Three-Fifths Compromise

Name ___________________________
Course: US History/Ms. Brown
Date: ___________________
7th Grade US History
Standard # – Do Now – Day #70
Aims: SWBAT identify and explain the different perspectives of the Northern states and the
Southern states
SWBAT identify and explain the conflict over representation between the Northern and Southern
SWBAT evaluate and the 3/5 Compromise
Directions: Answer the following questions in complete and historically accurate sentences. You
must attempt each question, there should be absolutely no blank spaces. Be sure to provide
examples and evidence to support your answers.
1. What is a compromise?
2. Why did the larger states want proportional representation? (define and explain)
3. Why did the smaller states want equal representation? (define and explain)
4. What is the Great Compromise?
5. Think back to the first trimester. What are the differences between the New England, Middle,
and Southern colonies
US History, Ms. Brown
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Name ___________________________
Date: ___________________
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1. perspective - ___________________________________________________________________________
2. industrial - ____________________________________________________________________________
3. agricultural - __________________________________________________________________________
4. tariff - _________________________________________________________________________________
The Northern states and the Southern states had very different ways of life. The
Northern states were becoming more industrial and commercial: businesses and
factories were beginning to grow. The South, however, remained agricultural; its
economy was based on farming cash crops such as tobaccos, sugar and later, cotton.
These two different economies meant different perspectives.
Tariff Issue
A tariff is a tax on imports. By making imports more expensive, people within the
country would be more likely to buy from the businesses in their country.
What does this mean in your own words?
Would American businesses favor [______________] or oppose [_____________________]
Northern businesses favored tariffs, because they protected American businesses. They
felt that the young businesses needed this protection to prosper.
Southern states argued that tariffs would increase the cost of goods that they purchased
and only helped the North. Southerners also feared that Great Britain might place their
own tariffs on the goods made by Southern states. Tariffs would then hurt the southern
states in these two ways.
US History, Ms. Brown
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Name ___________________________
Date: ___________________
Homeroom: __________________
There was considerable disagreement over slavery in the United States. Should it be
allowed? Should it be banned? Most Northern delegates wanted to abolish slavery. Most
Southern states felt that their economy relief on slavery so much that they couldn’t
abolish it. The delegates argued back and forth.
1. Imagine that New York and Georgia have the following populations:
New York – 350,000
Georgia – 85,000
a. Which state would have more representatives in the House of Representatives?
b. Which state would have more representatives in the Senate?
2. Now, assume that there are 350,000 slaves in the state of Georgia
a. If we count each slave in the population, how many people would live in the state of
b. Now, which state would have more people, New York or Georgia?
c. Which state would now have more representatives in the House of Representatives?
US History, Ms. Brown
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Name ___________________________
Date: ___________________
Homeroom: __________________
Directions: Complete the chart below in historically accurate bullets with your should
partner. Use your notes to answer the questions.
Northern States
Southern States
Opinion on Tariff
Opinion on Slavery
Opinion on Representation
US History, Ms. Brown
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Name ___________________________
Date: ___________________
Homeroom: __________________
The Northern and Southern states had different perspectives on certain important issues,
such as tariffs and slavery. Whoever had more votes in the House of Representatives would
be able to influence the vote on these important issues.
The Three-Fifths Compromise states that in deciding how many representatives a state
could send to the House of Representatives, the numbers would be determined by counting
the free persons and three-fifths of all slaves. Congress was to use the same count for
collecting direct taxes from the state.
1. Examine this situation
New York – 350,000
Georgia – 85,000 (whites)
300,000 (slaves)
a. How many total votes would Georgia have if slaves counted as 0 people?
b. How many total votes would Georgia have if slaves counted as 1 person?
c. If 3/5 of 300,000 is 180,000 how many total votes would Georgia have if slaves counted as
3/5 of a person?
3. Do you think that the 3/5 Compromise helps to solve the problems between the North and
the South? What problems might still stand in their way?
US History, Ms. Brown
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US History, Ms. Brown
Need Help? Email: [email protected] or Call 646.477.2663
Name ___________________________
Date: ___________________
Homeroom: __________________
_____/10 Mastered/Passing/Not Mastered
Directions: Read the article and answer the following questions using the reading. Use
details from the article to support your answers. EACH answer must have at least 1 – 2
1. What conflict did the three-fifths compromise solve?
2. Why did the three-fifths compromise go against the Declaration of Independence?
3. How did the majority of the delegates at the convention feel about the slave trade?
4. Why did some states want to continue the slave trade?
US History, Ms. Brown
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Resolution: The Three-Fifths Compromise
After a bitter debate, Madison proposed a compromise. Count each slave as 3/5 of a person, he suggested, when
determining a state’s population. The delegates approved this idea, known as the three-fifths compromise.
Declaring a slave to be 3/5 of a person made a mockery of the statement in the Declaration of
Independence that “all men are created equal.” Still the delegates adopted the compromise because it seemed
the only way to keep the convention moving forward.
Control of Trade Another question about slavery was raised by a dispute over trade. Northern delegates
favored giving Congress broad power to control trade between the states and other countries. They believed that
this power would be used to help business in the North.
This proposal made southern delegates nervous. They worried that Congress might try to tax southern
export crops such as rice and tobacco. “We almost shuddered,” wrote James McHenry of Maryland, “at the fate
of the commerce [trade] of Maryland, should we be unable to make a change in this extraordinary power.”
Southerners also worried that Congress would use its power over trade to outlaw the slave trade – the importing
of slaves from Africa.
Ending the Slave Trade
Southerners had reason to fear this. By 1787, several states had already outlawed the slave trade within their
boundaries. And a majority of the convention’s delegates, including many southerners, favoring ending the
slave trade completely.
Two states, however, objected that their
economies would collapse without a constant supply
of fresh slaves. “South Carolina and Georgia cannot
do without slaves,” said Charles Pinckney of South
Carolina. Neither state would agree to any
constitution that threatened the slave trade.
Again, the delegates settled on a compromise.
The southern delegates agreed to give Congress
power to control trade, but with two limitations. First,
Congress could not place any tax on exports going to
other countries. Second, Congress could not interfere
Northern and Southern delegates agreed o a
compromise regarding the slave trade. Congress
could control trade but could not tax exports or
interfere with the slave trade for 20 years.
with the slave trade for 20 years, or until 1808. After that
time, the importing of slaves into the United States could
be forbidden.
US History, Ms. Brown
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Name ___________________________
Date: ___________________
Homeroom: __________________
_____/5 Mastered/Passing/Not Mastered
1. Delegates to the Constitutional Convention of 1787 agreed to the Three-­‐Fifths Compromise as a solution to the problem of how to determine the a. Number of representatives in the House from each state b. Qualifications of Supreme Court justices c. Tariff rates on exports d. Length of the president’s term 2. “New Congress to Have Two Houses” “Slaves to Count as Three-­‐Fifths of a Person” “President to be Chosen by Electoral Vote” Which conclusion about the Constitutional Convention is best supported by these headlines? a. The framers of the Constitution were able to compromise on important issues b. States that were small in area would lose power in the new Constitution c. States with large populations controlled the outcome of the convention d. The President and Congress would have equal power under the new constitution 3. In your opinion, does the Three-­‐Fifths Compromise benefit the Northern or Southern States more? Explain _______________________________________________________________________________________
US History, Ms. Brown
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