Unewnnon Sense - NYS Historic Newspapers

BRISBANE News Review of Current
Events the World Over
Pass the Patm an Bill
' They Love King George
Puzzle for Solomon
Senate Passes Patman Ronus Bill in Face of Presiden­
tial Veto— Amelia Earhart Makes Another
Fine Record Flight.
B y E D W A R D W. P I C K A R D
Western Newspaper Union.
would not over­
rule the Preslbonus bill would be easier for
d e n t i a l veto, the President to veto than the Vin­
w h i c h Is e x ­ son measure, some of the adminispected.
t r a t i o n senators
T h e Patman
Joined with the P at­
bill, wisely ap­
man followers to
proved, gives the
p u t^he former bill
veterans t h e i r
thrOTgh the senate
money to spend
by a vote of 55 to
33. Previously, for
some devious rea­
want. Under that
son, the senators
bill veterans are
put aside the com­
jS rth ar Brlubaac to be paid with
promise measure of­
new money. That money as
fered by Pat Harreceived would all vanish, in pur­ _
_ ^
chases in every corner of the United Rep. Patman
that Mr. Roosevelt would sign I t
Kew United States money is ex­ That the President would veto the
actly as good as new bonds, since Patman bill was taken as a cer­
paper dollars and paper bonds get
tainty and It was believed the Infla­
all their value from the name of tionists could not gather enough
the government printed- on them. votes to override the veto in the
There are no longer any gold pay­ senate, though they bad enough in
ments promised or implied. If gov­ the bouse.
ernment money is not good, govRather surprisingly. Senator Wil­
m im ent bonds are not good.
liam G. McAdoo of California, a
former secretary of the treasury,
P r^id e n t Roosevelt, congratulat- advocated the Patman bill, assert­
tag King George, says: “1
ing that it was “a mere conjecture”
plate the
that the issue of $230,000,000 in
nee which yo
noninterest bearing notes, or green­
esty has exerted for a quarter of a backs, would be inflationary.
century.” T h at v
tout all that
“We have •nothing in -the United
the President, with the best of In- States today but greenbacks," he
j British said. “Is your money redeemable in
ruler’s popularity is based on stick­ gold? Is It redeemable In silver?
ing to his job, which is, letting his No. It Is redeemable In nothing but
people alone, wliile they attend to the honor and good faith of the
their business in their own way.
American people.
The king seems .to think that
“What constitutes inflation Is a
those who have built the greatness matter of conjecture. It Is also a
of the British empire to its present mere conjecture that we must have
lelght may be trusted to continue
:alled specie basis. The best
proof of that is that, since going
off gold, the dollar is as sound as
It ever was.
hited States has been more or less
“The Issuance of $230,000,000 In
of an accident, under bad manage­ new currency would affect the cred­
ment, and needs to start again on it of the United States about as
a new plan.
much as If I threw a shovelful of
Time will tell whether a govern- sand Into the ocean and tried to
t them al(
stop the incoming tide."
Some friends of the measure,
after the President indicated he
Five killed, eight Injured, in an would veto It, decided It might be
airplane crash. The dead include better to amend It than to lose It
Senator Cutting of New Mexico, who entirely. They proposed to give the
will be deeply regretted by his state
isident the choice of several ways
and by the senate.
of paying the bonus certificates.
Flying In fog, fuel gave out. Th»
last radio message was: “Fuers
getting low- We can’t find a break
politan airport a t Newark, N. J.,
In the fog. I t looks like a forced nonstop, 2,100 miles in 14 hours
and 22 minutes. That is the new
Both pilots were killed; f'e y did record set up by
their b e st
Amelia Earhart In
her red monoplane.
An occasional disaster will not H e r h u s b a n d ,
discourage flying, b\it this pnrticiilar George Palmer Put­
accident raises, again the que.stion, nam, and more than
shonld not *lfplane builders con- 3,000 o t h e r enthuclastlc persons
were at the air­
port to w e lc o m e
King Solomon never solved any her, and she was
snch problem as th is : A New Fork almost mobbed by
mannfacturqr wished to advertise' the throng. '
Amalia Earhart
“Invisible panties,” in usual words—
After her start
small trousers worn by modem
women. NBA rules say th at If the was not heard from nor reported
article advertised is not invisible, seen for more than six boors. H er
the advertising is “false and mis­ 'course took her straight east a t
leading and violates the code.” If first, over the mountain peaks be­
those panties are invisible, NBA tween the Mexican capital and Tamcannot pass on them, and their
- oU
mannlactarer must not attempt to
display then: oh models, for evident radio. Observers knew, however,
reasons dealing w ith morality.
