történelem angol nyelven history javítási

2005. május 21.
Történelem angol nyelven — emelt szint
Javítási-értékelési útmutató 0512
Az írásbeli vizsga időtartama: 240 perc
The written exam is 240 minutes long.
Történelem angol nyelven — emelt szint
Javítási-értékelési útmutató
Guide to the evaluation of the essays
The paper should be corrected using the following symbols, and in a colour different from
that used by the candidate.
1. Correct answer
2. Missing part
3. Not closely connected to topic
4. Unnecessary part that cannot be evaluated (crossed out)
5. Grave mistake in the content (underlined)
[ ]
6. Meaningless, unclear text, logical problems (underlined)
7. Inaccurate use of English (underlined)
8. Grave spelling or punctuation mistake (underlined)
Under each task, on the left-hand side of a box you can find the number of maximum
points that can be given. Write the total (added-up) number of points achieved by the
candidate in one task into the right-hand side of this box.
The sub-points given for the sub-tasks should also be written on the test paper(s).
Only the solutions provided in the key can be accepted, and the maximum number
of points for each task should not be disregarded. The detailed key indicates if (parts of)
alternative answers, i.e. reasoning, can differ from the ones that are provided in the key.
I. Correcting and evaluating short-answer tasks
The basis for evaluation is that the answers provided in the key must always be
Correct answer/ or part of an answer:
Incorrect answer:
Missing answer:
0.5 or 1 point (according to the key)
0 points
0 points
0.5 points can only be given where the key specifically allows for it.
Points allocated to individual parts of a task cannot be further subdivided.
When adding up the sub points for a task, points should not be rounded up or down,
e.g. 3.5 should be left as 3.5 and not 4 points.
When scoring tasks with answers consisting of several elements or parts:
when 2 points can be given and the answer consists of two parts, each correct part
can be awarded 1 point,
when 1 point can be given and the answer consists of two parts, each correct part can
be rewarded with 0.5 points,
In the case of open-ended questions (e.g. reasoning, text analysis) any answer that has
the same content as the answer provided in the key should be accepted.
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Javítási-értékelési útmutató
In the case of tasks where the candidate has had to choose the correct answer from
among several options, e.g. to decide if a statement is true or false, no points can be given to
a candidate who has underlined or marked more than one of the options.
Extra points cannot be given.
Points cannot be subtracted for incorrect or missing answers.
The key must be followed in all circumstances, except in very special cases, the reason
for which must be explained in writing.
II. Correcting and evaluating longer, essay-type questions
1. Choosing the right tasks
Altogether four tasks can be evaluated:
two short and two long essays, which all have to be about different periods,
with at least two of them dealing with Hungarian history, and at least one with world
Evaluating the paper when the essay questions were not chosen correctly
If the candidate chose four tasks but disregarded the guidelines for choosing the right
essay length or period, etc.
• the task(s) that would bring the fewest points should be disregarded so that the total
score is as high as possible
• the task (or those two or three tasks) that are chosen correctly and that would bring
the highest number of points to the candidate should be evaluated and scored
If a candidate started working on more than four tasks, but his or her final choice of
tasks is not indicated properly, and there are four tasks that were chosen correctly, then the
task that comes earliest in the test booklet should be evaluated, followed by those two that
were correctly chosen. For example these can be tasks 13, 16, 17, 20. or 14, 16, 17, 20.
If the candidate starts working on more than four tasks, but s/he has not chosen at least
four tasks correctly, then those or that one should be evaluated that were correctly chosen,
and which would bring the highest number of points.
If the candidate starts working on all the tasks but has failed to indicate which four s/he
would like evaluated, then, according to the instructions to the test, tasks 13, 16, 19, 22.
should be evaluated.
2. Evaluating the tasks
When evaluating the tasks, the following should be taken into consideration:
a) understanding of the task
b) proper and relevant content
c) logical overall structure and accurate language
The essay-type questions should be evaluated using the key, which contains
specific guidelines for evaluating the content and the skills that are required.
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2005. május 21.
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Javítási-értékelési útmutató
a) Scoring of ’understanding of the task’:
When evaluating whether the candidate has understood the task properly, consider the
• Identifying the task (period, topic): did the candidate write about the problem, topic,
and period in question?
• Keeping to the topic, emphasizing the main points: did the candidate focus on the
main point of the question?
• Content value, complexity: how complex and relevant are the reasoning and the
• Variety and efficiency of skills used: did the candidate use the sources, and did s/he
state the main points and draw the conclusion properly?
First of all decide whether the candidate can be given any points at all (out of the
maximum 4 or 8 points) for ‘understanding of the task’. If not, the total number of points
achieved for that task can only be 0 too.
For shorter, problem-solving essay tasks
4 points can only be given if the candidate has fully and correctly understood the problem,
and his/her answer is proportionate, logical and focussed. The candidate uses the sources to
draw important conclusions; the ratio of specific and general statements is balanced.
3 points can be given if the candidate deals with the whole scope of the problem,
understands it correctly, but the answer is unbalanced or not focussed.
2 points can be given if the problem is only partially dealt with, and, although the sources
are used, no main conclusions are drawn from them.
1 point can be given if at least one of the statements of the candidate proves that s/he has
understood the problem, but most of the answer does not focus on identifying or discussing
the problem task.
