CAASPP Student Test Assignment (Paper Pencil) Extract

CAASPP Student Test Assignment
(Paper Pencil) Extract
February 1, 2016
1. Changes in 2015-2016**
2. Overview**
Initial Setup and Security
3. CAASPP Student Test Assignment
Form Setup
Print Report
Create File
4. Other Notes
** = New or updated information
CAASPP Student Test Assignment (Paper Pencil) Extract
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Changes in 2015-2016
For the 2015-2016 testing administration the testing vendor changed the name of the extract file
from the CAASPP.PaperPencil File Template to the CAASPP.student-test-assignmenttemplate. The corresponding forms and reports in Aeries® have been updated to include both the
new file name and “Paper Pencil”.
The CAASPP Student Test Assignment/Paper Pencil Extract form allows districts to create a file
which assigns students to the proper Smarter Balanced Assessments and Testing Administrations. The
data is saved into an Excel spreadsheet provided by CAASPP (California Assessment of Student
Performance and Progress). Once populated, this spreadsheet can be imported using TOMS (Test
Operations Management System) on the CAASPP site. This process replaces the STAR PreIdentification Form that was used in prior years.
The CAASPP Student Test Assignment (Paper Pencil) Extract allows records to be limited by
Extract Date, Special Ed (CSE) students only, or “all” (i.e., Special Ed and non-Special Ed) students
limited by a Keep/Skip query. Inactive students can also be included. A report with the option to
group by school is available.
For the 2015-16 Test Administration the default student test assignments in TOMS are:
 Grades 3 – 8 and 11 – Online Smarter Balanced summative assessments in ELA and Math
 Grades 5, 8, and 10 – CSTs for Science (paper-pencil)
LEA’s will need to indicate which students need to take the CMA Science, CAPA Science, California
Alternative Assessment (CAA) for ELA and Math, STS and other Special Versions. They can do this by
importing the Student Test Assignment File into TOMS or by updating one student at a time in the
TOMS system.
The Student Test Assignments that students may be given are:
 Science CST, CMA or CAPA – gr 5, 8 and 10 only (students in grades 5, 8 and 10 must be enrolled
in one of these versions of the Science test)
 California Alternative Assessment (CAA) for ELA and Math – gr 3-8, 11 (for special ed students
with an IDEA indicator in CALPADS and a valid primary disability code)
 STS for RLA – grades 2 - 11
 Special Versions of :
o Braille – grades 2-11 for Science CST’s and CMA, STS, Smarter Balanced ELA and Math
o Large Print – grades 2-11 for Science CST’s and CMA, STS, Smarter Balanced ELA and Math
o Spanish version of Smarter Balanced Math – grades 3-8 and 11
NOTE: Only certain LEA’s are approved by CDE to use Braille and Large Print versions of
Smarter Balanced tests (ELA and Math). Please contact CAASPP for questions on
NOTE: The Aeries extract does not populate data in Column A (Test Admin) column. Also,
the Science CST students are not part of the Aeries extract since by default 5th, 8th
and 10th grade students are initially assigned the CST Science test in TOMS.
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Initial Setup and Security
Permission will need to be given to user accounts to access the Test Settings (STS) table. User
accounts that will be accessing the CAASPP Student Test Assignment (Paper Pencil) Extract
form will also need at least select permission to STU, CSE, LAC, and XRF.
The Test Settings form has been updated to include three new codes to indicate if a student will be
taking a Special Version of the assessments:
PPT.B – Braille version of Science CST, CMA, STS and SBAC ELA and Math
PPT.LP – Large Print Braille version of Science CST, CMA, STS and SBAC ELA and Math
PPT.SSN – Spanish version of SBAC Math
The CAASPP Student Test Assignment (Paper Pencil) Extract program will include students with
STS records with one of the above codes when creating the extract.
STS form in Aeries Client (School) Version
In Aeries Client (School) Version the Test Settings form can be accessed from the Test Settings
(STS) tab in the Student Data – Tests form.
STS screen in Aeries Web Version
In Aeries Web Version the Test Settings screen can be found under the Student Data – Test
Scores node on the navigation tree. Only users with permissions to the Test Settings screen will see
the node on the navigation tree.
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In Aeries Web Version permission to the Test Settings screen can be set up in the Security page by
the System Admin. Security for the Test Settings can be found under the Test Scores
Table/Program Area.
Please see the Test_Settings_for_Smarter_Balanced_Assessment.pdf document for more information
on how to insert, update or delete STS records.
