanol Butoxyethanol Glycols Propylene glycol Diethylene glycol Sulphur dioxide Ammonia General DNPH-coated niters 0.01 M sodium hydroxide Charcoal/solvent desorption Glass-fibre filters/iilica gel tubes 0.3 N Hydrogen peroxide Sulphuric acid impregnated carbon beads Tenax tubes 0) Analysis* 40-60 HPLC-UV 200-300 20-30 IC GC-FID OSHA (1980) HSE (1983) 50-60 GC-FID NIOSH (1984) 200-300 20-30 IC IC OSHA (1981) OSHA (1991) 30-100 TD-GC-MS Reference Cuthbert and Groves (1995) — *HPLC-UV, high-performance liquid chromatography, ultraviolet detector; IC, ion chromatography; GC-FTD, gas chromatography, flame ionization detector; TD-GC-MS, thermal desorption, gas chromatography, mass spectrometry. Table 2. Description of X-ray processing areas Area Processor type Mixer type Chemicals Fixer Developer 1 2 3M Laser Imager Fuji FPM 3MXPM Fuji FPM 190 3MXAD3 Photosol XD 2 3MXAF3 Photosol XF 2 3 2 x Dupont processors 2 x Dupont processors 3M Laser Imager 2xKodakRP X-OMAT Dupont Dupont Cronex MD Dupont Cronex Rapitech 205 4 5 6 Dupont 3MXPM Kodak 3MXAD3 Kodak RP X-OMAT Rapitech 205 MD 3MXAF3 Kodak RP X-OMAT Ventilation Room ventilation Processor extraction Processor extraction Processor extraction Room ventilation Processor extraction (2) What are the airborne concentrations of the selected chemicals in locations where problems have been reported? It had been intended that samples were taken at locations where there had been reports of darkroom disease, so that comparisons with typical locations where there was no problem could be made. However, enquiries failed to reveal any problem areas and, as a compromise, one processing unit was included in the study which had a past history of complaints associated with film processing although there were no recent reports of problems. At this location, the chemicals were stored under the processor in tanks which were not airtight (all other locations used automatic mixers with direct feed to the processor) so there was the potential for leakage of vapours into the work area in addition to any vapours emitted by the process. In an attempt to recreate the conditions which might have prevailed in earlier times, the room 426 E. Scobbie et al. ventilation was switched off during sampling. Air samples were also collected from the headspace within the tanks to estimate the contribution of the unsealed tanks to the airborne concentrations. (3) What is the concentration of airborne species in the processor extraction ducts? Many of the units visited were provided with direct extract from the processing machines or else had general room ventilation so it was to be expected that airborne contaminants might be present at quite low concentrations, possibly below the environmental detection limits. In one case, therefore, samples were collected directly from the exhaust duct of a processor to provide more concentrated samples to aid in the identification of trace components and also to provide an estimate of the conditions that might persist in the absence of the extraction duct. Laboratory investigations The laboratory study had controlled conditions in which more concentrated air samples could be collected from above the processing chemicals to allow positive identification of mixture components. Headspace vapours above the liquids were collected by placing 200 ml of the working strength processing formulation in a 500 ml bottle and allowing it to come to equilibrium at room temperature. A Tenax tube was suspended in the neck of the container and samples were collected either by pumping at 50 ml min~' for about 20 min, or by leaving the tube for a period of hours to sample diffusively. Background air samples were collected in parallel so that constituents in the laboratory air could be identified and eliminated. Samples were collected using the following developer and fixer solutions: (a) freshly prepared working strength solutions diluted in the laboratory and used immediately; (b) working strength solutions prepared in the laboratory and left open to the air to age for 13 days prior to taking the samples (the working solutions should not be used after 14 days); and (c) samples of processing solutions collected during sampling visits. These working solutions were taken from the tanks feeding the processor and were of unknown age. In some cases only small volumes of sample