0 points can be given if the candidate has not understood the task or has completely
misunderstood it, does not use the sources and his/her statements are not relevant to the
For longer, analysis-type essay tasks
7-8 points can only be given if the candidate has fully and correctly understood the
problem, and his/her answer is proportionate, logical and focussed. The candidate uses the
sources to draw important conclusions; the ratio of specific and general statements is
4-6 points can be given if the candidate deals with the whole scope of the problem, and has
understood it correctly, but the answer is unbalanced and not focussed.
2-3 points can be given if the problem is only partially dealt with, and, although the sources
are used, no main conclusions are drawn from them.
1 point can be given if at least one of the statements of the candidate proves that s/he has
understood the problem, but most of the answer does not focus on identifying or discussing
the problem task.
0 points can be given if the candidate has not understood the task or has completely
misunderstood it, does not use the sources, and his/her statements are not relevant to the
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Javítási-értékelési útmutató
b) Scoring ‘skills and content’
In the key the skills and competences a candidate has to show are marked with the letter
‘S’, while the description of what is required in terms of content is marked with the letter ‘C’.
Usually one or two elements of content correspond to a skill or competence in the case
of the shorter problem-solving essay tasks, whereas in the case of the longer, analysis-type
essay tasks two or three elements will be involved, especially in the part where the causes of
an event are to be identified. If the key identifies only one element of content as belonging to
a skill, then the number of points given for skills and contents must be the same. As a general
rule, follow the guidelines below when scoring the ‘skills and content’ section:
Scoring ‘Skills’ (‘S’)
2 points can be given if the score for content belonging to skill is relatively high (more than
50 percent of the maximum points )
1 point can be given if the candidate achieved at least 1 point for content and there are no
grave mistakes (incorrect facts or statements)
0 points can be given if the candidate does not get any points for content and his/her answer
contains a grave mistake.
Naturally, there is a close relationship between these two aspects of scoring, since the
skills can only be realized and evaluated through (the study of) content.
The examples (E.g.) provided in the contents section show what can be accepted as
good answers. Most of the elements of content have two parts: identifying the period and
the topic; using concrete and abstract concepts; listing (identifying and presenting) and
interpretation (conclusion). If the answer fails to include both of these pairs, then of course it
means that the score should be halved too, leaving 1 point instead of the maximum 2.
Obviously in the case of the content other combinations of elements can be accepted, besides
those provided in the key, especially in the case of lists and conclusions. Sometimes the key
uses the word ‘or’ when listing several good examples, but not all correct answers are listed
here, so these are not the only ones that can be accepted.
Scoring ‘Contents’ (‘C’)
2 points can be given if sufficient accurate information is included, the analysis refers
properly and adequately to the sources (author, intentions, conditions, etc.); identifies
several typical causes and results, and/or mentions people who are involved in the historical
1 point can be given if insufficient and not very relevant information, conclusions, or
statements, and only few (and not very typical) data are included.
0 points can be given if no data are provided, relationships between events are not
identified, or the statements are incorrect.
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Javítási-értékelési útmutató
c) Scoring ’structure and clear language’
For shorter, problem-solving essay tasks
2 points can be given if the text is structured and well-built of clear sentences, without grave
spelling or punctuation mistakes.
1 point can be given if the text contains several grammar and spelling mistakes.
0 points can be given if the text is merely an outline, an incoherent set of sentences.
For longer, analysis-type essay tasks
7-8 points can be given if the text is logically structured, coherent and well-built of clear
sentences, suits the content, with detailed and varied statements, and without spelling,
punctuation or grammar mistakes.
4-6 points can be given if the text is not very logically structured, but contains clear
sentences; some of the statements are simple, one-sided, and there are some minor spelling,
punctuation or grammar mistakes.
2-3 points can be given if the text contains clear sentences but is poorly structured, lacks the
right proportions, and is incomplete (e.g. the introductory, body or concluding paragraph is
missing). The statements are simplified, one-sided, with errors in the use of language.
1 point can be given if the text contains sentences, but without textual or contextual
coherence, and with grave spelling, punctuation and grammar mistakes.
0 points can be given if the answer is merely an outline made up of words, rather than
3. The length of essay-type tasks
It is very important that the candidate’s essays do not exceed the specified length. If this is
justified, the candidate may continue writing below the dotted lines in order to round off a
sequence of ideas, and in this case the complete text must be evaluated. For short tasks this is
about 2-3 lines, while for long tasks it is 4-5 lines.
4. The steps in evaluating the essay-type tasks
1. Study the key for the task.
2. Study the evaluation guide above.
3. Check whether the candidate has chosen the tasks correctly.
4. Read the candidate’s essay at least twice.
5. Give the various scores using the guides for scoring.
6. Add up the scores that will give the total number of points, then divide it by 3 or 4 to
get the exam points.
7. Do not round the scores for the tasks up or down.
8. Add up the exam points of the four essays. Do not round the complete exam score up
or down if it is a number ending in 0.5. If the end of the number is less than 0.5, then
round it down, if it is 0.6 or more, then round it up. (E.g.: leave the number 27.5 as it
is, but 27.3 points should be rounded down to 27 points, while 27.7 points should be
rounded up to 28 points.)
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Javítási-értékelési útmutató
III. How to calculate the final score of the exam paper
Add up the scores for the first and second parts (I and II). (These may have been
rounded up or down previously.)
