Pre-Calculus Chapter 3(3.1-3.5) Study Guide Topics to Consider: . Solve any exponentialequation . Solve any logarithmic equation . Evaluate a logarithm in any base . Evaluate a logarithm using changeof base ' Expand an expressionusing the propertiesof logarithms ' Condensean expressionusing the properties of logarithms . Write the equationof an exponential function from a table, graph, or a situation ' Graph a logarithmic function along with any transformations I I I I Graph an exponentialfunction along with any transformations Find domain, range,and asymptotesof logarithmic and exponentialfunctions Determine whether a function models exponentialgrowth or exponentialdecay APPLY exponentialsand logarithmsto a real life situation! Be able to do any of the aboveWITH / WITHOUT a calculator Review Problems: (Try to do all of thesewithout a calculator!) rssion Evaluate each /,,-\ 2. log I ooo{} L l r oe,st f { V toez(,25) (9 lo" = looo I a l. 6 . 1 42'l4-3. - l{ l;; IJZ 5l- lst \T 5rog,+-O E'=Glu t 7rt-I ? t'l: (x--) 4.loss'J-(D z-"-*\ -A lv r3 -ia I\ rc(t:%ll \\-"/ 2s) l\: s,.s,o /Ta, g. A'52\3 sr4 5 14 ,5, t -:----- g. )-')' ,\{3 I fi.u-) '--2 -\2 b dt T l- =**l b"{ lrq- T Expand or condenseeachlogarithmic expression 1 1 . lo g( 1 0 x 3 y ) 13rogt'ry] 12. log (x2 g.,c'o\ r/Y" ) +lug'{ \Oqrur-3\t:?^ - *"---1 t\ * \ogsoo+$.,ugx , _:3 3u\og1 -y--- iiL t * 3\oqx+-lo$J\ i4. 3log3x - log3(x + 1) b3.(*) 15. log(x+ 2 ) + Iog (x - 4) - log 1 0 \oj -'{\ -) P(x (u lo FH 16.Tlog(xf)+3log(2xll 1--1 \sqJ ,ogtW | Lytbx:r )") r) (8x '" jo) 3 I I round answersto the neareFtthousandth.) Solve each equation & Show your work! (Wherenecess.ary, lt l"srx:s c- 3-= v"' \3 ,it Y. t l . l g $ 1 z x + r',--t 0):2 t z .r c / 5 6 + 7 ) : n { 5 p x - 2 1 Bl {- { Xt^l = 3 Y--L 2X +-lD = ltp 9 =Lf 2X -U ffi_q 1 4 .l o g x * l o g x : 4 @ 15.-h!.a*:7 16.ln(5)-ln(x-3):ln(1) (b wqx'=4 \u \ ._.r,r\ 16 jr + i r=*-Ytr*on)-'(ort' =* ^.F.t*) r/ r ..x\ " i lr f ,-*.*'i' x=))bD[:), fr'o*.,,i*l g . 2 7 * - t- g z x 1 7 . 2 0 . 5 * * r: 4 - \_ - x t s t =t 19, 10. 4',:0 . J * =L) '1 =O _'.X-t _ _t . \ X Y{E'J f(3') b jr-3 = L{Y{- \ '3={ i,1-9 x;r\ (x' i) Solve..each .\**on-if,show nb . r.*0 ss{!"\ ,...-,"/ your work! ([here necessary, roundanswersto then.iie.ttrrr#'atn:) ^'?: \d-Dft=/ll n i;;;^/,-'^, -\ r r,,Ytl-} --^iorz ru;"-l 22.(8\*+| : 64 23.21og4+3logx:2 25. 5'-*:.20 20.2x:26 zrlne"-, 3,\o c:*'f 'f nx* I x'+x-L=o ) \' :-'-:--: * LAq\ut [$qN"L U. a -u 24.ln(x+2)+lnx:1n48 .'s'::F\t \---l (t-x)-ln9=-[n(.zo) z,.\^ v-3 f;i n-\-{ Graph eacn urapn eachrunctron function and and descrtbe describetts its domain, domai4 range, ranSlfifi"dlasymptotes: and asymptotes: tli):'::,GXtn"q (0,,c) 3u L 11' \\)qx P, [1. t +l r\o 27. r(x)= l.s.