were available so the collection of headspace vapours was approximately scaled down. The Tenax tubes were analysed by thermal desorption into a GC-MS, using a BP-1 column temperature programmed at 50°C for 5 min, then rising at 5°C min" 1 to 200°C and held for 15 min. RESULTS Surveys of typical areas The results of monitoring at eight typical locations are shown in Table 3. Surveys 1-4 were preliminary reconnaissance visits intended to assess the locations for later more detailed surveys which would include quantitative measurements. Temperature and humidity were recorded during the preliminary surveys (for periods of 3 weeks at sites 3 and 4) together with limited measurements of airborne contaminants. On the strength of these preliminary visits, appropriate locations for the more comprehen- Table 3. Survey results at typical X-ray processing locations Survey number 1 2 3* 4° 5 6 7 8 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — <0.001 <0.002 < 0.004 0.2 0.06 <0.06 <0.05 <0.04 <0.04 <0.02 0.2 0.08 <0.6 See text < 0.002 < 0.003 0.01 0.2 0.06 <0.08 <0.06 <0.05 <0.05 <0.03 0.1 0.10 <0.7 See text <0.001 < 0.002 ~0.005f — 0.03 <0.06 <0.05 <0.04 <0.04 <0.02 — 0.02 <0.5 See text <0.001 < 0.002 ~0.005f -0.05J 24-25 40-45 Slight 19.5-20 48-51 Slight 20 30 Slight 24-25 40-45 Slight 24-26 27-30 Slight Glutaraldehyde Acetaldehyde Formaldehyde Acetk acid (GT) Acetic acid ( I Q Methoxyethanol Ethoxyethanol Butoxyethanol Diethylene glycol Propylene glycol Sulphur dioxide (GT) Sulphur dioxide (IC) Ammonia Tenax <0.004 <0.007 <0.014 0.25 — — — — — — <0.01 — — ND < 0.001 < 0.002 <0.004 0.25 — — — — — — 0.1 — — ND — — — <0.05 <0.01 — — — — — <0.01 — — — Temperature (°C) Relative humidity (%) SmeU 21 32-33 Slight 22 29-30 Slight 24-25 45-55 Slight All concentrations in ppm. "Environmental conditions measured continuously over 3 weeks. •(•Approximate concentration. I Slight stain. —, no sample collected. ND, nothing detected. 0.02 <0.06 <0.05 <0.04 <0.04 <0.02 ~0.05f 0.03 <0.5 ND 428 E. Scobbie el al. sive surveys, 5-8, were selected and the concentrations of the chemicals detected are shown in Table 3. Glutaraldehyde and acetaldehyde were not detected at any of the sites (analytical detection limits are given in Table 3, for example, a value of < 0.004 ppm implies a detection limit of 0.004 ppm). Formaldehyde was detected at 0.01 ppm on survey 6 and at close to the detection limit on surveys 7 and 8. These concentrations are typical of those found in most work environments. Methoxyethanol, ethoxyethanol, butoxyethanol, diethylene glycol and propylene glycol were not detected in any of the four surveys where measurements were made, nor was ammonia detected. Acetic acid concentrations measured by ion chromatography (IC) ranged from 0.02 ppm (0.06 mg m~3) to 0.06 ppm (0.14 mg m~3) equivalent to about 1/500 th to 1/200 th of the OES of 10 ppm for an 8-h time-weighted average (HSE, 1995). Although the corresponding Gastec detector tubes tended to give higher readings it should be noted that these tubes are intended to measure much higher concentrations (nearer the OES) and at such low levels can only be expected to provide an approximation of the true concentration (the quoted detection limit is 0.05 ppm). Low concentrations of sulphur dioxide were also found on all visits when measurements were made. Typically sulphur dioxide concentrations measured by IC were in the range 0.02 ppm (0.04 mg m~3) to 0.10 ppm (0.24 mg m~"3) equivalent to 1/100 th to 1/20 th of the Occupational Exposure Standard (OES) of 2 ppm as an 8-h time-weighted average (HSE, 1995). The Gastec detector tubes (quoted detection limit 0.01 ppm) again tended to give higher results than IC. Tenax tubes analysed by GC-MS revealed no substances on surveys 1, 2 and 8 which could be attributed to X-ray film processing. On survey 5, trace levels of tetrachloroethene, 1,2-dichlorobenzene, nonanal, decanal and dibutyl phthalate were detected. Survey 6 revealed the presence of dibuyl phthalate and also 2,6-bis(l,ldimethylethyl)-4-methyl phenol. On survey 7 (at a different location to survey 6), dibutyl phthalate and 2,6-bis(l,l-dimethylethyl)-4-methyl phenol were again detected along with various alkyl benzenes. On all surveys, these substances were at trace levels and there can be no absolute certainty that film processing was the source. In