Tables for evaluating and scoring the tasks
Short essay tasks
Understanding of task
Location: era and place
Use of special vocabulary
Use of sources
Describing the reasons behind an event
Structure, clear language
Exam points
Maximum Achieved
Long essay tasks
Understanding of task
Location: era and place
Use of special vocabulary
Use of sources
Describing the reasons behind an event
Structure, clear language
Exam points
írásbeli vizsga 0512
Maximum Achieved
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2005. május 21.
Történelem angol nyelven — emelt szint
Javítási-értékelési útmutató
1. Rome in the ancient times (1 point per item, 4 points together)
The extended empire cannot be governed in the traditional way by the
institutions of the republic.
The offices of the republic still exist, but their political role becomes
The first officer of the Senate is the emperor, (princeps senatus), and the
political role of the committee becomes formal.
The basis of power is the army, the supreme commander of which is the
2. Religious orders (0.5 points per item, 3 points together)
a) poverty, Franciscans
b) Pannonhalma, Benedictines
c) counter reformation or Catholic renewal, Jesuits
3. Sigismund (5 points together)
mining cities (0.5 points)
Saxon cities (0.5 points)
b) 1. introduction of a common system of measurements (1 point)
2. protecting the merchants of a town or controlling the merchants of other towns (1 point)
12. these towns had the right to appeal to the king or to the Lord Chief Treasurer
(tárnokmester) (1 point)
c) because the right of appeal was the privilege of the (free royal, mining) towns or because
the serfs as a class did not have privileges (1 point)
4. Spanish War of Succession (1 point per item, 4 points together)
a) Spanish War of Succession, 1701–1714
b) Rákóczi freedom fight
c) E.g. to keep (or gain) the Spanish throne or protecting the role of the Habsburgs in Europe.
(Any other answer with the same meaning can be accepted.)
5. The tripartition of Hungary (1 point per item, 3 points together)
The candidate can only be given points if s/he has decided whether the statements are true or
false, and if s/he has explained his or her choice.
a) False. E.g.: It developed, because they used extensive farming method on their increasing
territory surrounding their towns, which meant a considerable amount of income for them.
Or They sold the animals in the West, which meant a considerable amount of income for
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Javítási-értékelési útmutató
b) False. E.g.: Food prices rose following the geographical explorations. Or The size of the
manors of the feudal lords increased because of the rise in the prices of agricultural
c) True. E.g.: Because of the rise in the prices of agricultural products it was the agricultural
production which became profitable. Or In the European system of division of labour the
need/demand for agricultural products hindered the growth of our national industry.
6. The great French revolution (3 points together)
a) Jacobins (0.5 points)
b) E.g. terror, tyranny, aggression (Any other answer with the same meaning can be
accepted.) (0.5 points per item)
c) 1795 (1 point)
d) E.g. freedom, sovereignty of the people (Any other answer with the same meaning can be
accepted.) (0.5 points per item)
7. Reform period (0.5 points per item, 3 points altogether)
a) yes
b) no
c) no
d) yes
e) no
f) no
8. European alliances (4 points together)
1. Berlin – Vienna– Saint Petersburg (0.5 points)
2. Berlin – Vienna– Rome (0.5 points)
3. Paris – London – Saint Petersburg (0.5 points)
b) Germany (0.5 points)
c) Bismarck (0.5 points)
d) e.g. He tried to isolate France or to avoid Germany getting into a war on two fronts (any
other answer with the same meaning can be accepted) (1 point)
e) e.g. African countries (any other answer with the same meaning can be accepted) (0.5
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Javítási-értékelési útmutató
9. The revolution of 1918 (1 point per item, 3 points altogether)
a) socialist or social democrat
b) e.g. general right to vote or the right to use the native language in politics
c) e.g. women, peasants, ethnicities or workers
10. The Kádár era (1 point per item, 4 points altogether)
a) The growth of the number of main consumer items (items from the table can also be
accepted e.g. : refrigerator)
b) e.g. lack of freedom, deteriorating health conditions, the decrease in the life expectancy of
c) e.g. self-exploitation (working extra hours), or growth in the number of cars
d) No, because although the difference between our country and others slightly decreased
between 1970 and 1980, we were altogether increasingly less prosperous than the more
developed countries.
11. European Union (4 points together)
a) political, military (0.5 points per item)
b) Japan (0.5 points)
c) e.g. the losers of WW II. were developing faster than the USA or in the case of the EEC
the constant expansion (of the so-called inner market) (0.5 points)
d) e.g. the USA is worried to see its allies become stronger and stronger, thus becoming its
competitors in the market (1 point)
e) Europe or European Union(1 point)
12. Hungary today (1 point per item, 4 points together)
a) True
b) False
c) False
d) True
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Történelem angol nyelven — emelt szint
Javítási-értékelési útmutató
13. The migration of the peoples (short)
of task
Location: era
and place
Use of special
Use of sources
Describing the
reasons behind
an event
írásbeli vizsga 0512
Skills and content
The candidate focuses on describing the most important
stages of the migration of the peoples, and mentions why it
was the Western Empire that fell as a result of the waves of
The essay reveals major relationships by using the sources
(e.g. economic decline was bigger in the West, so it was less
able to defend itself).
S The candidate locates the era and the place of the events.
C E.g. mentions that the migration of the peoples and the fall
of the empire took place in the 4th–5th centuries; mentions
the date of the fall of the Western Empire (476), and
identifies the areas of the Western and Eastern Empires.
