BEŞ ŞİKTAŞ Ş SHIPYAR RD Beşikta aş Shipyard 2 2013 / New Layout In n addition to Yard’s two dockks, another pa anamax size flo oating dock is in operation with w an additio onal pier. pyard has rece ently purchased d neighboring yard and increased total are ea to 160.000 sqm. Besiktas Ship m marketing@be BEŞ ŞİKTAŞ Ş SHIPYAR RD Flloating Crrane Floatiing crane,, “Lefter”, is in op peration with h a total 10 00 tons of lifting ca apacity. Heightt from jib to base is 28 meters. m Liffting capacityy is 25 tons on 25 meters and 10 00 tons on 10 0 meters. Apart from the strrong crane su upport on n our berths,, a great liftin ng ability fro om sea sid de. Hatch h cover transporta ation, re emoval of offfshore equipment and lots of sim milar operatiions will be done with a great fle exibility within yard premises. Floatin ng crane is operated d by sh hipyard tec chnicians an nd under con ntrol of prroject eng gineers w when nece essary. Trans sporter S Self-Propelled Platforrm Hydrau ulic T Transforme er, with a liftting capacity of 2 200 tons. H Hatch coverss, prefabricatted panels a and b blocks, severral heavy equ uipment can be ttransported fast and easy wiith y yard’s trans sporter. C Climbing abillity is 6% for vertical slo ope a and 2% for ccross slope. Steering radius iis R=0. M Multi-Way s steering witth PLC contro ol. P Platform hass 14,4 meters length and d 6 m meters width h. T Transporter is operated by shipya ard ttechnicians s and unde er control of p project engin neers when n necessary. m marketing@be BEŞ ŞİKTAŞ Ş SHIPYAR RD Dock Dimensio ons Dime ensions Grav ving Dock Floating Doc ck No.1 Floatin ng Dock No.2 2 92..000 dwt. 92.000 dwt. 92 2.000 dwt. Loa 2 235 m. 227 m. 227 m. Inner width between walls 40 m. 37 m. 37 m. Max. D Draft 6.5 m. 7.5 m.. 7.5 m. Heightt of keel blockks 1 1.75 m. 1.50 m m. 1.50 m. Capaccity Crane es / Berth hs Crane es Repaiir Area New Building Are ea Berrth 1: 1 x 35 mtt Jib Crane 2 x 16 mtt Jib Crane Berrth 3: 1 x 45 mtt Jib Crane 1 x 16 mtt Jib Crane 1 x 10 mt T Tower Crane Graving Dock: 2 x 100 mt G Gantry Crane 1 x 35 mtt Jib Crane 1 x 10 mt T Tower Crane Floating g Dock 1: 2x 20 mtt Jib Crane Floating g Dock 2: 2x 20 mtt Jib Crane Hatch Coverr Repair Area: 2 x 35 mt G Gantry Crane 2 x 35 mt m mt Jib Crane 1 x 10 mt T Tower Crane Floating g Crane: 100 mt / 25 5 mt Floating Slipway 1: 2 x 150 0 mt Gantry Crrane 2 x 35 mt Gantry Cra ane Slipway 2: 2 x 200 0 mt Gantry Crrane 2 x 20 mt Gantry Cra ane F Zone 1: Flat 2 x 35 mt Gantry Cra ane 2 x 35 mt Gantry Cra ane F Zone 2: Flat 2 x 35 mt Gantry Cra ane 2 x 35 mt Gantry Cra ane New w Building Pier: 1 x 10 mt Tower Cra ane Berths s Berth 1 (East): 330 m x 6 - 8 m Berth 1 (W West): 420 m x 9 - 20 m Berth 2 2: 75 m x 6 - 8 m Berth 3 3: 480 m x 6 - 20 m Berth 4 4: 160 m x 3 - 8 m Berth 5 (East): 150 m x 3 - 6 m Berth 5 (W West): 150 m x 3 - 6 m Dock 2 Siide: 230 m x 8 - 20 m Dock 3 Siide: 230 m x 8 - 20 m m marketing@be BEŞ ŞİKTAŞ Ş SHIPYAR RD Mobille Equipm ment Bessiktas Shipya ard has a wid de range of equipment like e forklifts, mobile cranes,, cherry picke ers and porta able lifters. T That enttire shipyard d owned eq quipment is operated byy shipyard tecchnicians. Mobility Heavy Work ks Cherryy Picker (31 pccs) Tractor (3 pcss) Portab ble Lifter (12 pcs) E Excavator (1 pccs) Mobile Crane (4 pcss) F Forklift (16 pcs) Transporter (1 pcss) Bobcat (4 pcss) m marketing@be BEŞ ŞİKTAŞ Ş SHIPYAR RD Hatch h Covers a and Vesse el’s Equipment Beşşiktaş Shipya ard has a grreat ability w with its large e shore fac cilities. Hattch covers an nd all other e equipments ccan be transfferred to workshops and d/or open fields by s shore crane es and flo oating crane e. Operations are more safe o on large spacces. Rep pairs of hatch covers, cra ane equipme ent, etc. are p perfectly con ntrolled and monitored m ass they are laid d down spac ciously. m marketing@be BEŞ ŞİKTAŞ Ş SHIPYAR RD Work kshops In house 12 w workshops are located on a total off 50.000 squ uare meter la and in Beşikta aş Shipyard. Insspecting the equipment w which is unde er repair take es a few min nutes, because everything is underr one roof. Yarrd workshopss are operatted by yard d technician ns under con ntrol of proje ect engineers. Exttensive ma achinery equipment (like Borverkk, lathe ma achines up to o 12 meters,, balancing e equipment, electrical e mo otor oven etcc…) enables tthe yard to ccarry out mosst of the rep pairs without leaving prem mises. m marketing@be BEŞ ŞİKTAŞ Ş SHIPYAR RD Guestt House 22 air-cond ditioned roo oms with hig gh speed intternet, LCD TV V, minibar, laundry service e and separa ate bathroom m. charge for superintende s ents and ow wner’s Free of c appoin nted service e engineers s. Breakfast and Dinne er are prepared for our g guests every day in the dining roo om at the guesthouse floor. Breakfa ast is served d between 07 7.00 - 08.30 am and din nner is served between 18..00 - 21.00 p pm. m marketing@be BEŞ ŞİKTAŞ Ş SHIPYAR RD Trans sportation n m marketing@be
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