1 In which scenario below is the object NOT accelerating? Objects

1 In which scenario below is the object NOT
Objects are NOT accelerating if they are traveling
in a straight line at constant speed.
2 What is the difference between velocity and speed?
Velocity includes both magnitude and direction,
speed only has magnitude.
3 The graph below represents the velocity of an
object over time. What is the average acceleration of
the object during the first 8 seconds?
a = vf – vi / t
a = (14 m/s – 0 m/s) / 8 sec = 1.75 m/s/s
4 The graph below shows the motion of a car.
What distance has the car traveled in 14 seconds?
50m + 30m = 80m
5 The graph below represents the motion of a car
moving in a straight line. During which time period is
the car moving at a speed of 4 m/s?
Between 50 and 60 seconds 40m/10s = 4 m/s
6 The graph below represents the position of a cart
as a function of time.
What is the velocity of the cart from 6 to 7seconds?
V = d/t 1m/1s = 1m/s
7 Three students are required to measure the time
for a cart to roll a fixed distance down an incline.
Which approach will result in greater precision for
the measurement?
Each student uses a stop watch measuring the
time as the experiment is repeated several times
and an average is used.
8 Student groups are asked to measure the speed of a
toy car as it moves across a gym floor. What
instrument(s) will be needed to complete the
Stop watch and meter stick
9 When measuring a distance in the lab, it is
discovered that the meter stick has been damaged on
the end and is slightly worn short. What is the BEST
way of handling this below? Measure from the 10
cm mark then subtract 10 from your answer.
10 What is the difference between instantaneous
speed and average speed?
Instantaneous speed is speed at one moment
average speed happens over a longer period.
11 What factors would affect the gravitational
attraction between two objects if they were set 1.0
km apart?
Their masses would, the greater the mass the
greater the attraction if all objects are 1.0 km
12 In which scenario below is the object
Objects are accelerating if they are speeding up,
slowing down or turning.
13 What is the difference between velocity and
Answered in number 2
14 When riding in a car, you will lean toward the
right when the car makes a left turn. Which of
Newton's Laws does this demonstrate?
Newton’s First Law
15 Which of Newton's Laws of motion demonstrates
why it takes less force to move a small car than a
school bus?
Newton’s Second Law
16 A model rocket is powered by an inflated balloon,
as shown below.
When the air in the balloon is released, the rocket
will move forward. Describe what forces are acting
on the balloon related to Newton’s Third Law.
The balloon moves in the direction the air pushes
it. Newton’s Third Law
17 If you apply the same force to three objects of
different sizes which will have a greater acceleration?
The smaller object will have the greatest
18 What factors influence the size of the gravitational
forces between two objects?
The masses of the objects and the distance
between the objects affect gravitational
19 What happens to the kinetic energy and
gravitational potential energy of a ball in free fall?
Kinetic energy will increase as potential energy
20 The spring below is compressed to give it elastic
potential energy.
In what position would this spring have the greatest
potential energy? Assume that it is in its normal
The spring will have the greatest PE if it is
completely compressed.
21 A moving van burns gasoline in its engine. During
this process what is the energy conversion that takes
place? —
Chemical energy to mechanical energy
22 Explain how in each of these situations the atoms
are moving.
Water fall,
Ball rolling, Rock
Water is moving so the particles are moving, ball
is rolling and even the particles in a rock vibrate
23 When riding in a car, you will lean toward the
right when the car makes a left turn. Which of
Newton's Laws does this demonstrate?
Newton’s 1st Law
24 In the roller coaster diagram above, at which
point would the potential energy of the cart be the
Point B
25 At which point would the kinetic energy of the
cart be the highest?
Point A
26 Which of the following indicates the location of
lowest potential energy to the location of highest
potential energy?
Point A, Point D, Point C, Point B
27 The Doppler Effect is an apparent change in the
wavelength, but the wave emitted by the source is
actually constant. As a train approaches and blows its
horn, the apparent decrease in the wavelength will
make the horn sound —
Higher in pitch or frequency
28Juan wants to place a ball on an inclined plane
where it will have the most potential energy. Where
on the inclined plane will Juan place the ball?
Point A
29 Using a roller coaster as an example explain when
Kinetic energy is changed to potential energy during
the ride.
Kinetic energy would change to potential energy
any time the coaster is climbing up a hill
30 A bat emits a series of short, high pitched sounds
that bounce off an object to give the bat a sense of
what is in its path. What wave behavior is the bat
The bat is using echolocation also called
31 Students used rope to model radio waves and
Compared to the model of radio waves, the model of
microwaves has a greater —
32 A student uses a springy metal coil to model a
wave, as shown below.
Which type of wave is most like the student's model?
Compressional wave
33 The pitch of a sound wave is determined by the
____ of the sound wave.
34 Which of the following has the SHORTEST
wavelength? A sound that has high frequency or one
with low frequency?
High frequencies produces short wavelengths
35 The loudness of a sound made by plucking a
guitar string is determined by the —
Amplitude of the vibration
36 A submarine sonar transmitter emits a burst of
waves while submerged. The waves reflect off an
object in the distance and return to the submarine.