S The candidate correctly uses the general and the specific
concepts related to the period.
C Uses the following general: (empire, decline, fall etc.), and
the following specific concepts (migration of the peoples,
Barbarian, limes, province, Germans, Huns, Goths etc.).
S The candidate includes the information provided by the
sources in his or her essay and draws basic conclusions from
C E.g. identifies the new forms of state that were born as a
result of the migration of the peoples; and states that these
were born in the western part of the empire and were mainly
C E.g. identifies the major characteristics of the fighting
tactics of the Barbarian people (e.g. the tactics of the Huns
which were previously unknown, and therefore dangerous, to
the Romans), and states that the settlements that were
initially successful later further weakened the strength of the
S The candidate reveals the reasons for the weakening of the
Western Empire, mentions the process and the consequences
of the migration of the peoples.
C E.g. mentions the differing rates of economic development
of the two parts of the empire and states that this led to the
division of the empire, and to the weakening of the emperor’s
C E.g. mentions that there were a growing number of
Barbarians arriving to the Empire, which sped up the process
of Barbarianization of the army, which then weakened the
defensive power of the Empire.
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Javítási-értékelési útmutató
C E.g. states that the signs of the crisis of the Roman Empire
(economic decline, diminishing importance of towns in the
West etc.) appeared mainly in the western part of the Empire,
so the Huns and German peoples attacked mostly the western
part of the empire, or that is where they were settled.
Structure, clear The essay consists of complete sentences and has a logical
structure. There are no grave spelling, punctuation or
grammar mistakes.
14. Athens and Sparta (long)
of task
Location: era
and place
Use of special
Use of sources
írásbeli vizsga 0512
Skills and content
The candidate focuses on introducing the political institutions
of Athens and Sparta.
The answer focuses on describing and comparing the
different institutions of the state and the way they operated.
The analysis reveals the relationships between the political
institutions and the structure of the society (the link between
the oppression of the helots and the aristocratic state).
The candidate includes the information provided by the
sources in his or her essay and draws conclusions from them.
S The candidate locates the era and the place of the events.
C E.g. states that the political and social structure of the two
polises probably evolved between the 8th and the 6th centuries
B.C.; the high point of democratic Athens being around the
5th century B.C. Sparta was the most important polis state of
the Peloponnesus; Athens of the Attic peninsula.
S The candidate correctly uses the general and the specific
concepts related to the period.
C The candidate correctly uses the following general
concepts (state, society, democracy, power, citizens etc.).
C Uses the following specific historical concepts
appropriately and in a way that fits the given historic period
(polis demos, aristocracy, public meeting, council of the
old, tyranny, archon, strategos, Areopagus etc.).
S The candidate includes the information provided by the
sources into his or her essay and draws conclusions from
C E.g. states that in Athens citizens with full rights were
members of the public meeting, which decided about all
important political issues, therefore in Athens it was the
public meeting which held power.
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Javítási-értékelési útmutató
C E.g. realizes that the office of strategos was elected, and
they drew lots to decide about the other offices, and states
that the method of drawing lots made it possible for every
free citizen to take part in operating the executive and
judicial powers, which made democracy spread to more
C E.g. mentions that in Sparta the ephors (controllers), the
council of the Elders and the two kings had greater powers,
and states that the importance of the public meeting (apella)
was smaller.
C E.g. mentions that in Sparta the council of the Elders had a
balancing role, so neither democracy nor tyranny could
S The candidate explains the characteristics of the two
Describing the
societies and states, and reveals the similarities and
reasons behind
differences between them.
an event
C E.g. states that in Athens the demos gained considerable
economic and military power, so it could gain political power
as well.
C E.g. identifies the characteristics of the social structure of
Athens, and realizes that the system of institutions of Athens
served democracy; every citizen had equal rights, but only
the free citizens had political rights, not slaves, women or
C E.g. states that in Sparta Spartan citizens with full rights
were considerably fewer in number than the peroikoi and
helots who had no political rights, so here a military kind of
state developed or mentions that in Sparta the helots and the
peroikoi were the majority, so the constitution and political
institution of Sparta were supposed to provide political
equality for the citizens with full political rights, not the
helots and the peroikoi.
C E.g. identifies the major characteristics of the social and
political structures of the two polises, and states that despite
the differences their structures were similar (role of the free
citizens, state controlled by the citizens etc.).
C The candidate supports and complements his or her
analysis with his or her own knowledge and statements.
Structure, clear The candidate’s essay consists of sentences, which are clear
and unambiguous.
The analysis is an organized text serving the logical
discussion of the content.
The candidate’s statements demonstrate accurate analytical
There are no grave spelling, punctuation or grammar
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2005. május 21.
Történelem angol nyelven — emelt szint
Javítási-értékelési útmutató
15. Women in the 20th century (short)
of task
Location: era
and place
Use of special
Use of sources
Describing the
reasons behind
an event
írásbeli vizsga 0512
Skills and content
The candidate focuses on the characteristics and process of
female emancipation, and the reasons why the role of women
The essay reveals major relationships by using the sources
(e.g. the industrial revolution provided more workplaces,
which helped women in taking up work).
S The candidate locates the era and the place of the events.
C E.g. mentions that female emancipation was a process
from the end of the 19th century to the second or third
decades of the 20th century, which was mainly present in
Europe and North America.
