Get ready for Hidden Valley`s 2015 SPELL-A

Get ready for Hidden Valley’s
Attention Students!!! It is time for our first Hidden Valley Spell-A-Thon. We hope every HVE student is excited
to participate. Our Spell-A-Thon is a new and important fundraiser for our school, and consists of 4 easy tasks.
Task 1: Get sponsors!
Take the attached Sponsor Sheet and ask your family, friends, and neighbors to sponsor you for Hidden Valley’s
Spell-A-Thon. (To sponsor means they will either pay you money for every word you spell correctly OR they
can give you a set amount of money for taking the test.) Spend time between now and February 17th to
collect sponsors in the space provided on the attached Sponsor Sheet.
Your Sponsor Sheets will be due back to your teacher on Tuesday, February 17th.
Task 2: Study!
Keep your word list to study. Make sure you study the attached practice words, as you will take the Spell-A-Thon
test during the last week in February!
Task 3: Collect money!
Your corrected test will come home on Friday, March 6th. You will get your pledge sheets back with a collection
envelope for you to collect the money people pledged to you. You can get more pledges from any sponsors you may
have missed at this time. It’s never too late to get sponsors!
Task 4: Turn in pledge donations!
Collect and turn in all the money you collected from your sponsors.
Money due by Friday, March 20th. You MUST meet this date to be eligible for prizes!
There are rewards for participating!
First, we have a classroom goal:
• The class with the highest percentage of correctly spelled words, in each grade level, earns an extra recess!
Next, for our students, we have an individual reward:
• Each student who collects $100 or more will be entered in our drawing for a Kindle Fire. Principal Gorton will
draw a name on Friday, March 27th, for the winner of the Kindle Fire!
So, go out and get your sponsors! The great thing about the Spell-A-Thon is that all the money earned goes directly
to the Hidden Valley PFC, which supports our students and teachers. We are counting on each of you to make this
Spell-A-Thon a success, so the PFC can continue to support our students and teachers! Extra Sponsor Sheets will
be available in the office or on the PFC website at
Hidden Valley Elementary School
2015 SPELL-A-THON Sponsor Sheet
Student First Name: ___________________________
Student Last Name: ____________________________
Teacher: _____________________________________
Grade: ______________________________________
Dear Sponsor:
This year, my school, Hidden Valley Elementary, is having a Spell-A-Thon! I am given 50 words to study (10 for
kindergarten), and then I take a spelling test on those words. I raise money by asking people to sponsor me for
each word I spell correctly. I can also accept a flat donation.
I will collect the money between March 6th and March 19th.
At that time, if possible, please pay with a check made out to “HVPFC.”
Our goal is to raise money to continue to support our teachers and students. Your support is crucial in keeping
Hidden Valley Elementary an enriching and exciting learning environment!!
Sponsor Name
Donation per word
Phone #
spelled correctly
Flat Donation
ex. Sarah Jones
ex. Grandpa Smith
Total Donation
(Will be filled in
after test is corrected)
Feel free to continue onto another page! Additional Sponsor Sheets available at
Hidden Valley Elementary School
Dear Spell-A-Thon Participant,
Below you will find your grade-level spelling words for the Spell-A-Thon. Please use this list to “study” for your
Spell-A-Thon test, which will take place between February 23th and February 27th. Remember, the more words
that you spell correctly, the more money we can raise for our school!
Task 1: Get sponsors! January 30th–February 17th
Task 2: Study! January 30th–February 22nd
Take the Spell-A-Thon test! February 23th–February 27th
Task 3: Collect money! March 6th–March 19th
Task 4: Turn in pledge donations! March 20th
Keep working at collecting sponsors. Your Sponsor Sheet will be returned to you on Friday, March 6th, and you can
start to collect your pledge donations.
1. read
11. don’t
21. wish
31. teacher
41. over
2. soon
12. made
22. tell
32. sound
42. paper
3. because
13. every
23. said
33. called
43. could
4. stop
14. about
24. been
34. earth
44. years
5. draw
15. which
25. few
35. fall
45. often
6. under
16. them
26. than
36. hear
46. birds
7. always
17. write
27. give
37. love
47. nice
8. a lot
18. again
28. water
38. story
48. page
9. money
19. eight
29. pull
39. from
49. many
10. please
20. sleep
30. people
40. morning
50. kind