CAASPP Student Test Assignment
The CAASPP Student Test Assignment (Paper Pencil) Extract form is available in Aeries Client
(District) Version. This form allows users to load SSID and alternate test information into a temporary
table. The alternate test information includes students that will need to take one or more of the
the CMA Science test
the CAPA Science test
the CAA (California Alternative Assessment for ELA and Math)
the STS assessment for Reading Language Arts
Braille copies for Science CST’s and CMA, STS, Smarter Balanced ELA and Math
Larger print paper copies for Science CST’s and CMA, STS, Smarter Balanced ELA and Math
Spanish (paper) version of the Smarter Balanced Math assessment
Options are available on the form to limit the students that are included, to include inactive students,
and to print a report.
The Create File button loads the data into an Excel file which can be imported into CAASPP using
TOMS (Test Operations Management System).
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Form Setup
The CAASPP Student Test Assignment (Paper Pencil) Extract form is found in Aeries Client
(District) Version under View all Forms.
Extract Date - Enter the Testing Date into the Extract Date field. This date will be used to
determine if Special Ed students are enrolled in the Special Ed program during the test administration
and if Spanish speaking Limited English students have been enrolled in a US School for less than one
Include All Students (STU) – use this setting to include non-Special Ed and Special Ed students.
NOTE: When Include All Students is selected, a KEEP or SKIP query must be run to limit
the records. For example KEEP STU IF GR > 1 AND GR < 12 can be run to ensure that
students that need to take the STS for RLA are included in the extract.
Limit to Special Ed (CSE) – use this setting to include only Special Ed students that have not exited
Special Ed prior to the Extract Date.
Aeries Query – select this button to run a KEEP or SKIP query to limit the students that will be in
the extract. Multiple Student Test Assignment files can be imported into TOMS and KEEP and SKIP
queries can be used to limit the students in the extracts. When a KEEP or SKIP query has been run,
a red message will display on the CAASPP Student Test Assignment (Paper Pencil) Extract form
indicating that the student records are being skipped by a query.
Excel Template File – the extract must be in the format specified by the test vendor. The Excel
template must be downloaded from the vendor and stored on the computer. The template can be
downloaded from:
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After the template has been saved to the computer, use the File Selection box to navigate to the
saved template and select it.
Save As File Name – enter a name for the the Extract File. The file will be saved in the c:\eaglecs\
NOTE: The extract file is created on the local computer, it is not saved to the database.
Print Report
Print Report – will print a report of the SSID’s and test settings in the file extract.
When using the Group by School Code option the report will page break on school. Also, the
students’ student number, name and grade will display along with their SSID and test assignments.
The students are printed in SSID order.
When not using the Group by School Code option only the students’ name, SSID and test
assignments will appear on the report. The students are printed in SSID order to match the order of
the extract file.
NOTE: If students have active records in multiple schools, then they will be listed in each
school where they have a record when the Group by School Code option is used. They
will only be listed once when the Group by School Code option is not used. They also
only have one record in the extract file regardless of which report option is used.
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Create File
Select Create File to create the extract file. If the extract file already contains data from a previous
run a warning message will come up asking if you wish to overwrite the data in the file. Select No to
stop the process or Yes to contine and overwrite the file. A message will display when the file has
been created.
The file is saved in the location indicate by the Save As File Name field.
Other Notes
The extract uses the following guidelines when creating the extract:
 Column C (CST Science) – includes students in grades 5, 8 and 10
(CSE.PA4 = 10 or 11)
 Column D (CMA Science) – includes students in grades 5, 8 and 10 (CSE.PA4 = 20 or 21)
 Column E (Alternate – CAA for ELA and Math, CAPA for Science) - includes students in
grades 3-8, 10, 11 where CSE.PA2 = 30, CSE.PA3 = 30 or CSE.PA4 = 30
 Column F (STS for RLA) – includes students in grades 2 – 11 where STU.LF = limited English
(as defined by the CALPADS Code Value Translations table), STU.HL = 01 (Spanish), and
LAC.USS is less than one year from the Extract Date
 Column G (Braille) – includes students in grades 2-11 with a PPT.B record in Test Settings
 Column H (Large Print) – includes students in grades 2-11 with a PPT.LP record in Test
Settings (STS)
 Column I (Spanish for SBAC Math) – includes students in grades 3-8 and 11 with a PPT.SM
record in Test Settings (STS)
NOTE: The Aeries extract does not populate data in Column A (Test Admin) column.
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