Glædelig jul og e Godt Nytår Hyvää Joulua Onnellista uutta vuotta

Happy Holidays and New Funding Scheme
Shared Knowledge Makes a Diference
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Glædelig jul og e Godt Nytår
Hyvää Joulua ­ Onnellista uutta
Gleðileg Jól og Farsælt Komandi ár
God jul og Godt Nyttår
God jul och ett gott nytt år
Happy Holidays NIKK will be closed for business from
December 20 to January 8 2015. We wish you
all happy holidays. The Nordic Funding Scheme 2015 Do you have plans to cooperate for gender
equality with other organisations in the Nordic
region? NIKK will present new guidelines for
the Nordic Funding Scheme, and application
deadline, in January 2015.
You can start thinking about cooperation
partners already ­ you need to be at least three
organisations in three different nations.
A total of 2.7 million Danish Krone will be
distributed to collaborations for gender
equality in the Nordic region.
Read more about the projects granted funding
in 2013 and 2014
Making Change Towards Gender Equality in the Media How can media promote gender equality?
What influence can be achieved by activists?
How can research contribute to the knowledge
about gender equality? Nordicom, EIGE and
Nordic Council of Ministers office in Lithuania
hosted the final event of the project Nordic
Gender & Media Forum: the launch of the
anthology Making Change. Making Change Towards Gender Equality in
the Media
New Network for Men’s Gender
Equality Work
Happy Holidays and New Funding Scheme
Men’s engagement in the gender equality work
makes the Nordic countries stand out
internationally. ‘Many people see us as more
radical,’ says Tomas Agnemo, coordinator of
the new Nordic branch of the MenEngage
network. New Network for Men’s Gender Equality Work
Law and Order in
Focus for Gender
Equality Project Gender equality through
legislation is the topic of
discussion when Nordic
researchers meet in Umeå,
Sweden. The legislative
approach has proved
successful in the Nordic
region, but not all countries
have chosen the same path. Law and Order in Focus for
new Gender Equality Project
Nordic Network for
Gender Equality in
Municipalities When municipalities in the
Nordic countries get together
and share experiences about
how they work with gender
equality, it is to the benefit of
the citizens they serve.
Municipal representatives have
formed a Nordic network that
meets regularly. Supporting Women in
Prostitution Through
Nordic­Baltic Network
Sex should not be for sale
is the basic premise of exit
prostitution programmes.
‘Women in prostitution need
somebody to contact,’ says
Tanja Auvinen from the
Finnish organisation Exit
Prostitution. Nordic Network for Gender
Equality in Municipalities
Supporting Women in
Prostitution Through
Nordic­Baltic Network
Nordic Information on Gender, NIKK [email protected]