kudos - Moose Lodge #2199

EDITOR: Nancy Klumpp ([email protected])
May 1, 2017
Cape Coral Florida #2199 Loyal Order of the Moose
May1, 2017
LOOM Office: (239) 242-8029
TIKI Hut: (239) 458-8677
WOTM Office: (239) 458-5974
Social Quarter: (239) 458-8708
LODGE E-mail: [email protected]
Website: lodge2199.org
Mothers Day Sunday May 14th
We will be offering drink specials on Mother’s Day for
all moms.
Bloody Mary’s $2.00, Mimosa $2.00 and Wine $3.00
Member Acknowledgement Corner
We would like to recognize Kristi Baxter, Charlene
Fenimore, Sandy Merry, Holly Masters and Theresa
Slotkus. Kristi sponsored 30 WOTM in April, Charlene,
Sandy, Holly, and Theresa held a phone campaign which
enabled us to collect dues from expired members. The
combined efforts of these women have aided our chapter in
making our yearly goal.
Moose Juice May 27th 3:00 -5:00
Moose Juice drink specials and prizes. Must be in your
Moose Juice t-shirt to participate. T-shirts can be purchased
from the WOTM at the event.
The Loyal Order of the Moose Lodge 2199 voted on March 30, 2017, to be a part of the pilot Program of Moose
International Company Store. The Loyal Order of the Moose Lodge 2199 has held their annual election. The results are
as follows: Governor; John Hilovsky, Junior Governor; John DeFrank, Junior Past Governor; Bob Camperlino, New
Position Secretary; John Masters, Treasurer; Robert Fenimore. Under the new pilot program of Company Store there will
no longer be an Administrator, he will be replaced by the Operations Manager employed by Moose International, this
position will be filled on May 4, 2017. The Prelate Position is now called "Chaplin" appointed by the Governor, and will
be Bill Merry. Position of Trustee: will no longer be an elected position and those individuals serving as 2 and 3-year
Trustee may remain on the board until the expiration of their term. Our only Trustee will be Ron Ranck. This year will
be a learning experience by the New Board of Officers and Moose International as many of the previous responsibilities
performed by the board will now be the responsibility of the Operations Manager. The Board shall continue to conduct 2
monthly Lodge Membership Meetings, 2 Board of Officers' Meetings, and 1 Joint Meeting with the Women of the Moose,
Chapter 815
Hi, my name is Joellen Thompson. I am your new Sr. Regent for the upcoming year. I want to first thank all of those who
supported me during the election process and assure you that I will do what is best for our Chapter and the entire
membership. Second let’s have fun this year as we move forward with the functions and projects that are planned for the
upcoming year. And finally, a big thanks to all the co-workers who have agreed to be committee chairman. With
everyone’s help I know our year will be successful in both areas of fund raising and increasing membership. Remember,
A burden that is heavy to one is borne lightly by many. Our Chapter door is always open, so stop in and say Hi. A
stranger is a friend we haven’t met yet.
Sr. Regent,
Chapter News
As a chapter, we are looking to become involved in community service projects. Our community service chairperson
Barbara Ranck collects food for the Cape Coral Caring Center all year long. The box is placed in the front of the lodge.
Your donations are very much appreciated. The Lee County Foundation provided us with some parameters to guide us
with our yearly scholarships. The Women of the Moose gave out $3,000.00 in scholarships this year. The foundation has
asked our help with their mentor program. The foundation provides scholarships to area students. One of the requirements
of the program is that the students need mentors. Cape Coral is in dire need of women willing to mentor high school
students. I (Nancy Klumpp) became a mentor three years ago. It does not take much of your time, a half of an hour twice a
month to meet your student. It is a very rewarding program for both the mentor and the mentee. There are 6 students right
now needing mentors. If anyone is interested please contact Nancy at [email protected]
Drag Queen Bingo
May 13th
$10.00 ($5.00 donation and $5.00 for one bingo card)
Tickets on sale as of May 2nd at the bar for May 13th.
There will be (6) twenty top tables available and (2) thirty top tables available for
reservations. Tickets must be pre-purchased to reserve these tables. All other tables
are first come first serve. The donation will be for Children’s Network of South
Mondays and Thursdays at 7:00
Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6:00
Cape Coral Moose Golf League
Hunter Run Golf Club Moose League Winners April 18, 2017
First Place – Fred Mallone
Second Place – Patrick Cunnigham
Third Place – Al Cotter
Closest to Pin
#7 Bob Ura #9 Al Cotter
We wholeheartedly thank our messenger supporters and encourage our members to support them. It is through
their generosity that we can provide you with the printed copies of the messenger. If your business is interested in
helping print the newsletter for a business card ad, please contact [email protected] or Nancy Klumpp
LOOM OFFICERS (2017-2018)
Jr. Governor
Jr. Past Governor
Sergeant at Arms
John Hilovsky
John DeFrank
Bob Camperlino
Rob Fenimore
John Masters
Ron Ranck
Henry Heroux
Ron Kolnicki
Bob Staubach
Bill Merry
WOTM OFFICERS (2017-2018)
Senior Regent
Jr. Grad Regent
Jr. Regent/ Chaplain
Joellen Thompson
Marty Simpson
Charlene Fenimore
Mary Daigle
Nancy Klumpp
The Comfort Corner is the Loyal Order of the Moose Chaplain
Bill Merry and the Women of the Moose Chaplain’s monthly
report to acknowledge those who need our prayers and support.
Hello from – Bill Merry and Charlene Fenimore, Chaplains.
Please email Bill at messenger 2199 or call Charlene at (239)
558-8886 with any news concerning the health and wellbeing of
our members.
Please keep Holly Masters in your thoughts and prayers. Holly
has had a recent hip replacement. Prayers are needed for our
Senior Regent, Joellen Thompson’s daughter Kristen who has
been suffering from bleeding ulcers.
“We bereaved are not alone. We belong to the largest company
in all the world—the company of those who have known
—Helen Keller
Your account expires 1 year from the month
listed. Please renew or sign up for a cost of $6.00
per person or $9.00 per couple for one year. If
you are interested in joining the booster list
please see one of the Women of the Moose
Board of Officers or contact
[email protected] or Nancy Klumpp
June 2016
Wallace, Judy E
Heroux, Henry &Theresa
August 2016
Hilovsky, John , Arla&
Mary Lynn
December 2016
Sue and Vinnie Peppitone
May 2017
Gewinner, Jim & Sandy
Abby Bell