-' \r Shtv-rnk- "f I{ \ (hrv-rnk-of ^[u'*t 'k *-o 'r*O*na vragvr+ t \-;x'l*i' ,,11l,n-r ).t-\ + L{l tlt Tt , { t V ) t. ., \ Ifr b'rzb.[z_ B (o,Cf') i.'cr') V i I nor'( \\{\P\ ns{v \\'{\ B*\ \1'o "o X = * L--*( ,Z-) \ \ * n-n, 'Ln 6 Graph eachfunction and describeits domain' range' and asymptotes: tn'Y l' 28. f(x):2-1og2x \i ro.\-X. J.,\- \ J I rr l n l.tla -i 'r" Y- o''/' - Ps'{r\ x--t) Jt +\ 4y\ eF a jt ii it kq- D (s,c) J' xi\ ., -^..t i, I q 1 \ -t-_t*- -r-*-e r ,' * 'r;+< d h none s ]iYS lx It { Write an exponentialfilo.?ionfrom the given inform 30. X f(x) -2 2.125 0 8.5 I +.zJ x7_ \.'L xl'l tl- Ll\.3 \q= 1Jz )=E g tD^ t7 x2_ 32. The numberof rabbitsin Elkgrove doublesevery month. Therearc 20 rabbitspresentoriginally. Expressthe numberof rabbitsas a function of time t. Then find the numberof rabbitsafter 1 year. When will therebe 10.000 rabbits? Show alsebraicwork to solve. TI ,'t(eri \ "1 b* \.r \ L \. I ir'*' ?l\?)' ?t:(i- wt sr,{ 1,15 o{ =le \ gz o rabbil'L r* q$\qv ti^\ t_9t_(,I '- r r: (.'- ) z() .rI|'' -lntOc-:- 1- lrrl \ qta^ J , \ I \ .. f t " ,.''"rj'd the populationas a function of time t. If a "town" is deemeda city with fewer than 10,000people,when will Metroville becomeMetro-town? P I t 1=,i,uno(, - , 0zS {n,,tE{-.1b = +,jtr.1"tp !_o_o_cp a3oDO ,\^''13L{.rb]n'9-tr't a3ooo I11 = = t Jry'"3-l'{t 31.29 yqA^S -{.n .Qr u Attention: Noteswill not be allowed,nor will any formulasbe providedfor the test! And as alwavs.a SIGNIFICANT PORTIONbf the test will be NO CALCULATOR! /':\ | .-t [*t 34.b If ee) = 20 andg(7) m, cf ': li.\ cfutv-ei\'"\v\1 ' When wouid one be usedover I lr 'i\\ = -:)' ' i' r .,r f- , . * i i-11 , rtl * t ! r. . L |l \ l--l) ,L4f,t - lr-r \ !) \ t\k 1,, r\ -'t ., {.-(\ \,:.- - i.- / ) \_t,''-\.i (.-1 c\ ( t.O,\* (iv\\ \r\( l(ie( \t \i ri.., A'rA t 'j.p;.: r! J{\ " ,\ " f -I l f rt \C , U. t\*rr-'t tF ir{ ee ( rt- Lo n'S\tr'!\ % rrrq 35. If theequationis in logarithmicform, write it in exponeihtial form. If the equationis in expoiiid\tiat'iblini I\i,i\ti"iftliile,\\ r{ . Q write it in logarithmic form. Log3x = y '..\ l, log.4 - logrc = 10 * ,, ' i .", lbl,, r"-"1 50* = 200 ,! . .1, ,. rr ^ ../ i,,.", x3ye= 12 't. j( ._r:, )("rO-./ ) , r_ ,, rt'' t'- ' t' \,. \,1 r\ J yl,it ,' \ ) yt.t" ."/ " J i ,{ 36. Solvethis exponentialequationboth algebraicallyand graphically:500(0.95)*= 200(1.35)* -'j''''" ''"'", '''"i' ,rri. . " ,' t, ,' /. ,,,- , , r r , ; , \'.i'/.l,,y.l / ',' '' \,r'u fJ"-,i ,,,.:/,.(, ,; ,..,,,. -\ , "r1l u'(- '/..'' _t,,!.'" ir -.-... .: / ( ', t'r' i':-" ' n r'2'' -ti'r\ ."'-. --1 .t-^".'- lf \ t ." r r i,,-..'