Sentence Fragments

Name: ______________________
English 10___ _____
Date: _____________
Sentence Fragments
What’s the problem?
Why does it matter?
What’s the
Has a dance recital
Quick Fixes
My mother up all night
sewing her costume.
My sister dance the
part of the leading
At the end of the
Since she goes to all
my soccer games.
Practice: Correct the sentence fragments.
In 1865 Western Union needed a telegraph cable. To link America to Europe. Before
they could lay the cable across Siberia. Someone needed to survey the land. The task
of surveying to George Kennan, an accomplished telegrapher.
Llanos 2
Fused (Run-On) Sentences
What’s the problem?
Why does it matter?
What’s the problem?
Quick Fix
In 1972, a company called Atari created
the first video game it was called Pong.
By modern standards it was a very simple
game, it quickly achieved great popularity.
Practice: Correct the fused sentence.
Kennan was not a linguist, he thought Russian was impossible to learn.
Llanos 3
Practice Completing Sentences
Fused & Fragmented Sentences
Directions: Determine whether each sentence is complete (C) or a fragment (FRAG).
______ 1. Since 1600, telescopes have used lenses or mirrors to gather and focus
______ 2. Going outside the earth’s atmosphere to see more clearly.
______ 3. The surface temperature of the sun is 8,700 degrees Fahrenheit.
______ 4. Estimated 100 billion galaxies in our universe.
______ 5. The stars in the Milky Way, including our sun.
______ 6. To study the night sky throughout the year.
______ 7. Many stargazers use telescopes on their roof porches.
______ 8. When people thought that the sky was an upside-down blue bowl over the
______ 9. The planets closest to the sun are Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars.
______ 10. To find a logical explanation for the movement of the stars.
Directions: Find the sentence fragments in the following hastily written paragraph.
Using editing marks, revise each to be a complete sentence, either by combining it with
the previous sentence or by adding the missing parts.
In 1957, Sputnik, a Russian satellite, was the first to orbit Earth. Since then many
countries more than 100 satellites. In 1960, the United States sent up the first weather
satellite. Named Tiros I. Other satellites, including Ranger VII, Pioneer 10, and Pioneer
11, studied the moon, Jupiter, and Saturn. And radioed back important information. In
1961, Russia and the United States began sending humans into space. With Russia
again taking the lead. The United States was determined to be the first on the moon. In
1969, U.S. astronauts made the first moon landing in Apollo 11.
Llanos 4
Practice Completing Sentences
Fused & Fragmented Sentences
Directions: Identify each sentence as either fused (FUS) or correct (C). If it is a
comma splice, write “CS” next to the sentence.
1. In several large cities the orchestras give their summer performances in
outdoor settings, the Cleveland Orchestra, for example, plays at Blossom
Music Center.
______ 2. The Chicago Symphony Orchestra plays at Ravinia Park north of the city
during the summer, and the Grant Park Symphony Orchestra plays in the
city itself.
______ 3. The Boston Pops Orchestra gives outdoor concerts in a park on the
Charles River these concerts are free.
______ 4. Outdoor music settings are not used only by the orchestras; on the
contrary, all types of music are presented during the season.
______ 5. During a single weekend a stage might be used by an orchestra, a rock
band, and a jazz combo, audiences have a choice.
______ 6. Often summer orchestra programs end with fireworks displays this is
especially true on holiday weekends such as the Fourth of July.
Directions: Using editing marks, revise any fused sentences in the paragraph to be
Why have compact discs become so popular, they cost almost twice as much as
albums and cassettes. It is because discs hold a large amount of music, furthermore,
CD players can be programmed to selective choice. The CD revolution has revived the
music industry. Teenagers are still the largest consumers of recorded music adult
buying is up.