that she expected to be above
10,000 feet as sHe crossed the shore­
Eight million young women In line out over the gulf of her 3 0
Germany are unmarried. The gov­ mile hop over the water to New
ernment Invites 333,000 of them to Orleans.
m an y “healthy, virile, hereditary
Passing over New Orleans, she
commhRlcated by radio with the
To lead the unmarried German Department of Commerce station
girl to the "virile,' hereditary farm­ there, and then flew swiftly along
e r” n a y he easier than making her the airways of American 3 r Lines
starry him.
Eastern ,Alr Lines. A« she
A labor law compels women under swooped over Hoover airport; Wash­
twenty-five years of age to serve one ington, Eugene Vidal, director of
year on farm s before they can take the air commerce bureau, radioed:
other Jobs.
“Lou have done a splendid job, so
Once you begin to tell human be­ come down.” B ut Amelia replied,
ings how they must live, life be­ with thanks for the invitation, that
comes complicated.
she was going on through. And
that is what -she did.
Pope P iu s addressing 130 GerSMUi pilgrims, qm ke plainly about C'OLLOWING a lively debate the
Germany’s present Hitler govem- F house p a s s ^ the omnibus bank­
ing bill, which rewrites th eted eral
called positive Christianity
christihnize Germany, and they wish
to conduct the country back to bar­
baric paganism, and nothing is left
niidoDe to disturb Christian and
ChthoUc life.”
The pope’s words referred to the
unpleasant welcome home of 2,000
young German pUgrims th at went
to Rome to receive the papal bless-
etary policies for the purpose of
promoting business stability. Tlie
final vote, after various amendments
had been rejected, was 271 to III).
In the senate the measure will be
strongly combatted, with Senator
Carter Glass leading the opposition.
Glass wrote the banking bill during
the Wilson administration, and he
objects to having the system tam­
E sury L. Hopkins, federal emer­ pered with by Federal Reserve Gov.
gency relief administrator, uses lan- Marriner S. Eccles.
gnagie'as plain as that of Mussolini
o r Stalin. He finds that we have
in America a class of “oppressors,”
rid i men, and. promises that that
1, oppressive, business minor­
ity “ who extol poverty and profits Sion. The sum was divided into
l a the same breath” shall be made works classifications as provided by
ootcasts la the “aew order” that Is the works relief act, these includ­
ing road construction, grade cross­
ing elinalDatlon, m ral rehabilitation.
ing and
ral construction. Allotments
r specific projects were
to be made later, a list of these
contemplating expenditure of $100,000,000 being submitted by Mr.
Ickes as approved-by the PWA and
referred to Frank Walker’s division
of applications and information. ■
^ OLp medals of the National Ii>
v J stltute of Social Science were
awarded to four American bumacltarians at the Institute’s annual
dinner in New York, and no one
will say they were not deserved.
One was given Senator Carter
Glass of Virginia “in recognition of
distinguished services rendered to
humanity as one of the leaders in
the planniug and creation of the
federal reserve banking system, as
secretary of the treasury, as United
States senator, and as one who,
through a long life, consistently and
unsparingly devoted bis abilities
md energies to public service.”
)f Boston re­
ceived a medal for his “distinguisbed services rendered.to human­
ity as a leader in surgery and so­
cial medicine.”
Dr. George E. Vincenf was hon­
ored for services “as professor of
sociology, as president of the Uni­
versity of Minnesota, as president
of the Rockefeller foundation, as
president of the Chautauqua insti­
tution, as one of the leaders in the
development of comjnnnity chests In
the United States, and as an educa­
tor whose life and addresses have
been an inspiration toward un­
selfish public service.”
To Cornelius N. Bliss, former
'president of the institute, was pre­
sented a medal for his work "as a
director of the Julllard School of
Music, as a director of the Metro­
politan Opera association, Inc., as
a member of the central committee
of the American Red Cross, as a
governor of the New York hospital
as a director of the Mllbank Memo
rial fund, as a trustee of the Met)polltan Museum of Art. and as
a member of the board of manat
of the Association for Impi
the Condition of the Poor.”
This comes as a pleasing Inter­
lude In the midst of political squab­
bles, International bickerings, busi­
ness troubles, crimes and disnsters.