S The candidate correctly uses the general and the specific
concepts related to the period.
C Uses the following general concepts (free time, birth
control, legal entity, right to vote etc.), and the specific
historical concepts related to the period (e.g. suffragettes,
emancipation, feminism etc.).
S The candidate includes the information provided by the
sources in his or her essay and draws basic conclusions from
C E.g. shows the traditional roles of women in specific
examples (getting married, having babies and raising them,
managing the household), and states that the fact that women
started working outside their homes changed the traditional
model of the family.
C E.g. identifies the demands of the feminist movement
(opportunity to study and to take jobs, political rights etc.),
and states that the suffragette movements aimed at economic
and political equality.
S The candidate reveals the surrounding environment of the
reasons for the birth of emancipation, introducing its major
C E.g. states that people’s lifestyle changed as a result of the
socio-economic-scientific processes, traditional gender roles
were transformed, and draws the conclusion that there were
several reasons for the change in the role of women, and that
these reasons were intertwined.
C E.g. identifies the growth of urbanization, free time, and
the number of jobs that women could hold, s states that all of
these helped women gain equal rights.
C E.g. states that women worked in the munitions industry in
World War I, which helped them get equal rights after the
war or states that getting equal rights was the result of a long
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Javítási-értékelési útmutató
The essay consists of complete sentences and has a logical
structure. There are no grave spelling, punctuation or
grammar mistakes.
Structure, clear
16. The expansion of the USSR after 1945 (long)
of task
Location: era
and place
Use of special
Use of sources
írásbeli vizsga 0512
Skills and content
The candidate focuses on the expansion of the USSR after
1945 and how it established its influence over the areas it
expanded to.
The answer focuses on introducing the reasons for the
expansion of the USSR, its characteristics and environment.
The analysis reveals to what degree traditional Russian
foreign policies or the ideology of bolshevism were
involved in the expansion of the USSR. (World revolution
and power politics of the most influential countries).
The candidate uses and analyses the sources in his or her
answer, and formulates major statements and conclusions.
S The candidate locates the era and the place of the events.
C E.g. states that the period of the creation of the Soviet belt
was 1945–1949, which also marked the start of the cold war;
and that Soviet expansion (incorporation) took place in
Central-Eastern Europe.
S The candidate correctly uses the general and the specific
concepts related to the period.
C The candidate correctly uses the following general
concepts (conquest, sphere of interest, empire, great power
C Uses the following specific historical concepts
appropriately and in a way that fits the given historic period
(bolshevization, class conflict, proletarian dictatorship, iron
curtain, cold war etc.).
S The candidate includes the information provided by the
sources in his or her essay and draws conclusions from them.
C E.g. realizes that the USSR gained enormous areas at the
end of the war, since it got Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, East
Poland, Galicia, Bessarabia and some parts of East Prussia.
C E.g. mentions that the USSR pushed its sphere of interest
way beyond its borders, and states that in practice this meant
exporting the communist system.
C E.g. mentions that Soviet expansion was one of the causes
of the cold war, and states that as a result of Soviet expansion
Europe was divided into two parts.
C E.g. identifies the characteristics of the process of
bolshevization, and states that communist take-overs
happened in the same way in the areas occupied by the
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Javítási-értékelési útmutató
S The candidate describes the methods and tools of Soviet
expansion, and states how these were connected to the
ideology of bolshevism and the practice of proletarian
C E.g. mentions that the agreements reached at the
conferences during and after the war (Yalta, Potsdam) gave
free way to the USSR and helped the division up of Europe.
C E.g. mentions that the USSR emerged from the war with an
enormous military advantage, the land forces of the Allied
powers were considerably weaker, therefore there was no
obstacle to Soviet expansion.
C E.g. points it out that the ‘West’ realised the dangers of
Stalinism but because of the overwhelming advantage of the
USSR they could only stop communist expansion in areas
which were beyond the influence of the Soviets.
C E.g. mentions that hostility became constant after the end
of the 1940s, which led to a cold war and several local
incidents (Berlin, Korea etc.).
C The candidate supports and complements his or her
analysis with his or her own knowledge and statements.
Structure, clear The candidate’s essay consists of sentences, which are clear
and unambiguous.
The analysis is an organized text serving the logical
discussion of the content.
The candidate’s statements demonstrate accurate analytical
There are no grave spelling, punctuation or grammar
Describing the
reasons behind
an event
17. Economy during the period of the House of Árpád (short)
of task
Location: era
and place
írásbeli vizsga 0512
Skills and content
The candidate focuses on the economic conditions during the
period of the House of Árpád, and explains that feudal
economic conditions were prevailing by the end of this
The essay reveals major relationships by using the sources
(e.g. parallel with economic development farming became
more important and cities appeared.).
S The candidate locates the era and the place of the events.
C E.g. states or makes it clear that the economic changes
mentioned above took place in the 11th 13th centuries, which
was also a time when the Carpathian basin became
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Javítási-értékelési útmutató
S The candidate correctly uses the general and the specific
concepts related to the period.
C Uses the following general concepts (raising animals,
farming, production of goods etc.), and the specific historical
concepts related to the period (e.g. county, subsistence
economy, money economy, royal taxes (regálék), trade, right
of holding markets, staple right , tariff etc.).