two of the locations, temperature and humidity were monitored continuously for a 3-week period (surveys 3 and 4). The temperature profiles depended significantly on where the probes were located. In the first half of the trace, a gradual rise in temperature through the day at one location when the probes were placed on the chemical mixer was seen. In the second half of the trace, the probes were placed on a shelf above the film drier vent. This position produced localized temperature spikes with each cycle of the processor which raised the overall temperature of the room so that the temperature increased from about 23.5°C at 10 a.m. to almost 26°C by mid-afternoon. The RH remained fairly constant between 50 and 53% RH. Temperatures measured on the other surveys ranged from 19.5 to 26°C and humidities from 27 to 55% RH. Survey in a problem area The results of sampling in the one-time problem area are shown in Table 4, the samples having been collected with the room ventilation switched off to simulate Chemical pollutants in X-ray film processing 429 Table 4. Survey in a problem area Measurement Amount detected Glutaraldehyde Acetaldehyde Formaldehyde Acetic acid (GT) Acetic acid (IQ Methoxyethanol Ethoxyethanol Butoxyethanol Diethylene glycol Propylene glycol Sulphur dioxide (GT) Sulphur dioxide (IQ Ammonia < 0.002 < 0.003 ~0.005» 1.0 0.46 <0.1 <0.1 <0.02 <0.05 <0.03 0.50 0.53 <0.6 Temperature (°Q Relative humidity (%) Smell 24-28 38-40 Pungent AU concentrations in ppm. 'Approximate concentration. worst-case conditions. Glutaraldehyde and acetaldehyde were below the detection limits and the formaldehyde concentration was low. The remaining chemicals (except acetic acid and sulphur dioxide) were below the detection limits of the respective methods of analysis. At 0.46 ppm, acetic acid was at a higher concentration than in the typical environments (0.02-0.06 ppm, Table 2) as was sulphur dioxide at 0.5 ppm (0.02-0.1, Table 2). Although these concentrations are well within the respective OESs, the investigating team found the conditions in this processing area considerably more uncomfortable than in the typical processing units. Tenax tubes samples analysed by thermal desorption and GC-MS revealed very low levels of propanol, methoxypropanol, methyl butanol, dimethyl formamide, hydroxy methyl pentanone, diethylene glycol, phenol, nonanoic acid, 2-methyl propyl phthalate and n-butylphthalate. Headspace samples collected above the developer solution tank revealed a glutaraldehyde concentration of 0.13 ppm along with low levels of methoxy- and ethoxyethanol. No glycols were detected. Butyraldehyde was also detected by HPLC but not quantified. Tenax tube samples collected in the developer tank and analysed by GC-MS showed the presence of butyraldehyde, acetic acid, chloroform, benzene, toluene, glutaraldehyde, diethylene glycol, cyclohexene carbonitrile, decene, dodecene, tetradecene and n-butylphthalate. Tenax tubes samples collected above the fixer tank revealed sulphur dioxide, acetic acid, cyclohexene carbonitrile, benzoic acid, 2-methylpropylphthalate and n-butylphthalate. Although Tenax tubes would not be recommended for sampling either sulphur dioxide or acetic acid, analysis by mass spectrometry showed that the concentrations of both substances in the headspace above the fixer were much higher than in the general room environment. This indicates that higher short-term exposures to sulphur dioxide and acetic acid might occur if operators were directly involved in 430 E. Scobbie et al. handling the solutions. For example, at this particular site the concentrated solutions were manually poured into the tanks beneath the processor before being diluted to working strength with water. Such procedures are, however, becoming increasingly uncommon as automixers become more widely used. The temperature and humidity were ranged from 24 to 28°C and relative humidity from 38 to 40% during the working day. Processor exhaust duct The results of sampling in the processor exhaust duct from a Dupont Cronex T5 processor, using Dupont Cronex mix MD developer and mix MF-Efixer,are shown in Table 5. Once again most chemicals were reported as less than the detection limit. Ion chromatography gave a sulphur dioxide concentration of about 0.8 ppm (2 mg m~3) and acetic acid at about 0.8 ppm (2 mg m" 3 ). The