Unewnnon Sense
National Topics Interpreted
by W illiam Brucicart
National Press BuUdlnw
Wasbington.—Probably the most
table incident of recent days In
Washington is the
Blaat a t
explosion of a
N ew D ea l bomb by business.
It is significant
and important that the business
voice, as representeC by the Chamr of Commerce of C — ■ -
:ter of significance that
voice criticized the
New Deal generally
nerally as well as spespe­
cifically, because II
It is the first time
In the period since President Roose­
velt took: charge that anything
h been
inlty In business thought has
on foreign trade, has just m ale pub­
lic statistics that ten^ to show the
The reaction was Instantaneous.
United States is los­
ing its position as
irst. Secretary Roper of the De­
the world’s chief
lent of Commerce musterei
mustered 21
creditor nation, and
members of his business advisory
makes recommencommittee for couLter attack. ^ It
datioDS that are in'
was almost drowned out by the
chamber’s roar. Such was not the
accord with the
g ro w in g tr e n d
case, however, with the President’s
against Internation­
reply. He waited until the conven­
alism in the admin­
tion had ended to let loose a charge
istration and In
that the business interests were
conflict with Secreselfish. I t made all the front pages.
Hull’s program
This brings us to the crux of the
QaorgsN. PMK
removing barri­
condition precipitated by the out­
ers to international trade by recipro­
burst of the Chamber pf Commerce
cal trade agreements.
convention, It is seldom, and I be­
Stating that whether or not this
lieve the record shows this statecountry still owes less to other na­
to be absolutely true, that an­
tions than they owe to it appears
conventlons/of the Chamber of
to depend on the true value of de­
lerce of the United States have
faulted war debts, Mr. Peek recom­
been taken seriously by the news­
mends these immediate steps:
papers. The business men have
"L The Inauguration of a Jetailed A LL the vast British empire cele- been looked upon as possessors and
study of our direct Investments ^
noters of rather antiquated
brated the silver Jubilee of
abroad and foreigners’ direct Invest­ King George V and Queen Mary—'
IS. Their Interests have been
ments in the United States, to sup­ the twenty-fifth aanlversary of
are of a selfish character. That
plement the studies now in progress
t h e i r accession— Is quite ohvlous and quite n.ataral.
of capital movements.
and f o r t h r e e But a t this time, the voice of busi­
months there will ness speaks more than Just business
politically, Bence,
be a continuous se- views. It speaks politically.
our internatlocal creditor status."
loess spoke
ttits time the
when business
The proposal seems to lead to­
newspapers of the country paid
ward high tariffs and a policy v>f
was an unprece­
and all the domin­
allocating onr foreign trade among
was ob­
ions and dependen­
other nations, as Is done by many
cies. London, of tained by tbe chamber through the
of the European countries.
c o a r s e , was the medium of Its convention this year.
Figures compiled by Mr. Peek In­
scene of the chief Whether this represento a change
dicate that the United States is a
celebration on the In the thought of toe country, sore­
net International creditor by $16.ly no one Individual of any groap
000. but this includes $10,metropolis was Is able to say definitely. It must
304.000.000. principal amount of war
thronged with vis­ be recognized, however, that for
itors. Hotels and rooming houses many months a highly vocal minor­
were overcrowded and the king or-; ity of politicians has been accusing
dered that Hyde Park be kept open the administration of throttUng
so some of tte overflow tbonsauds crt^UcIsm. Although this group
fought vlgoroualy and charged the
could sleep thera,,
There were seven state proces­ administration with having tbe
and other direct investments In for­
greatest propaganda machine ever
eign countries. Mr. Peek strongly sions the first day. The first was to exiat. It obtained little publicity
Infers that a re-estimation of these that of the speaker of the house for those views. Most newspapers
“assets" will result in such a scaling of commons, C apt Edward A. dismissed them by publlcatron of
down that this country will no long­
three or four paragraphs, buried on
er be a creditor nation and need not
tbe Inside pages of the metropoli­
art as such.
tan dallies. So, necessarily, signifi­
By bis recommendation for a re­
cance attaches to toe fact that when
view of all oar national policies
the business voice was ralsefi In
based in whole or in part on our in­ a two-coach procession of Lord High apparent unity toe newspapers ac­
ternational credit status, Mr. Peek Chancellor Sankey, and one of the corded columns of space to I t I t
unqucstlouably means that there
can be construed In no other way
will be no further validity to the
than as meaning there Is a larger
argument that as a creditor nation of the duke of York, from Backing*
opposition to some phases of tbe
we must opeu'our markets to Im­ ham palace, two carriages, with a
ported goods, and that imports need captain’s escort of the magnlficenUy New Deal a t least than most of us
bad expected.
be only suflicient to balance current
exports, taking into consideration
For quite a while such gronps as
such invisible items of Internation­ and their children. Princesses Eliz- the American Liberty league have
al trade as shipping services and
pounded away at
and duchess of Ken
tourist expenditures.