S The candidate includes the information provided by the
Use of sources
sources in his or her essay and draws basic conclusions from
C E.g. states that the counties created during the reign of
Saint Stephen played a great role in creating the new land
and economic relations, or that the laws of Saint Ladislas
prove that there was developed commerce in his time
(customer, merchant, witness, contracts etc.).
C E.g. mentions that by the 12th century the biggest source
of revenue was money-changing, but income from tariffs,
customs and markets was significant too, which meant there
was developed production of goods and a money economy.
S The candidate describes the economic changes during the
Describing the
period of the House of Árpád and their social effects.
reasons behind
an event
C E.g. mentions that by the end of the 12th century royal
revenue was basically from the royal taxes (regálék), and
states that this indicates developed goods production and
money economy.
C E.g. mentions that there were several markets held during
the reign of Saint Ladislas, which were controlled. This
indicates that the main places of commerce were the markets
(the towns).
C E.g. mentions that by the 13th century Jews and
Ishmaelites had important roles in the economy, and states
that in Hungary the money economy was becoming
important and commerce developed.
Structure, clear The essay consists of complete sentences and has a logical
structure. There are no grave spelling, punctuation or
grammar mistakes.
Use of special
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Javítási-értékelési útmutató
18. Changes in the Hungarian army (10th to 15th centuries) (long)
of task
Location: era
and place
Use of special
Use of sources
írásbeli vizsga 0512
Skills and content
The candidate focuses on the changes in the Hungarian army
between the 10th and 15th centuries.
The candidate focuses on the typical characteristics of the
military structure of the different periods.
The candidate reveals the relationship between the structure
of the army and the way royal power changed, in his or her
analysis, and explains how economic conditions and
international influences affected these changes.
The candidate uses and analyses the sources in his or her
answer, and formulates major statements and conclusions
S The candidate locates the era and the place of the events.
C E.g. states that the era to be discussed is the 10th to 15th
centuries which was a period when the Hungarian Kingdom
was developing and flourished, and writes about the places
where the defensive and conquering fights took place (wars,
battles, places of battles).
S The candidate correctly uses the general and the specific
concepts related to the period.
C The candidate correctly uses the following general
concepts (state, society, army, defence, conquer etc.).
C Uses the specific vocabulary of the era properly (castle
guards, resistance of the nobility, banderia, militia portalis
(telekkatonaság), permanent army etc.).
S The candidate includes the information provided by the
sources into his or her essay and draws conclusions from
C E.g. mentions that during the time of the incursions our
ancestors dealt mainly with nomadic animal husbandry,
lived in a loose tribal organization, and the military form of
the era was light cavalry.
C E.g. states that the Hungarian army significantly changed
after the Christian type of state organization and the system
of counties were created, and states that castle guards 0–10
appeared as a result of a reform of Saint Stephen.
C E.g. realizes that the resistance of the nobility happened
during the reign of Andreas II, and states that this helped the
development of the Estates.
C E.g. mentions that by the reign of king Matthias in the
15th century the mercenary army with firearms was fully
developed, which represented considerable military power,
and states that the costs of the army were huge but it
supported strong royal authority.
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Describing the
reasons behind
an event
Javítási-értékelési útmutató
S The candidate states how the changing conditions inside
and outside Hungary transformed the army in the given era.
C E.g. mentions that Saint Stephen abandoned the nomadic
military style of fighting because he wanted to create royal
power on new foundations and because of the military
defeats in western Europe, and states that the system of
castle guards made the military service of the free men partly
C E.g. realizes that the transforming Hungarian army was
unable to fight the Tartars, and states that following the
decrees of Béla IV the defensive power of the country could
be increased by royal donations and thus by greater
sacrifices on the part of the nobility (castle building).
C E.g. mentions that the banderia created during the reign of
the Anjou kings were not effective enough in fighting off the
Turks, and states that by creating the institution of militia
portalis (telekkatonaság) Sigismund wanted to lay new
foundations for the army, which so far had been based
exclusively on the service of the nobility.
C E.g. mentions that Matthias created the mercenary army in
order to support his own power; and states that maintaining
this army was such a great burden for the country that it was
C The candidate supports and complements his or her
analysis with his or her own knowledge and statements.
The candidate’s essay consists of sentences, which are clear
Structure, clear
and unambiguous.
The analysis is an organized text serving the logical
discussion of the content.
The candidate’s statements demonstrate accurate analytical
There are no grave spelling, punctuation or grammar
írásbeli vizsga 0512
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Javítási-értékelési útmutató
19. Maria Theresa and the Estates (short)
of task
Location: era
and place
Use of special
Use of sources
írásbeli vizsga 0512
Skills and content
The candidate focuses on the relationship between the
Hungarian Estates and the Habsburg court, and describes the
connection between changes in European political
conditions and the orders of Maria Theresa concerning the
The essay reveals major relationships by using the sources
(e.g. the ruler was in a desperate situation and guarantees
keeping tax exemption for the nobles).
S The candidate locates the era and the place of the events.
C E.g. mentions that the Pragmatic Sanction was accepted by
the Hungarian nobility at the diet of 1722-23, and mentions that
Maria Theresa ruled from 1740 to 1780, the Spanish War of
Succession lasted from 1740 to 1748, and the Seven Years’
War from 1756 to 1763.
S The candidate correctly uses the general and the specific
concepts related to the period.