concentrations of both these chemicals are greater than found in the typical processing environments and also in the problem area and suggests the possibility of localized elevated concentrations in the absence of an exhaust duct. Ammonia was detected for the first time in this study but at quite low levels of 0.45-1.45 ppm. Failure to detect glutaraldehyde in the exhaust duct confirms that concentrations in the general work atmosphere are likely to be very low. Mass spectrometry analysis of the Tenax tube samples revealed acetic acid together with very low levels of propanol, acetaldehyde, butyraldehyde, dihydrofuran, benzene, methoxy propanol, methylpentanone and pyridine identified by matching with library spectra. Glutaraldehyde was not detected. Laboratory investigations The results of analysing headspace vapours of the developers and fixers by GCMS are shown in Tables 6 and 7, respectively. Analysis was qualitative only but an attempt has been made to classify the concentrations of the components by means of the terms 'major', 'medium' and 'trace' according to their mass spectral abundance. Table 5. Concentrations in an exhaust duct Measurement Concentration (ppm) Glutaraldehyde Acetaldehyde Formaldehyde Acetic acid (GT) Acetic acid (IC) Methoxyethanol Ethoxyethanol Butoxyethanol Diethylene glycol Propylene glycol Sulphur dioxide (GT) Sulphur dioxide (IC) Ammonia < 0.002 < 0.003 <0.006 1.0 (a) 0.85, (b) 0.74 <0.08 <0.07 <0.05 <0.06 <0.03 0.40 (a) 0.76, (b) 0.77 (a) 0.47, (b) 1.45 Temperature (°Q Relative humidity (%) 24.5-25.0 39-44 All concentrations in ppm. Table 6. GC-MS analysis of headspace above developers Developer Source Freshly mixed in laboratory Type Major Components identified by GC-MS Medium Acetic acid methyl ester Ethanediol monoacetate Ethanediol diacetate Acetic acid methyl ester Acetic acid butyl ester Trace Butyraldehyde Benzene Glutaraldehyde Glutaraldehyde Benzene Diethylene glycol monoacetate Diethylene glycol diacetate A Toluene B Toluene 13 days after mixing in laboratory A B Butyraldehyde Butyraldehyde Propyl dioxolane Glutaraldehyde Benzene Pyridine Quinol Collected from survey location A Butyraldehyde Toluene Propanol Acetic acid Benzene Propyl dioxolane Styrene Benzaldehyde Phenol Dihydrofuranone Acetic acid Butyraldehyde Toluene Benzene Chloroform Dodecene Tetradecene Hexadecene Table 7. GC-MS analysis of headspace above fixers Fixer Source Type Major Components identified by GC-MS Medium Trace Freshly mixed in laboratory A B Acetic acid Acetic acid Sulphur dioxide Sulphur dioxide — Acetic acid butyl ester Methyl pentanone 13 days after mixing in laboratory A B Acetic acid Acetic acid Sulphur dioxide Sulphur dioxide _ — Collected from survey location A Acetic acid Sulphur dioxide Acetic acid methyl ester B Acetic acid Sulphur dioxide Acetic acid methyl ester Acetic acid ethyl ester Styrene Benzaldehyde Glutaraldehyde Acetic acid ethyl ester Methyl pentanone Butanoic acid Hexanoic acid Heptanoic acid Benzoic acid Cyclohexene carbonitrile Cineole m s: Chemical pollutants in X-ray film processing 433 Freshly prepared developer solutions (Table 6) revealed toluene as a major volatile constituent accompanied by traces of glutaraldehyde and butyraldehyde. As the solution aged over a period of 13 days, butyraldehyde emerged as the most prominent volatile component. The developer solutions recovered from the surveys are consistent with the laboratory prepared mixtures in that butyraldehyde and toluene are the main volatiles suggesting that they are at an intermediate stage between freshly prepared and 13 days old. The trace components possibly arise from contamination of the developer during normal use in the processing machine. The composition of the vapour phase above the fixer solutions prepared in the laboratory does not appear to alter with age up to 13 days (Table 7). The main components detected were sulphur dioxide and acetic acid. Once again the trace components in the solutions recovered from the survey possibly arise as a result of carry over from one solution to another in the processor. CONCLUSIONS The surveys revealed the presence of sulphur dioxide and acetic acid in typical Xray film processing environments at concentrations less than 0.1 ppm. This is consistent with other studies where acetic acid and sulphur dioxide were measured (Ide, 