The time that it takes for the waves to travel to the
object and return to the submarine tells the sonar
operator —
The distance the object is away from the
37 Which of the following wave interactions happens
inside a material rather than at the surface of the
38 What process explains what happens when a
wave crosses from one medium to another, such as
when it moves from glass to water?
39 “Night Vision” goggles can be used to see people
and animals at night and in dark places. What kind of
wave is likely detected by these devices?
Infrared rays
40 A veterinarian installs a programmable microchip
under the skin of a new pet that, when scanned, gives
off a signal that indicates the name of the owner and
the vaccinations the pet has been given. What type of
wave would be the safest and most effective for this
microchip to use?
Radio waves
41 A group of students was asked to determine the
speed of sound for various frequencies (pitches).
They measured the time for various frequency tones
to travel a distance and echo back. The frequencies
and times of travel are shown in the table.
What conclusion(s) should the students report?
The speed of a sound is fastest for 1000Hz.
42 In class demonstrations of traveling waves, the
class used elastic materials (springs) which were
oscillated. What are the safety concern?
The spring could break causing injury or damage
to equipment
43 What kind of wave is represented by the
illustration below?
Compressional wave
44 In the wave below what is represented by the area
marked a?
a shows amplitude
b shows wavelength
45 Kaneisha has two electrical devices. Device A uses
a current of 6.0 amps and has a resistance of 4.5
ohms. Device B uses a current of 8.5 amps and has
resistance of 3.5 ohms. Which device uses the LEAST
amount of voltage?
Device A -- 6.0 A x 4.5 ohms = 27 V
Device B -- 8.5 A x 3.5 ohms = 29.75 V
46 How can an electromagnet used in a junk yard
pick up a car and drop it in a different place.
Electromagnets only work when current is
passing through the coils. You can turn on
current to pick up things and turn it off to drop
47 Jorge is using a simple circuit of wires, a battery,
and a small light bulb to test objects for electrical
conductivity. How would he know which object is the
BEST conductor?
The best conductor would produce the brightest
48 A mechanism which uses mechanical energy to
produce electrical energy is known as a(n) —
49 The lights of each classroom in your school are
wired in series with the lights in the other
classrooms. Is this a good or bad arrangement? Why?
This is a bad arrangement because if you turn off
the light in one room all the rooms would go out.
50 A device that converts electrical energy to
mechanical energy is a(n) —
51 An open circuit —
Stops the flow of current
52 Explain why the Earth’s Geographic North Pole is
really a Magnetic South Pole.
The compass needle is really a north pole,
opposites attract so the Earth’s geographic north
pole must be a magnetic south pole.
53 The heating element in a toaster gets hot when
electricity flows through it. The metal that the
heating element is made of would be described as a
— The heating element is a poor conductor.
54 The values shown in the table below are a
measure of how much current will flow in a standard
sample of metal when the sample is attached to a
voltage source. Which metal shown is the best
conductor of electricity?
55 When a piece of glass is inserted into a simple
circuit, the light bulb of the circuit does not light up.
Under these conditions this would mean the glass is
a(n) —
56 Three resistors of 12 ohms, 12 ohms, and 6 ohms
are connected in parallel. The combination is
connected to a 12 V battery. Which is the current
through the 6 ohms resistor? I = V/R I = 12/6 = 2A
57 How much current is flowing through this circuit?
I = V/R
I = 8V / 14.5ohms
I = 0.55A
58 In an experiment, students took new identical
batteries and tested their life when powering 1 bulb,
2 bulbs in series, and 2 bulbs in parallel. The table
below gives the effective battery life for each
circumstance. What can best be said about bulbs in
Bulbs is series draw less current.
59 State the Kinetic-Molecular Theory:
States that the particles of any substance are
always in motion.
60 Define conduction:
Heat transfer by direct contact, usually in solids
61 Define convection:
Heat transfer through liquids and gases
62 Define radiation:
Heat transfer through empty space,
electromagnetic spectrum
63 What properties of metals makes them good
They have free electrons
64 How doe energy from the Sun reach the earth?
65. Give three examples of conduction
Pan on a stove, hand on the desk, metal bar in a
66. Give three examples of convection
Boiling water in a pan, water cycle, lava lamp
67 give two examples of radiation
Heat from a camp fire, sun shining on the earth
68 Jan's hands are cold, so she decides to rub them
together. What energy conversion is taking place?
Mechanical energy to thermal energy
69 An object is 350 oC. Convert the temperature to K.
350 C + 273 = 623 K
The temperature of 22.00 g of water is increased
by 10.00 K. If the specific heat of water is 4.184 J/g
C, how many joules of heat were gained?
Q = 22g x 10 K x 4.184 J/g
Q = 920.48 J
During the daytime, the air above an island is
hotter than the air above the water. This difference in
temperature causes a wind current called a sea breeze.
How will the air move? The warm air over the
land rises allowing cool air blows in to shore
72 In a laboratory investigation, 1 kg of liquid
water (specific heat = 4.184 J/kg ºC) is heated from
0ºC to 100ºC. What is the change in thermal
Q = mC(T1 – T2)
Q = 1kg x 100 C x 4.184 J/kg
Q = 418.4 J
73 List the order of the following substances being
heated from 20 oC to 100°C starting with the slowest
to the fastest.
Silver, tin, platinum, gold