CV - Jeffrey Boruszak

27 March 2017
Assistant Instructor, Department of English
The University of Texas at Austin, 208 W. 21st St, B5000, Austin, TX 78712
(208) 283-8828 [email protected]
University of Texas at Austin; PhD Student, English. Expected May 2018.
Dissertation: “Sound Off!: Recording Voice and the Racial Politics of American
Experimental Poetry”
Chairs: Dr. Lisa Moore & Dr. Chad Bennett
University of Texas at Austin; M.A. English, May 2014.
Thesis: “Against Against Affect (Again): Æffect in Kenneth Goldsmith’s Seven
American Deaths and Disasters”
University of Pennsylvania; B.A. English, Magna cum Laude, May 2010.
Assistant Instructor, Department of English, University of Texas at Austin, 2016-2017.
Assistant Director, New Writers Project, University of Texas at Austin, 2015-2017.
Assistant Instructor, Department of Rhetoric and Writing, University of Texas at Austin,
Graduate Assistant, Poets and Scholars Reading Series, University of Texas at Austin, 20142015.
Staff, Digital Writing and Research Lab, University of Texas at Austin, 2014-2015.
Teaching Assistant, Department of English, University of Texas at Austin, 2012-2014.
Excellence Fellowship, University of Texas at Austin, 2016.
Professional Development Award, University of Texas at Austin, 2015.
Honorable Mention, Academy of American Poets Andrew Julius Gutow Poetry Prize, 2015.
English Faculty Resource Commons Outstanding Contribution Award, University of Texas
at Austin, 2014.
Peer-Reviewed Articles:
“‘A Feast of Other People’s Blood’: Reading Conceptual Poetry’s Contexts in
Kenneth Goldsmith’s Deaths and Disasters.” Under Review. JML: Journal of Modern
Literature, 2017.
sad boy / detective, by sam sax. Borderlands Texas Poetry Review, 44 (2016): 59-61., Genius Media Group, Inc. E3W Review of Books, 15 (Spring 2015): 37-39.
27 March 2017
Online Essays:
“Upvotes to the Left: Reddit and Hivemind,” Excitable Media, May 2015.
“LHOOQ: Snapchat and Détournment,” Excitable Media, May 2015.
“Poetry in Boise, Idaho,” Jacket2, 1 July 2013.
“Cloud House Poetry Archives,” Jacket2, 24 June 2013.
“Nada Gordon,” Jacket2, 17 June 2013.
“Cynthia Kraman,” Jacket2, 7 June 2013.
“Christian Bök,” Jacket2, 3 June 2013.
Panel Chair. “Queer Bodies, Queer Ethics,” Queer Poetics Graduate Student
Conference, Austin, Texas, May 2016.
“Poetry’s Preservation Fantasy: The Future of Christian Bök’s Xenotext.”
(dis)junctions Graduate Student Conference, Riverside, California, November
Panel Chair. “Media and Community.” Sequels E3W Symposium, Austin, Texas,
April 2015.
“Being, Remaining, and Recovering: The Iterative Ontology of Playback in Krapp’s
Last Tape.” GRACLS Graduate Student Conference, Austin, Texas, October
“Reading Sound: Recordings of The Dunciad and Digital Poetics.” Historical Poetics
Graduate Student Conference, Austin, Texas, May 2013.
Invited Guest Lectures:
“Allen Ginsberg’s A Supermarket in California and America,” for Survey of American
Literature, a large lecture course taught by Dr. Betsy Berry, Austin, Texas,
October 2016.
“Allen Ginsberg’s A Supermarket in California and America,” for Survey of American
Literature, a large lecture course taught by Dr. Betsy Berry, Austin, Texas,
October 2015.
Invited Poetry Readings:
Poets & Scholars Reading Series, Austin, Texas, April 2017.
Poets & Scholars Reading Series, Austin, Texas, April 2014.
Principal Hand Reading Series, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, April 2012.
Instructor of Record:
English 314L: Reading Poetry (Fall 2016)
Rhetoric 309K: Rhetoric of Counterculture (Fall 2015)
Rhetoric 309S: Critical Reading and Persuasive Writing (Summer 2015)
Rhetoric 306: Rhetoric and Writing (Fall 2014, Spring 2015)
27 March 2017
Teaching Assistant:
English 316K: Survey of American Literature (Fall 2013, Spring 2014, Summer 2014)
English 316K: Survey of British Literature (Spring 2013)
English 316K: Survey of World Literature (Fall 2012)
Mentor, TA Training Program, Department of English, University of Texas at Austin, 2016.
Elected Member, Graduate Programs Committee, University of Texas at Austin, 2015-2017.
Researcher, High Performance Sound Technologies for Access and Scholarship, NEH
Grant Funded, 2013-2014.
Associate Editor, PennSound, Philadelphia, PA, 2010-2014.
Modern Language Association, Member
Dr. Lisa Moore
Professor, English/WGS
University of Texas at Austin
[email protected]
Dr. Chad Bennett
Assistant Professor, English
University of Texas at Austin
[email protected]
Dr. Brian Bremen
Associate Professor, English
University of Texas at Austin
[email protected]