1993). These concentrations are much lower than the respective occupational exposure limits but can give rise to a distinctive odour. Air samples collected in the previous problem area revealed acetic acid and sulphur dioxide concentrations of around 0.5 ppm, about 5 times higher than in the typical locations and described by survey staff as distinctly uncomfortable. The samples collected from the processor exhaust duct produced concentrations of acetic acid and sulphur dioxide of around 0.8 ppm and demonstrate that the usefulness of this extraction system in reducing the potential contamination of the work room. Glutaraldehyde has been suspected as being the cause of the health problems associated with X-ray film processing units but it was not detected in this study in the ambient air at the typical locations, in the problem area or in the exhaust duct (environmental detection limit ~0.001 ppm). It was only detected in the work place by sampling directly above the solution in the developer tank in the problem area where the concentration was about 0.13 ppm. It is likely that there was some leakage from this unsealed tank but presumably the dilution even in an unventilated room was sufficient to produce an airborne glutaraldehyde concentration below the detection limit. Other studies, although limited, have reported glutaraldehyde concentrations in the range 0.003-0.006 mg m~ 3 (0.00090.002 ppm) (Leinster et al., 1993). Butyraldehyde, a severe irritant, was detected at low concentrations in the film processor exhaust duct and also as a main component above the developer solutions. The laboratory studies showed that butyraldehyde becomes a more significant component of the headspace as the solutions age and could indicate higher potential for exposure to this aldehyde when handling waste devloper solutions. It has been suggested that low humidity levels in X-ray processing areas could aggravate the effects of exposure by drying out the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, thus increasing their susceptibility to chemical damage. Guidelines for Radiographers in New Zealand (Gordon, 1986) recommend a relative humidity 434 E. Scobbie el al. between 35 and 60%. Four of the locations included in the survey had relative humidities less than 35%, the lowest being 27% but there were no indications that this caused discomfort. Data recorded over periods of up to 3 weeks demonstrated how the processor air drying cycle can raise the local temperature resulting in a gradual rise in overall temperature of the room during the working period. This drying cycle had little effect on the humidity of the room. The study would have been more complete if comparisons had been possible between the typical processing units and those with a known problem. Despite all reasonable attempts, it was not possible to identify any processing units where there was a recognized current problem which could be attributed to darkroom disease. As a compromise, an attempt was made to recreate the conditions in a unit which was once known to have a problem but this simply resulted in increased concentrations of sulphur dioxide and acetic acid. If this reconstruction was in any way realistic (and it must be accepted that it may not have been) then it seems to indicate that if darkroom disease arose from normal day to day activities in X-ray processing units then sulphur dioxide and acetic acid, either alone or together, must have been involved. The argument against this hypothesis is that both these substances are encountered at higher concentrations in other environments apparently without causing health effects similar to darkroom disease. An alternative explanation is that the causative agent has remained undetected in this study or else one or more of the substances reported as not detected is capable of exerting a health effect at concentrations substantially below the detection limits reported here. If the normal day to day activities are not responsible for the observed health effects then perhaps the past systems of mixing chemicals by hand played a role. Substantially higher concentrations of sulphur dioxide and acetic acid are present above the chemical solutions themselves and it was only directly above the developer that glutaraldehyde and butyraldehyde were detectable. It is likely that hand mixing of