The prince of Wales, as heir to O p p o r illo n certain phases of
U n ifie d
the New Deal. To
I n t h e crash of a bansport plane the throne, came sixth. He had with
toe "Waaihlngton
* of Transcontinental Western Air him a captala’s escort of the Life observers It appeared th at these
near Atlanta, Mo„ Senator Bronson Guards and two carriages, in the groups were getting nowhere and
:b he rode with Qneen
M. Cutting of New Mexico arid four
t Of a sadden,
(rway and his brother,
other persons fell
rever, the voice opposed to ■
the duke of Gloucester, like him, a however,
to their death. The
!w Deal seems to have fonni Itbachelor.
pilot was unable to
moment and
self. Certainly at toe momen
land at Kansas City
Finally, In the most gorgeous pa­ for the first time, there Is an apbecause of a dense
rade of all, came George and Mary, proximatlon of unity to New Deal
fog and bis fuel
and as their ornate coach, drawn by opposltlon
opposition and th a t fact is rellectid
gave out before he
the famousI grays, passed,
the voices In a rather Important way. I refer
c o u l d reach an
of Ml loyal BriUsbj
sben rose In a
toiblted in congress
emergency landing
roar of “Gqd bless the king ar
nore and more erlfield a t Klrksville.
queen.” The rulers, accompanied
1 deuce of a declslilon on the part of
Besides Mr. Cut­
aU the other notables, went to ! the legislators to9 assert their indeting tbose killed
Paul’s cathedral to gi
pendence In contradlstinction
contradlstinr "
were Miss Jeanne
thanks to God.
previous silent obedience
A. Hillias of Kansas
White House.
City. Mrs. William
early to attemp
A FPIKMING a decision of the Su- I beReve it Is
Kaplan of West i-os Angeles, and
>r tbe Chamber
preme court of the District of a prediction whether
Harvey Bolton and K. H. Greeson,
Columbia, the United States 8n- of Commerce leadership will lasL
pilots, both of Kansas City. Eight
premc court held nnconstitutlonal If I were to make an Individual
passengers were seriously Injured.
lid say that leadersbip of
Bronson Cutting, a millionaire of the railroad retirement act, raling gaess I would
an aristocratic-family, was a radi­ that many of Its provisions a re in­ this type will crumble. That guess
is 'predicated npon toe record of
cal Republican and was one of th< valid. The act provided for a sys tbe
past becauTC heretofore i t baa
outstanding members of the senate.
business always sufbeen true th a t 'business
He supported Mr. Roosevelt for road workers. The decision wax
President In
but when'he.came read by Justice Owen J . Roberta
It condemned many prorisiona of was bushwacklng in its own camp.
the law aa "arbitrary,” placing an Regardless of whether th at condi­
undue -burden on the mOroads and tion develops again, the explosive
having DO relation to safety and et character ,of the speei^es in the
flciency In the operation of the ran chamber’s convention have added a
- p lEltE’S likely to be another hat
to Roosevelt opposition
1 in the Republican Presidential The act was passed by the Seven­ momentnm
which It has lacked hereotfore. It
ring soon. Coqgressman Hamilton ty-fourth congress just before It Is jnst possible, therefore, that even
Fish, Jr„ of New Lork, says he may closed, and bad the tarit approval if business leadership fails in its
idldate'for the nomination,
be a candf"
of the new admlnlstraUen, although efforts to curb radical tendencies
If the caU came on a basis of _party.
_ President Roosevelt said he beUeved among the administration group, a
Fish said, he would not listen. Nor It would have to be perfected by weU knit opposition may now be
would he listen if it came from the amendment It set np a compulsory developing.
