Analyzing Symbols in To Kill a Mockingbird

Resource 3.14A
Analyzing Symbols in To Kill a Mockingbird
Directions: For each of the following symbols, provide an illustration, two quotations (including page numbers), and an
explanation of who or what the symbol represents.
Two Quotations
(including page numbers)
Miss Maudie’s Nut Grass
(Chapter 5)
Who or What Does the
Symbol Represent?
— “If she found a blade of
nut grass in her yard it was
like the Second Battle of the
Marne: she swooped down
upon it with a tin tub and
subjected it to blasts from
beneath with a poisonous
substance she said was so
powerful it’d kill us all if we
didn’t stand out of the
way” (56).
— “Why can’t you just pull
it up?” . . . “Why, one sprig
of nut grass can ruin a whole
yard. Look here. When it
comes fall this dries up and
the wind blows it all over
Maycomb County” (56).
The Mockingbird (Chapter
Two Quotations
(including page numbers)
Tim Johnson, the Mad Dog
(Chapter 10)
Resource 3.14A
Who or What Does the
Symbol Represent?
— “…I hope and prayI can
get Jem and Scout through it
without bitterness, and most
of all, without catching
Maycomb’s usual disease.
Why reasonable people go
stark raving mad when
anything involving a Negro
comes up, is something I
don’t pretend to
understand” (117).
Resource 3.15
Creating Your Own Symbol
On the lines below, write down something in your world that bothers you, particularly something that you find unjust.
What is an object you could use to represent, or symbolize, this injustice? (Use Atticus’s saying as a model: “It’s a sin to
kill a mockingbird.”)
Now, complete the sentence frame to create your own saying:
“It’s a sin to _______________________________________________________________________________________.”
In the space below, provide an illustration of your symbol.
You are to create a poster that includes an illustration of your symbol and your
saying. The poster must include color, be neat and creative, and be appropriate
for posting in class.