C Uses the following general concepts (resistance of the
nobility, feudal state, privileges of the Estates etc.), and the
specific historical concepts related to the period (e.g.
fundamental laws, feudal constitution, tax exemption,
Hungarian Estates, Austrian War of Succession etc.).
S The candidate includes the information provided by the
sources in his or her essay and draws basic conclusions from
C E.g. realizes that it was compromise that characterised the
relationship between the Hungarian nobility and the
Habsburg court, and states that Hungary had an
advantageous position compared to the rest of the Empire.
C E.g. notes that control over military, financial and foreign
affairs remained in the hands of the ruler, so that in spite of
the power of the Estates the power of the court was
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Javítási-értékelési útmutató
S The candidate shows the reasons for and the characteristics
of the favourable compromise for both the Estates and the
C E.g. points it out that the Pragmatic Sanction, which was a
product of the compromise, served as a legal basis for the
co-operation of the two parties, and states that this ensured
the privileges of the nobility despite the fact that they
hindered the administrative reforms of the court.
C E.g. states that the Estates supported the empire in a
military crisis, and that the charisma and royal conduct of
Maria Theresa helped improve the Habsburg-Hungarian
C E.g. mentions that the Habsburg Empire sought to keep its
significant power in Central Europe in the dynastic wars of
the 18th century, and states that they needed the military and
political support of the Hungarian nobility in these fights,
which is why they maintained their privileges.
The essay consists of complete sentences and has a logical
Structure, clear
structure. There are no grave spelling, punctuation or
grammar mistakes.
Describing the
reasons behind
an event
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Javítási-értékelési útmutató
20. Life of the nobility in the reform period (long)
of task
Location: era
and place
Use of special
Use of sources
írásbeli vizsga 0512
Skills and content
The candidate focuses on the different layers of the upper
classes and their lifestyles and political roles in the first half
of the 19th century.
The answer focuses on introducing the characteristics of the
different layers of the upper classes and their lifestyles.
The analysis reveals the relationships between the structure
of the upper classes, their lifestyles and attitudes.
The candidate uses and analyses the sources in his or her
answer, and formulates major statements and conclusions.
S The candidate locates the era and the place of the events.
C E.g. states, or refers to the fact that the period discussed is
the reform period of Hungary, and gives the dates of this
period (1825/30–1848).
S The candidate correctly uses the general and the specific
concepts related to the period.
C The candidate correctly uses the following general
concepts (society, layering, privileges, Diet etc.).
C Uses the following specific historic concepts correctly
(magnate or aristocracy, landowning nobility, manor, castle,
aristocracy, nobility, reform period, county etc.).
S The candidate includes the information provided by the
sources in his or her essay and draws basic conclusions from
C E.g. uses the names of the upper classes (aristocracy,
landowning nobility, lower noblility), and states that the
upper class was not united and the different names denote
important differences in lifestyles and social standing.
C E.g. identifies the characteristics of the different layers of
the upper classes (holding offices, social contacts, financial
status etc.), and states that the differences were in the
financial status and the political roles they had.
C E.g. describes any of the layers of the upper classes (e.g.
aristocracy), its special political and economic role, and
reveals how it was reflected in their lifestyle and attitudes.
C E.g. describes another layer of the upper class (e.g. the
lower nobility), its special political and economic role, and
reveals how it was reflected in their lifestyle and attitudes.
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Javítási-értékelési útmutató
S The candidate reveals the characteristics connected to the
layering and the lifestyle of the upper classes, and mentions
the factors determining the attitudes of the upper classes.
C E.g. describes the political role of the aristocracy (central
offices, upper house of parliament), or analyses the political
role of the landowning nobility (lower house of parliament,
counties), or describes one important representative of each
layer and explains their political views.
C E.g. mentions that rank and ancestry were the main factors
determining social relations, and states that the upper society
was a closed group with its different subgroups separated
from each other and from the rest of the society.
C E.g. mentions the relative size of the different layers of the
aristocracy, landowning nobility and lower nobility, their
economic, political influence, and states that the aristocracy,
who were the smallest in number determined the political
relations of the court and the nobility or states that the
middle/landowning nobility grew during this period as the
number of the members of parliament grew.
C E.g. mentions that the privileges of the Estates/nobility
were kept until 1848, and states that in Hungary the nobility
was larger, and kept its privileges longer, than in most
European countries.
C The candidate supports and complements his or her
analysis with his or her own knowledge and statements.
The candidate’s essay consists of sentences, which are clear
Structure, clear
and unambiguous.
The analysis is an organized text serving the logical
discussion of the content.
The candidate’s statements demonstrate accurate analytical
There are no grave spelling, punctuation or grammar
Describing the
reasons behind
an event
írásbeli vizsga 0512
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Javítási-értékelési útmutató
21. The cultural policy of Klebelsberg (short)
of task
Location: era
and place
Use of special
Use of sources
írásbeli vizsga 0512
Skills and content
The candidate focuses on showing how the principles and
practice of the cultural policy of Klebelsberg were results of
the Peace Treaty of Trianon.
The essay reveals major relationships by using the sources
(e.g.: losing the resources of the country, and coming up
with the idea of cultural superiority).
S The candidate locates the era and the place of the events.
C E.g. states or refers to the fact that the Horthy era in
Hungary lasted from 1920 to 1944, and saw the most
important changes in this field.
S The candidate correctly uses the general and the specific
concepts related to the period.