East alone. He said he knew the
Pursuing this assumption further,
people would want a young man pension plan.
one hears suggestions around Wash­
for President—-one who is liberal
ington to the effect that a genuine
and yet reafflrins and defends the |N THE name of 400,000 Knights and basic issue for toe 1036 cam­
Constitution; a n a n who has the • of Columbus, Martin H. Carmody paign may be in toe making;, It
ime knight of the order, has would teem th a t Mr. Roosevelt wlU
Interest of the farmers and the supreme
_ to President Roosevelt a letter be forced Into toe position again
workers at heart. And that’s Just
[Ing American diplomatic Inter- ‘ appealing to toe ^forgotten man
about the kind of man Mr. Fish
thinks be Is. The congressman is ventlon on bebaR of CntboUcs
hla 1932 campaign who has since
forty-seven years old and, like Mr. Me.vico. The matter baa been
been forgotten. The conservative
Roosevelt, Is a graduate of Harvard. congressI aatt variona times but quite thought of the country meanwhile
He believes the Republicans have
will marshal behind the home own­
better than a good chance to win itant about Interfering to w to t Mex ers, the possessors of property and
a d o m ^ affair.
the 1936 election^
capitql and toe workers whose In-
WaablDSten, 1>, C.
come must be taxed heavily in sub­
sequent years to pay for toe pro­
gram of spending our way out of
toe depression.
Some support is seen for this the­
ory of probable issues in 1936 In tbe
recent statement of Postmaster Gei
era! Farley who spoke politically as
chalrnaan of toe Democratic n
al committee. In almost so many
words, Mr. Farley declared that tbe
business Interests bad not been fa­
vorable to Mr. Roosevelt; that they
were not now favorable to bim and
that there was no reason to expect
tbe support of business hereafter.
Mr. Farley, clever politician that he
is, recognizes th at under present
to those who have not than there
are on toe side of toe man who ap­
peals to those who have.
On toe other hand, government
statistics show th at something like
65.000. 000 persons bold life Insi
ance policies; th at something li
3.000. 000 have saving accounts in
banks; tbat there are around 10,000,000 home ownefs In toe nation;
and that even a t toe lowest point
of tbe depression there were more
people working for salaries and
wages than there w ere unemployed.
Mr. Farley’s guess apparently Is
that so many of these workers have
bad their Incomes reduced that they
will support a candidate who prom­
ises to improve to rtr condition. In
their numbers lies the difference be­
tween victory and defeat.
No discussion of the controversy
between business and President
Roosevdt would
N R A th e be complete w lttH ot S pot oiit consideration
of toe NBA. It is
toe hottest spot in congress right
now. Tbe situation Is of such a
have bad carbuncles will fully nn-'
A lew days ago, Mr. Roosevelt
called tbe most obstreperous of opiltlon^ senators to toe White
Bonse for a conference on toe questendlng
toe national Industrial recovery a c t
It Is due to expire by limitation of
law on June 16. H e cleverly Invlted Miss Perkins, the secretary of
labor, and Donald Ricbberg, toe
guiding hand of the Recovery ad­
ministration, to sit in on th a t meet­
ing. I t was only natural that two
such avid New Dealers as Mist Per­
kins and Mr. Ricbberg should hold
ont for continnation of NBA for )
(■year period. And It was only
natural for senators who do not be­
lieve whole-heartedly In all of tbe
NRA principles to insist on a make­
shift, or temporary continuation.
The President pnt'them Into a cockpit to fight it olut
n t The resulting
disagreement wass perfeqtly
but the Presidentt had put himself
in a position to trade with congress.
Since t o e l ^ A opponents In con­
gress did not yield, they naturally
went back to toe Capitol and
framed their own program. They
propose to have NRA continued,
with some of its unsatisfactory fea­
tures eliminated, to April of next
year. They probably wiU be able to
muster enough support to pass some
snch legislation. I f they do, the
President wlU accept IL Actually,
he has no choice. He cannot allow
toe policy represented by NRA to
crash completely.
Ball SyadtcBU-WNU
Make friends, but don’t depend on
Your life Is your
own, to make or
Y on h a v e no
right, when yon get into trouble, to
sk other people to help you o u t
Yon got into it, and it’s your busi­
ness to get out ajtolo-
Depend on
Y o u rself
lakes an en
And without self-reliance yon will
be a pretty poor kind of a citizen.
have known many men, young
and old, who made It a practice to
go to tbeir friends when they got
None of them ever got anywhere,
or ever did anything in the world
that^w as^w o^ doing.
Every man ought to stand on bis
own tpeL
Start running to this man or that,
every time you fall into difficulties
and you will soon be avoided for the
pest that you are.
