“The God Who is Always There” (Omnipresent)

Rev. Dr. Jeremy Mahood
October 31th, 2010
“The God Who is Always There” (Omnipresent)
Comments: The omnipresence of God is not saying that God is spread out thought the universe, much like
you stretch a small blot of jam over a large piece of bread. (Stretched thin)
The omnipresence of God means that all of God is present to the entire universe at all times.
Let us examine what the bible says about God’s presence in the entire universe.
1) Where does David say God is, in Psalms 139:7-10?
2) What is the Lord doing in Proverbs 15:3?
3) Is there anywhere God is not? See Jeremiah 23:23-24.
4) Think of a few examples in the bible where people have tried to hide or run away from God. (Hint: There
is one example in the opening chapters of Genesis and another person had a whole book of the Old
Testament written about him) Why do you think people try and hide from God?
Comments: God's omnipresence does not prevent Him from manifesting Himself in a localized place. In fact,
although His self-existent, eternal, and infinite Being is present to all of space equally, He has, on occasion,
entered space at specific points and become present in it for a specific purpose. The occasions when God
enters time and space are called “theophanies,” and they most often involved redemption.
5) Discuss how God entered time and space in Exodus 33:9. For what purpose did God appear to Moses?
6) What bold statement does the angel make concerning Jesus in Matthew 1:23?
7) Explain why the incarnation of Jesus Christ is called a theophany? See John 1:14.
8) What does Timothy call the appearance of God in time and space, as Jesus Christ, in
1 Timothy 3:16?
9) How does Colossians 1:17 and Hebrews 1:3 confirm that Jesus Christ is indeed the visible representation of
God in time and space?
10 How did God interject Himself in time and space in Acts 2:1-4?
11) How does God continually exist in time and space today? 1 Corinthians 6:19.
12) Take a few moments to discuss and reflect on the amazing truth that the God of the universe desires to
be so intimate with His creation that He would be willing to place His Spirit with in us? What do you think
that says about God? What responsibility do we have as humans if the Spirit of God dwells with in us?
13) Discuss the idea that God does not live with in a structure or a building, but rather lives with in us? Is
there such a thing as a “Holy Space” or does any space become Holy when God’s people are present in it?
See, 1Kings 8:27 for further discussion on this topic.
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