.: ,. it , "' t) t/" ''t i i rt' 't'tr-'"'t' l\X' x tL f \ I, 37. Chemistsdefinetfre acidity Ji;f[ufiniry of u ,ubrlun"" accordingto the formula "pH = -IogfH*f" where [H*] is the hydrogenion concentration,measuredin molesper liter. Solutionswith a pH value of less thanT are acidic; solutionswith a pH value of greaterthanl arebasic;solutionswith a pH of 7 (such as pure water) are neutral. i''0 \\ a) Supposethat you test applejuice and find that the hydrogenion concentrationis [H*] = 0.0003.Find the pH value and determinewhetherthejuice is basic or acidic. '?. L ' . i\' \" ," -r' /* -/ 0.t1 t,i i r \,r / tr/1,, i i. t.. ', ,, ' ii _ ^ t ,'{jt';.r, i i b) You test someammoniaand determinethe hydrogenion concentrationto be [H+] = 1.3 x 10-e.Find the pH value and determinewhetherthe ammoniais basicor acidic. L '' !.j I .-) iti ( ,l I r1 \"r \-)' ;. 1r n, tt- r .1. ii r i I I I 38. "Loudness"is measuredin decibels.Theformula for the loudnessof a soundis given by "dB = l0logl I + Io ]" whereIo is the intensityof "thresholdsound",or soundthat can barely be perceived.Other soundsare defined in terms of how many times more intensethey are than threshold sound. For instance,a cat's purr is about 316 times as intenseas threshold sound,for a decibel rating of: Db= 10/oglI+Iol = l0logl (316Io)+ Iol = I 0 l o g [ 31 6 1 = 24.9968708262.... ...or 25 decibels. prolongedexposure Consideringthat prolonged Considering exposureto to\ounds ub!u"_85iq"tb$Fan causehearingdamageor loss,and c o n s i d e r i n g t h a ta g u n sh o tfro ma '2 2 ri @ofaboutI=( 2,5x1013) h,shouldyoufollow the rules and wear ear protection when relaxing at the rifle range? F. \ \)b* l,- l\) \bnr U Db? P":#*1 \u \-rrt(?.4 -,'.J*){r=3n BDb !.r\. o!*u"-I: \\ LgssI:- c.'"k:s "rf, BgUu 39. Earthquakeintensity is measuredby the Richter scale.The formula for the Richter rating of a given quake is given by "R = logl I + Is ]" where Io is the "thresholdquake",or movementthat can barelybe detected,and the intensity I is given in terms of multiples of that thresholdintensity. You have a seismographset up at home, and seethat there was an event while you were out that had an intensity of I = 98910.Given that a heavy truck rumbling by can causea microquakewith a Richter rating of 3 or 3.5, and "moderate" quakeshave a Richter rating of 4 or more, what was likely the event that occurredwhile vou wereout? ( gsl L'l\\ = --.*'- --fR \,oj \'"v') P= \" '\ q c.),, .: {I- , riq s, {\ i Llr,,l ..r' | | J ,l / I J Wur.$ C.\'u}q Ib i ',.,i}e-} f\ c\ 5's:ri \ "{.-n){q gr"*bl'.3 1v',oL.L- \cq 40. Write a "challenging" logarithmic expressionthat can be evaluaYted without a calculator, then confirm your resultusingthechangeof baseformula. Ctn'5u":ef 5 *t y'Crr--' r l., \J
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