Ask advice, if yon know anybody
who can give you the right k ln ^
but don’t make small “touches” and
get out of temper when they are
refused to you.
Fall Into the way of dependence,
and those on whom you are depend­
ing will fall away from yon.
If you have some knotty problem 'to solve, go to work on It and
satelUtea of some “big” man or oth­
er, and run to him whenever you
get into a Jam.
Start that, andd yyou'll get Into Jans
after jam. and by aand by the peoo help
pie you expect to
be you will suddenly disappear around toe corner
when they see you coming.
There la one person In the world
to whom you have a- right to go
when you don’t know-what to do
about something or other.
That If yourself.
If yon are always asking and takIng advice, yon will become an ecb<v
a “yes man,” a parasite.
. Life isn’t going to be easy for yon.
If lived tbe right way. It la not easy
for anybody:
Do your own UiMchtg, your own
plmuuHg. Moko your otm woy.
Within the llmltationa th at rnircound us all, yon are your own boss.
Be a good one, and a stem one.
H unan perversity wBl prompt
yon often to go toe wrong way.
'B a t you can go toe right way.
And th at li toe only way you can
take If yon want to get toe best ont
of your exiatence.
The new born baby begins life by
■tmggllng for U s breath. And from
' that time fo rth .it
Y our
Is always engaged
P riv a te W a r
s t r a g g l e . The
growing child soon discovers th at
he has many wara on hla bands.
Some of them are with Us les­
sons e ^ r t are with his playmatesL
Often he wlshes he could run away,
bnt be can’t
He must gradnalUy leam tb a t a
state of war envelops aU hnmaUty.
After yon have grown post eariy
boidiood, yon a r t coadnaany en­
gaged in one kind of a war or otficr,
the meet tnqmrtant of which is yoor
own private rac.
That ii toe atruggle with youre e lt and we a ^ Infom ed on very
icUable antoority that he who ralIt Is a wiser and sadder Bine eth hit own spirit la greater than
Eagle th at Is proposed In the sen­ he wtao taketh a city:
ate resolntlon conMost of toe men with whom I bs- .
. Wieer
t i n n i n g NBA
Blue Eagle
resolution Is oune acquainted in my years a s a
e q u i p p e d with newspaper reporter were men self.
scissors to trim fhe taR feathers of
They have fought' and woo their
toe famed eagle so tbat it cannot
operate against businesses whose private wars, a few with lirts, but
traffic IS whoBy within a state—In­ most of them with the power of
trastate—nor wUl It permit price
They have bad to engage In keen
The senate finance' committee and grueUlng-competition with naen
which drafted this resolution report­ whoee wits, for all they knew, wera
ed it to toe senate by toe over­
ley bad to dlsdpilna
whelming vote of sixteen to three.
That shows better than any words their wHlt and to widen their meaof mine how thoroughly determined
that senate group w as to override
toe Blchberg-Perklns views on ad­ and to play afterward, and gradnal.
ministration poUcy. Succinctly, toe ly they found th at work and play
continuing resolution provides for were much toe same thing,' inaachanges in the current law as fol- mndb as they both were c o m p e tl't
L No price fixing shaU .be per­
The boy who Is led in Us esriy
mitted or sanctioned under an
except In codes covering mineral or youth to believe th at h s wlU be
natnral resonrees industries that taken care of and be provided to r
becomee a weakling.
now embody toe price fixing prlnHe-nm it learn to take cuflb ahd.
'*i*^No trade engaged whoHy in In most circumstances, give them.
He n u t get much the same sort
intrastate commerce shaU be placed
of training that an athlete jk)ee who
under code, '
3, The President wlD hare X days la about to enter a competition.
Your private w ar la a war against
in which to review present codes of
fair practice In order to revise and
adjust each so th a t it wlU conform
It onlailt *ei/ ducipliHo, eoerote, m
to toe provisloni of toe new NRA tetue of humor and « high rotolve to
'T think this Is toe best way io ettrythmg you cm to ntccood, and
out,” aald Senator Harrison, Demo­ be mfijuore ohoour uU Am time row
crat of MlMlssippl, chairman of the ere AAtg it.
This Is a land of. opportnnily.
"L teel certain we can pass this Bat opportunity must be won and
resolntlon wlthont a great amonnt used. I t has got ont of the haU t
of debate and It will give NRA time of knocUng a t people’s doors.
to adjust Itself and give the conrts
Your private w ar Is also the w u
time to rule
for success. I believe you will do
svcryUiini yon can to win I t