C Uses the following general concepts (e.g. : dictated peace ,
school reform, cultural policy, reform, philosophical
movement etc.), and the specific historical concepts related
to the period (e.g. : revision, cultural superiority, religious
morale, the state ideal of Saint Stephen, Christian-nationalist
S The candidate includes the information provided by the
sources in his or her essay and draws basic conclusions from
C E.g. introduces the historical environment of the
conception of the idea of cultural superiority, and explains
the reasons for and the background to its social acceptance.
C E.g. explains the social motives behind the creation of the
law on public elementary school (cultural empowerment of
the peasant classes), and states that one reason for the
creation of the upper elementary schools was to implement
religious/moral education and nationalist or Christiannationalist education.
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Javítási-értékelési útmutató
S The candidate reveals the connections between the defeat
in World War I, the revolutions, the dictated peace of
Trianon and the aims and methods of the cultural policy of
C E.g. mentions that as a result of the dictated peace of
Trianon Hungary had no chance to develop its army, so it
proclaimed the program of peaceful revision, in which
culture and education played a great role.
C E.g. mentions that the political elite and the majority of
society supported the cultural policy of Klebelsberg because
they saw it as a tool of ’defence’ and one unique tool of the
desired revision.
C E.g. mentions that several educational investments were
started, new institutions of higher education were created,
the development of public elementary education gained new
impetus (classrooms, teaching materials, teacher training),
and states that the results of the cultural policy of
Klebelsberg helped the nation to recover from the grave
spiritual and intellectual losses following Trianon, or helped
Hungary’s modernization.
The essay consists of complete sentences and has a logical
Structure, clear
structure. There are no grave spelling, punctuation or
grammar mistakes.
Describing the
reasons behind
an event
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Javítási-értékelési útmutató
22. The economy of the Kádár era (long)
of task
Location: era
and place
Use of special
írásbeli vizsga 0512
Skills and content
The candidate focuses on the economic policies of the Kádár
era and analyses them.
The answer focuses on introducing the economic-political
policies of the era, their characteristics, methods, results and
The analysis reveals the relationships between the political
system of the period and its economic policy. (e.g. the link
between the lack of social legitimation and the rise in the
standard of living), and formulates major statements and
conclusions (e.g. the cost of the rise in the standard of living
could only be covered by foreign loans after the 1970s).
The candidate includes the information provided by the
sources in his or her essay and draws conclusions from them.
S The candidate locates the era and the place of the events.
C E.g. specifies - or it is clear from the answer - that the
Kádár era was the period between 1956 and 1988, when
Hungary was part of the Soviet block.
S The candidate correctly uses the general and the specific
concepts related to the period.
C The candidate correctly uses the following general
concepts (property relations, standard of living, market,
demand, employment, rise in the debts etc.).
C The candidate correctly uses the specific concepts related
to the period (collectivization, controlled plan system, new
economic mechanism, secondary economy, household
farming etc.).
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Use of sources
írásbeli vizsga 0512
Javítási-értékelési útmutató
S. The candidate includes the information provided by the
sources in his or her essay and draws basic conclusions from
C E.g.: states that the collectivization of agriculture was
completed by the early 1960s, and states that this radically
changed both property relations and the structures of the
properties themselves.
C E.g. identifies the permission to create household farms
and secondary farms as a necessity basically created by the
need to improve the supply of goods, and states that this
regulation was not economic but political in nature, since it
served to raise the standard of living, which was a political
aim of the party.
C E.g. states that the national income grew steadily from the
1960s onwards and then fell again, and that the fall was
connected to the change in the prices of natural resources on
the world market. This was not favourable for Hungary.
C E.g.: mentions that from the 1970s onwards Hungary fell
rapidly into debt (the net national debt was multiplied over
six-fold in 12 years), and states that this process started as
the result of the declining ratio of goods exchanges and, after
the bad economic-political decisions, pushed Hungary
towrads bankruptcy.
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Javítási-értékelési útmutató
S The candidate describes the characteristics of the economic
policies of the Kádár era, and reveals the results of the policy
of continuously raising in the standard of living.
C E.g. states that it was due to the political will to keep the
standard of living rising at all costs that the new economic
reform started at the end of the 1960s, and states that
introducing the new economic mechanism meant a reduction
in the power of central planning and increased independence
for companies.
C E.g. realizes that the new economic mechanism created
only partial market conditions, while central planning hardly
changed, so the sudden and sharp rise in the price of oil
raised not only economic but also political problems. That
meant the dealing with the crisis was not advantageous for
the economy.
C E.g. points out that by the beginning of the 1980s there
were signs of an economic and social crisis; mentions two of
the following reasons (socialist property relations, foreign
loans, wasting resources, industry with great energy demands
etc.), and states that the political power controlling the
country was unable to deal with the crisis.
C E.g. mentions that by the end of the 1980s more and more
people thought that living standards were falling in Hungary,
and states that the economic aim of the change of the
political system was basically to create Western European
standards of living in Hungary, and this was what won a lot
of support.
C The candidate supports and complements his or her
analysis with his or her own knowledge and statements.
The candidate’s essay consists of sentences, which are clear
Structure, clear
and unambiguous.
The analysis is an organized text serving the logical
discussion of the content.
The candidate’s statements demonstrate accurate analytical
There are no grave spelling, punctuation or grammar
Describing the
reasons behind
an event
írásbeli vizsga 0512
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