chemicals, as was frequent in the past, could give rise to relatively high concentrations of these substances during the short time required for dispensing and dilution with water. The spent developer appears to be enriched in butyraldehyde but not enough is known about the health effects of this material to be able to judge its effect. The issue of how to protect staff from exposures that could result in a recurrence of the problem needs to be addressed. The causal agent is not known and cannot, therefore, be measured directly so monitoring exposure through the use of a surrogate has to be considered and the only options are sulphur dioxide and acetic acid, both of which derive from the fixer. The possibility of using an indicator contaminant such as sulphur dioxide in certain circumstances has previously been suggested, although it may be of limited value (Hewitt, 1994). There were no reported incidences of the disease at the typical locations included in this survey where concentrations of 0.1 ppm or less of acetic acid and sulphur dioxide were measured. These concentrations appeared achievable in the workplace through adequate general ventilation and direct exhaust ventilation from processors where possible. Direct reading gas detector tubes could be useful asfirst-lineindicators of concentrations in the general environment but they will be operating close to their detection limits at these low concentrations. Chemical pollutants in X-ray film processing 435 Acknowledgements—The authors would like to thank the hospitals and staff in the Yorkshire area whose co-operation made this study possible, and J. Healy, T. Cleary and S. Bradley for the ion chromatography analysis. REFERENCES Collier, S. (1986) Hazards in the darkroom. Hlth 4 Safety Work 8(5), 7-8. Cuthbert, J. and Groves, J. (1995) The measurement of airborne glutaraldehyde by high performance liquid chromatography. Aim. occup. Hyg. 39, 223-233. Gordon, M. (1986) Guidance notes for the provision of a safe work environment and safe work practice for radiographers and darkroom technician!. Accident Compensation Corporation, New Zealand. Gordon, M. (1987) Reactions to chemical fumes in Radiology departments. Radiography 53, (608), 85-89. HSE (1983) MDHS 21. Glycol ether and glocol ether acetate vapours in air. Methods for the Determination of Hazardous Substances. Health and Safety Executive, London. HSE (1992) Health risks from X-ray processing chemicals. NIGM 01/1992/6. Health Services NIG, Health and Safety Executive, London. HSE (1995) Occupational Exposure Limits 1995, Guidance Note EH 40/95. Health and Safety Executive. HMSO, London. Hewitt, P. J. (1993) Occupational health problems in processing of X-ray photographic films. Ann. occup. Hyg. 37, 287-295. Hewitt, P. J. (1994) Reducing the risks in X-ray film processing. Occup. Hlth 46(7), 244-246. Ide, C. W. (1993) Developments in the darkroom: a cross sectional study of sickness absence, work related symptoms and environmental monitoring of darkroom technicians in a hospital in Glasgow. Occup. Med. 43, 27-31. Leinster, P., Baum, J. M. and Baxter, P. J. (1993) An assessment of exposure to glutaraldehyde in hospitals: typical exposure levels and recommended control measures. Br. J. ind. Med. 50, 107-111. NIOSH (1984) NIOSH 5500, Ethytene glycol. In NIOSH Manual of Analytical Methods (3rd Edn). National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Cincinnati, Ohio, U.SA. OSHA (1981) OSHA ID-104, Sulphur dioxide in workplace atmospheres. In OSHA Manual of Analytical Methods. Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Salt Lake City, Utah, U.SA. OSHA (1980) OSHA ID-118, Acetic acid in workplace atmospheres. In OSHA Manual of Analytical Methods. Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Salt Lake City, Utah, U.S.A. OSHA (1991) OSHA ID-188, Ammonia in workplace atmospheres. In OSHA Manual of Analytical Methods. Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Salt Lake City, Utah, U.S.A. Society of Radiographers (1991) Preventing the darkroom disease: health effects of toxic fumes produced in X-ray film processing. Society of Radiographers, London, U.K. Spiccr, Hay, and Gordon (1986) Workplace exposure and reported health in diagnostic radiographers in New Zealand. Austral. Radiol. 30(3), 281-286.
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